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File: 456 KB, 1171x1015, Screenshot_20181206-195649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12038435 No.12038435 [Reply] [Original]

25 years old and I've never had a girlfriend.

>> No.12038443

I haven't had a healthy relationship but I had least had an unhealthy one.

>> No.12038449

pro tip
women dont care about looks
they care about balls

Its not a joke. Im 36 years old. Ive been around. Trust me on this. You have to have balls. You know, confidence, opinions, self worth.

>> No.12038455

none that's why I'm in crypto because it fuck me every morning

>> No.12038457

Yep. 22, been with her since we were both 16.

>> No.12038463

Less chance of getting AIDS and such at least.

Oudunno, look on the bright side.

>Its not a joke. Im 36 years old. Ive been around. Trust me on this. You have to have balls. You know, confidence, opinions, self worth.
inb4 you actually have balls and get arrested for sexual harassment or other made up bullshit.

What a wonderful time to be alive.

>> No.12038477


>> No.12038478

5 more years anon and you gain magic.

>> No.12038488

Same and I'm a virgin but I used to make out with so many hot girls early on in high school idk what happened

>> No.12038500

I just got into my first relationship this year at 28.

>> No.12038540

24 now and had one when I was 17

Have banged over 30 sluts since

>> No.12038543

So how'd you manage that?

Nothing for me at 30... but to be honest I was too fucked up to manage anything like that anyway. Hell, I'm not sure if I'd really enjoy a relationship at all or I just like the idea of it... or maybe I just like misery and beating myself up about the things I don't have? Blech.

>> No.12038609

35 and never had a gf.

>> No.12038622

lucky you OP, I get nervous when Google shows me ads for HIV.

>Too Much unproteccc Seckz

>> No.12038634
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>mfw 25 kissless virgin

I swallowed the blackpill years ago

>> No.12038659

I bounce between relationships.

Had about 4 serious ones. Banged around 8-10 that weren't worth the time. One night stands are overrated. Not worth the STD risk.

Prolly just not my style. Every non-gf slam piece I've had sucked. It's the emotions that make sex. Otherwise you may as well be jacking off.

>> No.12038724
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>go out with girl back in hs
>couple weeks later wake up one day and realize she's annoying as fuck and likes me too much
>suddenly realize every girl I know is like that
That was years ago and for some retarded reason that morning just fucked me up permanently. I am unironically so terrified of responsibility, I just can't do it man.
Worse than that I'm kind of good looking and not an aspie so I think they assume I'm one of those lowkey gays or something after a while.

>> No.12038740

Same. I was on meth, she was on H. We both lived with our parents and had crippling psychological issues. We only actually fucked a few times, we mostly just cried and talked about our feeling while getting high. Also I was 19 and she was like 26 at the time so IDK what the hell I was thinking getting with her, probably BOOHOO NO GF ;_;.

>> No.12038750
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It's true, women love big balls

>> No.12038755

Not trying to brag but honestly I think by being good-looking while using tinder. I think my issues before were related to my personality and being socially awkward/isolated. I've been told by girls that I'm good-looking, but also been called "creepy" and told that I'd need to fake my personality to make it.

But luckily after over a year of swiping and matching I met a girl who's also a grad-student like me, introverted, relatable, and even a virgin (at 25). Not normally what you find on tinder, but introverts meeting each other is one possible outcome of dating apps.

>> No.12038781


Yeah, this is me. Hookups don't really do it for me. Maybe if it was a truly fine piece of ass, but my serious GFs are way hotter than any hookup I've had.

>> No.12038789

Iktf. I'm too consumed by the selfish times we live in. The last thing I want is to tend to somebody elses retarded 1st world problem needs and feelings. The payoff isn't worth it. At least right now it doesn't feel like a human being is what I need to feel fulfilled.

>> No.12038794


Well especially if you make more than her, any super serious relationship (marriage, kids) now means she has financial leverage on yo ass.

I don't wanna have to listen to an aging shrieking harpy my entire life.

>> No.12038814
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>> No.12038817

Yes. I love her. She a my greatest treasure, above measure. It is not impossible, bros. We went to the same high school and hung out in the same group of friends. Eventually we ended up together. We have been together for almost 7 years now. We live together, and she makes me tea every morning before I go to class or work, depending on the day.

I would not trade her for anything, not even $1000 LINK EOY

>> No.12038846


>> No.12038849

>Prolly just not my style. Every non-gf slam piece I've had sucked. It's the emotions that make sex. Otherwise you may as well be jacking off.
As faggy as it may make us sound... /agree

>using tinder
I thought tinder was just for banging random sloots?

