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12020223 No.12020223 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly do people mean when they say the student loan bubble will pop? Does that mean no one will have to pay back their loans?

>> No.12020241

the goberment will have to do reform allowing people to file bankruptcy on student loans. or the goberment erases debt with executive order potus would do this. or the goberment buys up all the loans in the form of a bailout to the american people as it should b/c right now they are allowing sallie mae and these fucking colleges to ass rape the american people. the fucking democrats allowed this to happen.

>> No.12020259

Oh nice, so is it wise to just pay as little as possible in the hopes of a bailout?

>> No.12020454

well i've just been defering mine i got 3 months left. fuck eet. when they ask me to pay i'll tell them i simply can't due to life, they can't do shit. the monthly payment is astronomical, and i never graduated. fuckem.

>> No.12020556


>> No.12021060

i think they will start putting people automatically into income based repayment. i think trumps new plan is 12.5% of your monthly income and forgiven after 15 years.

>> No.12021090

what a robbery. The state of America right now...

>> No.12021100
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>automatic income based repayment
people will unironically riot
if the pussyass frenchies riot over a fuel tax, imagine the implications of forced repayment..

>> No.12021102

>people are being forced to sign bad loans
the absolute state of millenials

>> No.12021119

What if you're a neet with no income? I only make money off crypto trades.

>> No.12021120

>they can't do shit
debtor's prison. have fun with that

>> No.12021182

>forced 12.5% Monthly income
>Forced $250 a month on Obama Care
>forced Auto Insurance monthly
>$750 rent in shitty apartment

How do they expect people to live when 70% of their paychecks go towards just staying out of jail/on the streets?

>> No.12021184

i might have explained it wrong. trump wants to simplify all the loan technical shit so he wants to put everyone into a better plan. you’re automatically in the standard plan, but the income based one is better for poorfags so he wants everyone in that automatically?
currently the income based is 10% and forgiven after 20 years. might be changed to 12.5% and forgiven after 15 years.

>> No.12021204
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>the goberment buys up all the loans in the form of a bailout to the american people as it should b/c right now they are allowing sallie mae and these fucking colleges to ass rape the american people

>> No.12021215

Everybody and everything around them was encouraging them to go to college because not only was it going to be "the best years of your life", you were an absolute fuck-up if you didn't go and your parents would kick you out immediately. I knew many many people older than me in this position. they made poor decisions during college because they didn't want to be there, didn't know what they were doing there, and their parents were absolute garbage-tier boomers who didn't teach them shit. thankfully i went for stem but I know people with stem degrees working as essentially janitors.

comfier than anything else he can afford.

>> No.12021225
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Sometimes I feel sympathy for you burgers that have student loans cause I know you were around 18yo on when you made that decision. At that age most people don't have the wisdom and knowledge to realize that it would turn them into slaves.

On the other hand I remember your ancestors stopped Hitler from finishing the job and provided a safe haven for the kikes that now control all your institutions and your lives and now this kikery has infected Europe too. Unlike us, you at least you have your guns. You could literally gather a few hundred-thousands rednecks from some small towns and fix your country in 1 week. Too bad the jews know how to fuck you just hard enough to be uncomfortable, but not too hard to lead to a revolt.

>> No.12021234

they expect you to be a slave and lose yourself in fantasy lands or alcohol every weekend

>> No.12021253

If I wanted to move to Scotland with a Mechanical Engineering degree and 3 years experience what would be the smartest way

>> No.12021282

Demented retard living in his shithole feeling bad for Americans lmao.

>> No.12021286
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You'd have to ask some scottish fag, fren. I have no idea how Scotland works.

>> No.12021293
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>> No.12021338

>go to financial crime prison
>get to play tennis, swim, watch movies, read etc..all day long
>everything paid with taxpayer money

best thing that could ever happen to a broke nigga fampai

>> No.12021357

Yeah that actually doesn't sound too bad. I have a feeling many of us here will end up there due to unpaid crypto tax so we'd be with frens.

>> No.12021534


The US has the highest prison population in the world, we want you working for a private prison

>> No.12021582

Gov can make money off this by forced removal of arms and legs of debtors and opening high-class restaurants where elites enjoy dishes cooked to perfection. Unfortunately the gov is not in the business of exchanging iron grips for profit.

>> No.12021751

>What exactly do people mean when they say the student loan bubble will pop?

