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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12012883 No.12012883 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12012886

healthy correction

>> No.12012889
File: 32 KB, 841x846, bch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trade against BTC for hard mode.

>> No.12012901 [DELETED] 

This fucking sucks, dudes. shit

>> No.12012914

It will bounce, but may drop to the double digits before it does though. I'm staying the fuck out after getting burnt.

>> No.12013025

/biz/ has been saying abc was worthless trash for weeks.unironically correct for once

>> No.12013034


>> No.12013050

BCHSV is the real bcash

>> No.12013077

Bchsv is the real bitcoin

>> No.12013082
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divide and conquer

>pic unrelated

>> No.12013193
File: 434 KB, 600x943, ffrfabc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a coin formed (rightfully) by the 20% of users who were pissed off at BTC, that then forked away from that (from greed) with only 20% of users who were pissed off at BCH. $140 is generous, it should be closer to $20.

SV has more support than BAB, and is fundamentally a better coin than BTC. ABC is going to get flipped so hard when coinbase opens trade, and SV is going to take on some of the BTC hashpower and will take the #1 spot.

>> No.12013267

cringe delusions

>> No.12013276

i call that death by a thousand cuts. i sold at .0366 having bought at .044 and .040
>although i beef in the future of BCH, market is like a wave, it just hits me in the head,

>> No.12013283

sounds like you sold your SV and are going to some reddit r/btc circlejerk to help you sleep at night

>> No.12013293

If you dont like it...


>> No.12013332


I sold my SV, that shit is gonna be worthless.

Do you really think a scam artist like Craig Wright will lead you to financial freedom? Wake the fuck up.

Watch his latest presentation where he speaks for like 30 minutes without saying anything at all. Pathetic.

>> No.12013338

you dun goofed

>> No.12013379

> listening to new ideas with IQ<foot size
>these ideas mean nothing!

Maybe if you had a brain you would understand what he was saying

>> No.12013388





All these faggy arse quotes came from the fraudster Craig Wright.

Only a moron would trust their money to such as this. Do yourself a favour and sell your bags while you still can.

>> No.12013431

there was no bitcoin split, BABcoin changed into a different shitcoin when SV was going in for the kill. so its more of running like a bitch than a proper bitcoin split using the bitcoin protocol.

Bitmain just reported 3q losses of $740m, lol.

just you wait 2 years.

what is this nonsense of me holding bags? you are the BAB fag, losing money like a motherfucker. i still have both forks and will soon be selling my BAB bags for more SV, because i am not a retard like you are.

>> No.12013449


Bitcoin (BCH) is still Bitcoin CASH, your faggy mislabeling is retarded and quite literally a futile endeavor.

>> No.12013451 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 2048x519, 6D50AC62-69B6-4FED-89AA-1ADFE4B1AA4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The delusion is thinking this hasn’t already started

>> No.12013460

my SV is pure Bitcoin, just read the whitepaper.

>> No.12013463


What is your argument? Artificially keeping the difficulty too high and thus mining at a loss means something other than retardation?

>> No.12013469


SV is garbage, you fucking organised shillers aren't going to make money out of poor /biz/tards.

Just stop it already.

>> No.12013487

i will make an equally valid argument as you just did: yes the SV supporters will make money from it.

>> No.12013492

how convenient to throw out all the evidence i provided you and appeal to feels, fag.

>> No.12013509

>Yes I believe CSW is Satoshi
>No, I don't have any proof and it doesn't matter if he tried to fraudulently pass himself off as Satoshi with bogus key signings, because I FEEL that he's actually playing 4D chess!
how ironic that you SV cultist retards accuse other people of appealing to feels

>> No.12013521

the dude literally claims to be satoshi nakamura with false evidence
this shit is worse and more obvious than kanyecoin

>> No.12013532

when did i say CSW is satoshi? I just said his coin is closer to the bitcoin whitepaper.

i have proof that he was correct that BAB is fucked and is bitcoin anymore, going bankrupt, and being obsolete in 2 years.

>> No.12013538

>when did i say CSW is satoshi?
It's a common line among SV pajeet shills.

I'm 99% sure you've said it in other threads. Be gone.

>> No.12013580
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Just a healthy correction before the December bull run.

>> No.12013598

>telling BCHshills to read the whitepaper
Oh the irony. How the joke has truly gone full circle.

