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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 561 KB, 895x856, 1541551446001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12056968 No.12056968 [Reply] [Original]

You guys must hate money

whoever posted the goodvibes panel website, thank you anon. Legit been making 100 a day since you posted it

inb4 larp etc, I'm doing my part spreading the good vibes and positive energy back, you do what you want geeks

>> No.12057013

what are you posting and what site are you using OP?

>> No.12057242

what is the method?

>> No.12057286

How do you MAKE money from GVP?

>> No.12057323

OP please tell me more. What do I need to do to be like you?

>> No.12057630

Give us bizchads a hint at how you make money posting pictures of your meat

>> No.12057650

I know what it is. OP is a faggot. I'm not going to tell you guys because I'm greedy and I don't want pajeets to make money

>> No.12057671
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I can't even imagine being able to lie so effortlessly about something so idiotic.

Not because I'd feel guilty about the lying, but because of the sheer indignity of it.

>> No.12057717
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1542556944160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


goodvibespanel.com I was cooking bros

>> No.12057729

I know a guy who makes 600$ each day off shitty meme pages on facebook. His "work" is 1 hour per day copying the exact same posts as other shitty memepages, sometimes editing the watermark out. He even has a script running through those pages to filter out the hottest memes. He makes money through adds and shilling products on amazon.

>> No.12057741

This is easier and I just started. If I grow like this the potential is limitless desu

>> No.12057783

I also know and unironically registered, made bout fiddy bucks shilling some instagram likes and soundcloud plays to some nigs I know

>> No.12057837

He has a dozen or two pages on various topics, such as puppies, food or tattoos and he started in 2010. It's kinda disgusting to think that you can earn a lot of money with this, especially when you watch the process behind the scenes. He literally never made a single meme or picture himself.

>> No.12057883

Thats insane desu senpai. Im too late for that game but seems Im still in time for this one

>> No.12058060

How do u make money with this

>> No.12058091

That growth plateaus unless you're a roastie.

>> No.12058146

does this still work?

>> No.12058217 [DELETED] 

how does this site make you money

>> No.12058244

Good luck. I'm sure you can make it but in the beginning it's probably gonna suck and not make much money. Just keep posting regularly and positively.
Probably, but I think it's harder to get into it now than before.

>> No.12058258
File: 181 KB, 1286x996, 1543560327879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop same fagging OP you're worse than the Indians with their Flo coin.

>> No.12058310

Resell at a markup as simple as that

Not samefagging faggot

>> No.12058779

OP, what methods are working best for you? What sites are you linking it to?

>> No.12058945

Instagram in general seems to sell the most. Im not linking it anywhere yet for now I'm asking friends and friends of friends if they need help with their social media. Not charging them a lot for now but the demand is. I assume if I made a proper website and marked up everything 5 times or so eventually it would reach a point of hundreds of orders a day or so.

dont know just spitballing here desu gonna ride this wave whilst it last, thinking of accepting crypto pyments too so its win win

>> No.12059374

Only thing I'd advise against is the facebook services, waste of time

>> No.12059931
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1540636864948s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for good vibes before I sleep

>> No.12060305

night dudes I hope I answered all the questions

>> No.12060331

Unironically doing that right now. I get follows on my twitter to go to my website which has donation links at the bottom. Ive gotten $1.50 so far.

>> No.12060401

Explain your process if you dont mind please?

>> No.12060536
File: 126 KB, 800x769, 1528760976073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This topic is filled with shill bots...

>> No.12060635

low energy/low iq post desu

>> No.12060714
File: 255 KB, 950x800, 1532821835243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heh... It's hard to tell the difference between shat quality bots posting, and low energy, low IQ, pajeets shilling.

>> No.12060736

explain your process i'm curious.

>> No.12060818
File: 73 KB, 675x601, 1540388156130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No hard feelings sempai best of luck im going to bed now

>> No.12061444

Scam Pannel don't buy this pajeet bs

>> No.12061578


I pretty much just shitpost on twitter and try to get people to go to my site. If they like it there are links in the footer for various things. Thats really all there is too it. It has to be niche to work though, plus it helps if there is a fanatical base. For instance my latest site is centered around a coin who's creator may or may not be satoshi. Plus its got a meme in the title and a biz domain name too so its cheeky enough so people remember it. Its just simple stuff like that.