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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12008999 No.12008999 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey got absolutely btfod and manhandled here at 0:55


Is this the chad you are worshipping. Give me steve ellis !

>> No.12009027

Checked. Good learning experience for him I'm sure. 99% of the people on this board would have cried right there. He still gave his entire presentation.

>> No.12009028

haha, what kind of drug is that audience guy on?

>> No.12009039

That man was mean to Sergey, we must crush him.

>> No.12009050

He didnt cry but he stood there quiet. If he's gonna dress like steve jobs then he better also manhandle people like steve jobs

>> No.12009060

>wearing a white undershirt under a white dress shirt

Just sold 100k

>> No.12009063

This is what happens when autists hyper focus their autistic energy on a project. I feel bad for any dev involved in chainlink.

>> No.12009071

Yea because vitaliks looks also prevented ETH to go parabolic

>> No.12009074


>> No.12009084

nah, I think coke or speed

>> No.12009090

Yeah, eth sure is pumping, in Australia

>> No.12009100

Regardless, take that video + op's picture = at least 50dB laugh. Is it Anon?

>> No.12009104
File: 1.11 MB, 1944x2592, 1509818523150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like sergey has had experience dealing with autists for a while now

>> No.12009109

watching at 0.5x speed full-screen
trippy shit

>> No.12009144

>a YouTube from 2014

You need to come with better FUD than that, you cocksucker

>> No.12009148

serious question. What has he and the team been doing since then, its almost 4 years now. For me it seems like they started programming last year, and just in january they started programming in the go language

>> No.12009161
File: 136 KB, 363x296, 2B304ED5-C7A3-4896-8DA9-2685E9D3A9CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why was he so mean to sergey what did sergey ever do to him

>> No.12009220

No way
Did he actually agree to have his picture taken while holding a card that says /biz?
This has to be fake

>> No.12009234

Serious answer. Business development

Notice the projects with only code are dead in the water. While chainlink, when the full network code isnt even released, is becoming known as industry standard. Its the work behind the scenes.

Literally hundreds of teams. Waiting

>> No.12009235

He has unironically learned a lot since then. In the group talk with the other oracle cucks he was positively chadly

>> No.12009268

I am sorry you missed the pump from 0.30$ to fucking 1400$

>> No.12009318

Fuck are you talking about?

Dude sperged out like a fagwad who watched too many 80s yuppie movies, and Sergey calmly shrugged it off.

>> No.12009320

that guy made a complete fool of himself what a fucking dunce. did he not learn manners?
>55 seconds into a 1 hour talk
fucking loser.

>> No.12009342

also Sergey said "largest DECENTRALIZED exchange" not simple "largest exchange". fucking really boils my blood that people do this shit. It's happened to me before when the person wasn't fucking listening and they interrupt

>> No.12009347
File: 59 KB, 515x821, 8CB4B508-A685-440B-86FE-726356BFBCA5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could tell that was some asperger’s ridden Gook’s voice lmao

>> No.12009357

It better be the godamn largest since it was the first. He was right stop using pointless buzzwords and come straight.

>> No.12009477

>it was the first
not true. do ur research

>> No.12009506


Was Sergey bullshitting? Or was the guy a hyper autist who saw it wrong?

>> No.12009534

Yeah...gonna need some cliff notes

>> No.12009586
File: 676 KB, 680x1152, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that autist probably kill himself because he probably didn't cash out in jan

>> No.12009631

What the fuck was Sergey even saying?

The dude did so in an obnoxious, retarded way, but it sounds like Sergey was straight up bullshitting or just spouting some rhetoric in zombie mode. So much of this space is vaporware bullshit, the asshole calling him out just completely lost his shit.

>> No.12009650
File: 644 KB, 1500x805, 1543160185500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will he literally exit scam?

>> No.12009653

This. The phrasing of the question was almost as cringe as the question itself
Like who the fuck let that guy in? It was a presentation, not a twitter page for some lost and confused low IQ wigger to spam ebonics at. I'm surprised he didn't clap between each word.

>> No.12009654

He didn't stutter or argue, he didn't seem to take the comments personally. The heckler eventually got the hard numbers after asking a real question around minute 5 also. Interesting video, thanks OP.

>> No.12009748
File: 33 KB, 310x394, dr sage and mr hide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a vid from 2014 that has nothing to do with chainlink
>still somehow thinks his thread won't die or get saged
>OP confirmed from triple retarded and mega gay

>> No.12010506

NXT king shitcoin LINK next king shitcoin

>> No.12010507

At least Vitalik is an extremely autistic individual with a mind capable of insane abstraction and actually capable of coding.

Sergey is just a fat philosophy major.

>> No.12010583

LMAO. what a strange video

>> No.12010618


>> No.12010630



>> No.12010631
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>> No.12010657

Lmfao, it was probably that cnbc host

>> No.12010732

fuck these new fags not checking gets.

Also this video is pretty great. Im really getting a better insight on the project as a whole now. I cant believe sergey has been thinking about smartcontracts since 2k14

>> No.12010778
File: 91 KB, 200x185, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how Chainlink ends boys.

You were warned.

>> No.12010813

Lol he doesn't even know what /biz/ is

He probably just did anything to make the autist go away as quick as possible

>> No.12011132
File: 1.05 MB, 876x966, sergeyrage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing to do with chainlink