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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.34 MB, 2157x816, rally 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12000836 No.12000836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12000845

Ask a sardine in a can

>> No.12000849
File: 280 KB, 1600x800, lava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like chewing 5 jews

>> No.12000900


>> No.12001249



>> No.12001261


Probably stank of urine because there is zero chance they had adequate toilet facilities for all those people.

>> No.12001263

it still happens in China and NK

>> No.12001277

Like a dream

>> No.12001289
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also, what do they eat? i don't see enough farms in the surrounding area to supply the people with food

>> No.12001347

It's crazy to think this was only 70-80 years ago. I can't imagine current whites giving enough of a fuck about anything to do something remotely resembling this.

>> No.12001375
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gay parade

>> No.12001402


Conquering armies of that size move from one area to the next, and generally devour/pillage anything in their way.

>> No.12001407


Not quite the same when people just went home to smoke weed and get aids afterwards.

>> No.12001411

>implying they had a choice in attending or not

>> No.12001428

most fought until the end
the communists jews killed millions in the bolshevik revolution and holodomor

>> No.12001449


I doubt many were there at gunpoint, it's not out of the ordinary in military tradition and they'd seen another world war just 20 years before.

>> No.12001501
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These videos provide some idea of the feels:

https://e.coka.la/ZRlZqy.mp4 (Old couple sings Erika)
https://d.coka.la/BpLHdE.webm (HitlerJugend marsch)
https://d.coka.la/XZnX0g.mp4 (SA marschiert durch Deutsches Land)
https://d.coka.la/UFzlBA.webm (Ein Heller und ein Batzen)
https://d.coka.la/veMksw.webm (Es pfeift von allen Dächern)
https://d.coka.la/Y4Sg0h.webm (Goody Goody)
https://d.coka.la/mmQQzd.webm (Vorwärts Vorwärts)
https://d.coka.la/FAXOY.webm (Lisa Lisa)
https://d.coka.la/M66y0z.webm (Leonore)
https://d.coka.la/U6EK8l.webm (Westerwald)
https://d.coka.la/9E1Gi6.webm (Lore Lore)
https://d.coka.la/B9Q7Ns.webm (Lola)
https://d.coka.la/0IGsHU.mp4 (Deutsches Mädel)
https://d.coka.la/mawmw7.webm (Graf Zeppelin Marsch)
https://d.coka.la/QsArGA.mp4 (RWDSE song)
https://d.coka.la/juhFlb.webm (various)

>> No.12001514

Give it another 15 years and you'll find out for yourself.

>> No.12001527

Like bags of sand

>> No.12001544

to a NEET like you that is so desperately searching for a father figure or acceptance among peers.. the fantasy is a lot better than the reality

you are exactly the type of little grill to start crying on your first day of bootcamp and when the wehrmacht drafted your ass and took away your nintendo DS you would have been faking medical problems just to get out of it and unironically found yourself in line for the gas chamber


>> No.12001552
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>bamboo skee poles

just like the NIGGERS they are!

>> No.12001619


>> No.12001623

You’re a legit fool bro. No joke

>> No.12001625

What if they had had crypto?

>> No.12001653
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>being this retarded

>> No.12001657
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actually the way they did it in the old day was to set up supply lines from the path the army had moved. they leave small forces behind to gather supplies from surrounding areas and force farmers to create food for them + provide shelter for the caravans to/from the army up ahead. simply devouring/pillaging just doesn't cut it, constant supply lines were necessary.

>> No.12001682
File: 3.34 MB, 307x233, girlcopter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you wonder where Nazi Germany would have been today if they had just kept to themselves and not waged war

>> No.12001741

Thanks got any more?

>> No.12001745
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>Germans at their peak
>not organizing efficiently enough to provide lavatories

>> No.12001766

>really makes you wonder where Nazi Germany would have been today if they had just kept to themselves and not waged war

The war was inevitable. If not the Nazies it would have been France, UK and Soviets.

>> No.12001806
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>https://d.coka.la/QsArGA.mp4 (RWDSE song)
those lyrics, lulz. nice

maybe they could have remained neutral? no point overthinking it

>> No.12001812

salty milk and coins/fish

>> No.12001813

i keep reading on 4chan that i should watch The Greatest Story Never Told...should i? i tried on youtube but it's banned in my country apparently

>> No.12001826

just imagine the smell

>> No.12001849

ask a french in 2 months

>> No.12001850
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it's alright, the jew bonfire is half a kilometer behind the camera and the wind is blowing in the opposite direction

>> No.12001864

It's not an army you dumb fucks, just some NSDAP event. It even says "rally" in the filename

>> No.12001865

>its a /pol/ack pretends nazi germany wasnt an authoritarian regime episode

My grandma was an actual nazi and police came to her house and spoke to her father because she missed hit hitlerjugend one time. This meme on 4chan that nazi germany's authoritarianism is over exaggerated is so cringey. You believe everything you read on /pol/

