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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12000910 No.12000910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

biz pls help

tomorrow, the cleaning lady who is my step dad's step sister is coming over to clean the house. im 20 and shes about 35-40. how can i fuck her? shes kind of flirty, but i blow her off. last time i woke up while she was here and she said in a seductive voice "oh, did i wake you? im so sorry". it sounded like the beginning of a fucking porn movie. my dick gets hard as fuck when i think about her. how can i seduce her without being too obvious? if it was some random lady i would just ask her if she wants to fuck but i gotta play it smooth

>> No.12000961

Show her your link balance

>> No.12001014
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>> No.12001022

Get out of bed, walk past her to close the door while grazing her lightly and gauging her reaction. If she’s responsive and holds gaze she’s game.

>> No.12001025

be confident and stare into her eyes long enough
that's all it takes, really

>> No.12001029

this is going to be a long and awkward ramp up of you sexually harassing her

>> No.12001071

y-you too

>> No.12001091

post pics

>> No.12001126
File: 102 KB, 500x610, autistic-pepe-do-i-have-to-say-any-more-19839812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this, kek

>> No.12001286

I never posted advice only as a joke, I'll say this once, your little sex fantasy is a fantasy, unless u would like a rap charge, you will do nothing, she is a family member and she will see you as a child no matter what u do, do nothing, in fact show some respect and get out of the house before she arrives, so u don't look like a spoilt little shit who sleeps and she works, everyone is fucking with you, u have a chance? you don't, go out side and find a girl friend, try tinder if you can't talk to females in real life. Do not do anything or I'll read about you on the news. You little fucking psycho.

>> No.12001316

Please keep us updated


>> No.12001424

Be naked and either in bed or in a bathrobe. Be absolutely non-chalant about it and let her get a peek or two of the goods. If nervous, exercise beforehand. Play it cool. If she freaks, pass it off as if she’s being weird and it’s not big deal. Literally any response other than outright negativity means she’s dtf. Good luck, dont fuck it up, and keep us updated.

>> No.12001447

If you’re not a facelet you should be able to just ask her if she wants to fuck

>> No.12001529

not related to this situation but i was driving home from work to get fuel earlier today and thought about the time a random milf school teacher walked up to me on a footy trip when i was 17 and said "you've got beautiful eyes". then when i got into the fuel station the qt clerk commented on my eyes. these are the only 2 times i can remember a random womyn saying this and it's years apart. what the fuck does this mean?

>> No.12001554

Post eyes

>> No.12001565


Say: “looking good today lady”... and then just walk away.

>> No.12001582

Do as Harvey Weinstein; whip out your pinky sized phallus and start masturbating furiously.

Tell her you've been picturing her and masturbating ever since you set eyes on her. Also drop a $20 tip afterwards.

>> No.12001638
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Based film

>> No.12001647

Unironically this.

>> No.12001652

This is /biz/ talk about LINK or gtfo. Good day, sir.

>> No.12001669
File: 35 KB, 220x211, F9E3D381-10DF-4584-A6AD-C6943E8716BE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a cap of the original?

>> No.12001687

Do you want gold?

>> No.12001722

show her how justed you are and she'll give you a pity fuck no doubt

>> No.12001749
File: 36 KB, 313x500, fartQuest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with just telling her that you find her attractive and asking her if she wants to come over some day to eat lunch and watch some netflix?

>> No.12002035

heh, still got it