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File: 14 KB, 362x352, AngryAussie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12041047 No.12041047 [Reply] [Original]

Buy signal?

>> No.12041061

they are protecting idiot customers from burning themselves

>> No.12041062

Yes, this is what fear smells like

>> No.12041066


fucken faggots

>> No.12041068

Do you mean when they blocked credit card purchases in feb? Or is there something new

>> No.12041069

they blocked CREDIT CARD purchases way back in January. you can still buy with debit

>> No.12041071

is that the country that is about to make encryption illegal

>> No.12041077
File: 93 KB, 600x612, its_afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a load of shit. they are scared

>> No.12041082
File: 106 KB, 750x1334, E8049B7B-5C78-497C-8D1A-0AAF4ABF0E5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t give a fuck cunt still gonna buy

>> No.12041083

I just got off the phone with them. Tried that argument. Feb 14th. Was using a debit card.


>> No.12041096


>buy the top goy
>of course, go right ahead my good goyim
>buy the dip?!
>oy vey! We have to protect you from yourselfs now

Fuck this country. Though I sent money to BTC markets from my CBA account just yesterday no problems. Is this only blocking people who use credit cards?

>> No.12041107

old news, also fuck off yankee shankee. Australian's don't write mm/dd/yy they write dd/mm/yy.

>> No.12041115

I'm closing my CBA account in the morning. Fuck them. I've had enough of this shit. Can't wait for paper fiat to crash spectacularly

>> No.12041119
File: 174 KB, 938x1101, Deny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck up idiot

>> No.12041133

ya fuckin' shit cunt.

>> No.12041134

the law was passed yesterday and not a single person I've spoken to knows that it even exists. Aussies are some of the dumbest fucks I've met

>> No.12041138

Kek. Won't be in your lifetime, but you should pass that sentiment down to the grandkids so they can reminisce of how fucking retarded grandad was

>> No.12041150


What the fuck, can someone explain.

How the fuck will any business or any decent programs work without fucking encryption.

God I when will the boomers hurry up and fucking die before they make more stupid fucking retarded rules ruining everything. These fucks know nothing of computers.

>> No.12041159

The encryption laws are disgusting, lets put back doors in all encryption, what could possibly go wrong.
Also ask how many people know about the UN migration compact.

They are destroying our country before our eyes while the population is engrossed in meaningless conversations like muh female empowerment, climate, and gender

>> No.12041165

Its what the USA did covertly, but just in your face with a big fuck you

>> No.12041168

Source? Only news I can find for this is from February blocking credit card purchases... much like every bank across the world.

>> No.12041169

>Also ask how many people know about the UN migration compact.

Instead of just namedropping things can you fucking explain them.

I really can't wait for Link to take off so I can leave this shithole nation for good.

>> No.12041183

it's credit card only. op is a dumb faggot

>> No.12041184

I bought some from my commbank earlier though

>> No.12041191


get fucked CBA shills.

>> No.12041199

what are you even doing? loose cunt

>> No.12041205

Literally google "UN migration compact"
The end result is the UN can tell each signing country how many refugees they should be accepting. And can put gag orders on news and social media talking about migration negatively

There are something like 56mm refugees expected out of africa and the middle east in the next 10 years

>> No.12041213
File: 23 KB, 749x504, DtDKnThWoAUCmhC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying Australian shares

>> No.12041249


Holy heck, why the fuck do countries agree to sign retarded fucking deals like this. Do we have literal fucking mongs running our nation. What do we get out of this deal? What benefit is there.

Christ I hate our retarded government. So glad I am not attached to this place. I'll watch the news of 56MM refugee's fucking up Australia from a hotel room in Thailand and laugh myself to sleep as my Link node rakes in money.

>> No.12041263

Bro, what's it like there? I'm thinking of jumping ship hey. Is it true I can live like a king off of fuckall and smash thai boipussy all day?

