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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 523 KB, 1536x2732, 322B268A-A6AC-4EA9-ADEA-7D6928CB52CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12028009 No.12028009 [Reply] [Original]

Just checking in to confirm, whole school agreed about the date. December 7th, plankton is going down.

>> No.12028017

fuck off larper, you're not the real willy

>muh astrology


>> No.12028022

New moon let's gooo. You don't do price predictions but any predictions (haha)?

>> No.12028024

What happens if you get double crossed? What happens if your whale buddies convince you to sell the bottom?

>> No.12028041

How low are we going?

>> No.12028043

Believe what you wanna believe, goy.
I don’t know but the rumours are 1300 ultimate bottom price some time in 2019
Then I buy higher, not the first time and not the last.

>> No.12028050

Buy in after this dip or wait til January?

>> No.12028052

You buying back in on the 21-23?

>> No.12028055

You’ve been listening to Clif High, that old fucker is insane.

>> No.12028062

Nevermind, just seen your post above. Thanks based willy

>> No.12028068
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>> No.12028069

Depends if you’re an active trader or not
Probably some BSV it’s following the moon trend best atm
Nah. Boomers are crypto retarded.

>> No.12028074
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Link 1000 EOY

>> No.12028076

Fuck you Willy !!!

>> No.12028080

Probably won’t happen even end of decade
Love you too fren ;)

>> No.12028089
File: 63 KB, 639x592, 1535906117077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only youre garnishing our gains, but also you stole my original thread you fish.

>> No.12028103

they chased my stop loss @3680 during the night then pumped it

Where are we going Willy?

I'm afraid

>> No.12028113

Willy what do you say about all the other faggots pretending to be you

>> No.12028117

too bad you are not Willy just a faggot larper

>> No.12028126

Crazy how nature do that
Probably well below that, not the end of the world fren, you had trade rules and stuck to them, minimizing losses in this market is clutch
Fuck em all
Too bad you’re just an angry incel on a Mongolian throat singing forum.

>> No.12028145

What happens after jan

>> No.12028153

Chinese New Year and consensus

>> No.12028174

Incredible insights

>> No.12028184

>chinese new year

>> No.12028195

you mentioned eos would have an eth like run at some point
help me make it and tell me when to buy it fren

>> No.12028208

Avg in at .5 to $1 is good.
Also have stink bids at 0.01-0.1 and pray for a flash crash fueled by bots.

>> No.12028217
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Hey Greg it's Mike here. We've got all our whale aboard down here in oceanic region just give us a heads up in telegram when you're good to go. Warren was saying 12 hours from now?

>> No.12028218

You're okay in my book, Willy. Thanks to you, my losses are merely embarrassing as opposed to catastrophic. Here's hoping that 2019 sees us with stacks positioned to let us all retire.

>> No.12028219
File: 285 KB, 400x400, 1279121080683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not nature, its bullying. But you wont take our frens we made along the way.

>> No.12028222

Real willy wasn’t a pol tard. Kys

>> No.12028262

It's possible that the dump already happened no? Sometimes it happens a little early or late. I trade lunar too.
Best to combine it with TA, which is saying we can double bottom for sure, and get a small rally (dead cat bounce) before big meltdown.


>> No.12028265

thanks buddy

>> No.12028318
File: 196 KB, 664x454, 603D21D5-17F5-404A-B7DA-56145403C7C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers fren
Oh he wasn’t? Nice trips btw
Anytime fren

>> No.12028336

Can you whales please stop cashing out for fucking christmas

>> No.12028338

Perhaps, I said on or around the 7th in last bread, and that 4200 level was critical. Maybe a bounce here but this shit looks horrible atm

>> No.12028348

This happens every Christmas.

>> No.12028361


How high do you think Link will go?

>> No.12028426


Mind sharing your TA?

>> No.12028541

Don’t know, but buy rhombus sirs it kills the link
I’m full blown autist my TA is all done in my head I don’t draw on my charts.

>> No.12028553

How far will this dip? Buy the dip? (im trading) How low will dip be.

If you get this new moon shit correct, I will become a beliver.

