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12025562 No.12025562 [Reply] [Original]

And I've been trading BTC/USD, ETH/BTC, and various shitcoin/BTC pairs from the near beginning. I majored in economics, mathematics, and computer science. I finished an MS thesis in monetary economics, and an MS in cryptography, with multiple courses taken in distributed systems. Upon finishing my graduate school, I joined a leading macro fund as a quant trader (my side hobby was investing).

All the fibers in my body tell me that this is (about) the bottom for crypto. What the global financial markets are about to face will be unparalleled. We have populism, nationalism, and fascism rising by the day. This only happens right before economic crises. This time it has to do with the central banks. But you knew this. This is why you believe in cryptocurrencies and smartcontracts.

I'm trying to tell you that if you hold BTC, ETH, and an index of various top alt-coins, the people around you will be thanking you for decades to come.

According to financial economics research journals, the best hedge funds to invest in during financial crises are global macro and multi-strategy funds. All you need to do is follow what the top macro and multi-strategy funds are doing right now. It's all publicly reported. For example, the biggest hedge fund on earth is Bridgewater. They happen to be a macro fund. What is Ray Daily currently selling? A book on economic crises. His thesis is that the expansion and contraction of credit occurs because of human nature (overspending), and people look for a scape-goat to explain their own flaws. This is why populism rises right before major crises.

WE HAVE A CURRENCY CRISIS ON OUR HANDS. Even the great currency speculator himself, George Soros, predicted 30+ years ago, that eventually the free-floating currency system will eventually collapse.

You are among the future elite.

>> No.12025578

>holding shitcoins
fuck off brainlet

>> No.12025586

lol no

>> No.12025592

I like you OP, nice larp

>> No.12025596

How bad do you suspect the collapse will be and how quickly do you think it will happen. Is it a good idea to prep?

>> No.12025608

Neat. As a delusional bag holder I can always use more rationalisation.

>> No.12025612

Im bullish in the long term, but in the short, this its going to dump to atleast 3200, meaby one week more and were done, major movements on crypto wallets this days.

What portfolio will you hold?

Im a trader, but this may be a good time to build one.

>> No.12025616

fuck off back to plebbit you larper. no one’s going to pump your bags here.

>> No.12025637


>> No.12025653
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For someone that’s at least in their fifties from the larp in your title, you speak like a millennial with no experience of having lived through a number of short term debt cycles that you seem to know so much about (being so well read in Dalio’s book, of course).

You’re not wrong on a fair chunk of what you said, but you just need to larp better, friendo. Holding magical 1s and 0s isn’t going to save you when the long term debt cycle collapses. Cold hard cash will. People need to eat groceries and bathe in clean water and have lights turned on in their house. ____coin isn’t going to do that. Hold cash while shit hits the fan and buy cheap things after the fact, and for the love of god, buy low sell high for once in your miserable neet lives.

>> No.12025661

Crypto should have shifted power to normal people, but the rich will grab most of it up. The economic collapse will be from gambling, overspending, and the sheer efficiency of business and trade now. This will leave a lot of people in dire straits. There are already wild packs of people trying to move from country to country. The environment is going to shit. Every person in the world is contaminated with Dupont compound-8. At some point we will all be retarded.

Conservative environmental policy and economic policy are very important. We need to stop being wasteful and ignorant.

Crypto is the redpill. But there is a lot of work left to do. The old shit is going down. Crypto is the final wealth paradigm in whatever form it takes.

>> No.12025677

>Cold hard cash will.
I'm going to have to charge you 1000 dollars for that cheeseburger, boomer.

>> No.12025679

Depends which country you're in.

Stocks: reduce your overall exposure, and hold only the best dividend-paying stocks. Companies that control a lot of petroleum, fresh water, minerals, and metals are also a good hold. The world is fighting over resources. Watch the water-ways: Jordan river, the Nile, tigris-euphrates

Bonds: USA. Trump is a god-send economically.

Crypto: BTC, ETH are safe. I'm personally not "holding" alt-coins, but I'll trade em for more ETH and BTC if I see a setup. ETH == average value of what is built on top of the network.

>> No.12025700

When the world already starts to look like the cities and people in AKIRA, you know we're totally fucked.

>> No.12025713

You're right, only from the perspective of a citizen from a western nation. The rest of the world will be showing up at our borders when this crisis occurs. Thanks for contributing to this thread

>> No.12025757

I should also add that if you're in a country that allows public companies to own farmland, then you should look into buying shares

>> No.12025826

>ETH == average value of what is built on top of the network.
i like that

>> No.12025977

What will happen, hyper inflation or total collapse?

>> No.12025986


>> No.12026003

deflation, collapse of some countries. rush to use BTC + ETH as currencies, rich people rushing to profit off the poor genuinely trying to use crypto to properly live life. don't forget staking rewards.

>> No.12026021

> What is Ray Daily currently selling?

it's ray dalio and your post is retarded

>> No.12026043

I just realized that I wrote 30 years instead of 20

>> No.12026050

>I majored in economics, mathematics, and computer science
three lines down
>We have populism, nationalism, and fascism rising by the day.
This kills the LARP. You're just a /pol/ user and none of the above.
Watch cryptos fall much further and the S&P 500 nearing record highs again 2nd quarter of 2019.

