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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12048232 No.12048232 [Reply] [Original]

>5x against ETH in the last two months
>2x against BTC in the last five months
>Top 50-60 on CMC
>Daily work being done on Holochain-Rust GitHub
>Constantly posting Medium articles to show progress
>Constantly doing AMAs on YouTube and being as transparent as possible
>Meetups around the world for the last year getting devs trained and on-board
>Silicon Valley Team
>Actual hardware being manufactured finally
>Most idiots here cannot grasp what it is and think its an "AWS alternative" (just dumb)
>Biz fud mainly about "muh tokenomics and muh gays" and "lol shitty AWS"

Honestly the main concern right now is that its still a shitty ERC-20 Token and I understand most are concerned and want to know when these tokens will be converted to native HoloFuel. Although I have yet to see any real proof that they wont deliver on their promise to convert. As well as this is a US(SV) based team with a lot to loose here and they do not hide behind international borders. Calling it a scam makes you either an idiot or a troll. When this network goes online, you can bet your ass this shit will moon to 50-100 sats. Don't buy, keep calling it a scam, and watch when I post during the next moon. It's going to be hilarious what happens here.

>> No.12048291

Even if it goes to 50 sats I'll be down from the USD ATH. Fuck this crypto is dead.

>> No.12048304

What does his ERC20 even claim to do? Smart contract platform? Dapp platform? Ethereum killer? The American ETH

>> No.12048312

how do you activate that eth chart in CMC?

>> No.12048323

nvm i just saw it what a brainlet

>> No.12048334

>against eth

>> No.12048346

Do minimal research. Anyway bullish AF on this long term.

>> No.12048361
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>moon to 50-100 sats.
I'm looking for like 10000-100000x profits, not like 5x.

>> No.12048390

Not enough organic discussion about this for me to take it seriously. People just saying "Just wow this will change everything" but I never see two HOT fags here actually discussing the project and why it excites them, and going into nuances. Big red flag for me.

>> No.12048398

This, never actually seen real discussion about holochain.

>> No.12048400

/biz/ is generally not the place for quality discussion/analysis.

>> No.12048413
File: 716 KB, 2048x1536, Holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Biz fud mainly about "muh tokenomics and muh gays" and "lol shitty AWS"

You think THAT's fud? THIS is fud:

Reasons not to buy Holo today:

>wheelchair feminists
>not hiring white males unless they have to
>think rich people are evil
>don't want you to get rich from investing in holo because "it's not about money"
>lead dev and the other guy are both faggots(maybe even together?)
>lead dev was the head of occupy wall street, gave speeches etc there
>lead dev pimped out his 5 year old daugher just to make a point about capitalism or something(taking it a bit too far there mate?)
>the structure of holochain is "feminine", not on purpose though feminine just turned out to be better and more robust according to lead dev
>use fancy buzzwords like "immune system" etc
>literally have to email the department of defense a selfie
>purchases exceeding 1,000,000 HOT require cavity search, including anal speculum
>cost of finger box not included, literally have to bring your own finger box
>you have to personally maintain your own chain(mandatory KYC ofc)
>your chain dies forever if you go offline, all data is lost since there's no global consensus
>HOT token supply is dynamic, can be created out of thin air in order to keep the price stable
>lead dev himself has said $1 is the absolute maximum the HOT token's price will ever be
>the HOT token is not even needed for using the chain
>Whitepaper math still does not work out
>Consensus algo does not exist/work
>They hired a college student (who is now a math phd student) to fix their math, someone with no real world experience with these things who hasn't even proven he's able to get a math masters or phd yet
>Arthur Brock hasn't worked a real job in over 20 years and his LinkedIn is filled with failed "companies" he started most of which don't exist

>> No.12048422
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>Multiple other team mates haven't had jobs for years or in some cases have never had a job before this
>Essentially, there is zero expertise or experience on the team (of any kind, let alone for their specific roles) yet they're trying to basically create a new Internet which cuts out corporations and government
>Whitepaper still not even finished, multiple sections are essentially TBD
>Someone needs to vouch for you or you can't even use the chain, you also need to spend arbitrary amount of time in a chat room
>Holo team will have all your personal info and ID (remember you had to send them your KYC) therefore the system is completely centralized
>Once they have all your KYC data, the team can sell it to the highest bidder(sound familiar)

>> No.12048433

We dissected LINK into microscopic cubes and argued about every single nuance and feature. It went through the grinder. I haven't seen anything like that for HOT.

