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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12041944 No.12041944 [Reply] [Original]

I sold @4,400$ when you were laughing at dip-sellers. Tomorrow I will punch police men to take my country back from (((them).

>> No.12041954

I'm looking forward to the Livestreams, Frenchie. It better be good, I've cleared my schedule.

>> No.12041980
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Tomorrow will be bloody.

>> No.12041986

link live stream

>> No.12042018


>> No.12042099
File: 90 KB, 658x946, 0fe01ad56c6041c11ef9dd3f571991d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue fighting and don't give up, despite the banter we pizzafags still appreciate you

>> No.12042118

I'm going to find them tomorrow when the chaos starts. Gloomtube hopefully will run a multi stream or simulated autism multi streamer or whatever his YouTube is

>> No.12042246
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RussiaToday best stream

>> No.12042263

god bless you frenchfag give em hell tomorrow. I hope your chimpouts continue and you burn the entire bitch down to the ground.

>> No.12042269

why punch police men if you have a problem with (((them)))?

>> No.12042337
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because it's cops who arrest you for "racist" crimes, because it's cops who protect (((them))), because for 1940€/month they betray their brothers.

One cop, one ammo.

The goal is not to punch the cops, the goal is to catch Macron and show him what Ghaddafi had to suffer.

>> No.12042359

smells very much like /pol/ stuff, try to keep it there. I'm sure they have some threads about the topic.

>> No.12042395
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crypto is fucking dead man.

>> No.12042420

gas yourself

>> No.12043270

No we dont, speak for yourself, "pizzafag"

>> No.12043278
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>sold at $4200 and switched to BSV just in time

>> No.12043697

Yea keep pretending that’s your country you filthy monkey refugee trash. You lucky real french nation all died out 20 years ago due to wars and demographic catastrophe of last 200 years. Fuck you and everything you represent you cunt.

>> No.12043979
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Be quiet, kike.

>> No.12044003

hopefully you get shot in the face and die

>> No.12044011
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did you fall for the "hodl" meme?