They're talking out of their ass. You need an asset class, like real estate, or beanie babies, or tulips, to have a bubble. But the media promotes this bad thinking and applies the "bubble" label to everything, as clickbait for borderline illiterates.

The outstanding debt won't lower tuition costs, and that's what will keep the costs hight, even if the Fed erases the debt (won't happen). The colleges overspent and hired more staff than they can afford, and rebuilt their campuses, so they're not going to lower costs any time soon.

What I see is companies sponsoring loans, for the fields they need. They pretty much do it now, with support for MBAs.

So, when a kid is 17, they'll be working to qualify for a Microsoft grant, which will pay most of the tuition fees, and then they'll have to work for MS for 10 years to pay it off.

It;s a win-win across the board for everyone, except the students. The companies get guaranteed workforces who are in debt to them, the colleges stay fat, happy and drunk on tuition fees, the banks make money running the programs, and the politicians get nice big campaign contributions from the colleges and banks.

Not pay back student loans? LOL. Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense talk. Nobody is walking away from that income stream. They MIGHT set up special programs to settle for a percentage of the debt, but most of it will be paid back, even if it takes 50 years for each debtor.

>> No.12021757

but do they have conjugal visits

>> No.12021781

>what is the precariate, alex?

>> No.12021853

>something/someone else is always responsible, not me

>> No.12021871

>he thinks he'll go to the same prison as henry hill or jordan belfort
top fucking kek

>> No.12021896

>You need an asset class
they were sold a worthless asset, brainlet - a college education. the definition of a bubble.
the rest of your post, i didn't read, because it is irrelevant

>> No.12021980

College turned into reverse retirement, where instead of working early in your life and building wealth to retire you take a 4 year vacation and destroy your wealth so you have to work late in life.

>> No.12022083

The student loan "bubble" is a misnomer, student loans are backed by the federal government. The real bubble is higher education. Without federal loans constantly being given to gullible zoomers to spend on worthless degrees, higher education would immediately crash and be forced to cut all the non-essential stuff like gender studies.

>> No.12022109

No, retard. An education is not an asset.

You didn't read the rest? Liar. You read it, and sperged out because you're ignorant and it doesn't fit in your adorable little NEET echo chamber.

>> No.12022195

This. Colleges went on a monet drunk spending spree for years. Part of my job during the boom was working for a company who was looking to get in on the action, and it's astounding the money colleges poured into their campuses - dorms that are nicer than most apartment buildings, "gourmet" food plazas, new classrooms that are fully decked out in A/V stuff, wifi networks, amazing gyms and stadiums - podunk colleges in the midwest now have shiny, attractive, extensive campuses that are small cities in the middle of farm country and midwest suburbs. And, they employ a ton of people to clean, maintain, and make food for the kiddies. I won't even get into the salaries and pensions they are now saddled with. Used to be colleges survived from smaller tuition and donations and grants from alumni, they changed the game and managed to get politicians to federally back student loans, made them easy to get, and now have a guaranteed income stream, because a bachelor's is now the equivalent of a high school diploma - you NEED one to get a decent job now.

The college boards will fight tooth and nail to keep the wealth flowing, which is why nothing serious has been done about college loans and tuition costs. NOTHING. And won't, for quite a while. Too much money is flowing in and out of colleges.

If you have outstanding student loans, good luck getting out of paying them. There's too many people depending on your money, for them to just walk away from it.

I'm so fucking glad I got through college before this shit happened. I paid for a bachelor's on my own dime, working while in school. It took longer than 4 years, but I got out without owing. Would I have gone into 50k worth of debt for what I got? Fuck no. But if I were 18 right now, I'd have no choice, if I want to live even slightly well.

>> No.12022201

The asset is the student's brain, and it has clearly been overvalued for decades. Speculative bubble

>> No.12022324

Try to sell the student's brain as a tradable asset, you fucking neckbeard. You're wrong, get the fuck over it, shut the fuck up.

>> No.12022325

Knocked it out of the park with this one. Signaling values of college credentials is going nowhere until Griggs v. Duke Power is overturned.

Like >>12022109 pointed out, the education is not the asset portion of the college education.

Again, the education itself does not matter 90% of the time. Only the college name stamped on the diploma and the frats/sororities people join.

