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11989003 No.11989003 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11989010

Externally aware end-to-end trustless smart contracts with off-chain computation capabilities come online for the first time in history next year.
So I would say crypto is dead forever.

>> No.11989013

No one knows for sure, and if they did they wouldn't tell us. I don't think cryptocurrency will ever go away entirely, genie's out of the bottle on that one. But I can't guarantee it will be worth much.

>> No.11989014
File: 71 KB, 500x625, IMG_20180508_111629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a crypto winter it seems.

>> No.11989022

As long as Central Banks exist, Crypto will be more valuable than you can imagine

>> No.11989029
File: 57 KB, 416x431, Alan_Keyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the Tulip craze is over. All that's left now is to extract fees from the last idiots hodling.

>> No.11989035

Very likely dead forever. Retards who point to past market cycles are bagholders who don't realize this time it's unironically different. The normie train came and went, long term supports have been broken, and so on.

>> No.11989146

This. The last run up was special because normies were finally getting in. Normies arent ever doing that shit again.

>> No.11989151

People will never line up to buy magical money-tree acorns again after getting burnt once.
All that's left of crypto is gatherings to net desperate retards into ponzi schemes that go nowhere.

>> No.11989153

I think it's dead for the time being. Maybe in ten years another hype train occurs for whatever odd reason

>> No.11989159
File: 61 KB, 1412x646, OH NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this is how long crashes take

>> No.11989163

This thread is full of retards who bought high and sold low. They are the normies.

>> No.11989176

It has a few sprinklings of dumbasses who are going to cling to the railings as the ship slides to the bottom, is what.

>> No.11989212

>thinking normies learn ever
The Jew baghodlers will keep pumping them over and over just like they do in every market. You just gotta wait until their fickle minds forget and start believing the scam again and then you ride the coat tails.

>> No.11989216

crypto is a meme

no one really makes it or gets rich from it

>> No.11989231
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>> No.11989240

i have no crypto but have been watching for a long time this is how it cycles. when the media stops giving a shit about it you'll see a huge increase again at some point then media will talk about it again and youll get a huge boom.

>> No.11989549
File: 109 KB, 969x486, d3WwjMW0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See the picture.

147 days of bull = that lead to 630 days of bear

> 630/147 = 4.2857142857142857142857142857143


850 days of bull = 3642 days of bear

> because 850*4.2857142857142857142857142857143 = 3642.8571428571428571428571428569

3642 days is nearly 10 years (9 years and 357 days).

>> No.11989588

It's all just bullshit. These guys desperately want to pump this shit so they don't lose big.

>> No.11989597

god you guys are so retarded

>> No.11989606

i would die if i could get her preggers

>> No.11989612

>itt people who got into crypto in 2017 and dont remember mt goy

>> No.11989614

Just because you don't want something to be, doesn't mean it's bullshit. Learn to accept reality.