>> No.12028607

>Too bad you’re just an angry incel on a Mongolian throat singing forum.
that's an other nail in your larps coffin the original Willy never insulted anyone.

>> No.12028612


>> No.12028635

How quick do your reckon we will drop to the rumoured low?

>> No.12028812

Just go add “moon phases” indicator to your tradingview and look at it historically it’s hard to not believe in it when the data is there. I dont know how long we’ll go but I’m not longing anything major other than little scalps til the next full moon.
How could someone on 4chan just insult someone else? You have to go back
Don’t know but at this rate if 3500 breaks it’s gonna go to 3k or lower probably.

>> No.12028827

Market manipulation sucks you kikes

>> No.12028842

fuck off willy you fucking XTCC/XTC scammer faggot

>> No.12029099

>mobius kills the link
>it doesn't
>oraclize kills the link
>it doesn't
>rhombus kills the link sirs for real this time

>> No.12029176

Thats not willy you fucking retards. fuck you fake willy

>> No.12029213

that's not willy the whale's tripcode faggot

get fucked

>> No.12029215

Was the real Willy the Taichi coin pump and dumper? I can't understand why people care about the "real willy" so much.

>> No.12029254

the real joke here is that willy (the real one) himself is a turbo larp as well
this has got to be some idiot trying to make a end of year shortsqueeze that evolves into a big rally

>> No.12029281

At least he gave true predictions and save people money. me personally went out when he said we are going bellow 7k

>> No.12029306

Willy said trip is for fags actually he didn't had a tripcode

>> No.12029386

I got into crypto in the middle of the last bullrun. Knew nothing. Lost around $100k, never sold anything. Is there any chance I will make my money back ever? Mostly holding eth. Thank you.

>> No.12029414
File: 58 KB, 2110x784, 444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking short till $1200 with low leverage.
Yes, we are heading towards previous resistance. It's a 61.80% retrace if you take into consideration that the BTC bullmarket started in 2015

>> No.12029457

Probably not

>> No.12029559
File: 17 KB, 249x190, 610165C9-94A6-42BE-ADAF-0812627B18D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks willy, I hope you’ll stick around forever

>> No.12029701

>plankton is going down.

What does that mean exactly?

>> No.12029732

Do I understand it right?
When full moon = prices are at the bottom so its good indicator to buy.
When New moon = prices are high so its good to sell.

But now, on 7th December, tommorow, its "New moon" phase, so it doesnt make sense at all.

Am I missing something?

>> No.12029877

BTC is overvalued at 3.6k. Sell.

>> No.12029903

See >>12029877
There isn't much to understand, we will see tmrws price action but 3900 might of been the top

Will see

>> No.12030024

>How could someone on 4chan just insult someone else?
at least you tried shithead larper cunt

>> No.12030130

>Willy Mon Nov 12 00:50:05 2018 No.11713502 >>11713492
>No TA, let’s just say I know some very >powerful people

Willy doesn't use TA or moon-phases stop listening to these larper cunts!
> Willy Mon Nov 12 01:35:10 2018 No.11713747
>Trip codes are gay, I usually use the imagery in the op pic of this thread. Signs and symbols rule the world

>> No.12030136

What do you think about DERO ?

>> No.12030178


The real willy needs to put up a sell wall that's equal to the hash of his private key.

>> No.12030183

the only guy that gets it

>> No.12030362

Not me I’m Willy that called a few BTC dumps during May
See the follow up thread I gave in to using a gay trip becuase too many fake Willy’s appeared after my call trying to get anons in for “6k end of week” and shit also talk about moon phases in this thread ;) >>/biz/thread/S11746436#p11750631

>> No.12030378

thats some csw tier proof right there

>> No.12030390

As I said above you believe what you wanna believe, goy

>> No.12030397

>See the follow up thread
well see here is the problem the two threads have no id connection, that makes you a shitty asshole larper cunt with zero credibility. also you say different things than he did and your style feels off. but those are the small details.

>> No.12030430

Willy, do you and the boys still think xrp will be a security?