>> No.12022368

>4 years college
>2 degrees
>no loans

>> No.12022383

>no loans
How'd you swing that? Claim a bunch of scholarships by identifying as a transgender black lesbian?

>> No.12022491

A bachelor's, outside of STEM, now only provide what a high school diploma used to. College degrees are supposed to teach you how to think, not train you in specific skillsets, but that's changed now, too. Now they're just overpriced certs, for the most part.

The experience is there, if you want it, and put some effort in. I had a great college experience. But a lot of people don't, because they sit in their dorm rooms and play video games and wait for the experience to come to them.

But, yeah, a bachelor's outside of STEM is pretty much meaningless now. It's just a cert to get an entry level job somewhere. Hopefully. I used to wonder why people would cheat in college, until I realized the stuff they were cheating on were subjects they'd never need in life, ever. Like humanities. There are entire degree programs, like "women studies", that you can cheat your entire way through, and be just as "qualified" as people that tried.

I'd like to tell kids not to bother, but if you want a decent living, a bachelor's is a checkmark you have to be able to check off, to get past HR now. Unless you're trying to fast track to CEO or in politics, I don't see the point to 50k in debt, when you can get it for less, at a state school, especially if you drop the 4 years and out mentality and take as much time as you need. (nobody gets out in 4 years, anyway, grad check always fucks you up, and you know they do that on purpose to get another semester or year out of you)

>> No.12022549

>a bachelor's is a checkmark you have to be able to check off, to get past HR now
It’s getting worse, if you can believe it.
I have an old friend with a bachelors in an engy discipline and he’s, well, not terribly pleased with his future job growth/prospects. I got pretty fucking lucky myself.
Mark my words, degree inflation is approaching the point where you’ll need a graduate degree as a minimum.

>> No.12022552


>> No.12022627

I can believe it. Two more years of tuition for the schools, more loans, less training the company has to do.

I remember talking to my dad, his generation would get hired into companies with a high school diploma, and train them with valuable skills, and expect the worker to stay there his whole career.

To me, it sounds like fantasy. Never seen that, never will. You're expected to be fully trained the minute you show up. But colleges really don't train, as much as teach by rote and test for memory, not critical thinking.

We're all fucked.

>> No.12022772

If your parents couldn't afford to send you to school they should not have had you. I thank the Socialist government of the USA letting me use my dads GI bill and my work has free college programs I take advantage of.

That said this is why I am bullish on Bitcoin. The world isnt even that bad if you actually travel. Get a free education take as much debt as you can convert to BTC in a few years and just leave. If you got a useful degree you can easily find a job abroad.

>> No.12022952

Such is life in the US unfortunately. Don't listen when one of us mutts starts harking about how great the US is , and how cucked the EU is. Anyone who has lived in both places knows the US is a smelly heap of shit.

>> No.12023028

>pretends to be American
>uses the word "harking"

>> No.12023061

I hope so. I got 360k in student loans from getting a psychology PhD... The job pays really well, but god damn.

>> No.12023081

Google HECS debt, Australia has been doing this forever and everyone seems to love it.

>> No.12023172

Pay as little as possible. Make sure you sign up for income based repayment (IBR).
Sign up for IBR, you will get loan forgiveness after x years and the payment is based on your income (if its zero you pay nothing).
IBR is only a percentage on income above 2.5x the poverty line. So you got to earn a lot to even begin paying.
Its not slavery, its free money. Plus we pay way less in taxes than Eurocucks.

>> No.12023276

it's reasonable enough in theory. more money than would expect to be recouped wouldn't be loaned out, keeping fees in line with earning expectations. if you expect a goy to earn 30k, and his repayments cap at 10%, you aren't going to loan him 300. the problem as we can see with the housing is delusions of disposable income

>> No.12023293

Wrong, read a book faggot.

In 1976 Article 11 of the ICCPR – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – came into effect stating, "No one shall be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfill a contractual obligation."

>> No.12023420

A government is an institution you govern

>> No.12023478
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>it's reasonable in theory
Actually, it's been working, in reality, for quite some time now.
>the problem with HECS is as we see with housing, the delusion of disposable income
I have no idea what you're trying to say here, though I would like to understand.

>> No.12023657

What gets traded is the student loan that gets bundled up and sold just like mortgages. They are banking on you not being a retard and making that money back somehow. Fucking retard.

>> No.12023691

Yep, totally not a bubble. Kill (((yourself)))