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File: 45 KB, 856x764, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12035905 No.12035905 [Reply] [Original]

Is BAT the one? I know everyone's freaking out right now, but doesn't BAT have a lot going for it? Great idea, Brendan Eich, legitimate connections and partnerships, upcoming releases, growing popularity of Brave...

Tell me what I'm missing here? Why shouldn't I be accumulating BAT right now?

>> No.12035937

implying im not accumulating
at those prices feels like stealing

>> No.12035944

What you are missing is that it has no intrinsic value, and will never moon since it can never be used for anything. Unironically, the token economy being fully described will forever prevent bat from blasting off, since there is nothing to speculate about.

>> No.12035951

There will a highly successful project that comes out of this tumult.
Just as the from the 1000s of over hyped startups in the 2000s dot com bubble, a small handful of useful companies survived and created massive value for the world. PayPal, Amazon, Google.

BAT is that project which will come from the crypto bubble.

>> No.12035965

It may not have "intrinsic" value, but if the system is successful won't that naturally drive up the price of BAT?

>> No.12035975

Deluded moonbaby.

>> No.12035997
File: 28 KB, 229x221, 272A6BBC-E067-4AC4-87F6-EFCA22AB5AA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh browser plugin token
Fucking idiot

>> No.12036034

>Having to blatantly lie to fud BAT
Brave ads are right around the corner, advertisers are going to be paying out BAT to publishers/users in order to run them. Websites and Youtubers are going to be shilling Brave for their supper; It'll pay them a hell of a allot more than Google ever has and advertisers are happy because the users actually want to be advertised to.

>> No.12036067

>not realizing that browser plugins are the only valid use of cryptocurrency besides laundering money and buying drugs

>> No.12036103

From what I've read, it's probably one of the few actual legit projects currently in the cryptosphere. That said, the whole market is shit currently, so I'm not going to invest anything. Even if the project is promising.

>> No.12036235


>> No.12036296

Brave is creating a platform which will define the value of user attention for advertising. This idea is as evolutionary as decentralized peer to peer value transfer (big daddy BTC), though it is specialized towards the top revenue stream of the modern internet, digital advertising. No one's waiting for you.

>> No.12036381


>> No.12036407


>> No.12036505


>> No.12036522


>> No.12036540

Im embracing this project I really believe it has a lot of potential but is fighting like the first days of btc now btc is tamed I hope the people who makes this have learned from that

>> No.12036733

Brave has been giving the ok to replace Google and user in the web 3.0. Powerful forces are behind this.

>> No.12036736


>> No.12036827


>> No.12036898

This is how dumb bat bagholders are.

>> No.12036905 [DELETED] 
File: 501 KB, 2448x2448, ill figure out how to put it together when im not drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh hehehe. eh hehehe. eh heh.

>> No.12036953
File: 26 KB, 640x426, brendan-eich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firefox will never replace Internet Explorer either.

>> No.12036982

Google is facing serious internal and external problems. It's conceivable BAT can dethrone the king soon.

>> No.12036988

Firefox wasn't "selected" to do so, imbecile.

>> No.12037150

>He thinks pajeets watching ads will make his token valuable.


>> No.12037211

Never said it was, it was designed by people who knew IEs inherent flaws that Microsoft was too arrogant to fix and how they could build a far superior browser. Chrome is about to get a history lesson.

>> No.12037312

They r actually moving IE to the chromium renderer so this may be something money is money right?

>> No.12037712

What does this mean for BAT though?

>> No.12037792

if this wasn't an erc shitoken I would have been all in

>> No.12037937

Brave is built from the base thinking in the user how stubborn you need to be and more important how much money you need to lose to change your 20 years useless browser to the competition platform also you know there will not be windows 11 ever ???

>> No.12038036


>> No.12038080

I heard the white paper says it can't go above $0.01 because that defeats the purpose.

>> No.12038086

look you faggots are retarded. the only crypto projects that will survive this winter are the ones who are 1) based in the USA, specifically SF the mecca of private equity- go ask naval ravikant what he thinks about brave 2) have an actual product and 3) have a fixed supply that will be allocated among an increasing amount of wallets.

BAT checks all three conditions. retards on biz will try to mislead you via ignorance or schadenfraude but the results will prove this. you are all straight faggots and BAT will be a top 15 market cap project in 5 months or less. kys PRL shills and faggot BTC maximalists

>> No.12038142

Did you not learn with LTC that Coinbase's addition of BAT was the exact way you knew this was a SF inside-job circlejerk, doomed to failure? Do you really think an ERC-20 token is the future of advertising? Really?

>> No.12038240

yo retard, learn to read. LTC does not check all three conditions. hooked on phonics might work for your mental state faggot