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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 178x178, ripple-xrp-new-logo-crypto-currency-bitcoin-hodl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12050379 No.12050379 [Reply] [Original]

You guys are brain dead niggers if you don't hold XRP

>> No.12050390
File: 98 KB, 544x608, BINGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12050417

dude the token doesn't even need to be used. Why would banks put money in your pockets for free? Ask yourself that. They just announced they are releasing a 2nd platform with a partner company that doesn't even need the token... Ripple doesn't even own XRP. It's a literal scam like the rest of crypto. None of this shit has a patent. None of this shit needs to be used by any adapting bank, company, or government. They can use the tech without giving you a penny.

>> No.12050446
File: 26 KB, 480x360, schwartz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try my product

>> No.12050638


>> No.12050662

well then let's hope XRP is categorized as a security. idgaf

>> No.12050675

this guy is literally wrong lmao. Ripple's XRapid solution is revolutionary because it provides instant settlement of value. You CANNOT have that without using XRP. You spew bullshit without really understanding whats going on lmaooo

>> No.12050679

Ripple has no value because its tied in with xcurrent and that means people suck your money out of ripple without ever owning ripple.

>> No.12050687

Oh, and the banks arent going to be buying up big stacks of it, not how it works.

>> No.12050688
File: 141 KB, 1556x558, justlet(((them)))useitforfreeXD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same goes to chainstink

>> No.12050714

you braindead monkey niggers can read this article and possible comprehend how it XRapid will increase XRP value if you're IQ isn't negative 50

>> No.12050732

if you actually and unironically think all those niggers and NPC normie clowns on twitter are gonna get rich off XRP, you need a reality check

>> No.12050761

lmao lemme guess you own LINK ?

>> No.12050766

read the article you fucking LINK $1000 EOY faggot.

>> No.12050788

if you werent retarded, you would have noticed that i also posted this >>12050688 here. but i didnt expect much from a room temperature IQ XRP bagholders.
also >>12050714
>you're IQ isnt negative 50

>> No.12050869

my Uber driver told me about XRP. it's a negative IQ coin.

>> No.12050924

it is called ripple

the name alone is a good enough reason for a white guy never to touch it

and if you look into what ripple actually is, even the blackest of niggers would know not to touch it


>> No.12050932

no thanks cripple fan boi

>> No.12050973

ooh gottem with the grammar yet yours also isn't correct.
GL with your 3% index funds 9-5 wage cuck

>> No.12050977
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>> No.12051070

kek at fudding the best performer of this bear market, keep it up retards

>> No.12051076
File: 723 KB, 3504x2336, 1538638473743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No.1 Altcoin.
Beat all the other coins.
Bitcoin is next.
How's your coin doing? Here you go.

>> No.12051084

kys faggot, you have 0 idea what is going on from your parent's house. You need to grow up.

>> No.12052090

the only people who talk shit about xrp are the people who either have only have a slight idea what it is, or are just butthurt because their gay little internet coins are not having the success xrp is and will continue to have.
>euuuh its not decentralized.. euuh its controlled by the jews... meuuh crypto was supposed to take power back for the people beeeuuuh anonymous bleeeh

The only way crypto currency is going to have any real impact is if it works with the power structures that are already in place. Its a 14 year old fantasy to think that those structures are just going to let a new currency system pop up and take over without either subverting it or destroying it. Get on board or stay poor fags.

>> No.12052094

Funny thing is people who say banks will fork it it has no patent fail to realise a bridge asset requires liquidity that is built up over years not overnight. Xrp has been in this for the long game and has an acctual usecase unlike Sergey scam oracle's you link tards are literally the most retarded sand niggers ever.

>> No.12052380

XRP the standard

>> No.12053445
File: 155 KB, 730x860, 1B1F9FCA-F9A0-4BA3-B399-AF38199EE4BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP IS DOWN FROM .60 cents
I member buying in at .20 cents and selling at $3.20. But I only bought $50 worth :(

>> No.12053465
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> 100% in on XRP and if Garlichouse flips that damn switch and they start transferring over xRapid and they start transferring billions of dollars ...BILLIONS of dollars of cross border payments. That's all kinds of price action. It's going up, they don't need no bull run because they actually got some utility. It's actually usuful. I am waiting for dat to happen while all those other korns is sitting there bleeding out

>> No.12053466

>What is a high velocity token

>> No.12053486


>> No.12053537
File: 32 KB, 560x381, hodgetwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, successful guys like this know what they're talking about


>> No.12053569

they unironically do

>> No.12053575

Best performer
.30cents kek

>> No.12054301

i hold 1k, just in case it actually goes to the $589 meme. i wouldn't risk any more than that.

>> No.12054335


U R Dumb

>> No.12054353
File: 39 KB, 949x343, RippleAndPodesta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are pedo supporters if you hodl XRP

>> No.12054488

No, you kys. XRP is USELESS. It's a fucking SCAM. They are using you to fund their companies.

>> No.12054502

Yes you can. They already came out and said that they can do all this without XRP. Everyone fucking knew this but then they decided to lie about Xrapid because you bagholders are so fucking retarded and they wanted free money.

>> No.12054513

LINKies are more retarded than XRP bagholders. Let's not go there.

>> No.12054536

A scam means intentionally deceiving someone to take their money. You may think Ripple/Coil/R3 and others will ultimately fail to find a real use for XRP, but that doesn't mean they are scammers.

You can't settle instantly without pre-funding or going through a correspondent (high fees).

>> No.12055123

What is the best place to buy XRP?
I want to avoid having to send my ID to some dodgy marketplaces in order to buy some.

>> No.12055158

Don't buy XRP dude, it's a scam

>> No.12055165

Easiest and fastest is changelly, but expect high fees.

>> No.12055208
File: 113 KB, 800x800, b4o9p6q3t6311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once it falls under 2000 its a free fall no resistance

>> No.12055305


What did i tell you last time?!

Dont throw stones if you sit in house of glass, remember mr centralized exchange cash out?

>> No.12055318
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1544018052534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only Repeats what he reads on /biz

>thinks his opinion matters

>> No.12055337


>> No.12055557

Get a Revolut account and it's very simple to buy it through the app ;)

>> No.12055933

>12055557 As Eurofag you could use XRPARROT.

>> No.12056363
File: 28 KB, 245x346, 51TyV8Y65yL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't settle instantly without pre-funding or going through a correspondent (high fees).

I don't know why you even bother explaining it to them at this point. If they want to be deliberately ignorant there's nothing we can do about it. When Jesus said "the poor will always be with you" I'm pretty sure he was talking about the average /biz/ poster.

>> No.12056408

>the founders own it all
How is that fud? Jeb, Larsen, Brad and ripple all own over 55%.