>> No.12041272

Its the UN (aka the league of nations mk2) , all you get back is feels

How would you run a LINK node in Australia anyway, would you have to share the keys with the government incase a "terrorist" was sending encrypted messages through your secure enclave?

>> No.12041280

The boi puccy is top notch, dont let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.12041293

>they are protecting idiot customers from burning themselves

so basically Centrelink Australia in a nutshell, none of that sink or swim yank shit here.

>> No.12041294

>muh evil banks
>muh crypto
lmao immagine falling for a russian / chinese scam

>> No.12041297


I go there once a year or so for lengthy holidays. Yeah you can absolutely live like a king for a month with just a few grand.

Stay away from ladyboys though you fucking faggot. They are trouble, they will rob you. Don't associate with them. Stay with actual women and you will have no problems.


I had not even considered this, as I didn't know encryption was illegal here until this thread. Are those fucks really going to have an issue with my Link node. Can't I just run one on a cloud service from overseas?

>> No.12041323

They baby proofed the whole country.
And given us socialism light.

The fucking cafe staff had the nerve to complain about losing their sunday penalties. In what country is someone worth $45/hr to carry food and coffee to a table just because of the day of the week

>> No.12041332

After burgers sell off in morning.

>> No.12041340

climate is pretty fucking important anon

>> No.12041342

I was just shit-stirring about the traps. I'm married with kids. Just wanted to see what the sentiment was.

>> No.12041364

No doubt. But while you are distracted watching school students protest climate science that they dont understand, and the national conversation is about whether they should be in class or not, the government is making laws to mandate a backdoor into all encrypted services.

Want to see a real reaction to climate policy. Look at france.

>> No.12041372

Got a bankwest account and CBA owns them, what should I do? Open a new one with suncorp or NAB or something?

>> No.12041379

this, everything is such a fucking joke. im sick of hearing about these bullshit takes on babby protests like anyone really gives a fuck. real change happens when you start flipping cars over in the streets. until then the gubberment sees you as lemmings who will live in their comfy bubbles and do as they say

>> No.12041382
File: 51 KB, 744x346, shitposters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck australia.

>> No.12041384

Your mistake is believing that they do this out of incompetence

They know what their doing

>> No.12041389

>real change happens when you start guillotining ruling families


>> No.12041391



>> No.12041395

Australia is not signing that UN migrant thing btw

>> No.12041400
File: 47 KB, 404x238, shitposters2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12041405


they will when Labor gets in.

>> No.12041409
File: 624 KB, 700x3790, 1544063190875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have to agree with you on that one

>> No.12041419


I like to hope for incompetence. I know a lot of them are just downright evil cunts.

Either way when I'm gone I wont care. My protest is denying them tax dollars. I want to start a business and I will do it outside of Australia. This country can get fucked.


They are overrated and extremely annoying. Look the other way if you even pass them in the street lest you attract it's attention and it comes up to you, just outright grabs your cock and squeezes it as you walk past meanwhile the other trap you didn't even notice behind you pickpockets money from your back pocket while your trying to free your cock from the lady boys hands. And this is in broad daylight in public streets with tons of other people walking around. Ladyboys are scumbags man. Just learn where they hang out, don't go past those areas.

>> No.12041445

Moot is a faggot, fuck off. Aussies are based.

>> No.12041464

is headbutting them frowned upon over there?

>> No.12041505


Shorten already talked about wanting to up refugees and immigration in general. The same day they pass the encryption law. Lets have an honest conversation at least, are the "terrorists" we need to monitor white australians? Or migrants/refugees.

>> No.12041535


Yes. Don't get into a fight with anyone. You will get ganged up on and completely wrecked. Doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, but they have a community over there, if one Farang fucks up and gets violent, every Thai in the vicinity will join in against you.

