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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12014478 No.12014478 [Reply] [Original]

>he's not in yet

>> No.12014496

Shit's about to get real and /biz/ is about to miss a moonrocket that doesn't care for bears.

4e 6a 67 33 4e 44 63 30 4e 7a 41 33 4d 7a 4e 42 4d 6b 59 79 52 6a 59 35 4e 7a 41 32 4e 6a 63 7a 4d 6b 55 32 4f 54 5a 47 4d 6b 59 32 4f 54 63 77 4e 6a 59 33 4d 7a 4a 47 4e 54 45 32 52 44 55 79 4e 7a 51 32 4f 54 55 31 4e 7a 6b 33 4e 6a 4d 78 4e 7a 4d 30 4e 54 55 31 4e 6a 6b 31 51 54 59 30 4e 45 49 32 52 44 55 77 4d 7a 63 32 4e 7a 55 33 4e 7a 59 30 4e 6a 52 43 4e 44 55 33 4e 54 56 42 4e 7a 49 7a 4e 6a 59 32 4e 45 51 7a 4f 54 51 31 4e 45 4d 30 4d 6a 59 31 4e 7a 41 32 4d 6a 55 31 4e 44 67 31 4d 44 59 30 4e 54 51 30 51 54 52 45 4e 6b 59 3d

>> No.12014508

>posts random green and red bars

>> No.12014512

>cup and meme

>> No.12014514

>doesn't solve the riddle
>stays a poorfag

>> No.12014520

Already did ducky <3

>> No.12014541
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>> No.12014591


Hint plz

>> No.12014596

It's another base encode.

>> No.12014650

The answer is 0x shit coins.
Muh JUST team.

>> No.12014656

See you on the 20th ;-)

>> No.12014667

>not being smart enough to make it to the mp3 in under 2 minutes

>> No.12014673

How did you solve it, sorry for being brainlet

>> No.12014688

Where are you stuck?

>> No.12014717

Tried converting the hexstring to ascii, base64, base32 and cant figure out what to do next.

So the base64 is a mp3 datastream?

>> No.12014731

What. No. You decode the string with base16, base64 and then base16 again and move on from there.

>> No.12014746

Lol you stole my idea, just remind Justo ;)

>> No.12014762

>stole my idea
Uh. Ok. Whoever you are and what your idea was.

>> No.12014766

You know who I am, but it's nice to see you still deny it
(Hint: Begins with an N and ends with an E)

>> No.12014779

still no clue what you're on about but whatever

>> No.12014794

Okay, whatever you say! Ask Justo where he got the idea from. I really don't mind though - just some sweet irony given you've taken to calling me a cloner :)

>> No.12014806

Oh thanks, found it :)

Not sure about buying thou

>> No.12014813

Thing is, and you won't believe it because you're norsefire, Justo had nothing to do with this. At all. But whatever. Feel self entitled to having an idea that probably hundred other people had already. It's nothing new but no one did it.
>inb4 you assemble a team and fuck everyone over because you rush the start

>> No.12014844

I really can't tell whether you're bluffing. It's a "Team Just" product and I'm supposed to believe Justo has nothing to do with it? Enough said?

>> No.12014845

>be norse
>try to make a name for yourself clone after clone
>fail every single time
>exitscam everyone you ever knew
>blame the police
>hide in asia
>do meth to pass time
>stalk TJ like an overly attached ex side thot
>still not taken seriously by anyone

living the dream i see

>> No.12014850

>Team Just always has to do everything in unison
>It's impossible for them to split into divisions and work on multiple projects in parallel
Uh. Are you ok man?

>> No.12014864

Look man, I proposed this exact idea to the P3D discord when Justo was around, and Justo said it was a great idea. I know you took it from him, and I don't mind! It was a good idea after all. And you can't point to his rebuttal of what I've said here as evidence otherwise. As we both know, Justo has a poor record with... well, the truth ;)

>> No.12014865

>400 ETH volume

>> No.12014901

>I know you took it from him
But that's wrong. And like I said you won't believe me so I couldn't care less.

>> No.12014927

I really don't care either. Really. But it would be nice if you and the rest of your team engaged with me for a change. You have no idea how tiring it is to be continually ignored when your project is being used, intentionally or not.