>> No.12013601

He is Satoshi according to Ian Grigg

>> No.12013608

The entire point of cryptocurrency (and cryptography in general) is that I don't have to trust Ian Grigg's word on something and that Satoshi can verify his identity using the mechanisms he built into the Bitcoin protocol.

>> No.12013623

And another point is that he doesn't have to prove it because some bloke from Kazakhstan who's not worn pants is several years wants him to

>> No.12013633

>"h-he's satoshi, just trust me guys"
>"he doesn't have to prove anything to you asshole!"
lmao cool mental gymnastics bro

>> No.12013662

I couldn't give a shit if he is satoshi it doesn't change my investments. You're the one who's asking/using it as your whole basis of argument against SV because you Can't argue against the theory behind it because you're thick.

Alot of people who are closer to it and more intelligent then us have verified it. Do some critical thinking about the future of Bitcoin then make an investment decision. Think about ideas, not people or your better off reading Hello! Magazine not critiquing crypto.

>> No.12013670

> you Can't argue against the theory behind it because you're thick.
>Alot of people who are closer to it and more intelligent then us have verified it.
hahahahah the absolute lack of self awareness and projection

>> No.12013677

Craig is a fraudster.
Fuck him.

>> No.12013685

Again focussing on a person. I bet you're up to date on what flavour onions the kardis drink

>> No.12013684

>trusting 'intelligent people' to tell you what is real
fucking lol

>> No.12013704
File: 1.18 MB, 2778x1521, 1543225880083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop focusing on people
>btw based craig is Satoshi because $EXPERT said so! He's so chad and alpha and is going to dump all his Bitcoin on all the corecucks! Now let me dump my images from my 4 GB CSW folder to prove how much I don't care about personalities! If you don't like it that's just stiff XD
>Nevermind that the SV shitcoin doesn't even work properly and has an aneurysm during their stress tests.
the irony of SV cultists telling me not to focus on personalities and pay attention to the technology is hilarious.

>> No.12013820

>claims other person has loads of CSW pics
>posts SV related pic to prove a point that show big blocks getting mined

Retard alert

>> No.12013834

>>posts SV related pic to prove a point that show big blocks getting mined


oh man

>> No.12013945

You are 99% sure this anon is another anon who has said this? Fucking can't help but blatantly show how retarded the statistics are that support your level of cofidence in your abilities or embelish on your language in an effort to influence opinion. Who's really the shill you projecting brainlet?

>> No.12013949

>being this mad that your faggotry was called out
nice samefagging though

>> No.12013956
File: 233 KB, 1280x1080, 1543099832310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you own 1000 BCH

>> No.12013957

>embellish on your language
BTW, learn proper grammar before you try to shill Ranjeesh. "Embellish on your language" is literally nonsensical.


>> No.12013971

Wrong, bitcoin isnt an identity system

>> No.12013985
File: 50 KB, 500x558, 1543601090289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunt, i am a fresh ausfag watching you get btfo and either you're too stupid you don't even realise you are or you're getting paid for (you)s.
I hope you're buying SV if it's the latter because you realise the desperation of your losing team. I hope you get totally fucking rekt if it's the former you arrogant ignorant lmao npc.

>> No.12013986

Uh, when you're claiming to have control of certain wallets (such as the satoshi wallets), it absolutely is an identity system because the owner of that wallet can sign something with the private key of that address.

>the absolute state of crypto when "investors" don't even understand public key cryptography

>> No.12013998

>I am a fresh ausfag
I'm sure you are. That's why the other guy stopped posting, right? Samefagging loser.

>> No.12014007

just buy eth if you like the concept. why bother with weird eth clones?

>> No.12014010

Fuck of shill. Go and do some research instead of masturbating to internet arguments

>> No.12014011

>the absolute state of crypto when "investors" don't even understand public key cryptography
implying that the people on biz being completely illiterate is anything new

>> No.12014012


>> No.12014042
File: 11 KB, 588x169, 1534386262584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12014046

Must be a shitty VPN to give you the same IP when you switch numb nuts

>> No.12014052

Never hold shitcoins

>> No.12014053

same fucking faggot

>> No.12014068

Because a VPN service always gives you the same IP address when changing location/IP

>> No.12014073

Nobody said anything about VPNs, just that you are samefagging. You've showed your hand and basically admitted to samefagging but bringing up VPNs

>> No.12014192

>asians fork bitcoin for a year long pump and dump shitcoin
>constant shill threads about the fork flipping bitcoin
>their fork gets forked into another pump and dump shitcoin
>the fork's fork actually flips the fork

Its poetic justice really.