>> No.12048434

>lead dev himself has said $1 is the absolute maximum the HOT token's price will ever be
im sorry how is this fud?

>> No.12048456

You know that isn't true because ETH has Silo'd oracles coming in a year and a half that will also have ZKP retrievable information. It is literally exponentially better then chainlink and is going to be on the base protocol.

So fuck what you think you know. Just sucking down what you want to hear like every other pajeet.

>> No.12048463

He also never said that. Don't respond to pajeet lists like that. It's all unsubstantiated.

There is on chain KYC, there was ICO KYC. They have clarified that a dozen times.

There is no cap on the price blah blah blah

>> No.12048465

was literally about to post that too. This is what i basically understood from holochain. You have some researcher or student or entity that wants to use computing power/storage power but doesn't want to invest in buying said equipment. Say i need to run a model for a project and i need to present the results in days. Cost of equipment to run said model would be very high. Instead i head and buy a bunch of holofuel and use that to have the results of my model ready depending on how fast i need it. And what governs the price here would be the literal demand of people to use computing power that is trusted ( demand ) and the people running holo ports/ similar equipment ( supply).

This is just a brainlet tier analysis but i think its some what close

>> No.12048486

Design principle 4.

>> No.12048497

>ETH has Silo'd oracles coming in a year and a half that will also have ZKP retrievable information. It is literally exponentially better then chainlink and is going to be on the base protocol.
Thanks just sold 1 million

>> No.12048504


This thread yesterday was an attempt on my part at starting some kind of discussion.

I have since found more information online, there's actually a substantial amount in the official FAQs and AMAs though.

>> No.12048580

founder of holo predicted cryptomarket will eventually correct since most of these scam projects actually have no real world use, seems like he's right. you can't build a decent dapp on any blockchain database. the next big thing is actual adoption, once eth falls, holo will take its place as the real ethereum. think about this, the father of the world web web (yes the guy who changed humanity forever with his web invention) is currently working on a project similar to holo... he could be doing anything he wants (e.g. another blockchain project), but he choose to do a p2p concept.

"When Berners-Lee created the web, it was a decentralized platform. Anyone could publish a website and link to any other site. But as the web has grown from an obscure research-sharing tool for the scientific community into a global medium for commerce, communication, journalism, and entertainment, the power dynamics have shifted. Today, huge companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Netflix dominate the web. Berners-Lee is working to make this a reality through an open source project called Solid. He hopes to create an open technology standard that different applications can use to share data, regardless of what that data is or what type of application needs to read it. Such a standard would enable applications—your hospital’s record-keeping software or a social network—to read and write data from the servers you choose and control, rather than the servers that belong to an individual company."
-- https://www.wired.com/2017/04/tim-berners-lee-inventor-web-plots-radical-overhaul-creation/

Does this sound familiar boys? Would not be surprised if holo had an oracle/native hosting support for this.

>> No.12048618

How solid is Tim Berners-Lee’s plan to redecentralize the web?

"Solid’s model is typical of a lot of the PDSs we looked at. User data lives in a datastore. The user either self hosts, or pays for someone to securely host a PDS on their behalf. Applications read/write to that data through user controlled granular permissions."

"In the best case scenario of this model, app developers simply provide the interface and functionality of, for example, a calendar or journal app. The data always lives in your datastore. When you browse your journal or calendar in a web or desktop/phone app, the data from your datastore is displayed in the interface, but it’s securely transmitted between you and your datastore. No other parties are able to access it. This would be game changing."


sounds like holo has a huge head start.

>> No.12048642

>muh ethereum killer
you bought at 700
we told you not to
its never going back up because original pumpers left to buy some other shit on idex
enjoy your bags
enjoy holding a token that does nothing
enjoy being invested in torrent tracker for dapps
that has no dapps
and has no torrent tracker itself yet
Have fun and remember, its only your fault.

>> No.12048652

Screenshotted for 2020

>> No.12048662

Link is an exception due to the boards autism.

>> No.12048888
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>> No.12048937


How is it NOT fud? You think people are interested in some stablecoin? Lol. The only reason people get into crypto is the price pumps.