Kill yourself larpers

>> No.12001904
File: 1.00 MB, 182x319, fox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend, don't take life so seriously. i was clearly joking in >>12001289

>> No.12001996

Like having one single bollock

>> No.12002004

>Muh Grandma
Right. You faggots can never come up with something more than a useless anecdote

>> No.12002034

>Everything is a conspiracy theory

Lmao the state of /pol/ cucks in the year 2018. At this point you are worse than modern communists in the way you try to reinterpret history

Throw yourself off a cliff kid

>> No.12002073

Like losers, remember they lost and so did their ideas. Just saying it how it is

>> No.12002078

That thing looks rabid.

>> No.12002096
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>If not the Nazies it would have been France, UK and Soviets.

>> No.12002105

My grandpa was an actual 30 year old boomer on /biz/ and an NPC replied to his post and tried to convince him to kill himself because he dared to asked for more than an anecdote about the nazis one time. This meme on 4chan that NPC's brainwashing is over exaggerated is so cringey. You believe everything you read on CNN.

>> No.12002117

>I have no argument

>> No.12002118

Yeah because right now we have such a bright future ahead of us.
Implying germany was bad because muh war,
they started their own banks and their own money. Thats the reason this whole thing started. money that didnt go to the jew bank.

>> No.12002340

What was the nazi economy plan? I hear a lot about corporatism as part of fascism but it's hard to get a clear picture since they were at war or preparing for war almost entirely for their existence. What would a post war fascist economy look like?

>> No.12002399
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>> No.12002404

>reading comprehension
Deine Oma war bestimmt eine Klasse Frau, aber ihr Enkel ist leider mental eingschränkt.

>> No.12002412
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>> No.12002422
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You are literally full of shit. The hitlerjugend was something like the boy-scouts today, and police didn't enforce attendence... can you imagine if they had to go door to door for every kid who skipped a meeting.

I'm not even natsoc, i'm just so fucking tired of all the libshit lies. It's so tiresome.

>> No.12002431
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>> No.12002452
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>> No.12002477


>> No.12002481

CSW is based af

>> No.12002486
File: 61 KB, 960x666, 1543124330041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine if you are in first line and want to go to the toilet.

>> No.12002489

oh yes, i forgot 13 year old american skinny fat incels know more about the inner dynamics of ww2 germany than my grand mother who actually grew up in ww2 germany and lost both of her brothers in shitlers pointless chimpout

my mistake kid

>> No.12002526


they did a roll call before the ceremony began, my grandma was the one that called out all the names

>> No.12002565


He made 42 peace proposals, all rejected by warmongering Churchill. Rudolf Hess even flew to england as a last-ditch effort to esthablish peace, but churchill got wind of it and threw him into prison.

Here's his entire restored and subtitled speech.


>> No.12002633

All you had was an anecdote about your grandma that for all anyone knows you're making up.

>> No.12002650

>painting cariactures and calling someone "kid" because you know you're just parroting a belief that has been instilled in you since childhood and that your "knowledge" of the subject - even if you are correct - is coincidental, just like the guys who see a Youtube video saying Holocaust don't real and accept it without any further consideration.
You're retarded, but the worst part is that you don't even know you're retarded.

>> No.12002662

those hips

>> No.12002697

>grandma tells me a story about her experience as a child growing up in ww2 germany
>its all just a big over exagarated lie and im an idiot for believing my grandma over 13 year old half brown untermensch from america who learned everything they know about ww2 from shit posts on 4chans political board

throw yourself off a cliff autist

>> No.12002780


Sorry, but your grandmas tales are probably just her imagination. Absolutely no credibility at all.

>> No.12002804
File: 36 KB, 552x313, 1543473517650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at it...
not a single shitskin in sight...
we need to go back and try again...

>> No.12002825

the economy plan was to build up debts, print money and pay it back with other countries gold/money/ressources.

they also had pretty good engineers and military sectors, although most of them engineers had been pressured too much that they ended up building prototypes which were useless.

>> No.12002830

for that to happen you would have to persuade Germany to not greenlight Hungary-Austria to do whatever the fuck they wanted pre-ww1

>> No.12002837

sad but true lol

>> No.12002849
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>> No.12002859

Wtf, what is he, 15?

Is that thing real?

>> No.12002871

There are a lot of >40 year-olds here, but probably not many >80 year-old Germans. You're not going to get a true answer.

>> No.12002885


i’m nearly finished watching this speech. without commenting on the material, i would have appreciated being shown this when i learned about ww2 in high school

>> No.12002963

The last paragraph alone is complete bullshit. There were quite a few attemps to kill Hitler. Stauffenberg to name one.