It sounds like Thailand is a bad place from what I am saying. But it's not. It's fantastic and I love it. I am just warning you about a few of the shitter aspects. Just stay away from them and you will be fine. Don't carry too much money on you. If a lady boy grabs your cock, just unhand him from your cock and walk away. Don't start fights, Thai police are always on the Thai side. Once you know this stuff and respect it, you will have the time of your life. Being in Thailand actually feels more free than being in Australia. Plus in tourist areas there are always tons of gun ranges too. So it's nice hiring out handguns, shotguns and rifles and pretending your a yank for a few hours.


Sounds fucking horrible. I don't get why people put up with it and resist in such a pathetic manner though. Just up and leave and let the nation sink into third world status under the weight of immigration. Let Australia become South Africa/Rhodesia 2.0. White Aussies are so retarded in so many ways most don't even deserve freedom or a good life. These same fucks getting ethnically replaced right now are the same faggots who banned guns for everyone. Stupid boomers and gen x shits went and banned guns so now millennials and zoomers grow up cucked with no firearms.


I hope shorten gets in. The guy is a complete joke. Australia is past saving. I just want whoever will destroy the nation the quickest at this point. I consider my vote as a punishment for this nation now. Vote for who I think will fuck up the nation the most.

>> No.12041579

I'm gen-x and guns were banned when I was still a kid. You can't put that shit on us. We got fucked by the boomers more than anyone else that followed. To the point where gen-x is also sometimes referred to as the missing-gen

>> No.12041625


They were banned in 1996. How fucking old are you? If you were under 15 when they were banned you are probably a millennial.

I was fucking 4 when they were banned, and I remember my dad taking me out into the bush with his rifle, a few mates and beer bottles one day and we spent the whole day shooting. He even gave me his gun and let me shoot beer bottles when I was fucking 4. Years later I realized he was using up the last of his ammo before the ban came into effect and wanted me to let off some rounds while I still could.

>> No.12041626

The conversation in 10 years wont be they fucked us. It will be you're a racist for complaining about your daughter being gang raped. Here's the text we intercepted to prove it
Under UN charter GC102 you get 5 years in jail for hate crimes

>> No.12041650


That only happens if you don't move out of Australia.

Start saving and planning. Fucking starve this nation of tax dollars. No taxes no welfare for refugees. These faggots only want to come to nations with gibs anyways. They wont even apply if the gibs go away.

>> No.12041672

I was 10 when they were banned. Growing up we were always referred to as gen-x. It's only in the last few years that millennials and zoomers and anyone trying to classify others as such have moved the goal-posts.

>> No.12041714

>if you don't move out of Australia.
and go where?

>> No.12041715

>Just up and leave and let the nation sink into third world status under the weight of immigration.
Where you going to go? An actual third world country? I spent a month I Thailand this year and it's fine but Australia is far nicer. Every western country is dealing with this shit, there's nowhere to go.

>> No.12041722

fuck that
also, fuck leaving. I'd rather stay and fuck the system as you suggest. Cronulla 2.0 hopefully goes nationwide. Sentiment among white Australians towards immigration has changed a lot in the last few years

>> No.12041751

The mood is shifting everywhere. Some countries like France are further along than others. Australia seems to be lagging as usual but at some point it just takes a competent leader to channel the people's desires. So far Australia has only had the absolute dumbest cunts take up anti-immigrant positions but that will change once it's clear there's enough support that it's worth taking the flak from MSM, feminists, and s o y boys.

>> No.12041757


My parents are gen x, you are a millennial just like me. Millennial 1982-1997. Gen x 1967-1981.

You watched gen x media when you were a kid and thought they were talking to you, when they weren't.


Literally anywhere else but England. Of all the places I've traveled in this world only fucking England was as much of a nightmare hellhole as Australia.

Sure other places have their problems, but jesus christ, at least they aren't Australia.

>> No.12041829

Honestly the places that are most kiked at the moment could have the biggest reaction and therefore be the most based in the future. I guess you could go somewhere else if you just want to wait it out though. Being surrounded by foreigners is draining though. Australia is still reasonably white.