>introverts meeting each other is one possible outcome of dating apps.
Yes... sooner or later one definitely has to realize that going to places you don't like going to isn't going to be good for meeting people you can actually stand to be around. e.g. Nightclubs full of annoying sloots when you could literally drink more cheaply and listen to better music at home.
Then the question becomes one of where else to look... and I draw a blank because I fucking hate going outside because it's boring and annoying and full of dickheads.

>> No.12038860

Yeah, the whole virgin on Tinder thing seems weird but I suppose weird unlikely shit does happen irl sometimes so w/e.

>> No.12038864

no but certainly not a vigrinfag

>> No.12038871

Bleh, so's the Unabomber and he's a pretty cool guy. eH writes manifestos against modern society and doesn't afraid of anything... except post-Industrial Revolution technology.

>> No.12038882

Bleh, what's the difference? Anyone can have sex if they really want to. Not much point in meaningless sex with sloots you don't even like when you could just save time by wanking and afterward not even care about the sloots.

>> No.12038893

>She a my greatest treasure
>I would not trade her for anything
>not even $1000 LINK EOY
Pathetic. You probably even feel like you happy, but don't worry it won't be for much longer. One day she'll fuck your best friend and make sure you suffer like never before. Pain is inevitable.

>> No.12038897

None of that sexual stuff with a woman outside marriage. Almost impossible to catch aids from a woman because of no sex before marriage.

I do however behave confidently and get attention from women at work. Granted there are more female employees there than male employees. More than 2 females (probably not a whole number) for every 1 male. Yet somehow these fat women are somehow married.

>> No.12038920

op, i currently have 7 girlfriends.. i see each one on a different day.. i go to see them. they all live in different towns. 1 nigger, 2 blonde,1 black hair, 1 brown hair, 2 asain

>> No.12038928

27, khv

>> No.12038996

wow, based and sex pilled.

>> No.12039026
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and checked

>> No.12039031

Tinder is largely for random banging, but there are girls that don't have much of a social life either because of personality or being busy, and it would make sense for some of them to resort to dating apps in search of relationships outside their narrow social circle.

>> No.12039108
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24 and I've never had a gf, but I have had a 1 night stand

I was on SSRIs and couldn't get hard

>> No.12039195

I've had a few. It's overrated.

Wish I had saved my money desu.

>> No.12039266

had a bf but had to leave
want a bf

>> No.12039275

That's quite a lot...

I banged like 12 and felt it was a high number (23)

>> No.12039288
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I have this chinese chick who is taller than me and pretty attractive...she's a virgin and I've been coming home to her every night for like the past month getting closer and closer to taking her virginity...its at the point where we are naked in bed every night with me grinding her pussy with my dick but it never goes in to break her hymen...

but this saturday we're going to see the blue man group and afterwards staying in a 5 star hotel for the night....fun times ahead boyz, I kind of want to record it for future memories but it would probably have to be surreptitiously...

virginity #2 will be taken

>> No.12039364
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self improvement fwen. women like fat wallets and confidence

>> No.12039523

25 and only an unhealthy relationship where I was her punching bag (metaphorically and literally).

Apparently women find me attractive both physically and personality wise, and yet I still get autismo as fuck. It’s painful because I get obsessed with projects and getting out of poverty, and so women at first think I’m a hot asshole, then just an asshole, and finally just as some retard with a nice face. Like if Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys was aesthetic.

>> No.12039536

My problem is I don't know where to find a good gf. I am from a cold country both literally and figuratively where people don't just talk to stranges in bus stops or streets. I also dislike the club culture so that is out of the question.

>> No.12039555

...Finland? Sounds like what I've heard about Finland.

>> No.12039589

No but two boyfriends. I pity men who have to endure roasties for a bit of their roast beef and saggy fat tits every now and then.

>> No.12039624


>> No.12039631

24 no gf ever. Reasons are : no time, no good looks, not “ cool” enough for women . I m not virgin, i go fuck escorts when i feel like

>> No.12039748
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28 years old
>Never had gf

>> No.12039776

I kissed a girl and grabbed a lil titty hehe

>> No.12040195

>there are unvirgins here
Aren't you guys too cool for 4channel?

>> No.12040215

Got into my first serious relationship last year at 23. It's my first real and substantial one. You got time anon.

>> No.12040218

dude ur gay. but it's k. hopefully you've grown a chin since then?

>> No.12040252

>fucked first time at 15
>had multiple gfs
>met a nice and innocent girl that loves me this year
>held all the way from the top until now

Turns out Im a cuck after all

>> No.12040302

Im 29, been together for 11 years married for 2. There are ups and downs but love is the most overrated thing. You want trust more than anything. BTW when you get this old your best luck is to find someone through a mutual friend or family.

