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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12053380 No.12053380 [Reply] [Original]

Until we actually have a fucking real world use-case where its better and easier for normies to buy their Netflix, Ubers, iPhone Xs and Amazon Echos using crypto, this is not gonna get better.

How the fuck do SO many people have a real fucking stake in the success of crypto yet there are barely any cunts stepping up to provide some kind of superior way of buying and selling? That's all it fucking comes down to.

We win or lose based on whether we can make crypto more viable than a normie bank account for buying and selling.


>> No.12053396

yes anon, do work for me and build something. meanwhile i will just relax and sit back and let you do all the work. idiot

>> No.12053399

unironically, this. anon how bout u do something u fucking retard

fuck off faggot theres people who are smarter than the typical neet who browses biz who are doing something. just fuck off and wait prick.

>> No.12053407

If you hodl literally any significant amount of crypto, you've got as much skin in this game, cunts. ALL hodlers are in the same fucking boat. Let's accept this and come up with solutions.

>> No.12053409


No you

>> No.12053410

Just wait until the dollar collapses

>> No.12053422

i have the same amount of skin in the game as you, and yet i am willing to lose that skin. i know you are not willing to lose that skin. therefore i will do nothing knowing that you will do all my work for me. crypto is like a school group project and i am the lazy obese negress that does nothing but gets the same grade as you

chop chop slave, i don't have all day. oh wait, i do. you don't though. for your sake, i hope i get rich from your efforts. i personally don't really care

game theory 101 cracker

>> No.12053427
File: 30 KB, 550x543, 1543063291593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes lets come up with solutions with my 0 fucking experience in coding. also not knowing what half this shit even fucking means. but ok, lets come up with solutions.

just fucking work your shitty job, buy crypto and wait. seriously how fucking hard is that? every cycle happens 2-3 years, you have 1-2 years to accumulate. just shut the fuck up and shill shitcoins to make more btc.

>> No.12053436

You assume that all my skin is in crypto, newsflash I'm not as dumb as these 100% all or nothing faggots. Not even 5% of my position is crypto.

>> No.12053452

4% of my position is in crypto. you overextended and thus played yourself.

this is why people like me are college educated scholars and people like you are wage slaving virgins.

oh how we laugh at people like you behind closed doors

>> No.12053456

Are digital cats and ponzi games not enough?

>> No.12054610


>> No.12054626
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>my 0 fucking experience in coding
>just fucking work your shitty job, buy crypto and wait

So you lack both.
The ability to judge a investment.
And the ability to judge the tech.

Your "investment" will go to zero.

>> No.12054651

You misunderstand. Crypto was NEVER about being a payment processing network. It’s about being digital gold and worth money just for existing. That’s the scam. Keep up.

>> No.12054692
File: 278 KB, 400x299, nashkamoto3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unconfiscatable decentralized hard money
>"this is useless for normies! where is my use cases? reeeeee"
imagine the IQ

>> No.12054771
File: 128 KB, 1152x864, touchtest4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lost the most important skin.

>> No.12054814

Strawmanned hard

>> No.12054844

this is why cryptocurrency will never work
toxic community