>> No.12041830

>pre-dates the millennium
want to shift them again?

>> No.12041856

You are a millennial and your parents are boomers. What do you think gen-x lasted until zoomers were being born in 2000?

>> No.12041888


We were called Gen Y when we were kids, the millennial name came later because we came of age around the new millennium. Mate my dad is fucking 50 and is gen x. No way you are in the same gen as him. Gen x are old cunts now. Most names of gens go Gen (letter) until we find a better name for them, that name is usually coined when most of the people in that gen are late teens/early twenties. Zoomers are just now entering this stage for themselves, a few years back they were just Gen Z. Zoomers are 1998-2013 or something like that. Kids in kindergarten right now are too young to be apart of the zoomer generation.

Gen X was the only one that didn't get a rename because they are useless fags for the most part and got crossed out.

>> No.12041905

you are an idiot, and there is no specific years cutting off each generation. they are a generational thing. gen-X followed the boomers, gen-Y (millennial's now) followed gen-X, zoomers followed gen-Y/Millennial's

you thick fuck

>> No.12041943

Yeah fuck australia lol I just work there for nice dollars then live and spend it elsewhere.

>> No.12041946


No you are a retard. My grandfather who is an actual legit boomer recently knocked up a Filipino lady on his trip overseas. The kid isn't born yet, but by your standards of generations, the kid, which will be born in Jan/Feb 2019 will be a fucking Gen X child since the father is a boomer. It's not how it works cunt. The kid will be Gen A, or Gen 1 or whatever we flip over to after Z.

>> No.12041962

Dumbass your parents spend a generation growing to child rearing age. Therefore your parents are boomers and you are a millennial. That's why millennials (like you) are all massive faggots because their parents are degenerate boomers.

>> No.12041966


Based. Fuck this country. Drain it off everything, deny it tax dollars, spend all your money overseas.

Literally based and redpilled.


I'd rather wait it out overseas so I can live my life in peace in the meantime. If Australia fixes itself, I can always move back. If it doesn't, oh well glad I jumped ship.

>> No.12041973

no it will be part of the sex-tourism-gen, a whole different classification. Mutant's don't respect ancestry either, so another swing and a miss.

>> No.12041979


So....businesses can charge what they like, with a price set by the market. But when workers group together and negotiate better conditions, that's bad in your book? Such a cuck. Australia cunt, fit in or fuck off. Suggest you do the latter.

>> No.12041990

Thanks friend. I overcontributed on superannuation last year so got stung with an extra tax bill fuuckkk offff ATO. They are fucking leeches, I swear I must pay the most tax in Australia.

>> No.12041999


He's not a sex tourist he's a missionary charity worker who lives over there. The woman was his newly wed Filipino wife. There is a high chance they might bring the kid back over here for education though. So the gens count.

>> No.12042005
File: 122 KB, 750x1024, CheckEm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. it'd still be a mutant though

>> No.12042007

>missionary position charity work

>> No.12042012
File: 216 KB, 3508x2334, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this seems more likely bond-poster

>> No.12042017

If you've been to Philippines you would know they need salvation, lol

>> No.12042023



>> No.12042036


Fucking kek.

>> No.12042056

Work - pay tax up to highest bracket
Try to save money - pay 40% tax on interest
Try to improve your future by putting extra super in - taxed extra
Buy things - pay gst and carbon tax
Buy alcohol - pay ridiculous excise

>> No.12042065



watch out guys - this whale knows whats up

>> No.12042498

But what if I use bpay to buy crypto?

>> No.12042900

They blocked me from putting in money last year. Theyve been doing this for a while

>> No.12043045

I used them to transfer money to coinspot literally today. has this been going on for a while? I've had no issues

>> No.12043108

the struggle for power is a ruthless one.

>> No.12043224

Where are you cunts going to leave to?