>> No.12030445
File: 459 KB, 750x970, 0110D137-0C00-4B87-A1DA-E9C910C1E871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>12030390 idgaf what you believe or don’t believe

>> No.12030462

Don’t know and don’t care

>> No.12030464

so many pajeets show up around whale larps like flies around shit

>> No.12030491

Whatever, this Willy is cooler than the other one. Though did you say you know "powerful people"? If that's the case, why bother with the moon phase stuff if you're really going off of those connections? Maybe that was yet another Willy.

>> No.12030506
File: 30 KB, 554x277, DB40134D-2D50-4AD4-BF69-1FCB2DA696BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both. Some of the big time traders have astrologers on payroll.

>> No.12030510


>> No.12030519

Don't listen to this man. He told you about the first dump to gain your trust. Now he's trying to get you all to sell at the bottom before it gets pumped to $7k tomorrow.

>> No.12030520


hey Willy!

can you give thoughts about EOS?

thank you

>> No.12030536
File: 34 KB, 1157x328, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.12030549

Interesting. But I guess what I really want to know is who you know and how coordinated it all is. Are there rival groups of whales that have different goals? Who controls the market the most? I understand if you can't divulge your own connection entirely, but I'd like to know more about how things are run. Mostly been cashed out last year, but this has been driving me crazy.

>> No.12030550

Yes 7k end of week XD
See >>12028208 I like Eos more than ETH
So you even know what a meme is brainlet?

>> No.12030564

>you even know what a meme is brainlet?
do you even know what proof is? you have none or you would have shown it already.
fuck off you larper cunt!

>> No.12030579

Exchanges control the market most but their bots get fucked from time to time by whale dumps can’t say much more.
Yeah I have nothing to prove to some neckbeard faggot on 4channel now fuck off from my thread

>> No.12030590

How do you know it’s gonna get pumped?

>> No.12030602

>minimizing losses in this market is clutch
>is clutch

Can someone please explain this expression? Never seen it before.

t. Norwegian whale lover

>> No.12030608

eos and SV pajeet COMBO

>> No.12030614

Hello wizard Willy. Any thoughts on AGI? Thanks sirs.

>> No.12030617

>Yeah I have nothing to prove to some neckbeard faggot on 4channel now fuck off from my thread
of course you have you come here pretending to be Willy and start throwing your imbecile moon ta around and then you say you got nothing to prove? heh.

>> No.12030620


you sir. i am requesting that you personally explain to me how a person would short bitcoin.

i am a visitor to this board, although I've been getting quite comfy for a month or two now, and I don't really have much technical knowledge. I can see however that profiting from a bear market would be an important skill to have in the cryptoverse.

>> No.12030652

Just a saying where I come from
Sirs buy link instead then
Don’t care about it enough.
Yes I’m pretending... see you at 3k ;)
Don’t, you’re gonna get rekt

>> No.12030663

step 1 go to bitmex
step 2 register
step 3 lose all your money

>> No.12030672

Also sir how long will tether still be safe? I mean implosion and sheeit.

>> No.12030680

>Yes I’m pretending...
i know
>see you at 3k ;)
nigger i can turn this entire market around with 2 clicks of my mouse

>> No.12030692

Do it then ;)

>> No.12030695

Do it then.

>> No.12030707

all i have to do is send some fiat to coinbase every time without failure btc went up $1000+ before it arrived.

>> No.12030750

Thanks for the warning, listened last time and made some solid $$. When do you see the price stabilizing and going flat for a while? Do you expect a good bounce coming up or anything like that? Really hoping for some flat movement for a while for trading

>> No.12030756

Best post bear market basket of shitcoins would be? I'm going all in AGI. Else BTC ETH XRP BAT. Kind regards, your pupil.

>> No.12030767

A school is a group of fish. A group of whales is called a pod you retarded larping faggot.

>> No.12030779

thanks for your signals so far
do you know anything about a planned reversal?

>> No.12030781

Is it worth buying at 3k for a bounce? How high would it go after you think?

>> No.12030791

Hi Willy

I wanted to ask,

1) Do you do autistic TA or do you know or have links to the ACTUAL whale's info?

2) what country are you in?

3) What price do you think SV will reach both low and high in long and short term?

4) How many SV do I need to make £100k in 5 year's?


>> No.12030797

Crashing this market, WITH NO SURVIVORS!