>> No.12026063

We don't have populism, nationalism, and fascism rising across the globe? You're really dense, aren't you?

>> No.12026095

Hi OP, how long did it take for you to get three degrees?

>> No.12026201

Could you join Euclid's Coin Window on Telegram? We might have a meaningful discussion there

>> No.12026226

5 years.
>econ: intermediate micro, intermediate macro, advanced micro, advanced macro
>math: real analysis, complex analysis, algebra, graph theory, probability theory
>computer science: programming, algorithms, data structures, systems programming, operating systems, networking, theory of computer science, databases
these are what got me into graduate school. You may not be able to cover all of these classes. It depends on your school. I just got lucky.

>> No.12026374

Yoo my bear bro niggers are right


>> No.12026418

Shill me your favorite shitcoin.

>> No.12026430

>I'm trying to tell you that if you hold BTC, ETH, and an index of various top alt-coins, the people around you will be thanking you for decades to come.
>You are among the future elite.

I want to believe you OP, that crypto will rise up to such heights, but I'm afraid that with all the propping up they're doing, and the possibility of bailouts and such... it won't be in our lifetime. :(

>> No.12026434


>> No.12026442

Ok, you're legit. How do you see Vanguard faring in a monetary crisis?

>> No.12026443

But Ray Dalio thinks crypto is a scam. And why are no macro funds holding any crypto. Your LARP doesn't make sense Anon.

>> No.12026472
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Thoughts on XLM-Stellar?

>> No.12026478

Which product?
Ray dalio is preparing for a crisis is the point I tried to make.

>> No.12026482
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Seems like best performing asset in this bear, creeped up to number 4 like a sneaky snek.

>> No.12026487

You think boomers would keep their money in a fund that holds crypto? You’re the one that isn’t making any sense. Investors would pull money left and right.

>> No.12026492

>which product
How about a quick rundown of how their general mutual fund vs ETFs will go.

>> No.12026494

No opinions on my concern here >>12026430 OP?

>> No.12026501
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>liquidating assets in a monetary crisis

>> No.12026520


>> No.12026539

This is an unbelievably naive thing to say. In anticipation of a monetary crisis, if a fund starts to build a position in crypto, then the investors (who look up to Warren Buffet and similar boomers) will look to pull their money. These are the ultra rich. They’re not going to be effected by the monetary crisis either way. They just don’t trust “magic internet money”.

>> No.12026551

>populism, nationalism, and fascism rising across the globe
You're retarded if you think those have any relevance whatsoever. The global situation is far different now than in the 30s. In Germany, the dwindling aristocrats still had some power and communism was an existential threat to the establishment. They allowed fascism to win to defeat labor movements. Now, fascism poses an existential threat to the world establishment, while the labor movements can be easily suppressed with increased handouts, high grade marijuana, sex, and media. Fascism has no chance of doing anything besides burning out the last resistance that native fighting men can offer before their replacement and reprogramming.

>> No.12026560

at the start of it, there'll be liquidations, as people will rush to buy stuff before real market can adjust itself, or rather dust settles. But, once crisis is "confirmed" best people can do is play dead and hope they don't get fucked too hard.

>> No.12026570

I could really use a hit of hopium concerning my LTC bags. It's the same thing as BTC, but without the bcash drama. That's gotta count for something, right?

>> No.12026628

yeah, he doesn't sounds like a quant that majored in econ, math and CS
he's really persuasive

>> No.12026641

Post proof of your degrees you lying faggot.

>> No.12026653

How will the rich rush to profit off the poor?

>> No.12027204


Post proof and timestamp or LARP.

>> No.12027903

OP plz respond

>> No.12028657


>> No.12028676

A quant doesn't appeal to emotion. Shitty larp desu.

>> No.12028900

he is right and you are wrong and retarded sorry kiddo

>> No.12029455

A quant wouldn't try to establish his own authority. He would just give the rational opinion.

>> No.12029538

Op, do you think holding some physical metals in addition is a meme?
I fucking hate apocalyptic goldbugs...

>> No.12029655

Hi OP.
I'm a worthless pathetic neet.
I'm balding.
I'm 30 years old.
I'm a lonely faggot.
And I also did a 100x in this year alone.
And let me tell you this one thing.
This shit is dropping to 1800 and there is nothing you can do about it.
Also I called this drop at 18k so go kys.

>> No.12029720

how did you 100x

>> No.12029821

eth ponzis>holo>link(lmao) for bithumb pump>xrp>qnt

>> No.12030439

You’re young and you haven’t read enough history. Anyway, I didn’t say anything on the effectiveness of these various strategies. Appeals to the population, “strength in numbers”, etc. occur before and during crises.

>> No.12030787
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oh look another person predicting the end of everything and the doom of our system, WOW!

>> No.12030864

Yeah it seems pretty obvious. Read this OP: http://wdwreview.org/desks/china-crypto-currency-and-the-world-order/

>> No.12031141

>They just don’t trust “magic internet money”.
but they will; it's just going to be a generational change and not a 1-2 year change like many of you hope for.
the beauty of all of this, is it's trustless when done right.