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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 196 KB, 700x700, 2016_rcm_5_superman_silver_bullion_coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11990675 No.11990675 [Reply] [Original]

Astounding Trader's Positions in Silver
>The latest silver COT chart is the most bullish we have seen in the 15 years the site has been in existence. Until the past 2 weeks we *never* saw the Commercials net long silver, yet last week they added to long positions to the extent that they are now significant.
>If you think that the silver COT chart is surprising, try the latest silver Hedgers chart, where we see that big Commercial Hedgers now have their most bullish positions ever during the life of this chart, which goes back about 24 years.

Gold-To-Silver Ratio Spikes To Highest Level In 27 Years
>The gold-silver ratio has been one of the most reliable technical 'buy' indicators for silver, whenever the ratio climbs above 80. The gold-to-silver ratio has now spiked above 85, which is the highest level of this entire 18-year bull market! Amazingly, the ratio is currently higher than it was at the depths of the 2008-09 financial crisis.

Silver Mining is in Rapid Decline
>In the second quarter of 2017, silver production plunged by 27% among the top four global silver miners (Hecla, Endeavor Silver, Silver Standard, and First Majestic). They’re facing labor disputes, cost-cutting measures, and poorer ore quality, all of which are impacting their ability to produce.
>All of this is happening while silver demand is increasing. Silver is already widely used and now there’s also burgeoning demand from solar power thanks to the metal’s reflectivity and high electrical and thermal conductivity. It’s an essential part of photovoltaic cells and as renewable energy sources see more investment, demand on silver increases as well.

>> No.11990679
File: 1.20 MB, 2833x4249, singer-taylor-swift-arrives-at-the-2018-american-music-news-photo-1048355220-1539123932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing Amount Of Leverage In The Silver Market
>When we add up all the global silver investment demand last year, it adds up to a measly $4.4 billion. Looking over the market in the past six years, the total $32 billion of silver investment from 2011 to 2016 is nothing when we compare it to the staggering amount of Central Bank asset purchases. Central Banks purchased $7 trillion (that was made public, could be higher) from 2011 to 2016. If the Central Banks purchased $1 trillion in just the first foru months of 2017 versus the $7 trillion from 2011-2016, something seriously wrong must be going on in the markets. If we just took $100 billion of that $7 trillion and placed it in silver, it would have quadrupled the amount of global silver investment from $32 billion to $132 during that 2011-2016 time period. A quadrupling of silver investment demand, would have pushed the price of silver, WAY ABOVE the peak $50 price. By the Central Banks propping up the STOCK, BOND and REAL ESTATE markets, the value of silver (or gold) is being severely depressed.
>According to the data put out by the 2017 World Silver Survey, total paper trading silver volume on the world’s exchanges was 159,000 Moz, or 159 billion oz in 2016. Thus, the exchanges traded 180 times more paper silver in 2016 than the global mine supply of 886 Moz. By multiplying the 159 billion ounces of paper silver traded in 2016 by the average spot price of $17.14, we arrive at a staggering $2.27 trillion of notional paper silver traded versus $4.4 billion actual silver investment. Thus, the paper notional silver trading ratio to physical silver investment was a whopping 517 to 1… double the 233/1 for gold.

>> No.11990687

I have a few of those superman coins. They all have milkspots.

>> No.11990805

With the FED raising interest rates, aren't we going into a deflationary period? Seems pretty stupid to be holding PMs now.

>> No.11990974

You can't lose with real momeyband real savings. Doesn't matter whether you have inflation or deflation.

>> No.11991068


>> No.11991086

Wen moon OP

My bags are heavy as shit

>> No.11991092

well with real money you can't lose in a deflation but with assets like metals you sure can.

>> No.11991225

How can I buy silver man?

>> No.11991277

>Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says
Fuck Off Cunt! You're going to jinx it!

>> No.11991295

Leafs cun on their queen

>> No.11991368
File: 32 KB, 480x454, 0771 - D3ghOGd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 50 oz troy enough to make it ?

>> No.11991869


>> No.11991897
File: 153 KB, 1024x615, article-2431165-183CEC0600000578-260_1024x615_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Silver
> Moon mission


>> No.11992066

I love collecting silver. But I don't buy it expecting it to go to the moon. If it does 10x the price at some point, that would be unexpected and crazy and nice for me, but most likely event for silver to show its true value would be massive devaluation of fiat currency. When hyperinflation or market collapse happens, expect silver to be a prime bargaining chip, a substitute for nearly worthless fiat and therefore retaining incredible value. An ounce of silver might buy a week's groceries for a family when fiat might not be even accepted at all. An ounce might buy you a nice chunk of someone's skilled labor or a couple of days' worth of manual labor on a project. If things get really bad, I'd expect that gold, silver, firearms/ammo, and nonperishable food/water might be the only easily portable and readily accepted exchange medium.

>> No.11992135

Define real money?

>> No.11992166

Dollar value of silver means nothing. Silver doesn't fucking "moon" like Amazon stock or your shitcoins.

Silver is for the reset and that's when you will fucking make it even with just 2-300 ounces of silver

>> No.11992184

Real money is a store of value... and has intrinsic value... weight and measure.

Gold is money and dollars are money.

100 years ago a good weekly salary was 20$. 20$ equaled 1oz of gold.

Today that 20$ you earned in 1918 doesn't even buy you lunch for two at Taco Bell today but that gold ounce converted to fiat at a coin shop will give you $1,200.... which lo and behold is still a good weekly salary.

So gold held up perfectly as real money while the fraud debt instrument dollar got obiliterated.