>> No.12040318
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>> No.12040327

Could it be that OP is a fag?

>> No.12040369
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dw frens just have fun with life we'll all mek it

>> No.12040625

Lol we chose not to have kids so I don't gotta worry about that

>> No.12040660

yes a few but now im alone at 28.
I thought I met a new gf a few months ago everything went great but she just dropped me out of nothing... was this tinder chick :( I really don't know how to meet anyone anymore at this age

>> No.12040694

had a lot more in hs. I could simply ask a girl if she wanted to smoke weed and fool around.
the older you get the harder you have to work at it. They've already been played. So you have to either convince them it's worth getting played or that you ain't gonna play them.

>> No.12040744
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Not all heroes wear strapons

>> No.12041008
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That's okay. I'm laying the ground work for my future family. Gotta save up to have my five to six kids.
Any other anons who want to have /bigfamly/?

>> No.12041198

That pic is only true when you dont get land, investments or alliances when you give your daughter away to another man. That's why kings got stuff for their daughter marrying another king.

>> No.12041222
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This, but unironically.
I am tall, fit, have full hair and am an acoustics engineer - and my girlfriend left me after 3 years for a skinnyfat manlet who does not only have no job, but also no school diploma.
the only thing he had unlike me is confidence.
Its a lot better suffering from Dunning Kruger effect (him) than suffering from Imposter syndrome (me).
I observed all the girls I know and their partners and what these guys have in common is an inflated ego, they arent great looking or rich, most of them actually are slightly overweight and broke.
it took me years to realize this because the "redpill community" tries to brainwash you into thinking that all girls want muscular barbarians who speak like Trump all the time.
reflecting on my time in this community i have to say, they are spot on regarding the female nature (women cant love like men), but they are wrong on everything else

>> No.12041237

This thread should have died after this comment. You need to have nuts if you want a woman to get wet around you.

>> No.12041257

>Its a lot better suffering from Dunning Kruger effect (him) than suffering from Imposter syndrome (me).

This so much. Also checked.

>> No.12041266

27 year old and had my last GF when I was 20

>> No.12041286

I'm also 25, I'm on my 3rd gf now, probably going to marry this one. I also work from home for $30 an hour, so its nice being around the house. Won't mind helping to look after the kids while also being the breadwinner.

>> No.12041301
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>god I wish I was stupid instead of being this clever
ok incels fucking lmao

>> No.12041311
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>probably going to marry this one.

yep, thats the dunning kruger in full display

>> No.12041337

Your self-deception is miraculous and knowing I'm competing with "men" like you only drives my ego higher.

>> No.12041346

Maybe you deserved to get dumped, but even so, only a retarded sloot would monkey branch to a deadbeat.
You dodged a bullet and got motivation to get better.
It's a win-win

>> No.12041484

23 almost 24 khhv.

I'm healthy, clean, have a good job, and decent looking enough that people assume I must have had sex but the truth is i've never come close. Had clear interest from a few girls in uni but it didn't go anywhere.

I just don't have the ability to make things exciting for girls, and its only getting harder as I get older and more boring. It hurts, to be honest.

>> No.12041490


had sex only with a few hookers


>> No.12041506

> work from home at the same time look after kids

Anon.. I....

>> No.12041510

if you are ugly it's normal to be single or to get no matches guys, don't blame too much on you.. personality is a meme, woman like good looking and sex just like men, to have a decent sex the person you sleep with must be decent looking

>> No.12042374

27 khv, but fucked a cheap asian hooker for like 30$ bareback two months ago, don't know why I did this but I regret it tremendously
Now my dick is in constant pain and red like a tomato
and I also have a terrible constant pain in my ride side where the ribcage ends, probably it's a liver
I'm a neet and don't have money and insurance for treatment, don't know what to say to my ma now
probably will die from hpv, hiv and herpes soon

>> No.12042406

Does a 4chan egf count?

>> No.12042453 [DELETED] 
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25 NEET schizo here, currently dating a webcammer/stripper

I'm tired lads, thinking of getting a small pepe tattoo under my eye

>> No.12042483

How to overcome social anxiety lads? My mom was really psychopathic and Im still traumatized. My entire body freezes and sweats when I talk to people. Now I don't even know what people talk about , feels bad man, feels real fucking bad fuck my mom. My dad always would tell me how shit marriage is lol

>> No.12043144

29, had a few gfs but nothing that lasted longer than a few weeks. had sex twice in the last ten years.

