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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11996347 No.11996347 [Reply] [Original]

>once you make it you can focus on hobbies and life they said
>once you make it life becomes easy they said
>once you make it all your worries go away they said
>once you make it you can work on yourself they said

What s bunch of fucking lies. I used to have a great career in the trades and enjoyed working with my hands it was a fulfilling life. Then I came across this board a few years ago and discovered ethereum at $4. Took a big risk and it ended up paying off and now I'll never have to work again. I won't even begin to say how much I made as you'll just call me a lying larp and I don't fucking care that isn't the point of this post.

>bear season comes and I end up losing more money than I could ever think of by not selling the top of btc
>begin to become extremely depressed and end up masturbating 3-4 times a night before bed
>don't want to make my sheets wet so I cum on my stomach
>take a shower every few days when the cum ends up becoming a dry hardened crust
>always tired, losing motivation to live, don't feel useful to society, feel guilty for making all this money I never had to work for

You name it the list goes on. I fucking hate my life. Neets will tell you lies that not having a job and millions in the bank is the life but I'm here to tell you otherwise. It's a fucking lie. You need to have a purpose in life or you won't be able to enjoy it trust me im living proof of this. I thought I might have a chance to be able to lose my virginity after I had all this money but it's made me even more miserable than before. You guys fucking told me that once you madeit everything in life would be easy. Fuck all of your bullshit lies and leading this board astray.

>> No.11996382
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Well, what you want us to say? We know there are billionaires who are jealous of other billionaires like regular people are could be jealous of their regular neighbors and they have anxiety of losing the fortune and especially managing the fortune. You need the correct mind set in any circumstance and if you're prone to depression/anxiety that's how it will be. Might want try therapy or medications then or whatever :9

>> No.11996393
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just buy a bunch of xanax off the deep web to timeskip until realistic VR comes out

>> No.11996448

Boo fucking hoo
Shut the fuck up and find your own purpose in life, nigger. Start by travelling the world, beta faggot

>> No.11996463

Post proof that you've made it larper

>> No.11996464

Like you said, you have to find a purpose. Whether it be art, science, entertainment, martial arts, etc.
Give something back to society.
Bukowski once said, "Find what you love and let it kill you."

>> No.11996482

Send me the money, get a job, and you'll have your purpose back

>> No.11996485

If I /makeit/ I will dedicate my life to organic weed growing. I love growing weed with organic ways, like composting my own scraps and using natural fertilizers like neem seed and kelp meal. I love organic growing, I hope to make some super frosty nuggers

>> No.11996499

This is what happens when NPCs aren’t having their time directed by someone else. They panic and begin to self destruct instead of using the opportunity to improve every facet of themselves. What a miserable existence.

>> No.11996500 [DELETED] 

fucking pity how you it's illegal to work if you made it
just get a job you fuck

>> No.11996512

This pasta still garners a lot of replies huh
Way 2 go anon

>> No.11996514


Nice pasta, it's really triggering everytime i read it

>> No.11996526


Read Kierkegaard. His whole shtick was people will eventually have life too easy and won't have any problems, so most of his writing is introducing you to the horrible unsolvable problems of human existence. Want struggle? You've got it!

Why not go back to work in the trades? Look at Mr Money Mustache. He has more money than he could ever need and does handman stuff for fun.

It's easy to forget life is utterly meaningless when you're in a fulfilling job. Congrats on OP, you've leveled up and now have to wrestle with existence as it really is.

>> No.11997569
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I kind of agree. I cashed out enough money in January to be a neet for years. Now I live in an apartment with myself, browsing 4chan, and never really see other people.

I've been having imaginary arguments with people (real people) and then imagining them attack or threaten me and I beat them senseless and choke and stab them.
Then I end up being a fugitive and then have a police standoff and either end up in jail or killed. I always imagine myself explaining
to the therapists how there was no way to avoid the kill and the other person would have done the same to me if I let them. I say "Just let me be alone and
unwatched and none of this would ever happen. If I could just be alone and have some space where no one can see me or get to me, I won't bother anyone else
and we never have to have this happen again." They then tell me I need to change my behavior and I explain that that change always involves deferring to others over
things that they would never defer to me for and no one will ever respect me. Then I imagine myself being a drifter and trying to find people to have sex with while also
avoiding being seen or known too much.
Sometimes I will do this out loud and throw punches and put an imaginary person in a choke hold.

I might say "Don't EVER fucking step up to me or put your hands on me like that again! Or I will KILL you!" Then I imagine someone saying "Why don't you do
it now then, tough guy? What's stopping you then?" Then I go "Alright, here goes." Then I start attacking people, all in my imagination.

>> No.11997635

Go to upwork, hire some devs to build you useeless crap, and make yourself happi about creating something new, and helping others on the procces.

>> No.11997690

Haha bet you'd never get a reservation in Dorsia

>> No.11997739

I can testify that being a neet with no money, looking for a job and living in his moms basement isnt ideal either.

>> No.11998140

Paul Allen has reservations for dorsia.

>> No.11998652

>oi vey, goyim
>being wealthy doesn't make you happy
>look at me, (((fellow workers)))
>now be sure to tell Mr. Shekelberg how much you enjoy working in your wage cage!

>> No.11998680

People from India came up with that idea.

>> No.11998723

Why dont you do it then, tough guy?

>> No.11998734

nice, I'm a big fan of knives

>> No.11998792

Go back to your tradie life op people like you are not meant to make it.

>> No.11998804

then find yourself a purpose brainlet. Having all that $ means you can still live comfy if that fails. Poorfags dont have that option

>> No.11999037

Or go back to work :3

>> No.11999247

You fell for the slave morality meme. Read evola

>> No.11999404

get a load of this nigger

>> No.11999423
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