>> No.12030800
File: 25 KB, 750x445, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know next to nothing about crypto, but I'm a botanist and I understand the moon method through it's obvious close connection to a gardening technique called bio-dynamic planting.

In bio-dynamic gardening, the theory goes that the
moon affects the growth of plants by drawing some sort of essence towards itself, the way it affects the tides. The obvious parallel is to say that its pulling the water in the cells of the plant towards itself, but its not quite, or not only that- we're talking some sort of mystical essence, not just water. It was invented by Rudolf Steiner, if nay of you cunts know who he is.

Anyway, the theory goes that you should plant a seed or take a cutting from a plant on the new moon, when the pull of the moon is at it's weakest, and the mystical essences of the plant are dormant, and that you should harvest at a full moon, when the water, essential oils, and mystical essence of the pant are at their height of production.

I've experimented with his to some extent, and while I have my doubts about the mystical essence, there may be something in it. Steiner said that it was applicable to not only plants, but other aspects of life too- such as our emotional lives, and financial markets. If we accept that the moon does undoubtedly affect herd human behaviour, then the idea of the moon affecting markets is not so far fetched, because of course the market is a for of aggregate for human behaviour.

>> No.12030819

Crashing this market, WITH NO SURVIVORS!

>> No.12030835

this thread should have been on /x/

>> No.12030875


I'm not planning on shorting gents, just curious about how it would work.

I am awaiting the bottom though, and plan on riding the crazy train when it arrives.

>> No.12030901

>Both. Some of the big time traders have astrologers on payroll.

lol fuck you and your shit larp

>> No.12030957


There is more things on heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio, you cunt.

>> No.12030979

i'll survive sorry

>> No.12031064

>Random fake mene on biz.
I accually had to google if he ever said this. Madman accualy did. Lol

>> No.12031067

Willy is a SV shill

>> No.12031069

>the theory goes that you should plant a seed or take a cutting from a plant on the new moon, when the pull of the moon is at it's weakest
you pajeet cunt, the moon-earth distance that affects gravity and the moon phases responsible for the earth shadow on the moon are uncorrelated.

>> No.12031100
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checked double o nine status

>> No.12031107

Hey Willy.

Love you bro. Can you throw us some red meat? When buy in?

>> No.12031181


No T.A and you want to short?
Just sell spot don't look back wait a year then re-enter the space.
We will see a bottom when bitcoin is dead and forgotten then you BUY BACK your coins.

>> No.12031192


>> No.12031226

The whales that I know are shorting bitcoin to avoid TAXES. If they sell they have declare and give money to the kikes.

Your net value won't increase but you will ten-folding your gains in the next bull-cycle.

>> No.12031234

Hey Willy. How can I contact you directly? Have a few thoughts and a key indicator that you could phase into your model that is quite interesting and potentially huge. Ren Tech insider. Serious.

>> No.12031264

was waiting for 1k i wouldnt mind buying at 2k

>> No.12031307

I’m new to Crypto, when people talk about the next “Bull Run”, are they talking about 1 coin in particular or does a Bull Run including the majority of coins that all go up in value?

>> No.12031352

there is only 1 coin with actual worth and its btc all the rest are tidal locked orbiters with the ocassinal pnd.

>> No.12031489

>nigger tell me about skycoin is synth gonna make me moon

>> No.12031495
File: 7 KB, 200x200, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Willy, what will happen on the next lunar eclipse in Jan?

>> No.12031538
File: 14 KB, 112x112, 8B07FC42-F631-44AC-97D2-49B76A310083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Willy I’m kinda scared it’s going up

>> No.12031607


I know Rudolf Steiner. He created a bunch of will-training exercises as well, along the same lines. Also Waldorf School if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, this is cool and adds credence.

>> No.12031725


Hey Willy, any idea why hundreds of thousands of bitcoins have been moving through SegWit and bech32 addresses over the last week?

>> No.12031827

$30,000 ready to buy Bitcoin at $2,500 and $1,000

I will made it?