>> No.12043781

I was basically a virgin, had a few make out only "GFs" super early, then fucked a escort ONCE and it was terrible, then another make-out only that I tried to fuck while having a broken leg and a cast, again, was even more terrible.

Things dried up until I was 26, I was orbiting a girl for a solid 3 year period, she finally became single and I made my move, horribly, but I made it.
She blew me off at first, I stood my ground telling her that I was done being in the friendzone, that if she wanted to still be around me, I wanted more.

Couple of months later, she starts sexting me out of the blue. I was super awkward, never did that before, but after a few days I met her and we made out, it was one of the best nights of my life, still chasing that feeling.

After that, we started fucking daily, and she was a fucking machine. I basically didn't know how to fuck, and she patiently "taught me" everything, all the while never complaining about me taking forever to cum, since I was so used to my hand, that cumming inside her was impossible to me for a long time.

Eventually, I cut off the jerking sessions to a wealthy amount, and was finally able to cum while having PIV sex, which is the greatest feeling in the word.

Immediately after that, I became visible to other girls, it was like I walked around with an mask, and now the mask is off, I had to turn down girls, which is fucking incredible giving my past.

So, hang in there, buddy. Try to look as pleasant as you can, don't get all fat and greasy, and most important, don't become some girl's gay friend.

>> No.12044239

Women are a shitty forced meme.

>> No.12044408

I'm curious as to why modern women suffer "mental illnesses" when not being allowed to cuck you, while nuns and co seem to be fine without any kind of sex at all. Or are nuns these "magical unicorns" and being a unicorn coincides with devoting your life to the greatest lover in the world = god? Somehow all these things really turn me off real women. Unicorn waifu robots can't come soon enough.

>> No.12044416

had one real gf in hs now just fuck sluts for a couple weeks before moving on. so far on number 15 @ 24

>> No.12044464

lmao you got hep c

>> No.12044473

>I was orbiting a girl for a solid 3 year period, she finally became single and I made my move, horribly, but I made it
>She blew me off at first, I stood my ground telling her that I was done being in the friendzone, that if she wanted to still be around me, I wanted more.
Wow, are you me?
>Couple of months later, she starts sexting me out of the blue. I was super awkward, never did that before, but after a few days I met her and we made out, it was one of the best nights of my life, still chasing that feeling.
Nah, thats definitely not me. Be really happy your life isnt as shit as mine, because I spent the last 10 years thinking about what if it happened.

>> No.12044478

one of my friends is the bf in a relationship like this, the husband seems cucked beyond belief

>> No.12045274

25 years old, dated one single woman for 5 of them, and I'm comfortable living as a bachelor. I know what there is to miss, it isn't much. If you really need a second person for your play through of life, you're not a whole individual.

>> No.12045294

I have a wife and 3 children, gf is overvalued. I would short if i could.

>> No.12045513

I'm a fucking loser, but somehow had two long term relationships and fucked 12 girls total.

I'm also 25. I honestly can't tell you how, just start off by looking good bare minimum.

This is unironically true, but being good looking along with having a ridiculous ego multiples the effect tenfold. Woman want to be dominated and feel like the man their with is valuable.

Keyword = FEEL

Woman feel, that's all they do, they don't think and if they ever do, it's quickly pushed aside by their feelings. Woman don't care if you are a fucking loser, if they see a guy with (((passion™))) and inane amounts of confidence, they will fuck your brains out. You could be the most insecure loser in the world, but if you can fake it hard, like literally emulate a confident person to the T, you can smash pussy.

>> No.12045695

i am confused, anon. if a woman wants to be dominated (be it aggressively or protectively), then why is she the one fucking your brains out? shouldn't it be the other way around? i have heard this "she fucks your brains out" bit a lot on 4chan and certain reddit subs (not that i would visit reddit, anon... it is hearsay)... but it always stands out to me. are 3d women like this? do they do all the fucking? should i stick to 2d fantasies if i want a cutely squeaking female waifu who puts emphasis mostly on her kawaii or moe appeals? or this merely a misunderstanding?

>> No.12045703


>> No.12045711

>wasting 6 years of your life on some ugly bitch
>not fucking as many girls as you can in your young age

jesus christ, what a loser

>> No.12045727

look at this virgin cope lmao

>> No.12045764

Nice cope

>> No.12045770
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No, I get to nervous I have rejected all girls that proposed me,I prefer to live alone thinking in my stuff and myself

>> No.12045782

>i'm the one coping
lol, how many girls have you fucked in your life?

>> No.12045797

stop copeposting lmao