Fact is Justo knew I had the idea before you. That's all I'm saying! And yet no credit, not even a nod towards my direction. To think y'all used to be regulars in EthPhoenix and I thought there was a chemistry...

>> No.12014936

Wen Pansies 3X on my 20 0x coins?
15 days on.

>> No.12014957

The fuck are you guys going on about?
The fucks going on?

>> No.12014966

...really dude? You're like an overly attached ex girlfriend that desperately wants back in.

>> No.12014980

Okay man, that's real mature! It's not like I'm asking for much... just want Justo to acknowledge his hypocrisy, and maybe consider that if I'm a scammer and he's copying my ideas... what does that make him?

>> No.12014999
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Finally. The man. The myth. The legend. Speaking to the pleb3deezy folk as always. They don't deserve your attention, fren.

So... humbly elaborate for us mere mortals, how exactly didst thou join up with this riddle-idea of yours? what was going through thy mind while thinking about literally coming up with a.... a... R I D D L E?!

>> No.12015006

Um, what?
I'm not claiming ownership of the riddle. Read my posts...

>> No.12015008

dude you literally became briefly relevant from an autist's server that waited for shadowpowh's release to copy the code and you "helped" patch it up, then of course proceeded to fuck it and everything else you were involved in up.

that's your peak in your online meme career, to copy something, exit scam everyone and then stalk the projects you copied from.

great ideas m9

>> No.12015035

Again. Justo had nothing to do with it. The entire whitepaper that's coming was conceived and written by me. You will continue shitting about how Justo knows about this and whatnot and how you've been cucked out of acknowledgement.
But I have not talked to him about this before it was finished. So I don't get what your point is. Last time we gave you acknowledgement you pissed it all away anyway because "lel p3d is ded gais, the little project that tried amirite".

>> No.12015088

Solve BBadBeef

>> No.12015102

So I am supposed to believe that, even though you were active virtually 24/7 on that server, you never saw my messages about it (which were numerous), or Justo's acknowledgement? There's an honesty problem here, see?

>> No.12015103

Well believe it or not, even though I might've been there 24/7 I don't read all messages. You're not special, get over yourself.

>> No.12015120

Rip being a tired Aussie doesn't help solving any of this.

>> No.12015142

The 7 Stages of Grieving - Stage 5: Anger

so close muh boi

>> No.12015168

You posted every second, it was basically your life dude! Anyhow, I really don't care. I know Justo saw it and would have said something to you if he had integrity. Anyway... on to better things

>> No.12015185

What exactly was you're idea they stole?

>> No.12015190

>can't comprehend that someone shitposting constantly might still not have seen it
It's okeh. You guys tried to crash our project more than once and I honestly don't even wanna share the same discord with your anymore.
Remember how Randall or Techno reported us to the SEC lmfao MUH REFLINKS

>> No.12015199

I have some degree of courtesy so I won't spoil it yet, I know how it feels to be backstabbed. But it is going to be released soon.

>> No.12015231


wow someone solved the riddle, congrats champ

>> No.12015240

Lol, we never tried to crash your project, what are you talking about? That was Justo (again) when he lied multiple times about our project, and falsely labelled us as scammers. I really don't have a problem with the other members of Justo's team :)

>> No.12015251

Oh ok so that SEC report that was posted by either Randall or Techno, I can't remember, and which you boasted about on your discord was Justo. Got it.

>> No.12015272

I never reported anyone, I couldn't control their actions. But if you don't think what you are/were doing is a Ponzi, why are you so afraid? Masternodes were always a problem, you know this.

>> No.12015337

Afraid? Haha. Ok. Nice. I don't care about burgerrules my dude. And P3D is not more a ponzi than any other cryptocurrency. I'm actually waiting for someone to knock on my door with a warrant so I can go to court and get crypto knocked the fuck out.

>> No.12015359
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dont even joke ive seen this habben

>> No.12015373

It's a shame because we could have worked together. Oh well. What's done is done...

>> No.12015382


Also expect a visit in the comming weeks, travek arrangements have been made, ladi dadi

>> No.12015461

continue with plump?

>> No.12016489

plump eet

>> No.12016503

Nice volume, faggot

>> No.12016587

>ant volume

>> No.12016616

stop your bullshit stupid fucking games, what token is this