>> No.12031841

no one's talking to you bitch, your mother sucks cocks in hell. get fucked, and suck a dick you prick bastard

>> No.12031879

kys xrp jew

>> No.12031899

Still waiting for my 5k sats link STILL

>> No.12031951

Ever heard about self fulfilling prohecy?
Thats currently happening here, if he can convice enough people to sell it will actually dump.
It's just manipulation you dumb fucks.

>> No.12031975

So Mr. Willy interested to hear your and your whale friends opinion on this, will BTC ever see ATH again?

>> No.12031993

Is Bigdogg a larper?

>> No.12032013


>> No.12032390

Will we see 20k again?

>> No.12032408

>implying 4chan can have any effect on the price

>> No.12032510
File: 111 KB, 500x500, 1542691404600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where should I put my buy order based WILLY WONKA?

>> No.12032521

So when a Bull is being talked about they mean bitcoin will raise dragging other coins with it?

>> No.12032529

Why is BCHSV going up? Do I fomo in?

>> No.12032548

Why is BTC pumping if its gonna dump?

>> No.12032570

I wouldn’t touch btc until it’s around/below 1k

>> No.12032654

Hi willy, how do you see the future of XRP ? even more with the "r3 Corda" thing using XRP

>> No.12032675

So that idiots who think it's pumping will buy into short sell orders.

>> No.12032945

When AMB will be pumped?

>> No.12033095
File: 84 KB, 710x577, 1523272302693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never play with your Willly

>> No.12033264


Who has this pepe?

>> No.12033323

so is link still gonna give me some good returns

>> No.12033351

You just missed a 4x when it went from .16c to .60c, stop depending on other peoples thinking, starting thinking for yourself. Buy as much link as you can, whales are transfering over from btc to link including willy

>> No.12033384

i am thinking for myself but i like to have reassurance of others during these dark times

>> No.12033582
File: 31 KB, 800x473, DdgHb-rU0AEUh0Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey willy, pls tell what alt to buy and when. I have 40$. I want an apple pencil and a raspberry pi this christmas. Plz based willy, I'm poor, I want gifts this Christmas.

>> No.12033613

You should buy this app and if ya want ya to be sure you don’t have even a real life right now kys life was the best way of you liberals want you liberals to win the world in before a chance of a failure.

>> No.12033654

How's does it feel to be the fake Willy?

I'm done with this board.

You guys want my trip code?

Real Willy here. Check archives.

>> No.12033718

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.12033720

Are you bearish as well? Seems like everyone is. Imo the faster we get to the bottom the better, even if the bottom is 2k

>> No.12033721

Scammer faggot. How'd Stellar Shade go?

>> No.12033727
File: 52 KB, 685x517, 1228079013366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys want my trip code?
I want your moneyyyyy, I want your wealthhh

>> No.12033733


Yep. I disclosed the price yesterday and it did exactly that.


Idiots are still buying it.

>> No.12033741

bye willy, you were a good guy

>> No.12033823

looks like the bot is having a glitch

>> No.12033846

>Whales know something more than standard TA that suggests we're going down soon.
> Whales are nice and would certainly tell you the truth about what's happening if they even had insider knowledge

>> No.12033847
File: 98 KB, 1462x2046, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12033866

It's fun to play along either way.

>> No.12033877

Guys my code is the following.


Copy and paste it into the name section.

Good luck 4 Chan.

Willy needs to die.

>> No.12033879

What did you just call me? You fucking bitch. The only way you to cope is the time is to the moon next year you can predict a lot better then it again in before you start it with the us we know it was just the first day in before we had it and then you again we have had a great is the moon and the red red one was the night we had to get to see a little something.

>> No.12033896

Where do you see us tomorrow?

>> No.12033897


Guys now we can ALL be willy!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12033911




>> No.12033954

Willy before you die, tell us all the secrets you know. What happening before EOY?
Also, will you ever come back fren?

>> No.12033990

thrombus will surely kill sergey soon

>> No.12034018

fair enough I guess. I have to admit I'm getting a bit worried

>> No.12034192

based Willy any thoughts on Tezos?

>> No.12034294



>> No.12034305

anons like you give keep this board alive. thank you for putting an end to these larps

>> No.12034366
File: 27 KB, 400x400, WPV2gUVP_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so no dump today?

>> No.12034410

>the king is ded
>long live the kangz