>> No.12048952
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Let's rephrase your question.
How is $0.0004 to $1 NOT a massive price pump?

>> No.12048977


He never said it will go to $1 just that that's the maximum it COULD go to lol. So even in the best case scenario you will never get bitcoin/eth levels of gains from this.

>> No.12049057
File: 43 KB, 607x608, 46494590_1441235396010316_296051468648054784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? percentage/multiplication wise, the gains would be comparable. If you only own a single unit of the currency then sure you'd be a poor man compared to if you owned one bitcoin. But if an investment of 500 USD right now, (roughly one million HOT) could reach $1 per unit that makes you a millionaire. That's 2000x
How early did you invest in bitcoin? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you bought in 2016, at lows of $600. All time high of 19.5k is *only* a 33x roughly speaking.
FUD harder, cuck.

>> No.12049072

>he things holoshit will ever do a 2000x
it won't even do a 2x until it corrects to 10 mils mcap
you niggers have no idea about trading shitcoins

>> No.12049142

I don't think it's going to 2000x. I was responding to his
>even in the best case scenario (meaning if it DID hit $1) you will never get bitcoin/eth levels of gains from this.

I'm well aware hitting dollar parity would put the market cap well above BTC's

>> No.12049146


Nice fake FUD, anon. Just bought 100k.

>> No.12049161

I will buy it when it goes to 1 sat like Verge in 2017
I bought it for 1 and sold for 2 thinking I'm a genious

>> No.12049232


That’s one possible use, but it’s not even the main one. You’re thinking of RLC.

Holo is a platform for dapps, ICOs, and basically everything that ETH promises, but faster and better because it’s using distributed hash technology instead of a blockchain. Users control their info on the network: the “mandatory kyc” mostly applies to devs who want to host.

Because of that, and because it has various levels of consensus (because you don’t need global consensus with tons of confirmations for every single thing a dapp does), it’s been proven to be at least 10,000 x faster than ETH already and the tech allows for built in scaling—the more the network is adopted, the faster it will go. It’s also magnitudes more energy efficient. This is seriously incredible, next level shit.

They have not said anything about a max price. Arthur Brock once said that he thinks it’s possible the price may be $1 within a couple of years, which would be about a 2500x gain from where it is now. They also aren’t trying to promising some scammy meshnet like Sky.

>> No.12049252


People here don’t want to discuss it. They either recycle stupid ass FUD while they accumulate or they spread stupid ass FUD because they’re balls deep in ETH and LINK and feel threatened by Holo. It’s funny because places like Reddit think of Holo as “that /biz coin.”

>> No.12049282


This screenshot will not age well. This fucking thing already has more devs onboard than ETH has ever had.

>> No.12049454

There is nothing to discuss. The platform doesn't do global consensus ergo Holo Fuel is centralized. Its a brilliant scam since they avoid the bottleneck blockchains have by not offering blockchains biggest strength

>> No.12049492

several unique chains that interconnect =/= central control. One could easily say the same thing about ETH and the Ethereum Foundation

>> No.12049547
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Remind me again why we need everyone in the world to verify a single transaction? Is it not enough that it is verified by a random group of people who have good standing and hold the currency/token? Global consensus is why blockchain fails at reaching high Transactions/sec. You also forget that it's a token to be used for hosting of p2p applications and website on-ramps to those apps. It's not exactly trying to be BTC... It's quite obvious those of you who attempt to FUD have done fuck all in terms of research to understand what Holo and Holochain are and how they differ. It's also obvious that people here don't understand Holo tech will be able to be used aside from the Holochain network and will be an open source frameworks for doing P2P apps where you won't even need a currency. You and your small global community can use Holo to make your own p2p network for your own apps and never use the Holochain Currency (HoloFuel). This means adoption of the technology will skyrocket once they finalize the mechanisms and the code. That will then in turn drive plebs to use Holochain because it will have recognition and stability for those who don't have their own community to host their app for free. They will rely on the Holochain network of hosts to do the hosting for them and in turn pay the hosts in HoloFuel.

>> No.12049825
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>> No.12049984

I have no reason to think their shitty pajeet team is capable of completing this project

>> No.12050003

>Remind me again why we need everyone in the world to verify a single transaction?
High trust. No ledger faking. It works.

>> No.12051054

not necessary for HOT

>> No.12052170

He posted on Reddit that it could hit $1