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11986875 No.11986875 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11986890

Why? I'm happy. It means more savings so I can retire comfy.

>> No.11987045


>> No.11987170

just stop then lol

I've been a NEET for 3 weeks now and it feels amazing. I have money saved up to last a few months, and I have a few ideas to make money other than wagecucking. If none of them work I will an hero

will never wagecuck again though feels amazing

>> No.11987254

Same anon, only that i've been a NEET for almost 2 years now. Fuck the normalfag life so hard.

>> No.11987263

Get a tattoo on your face to ensure you can never wagecuck again

>> No.11987268

>Tfw quitting
>Tfw it’s the start of my third week

Feels good

>> No.11987274

pls share your ideas

>> No.11987289
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>pic = your future

>> No.11987302

begging, sucking dick for money, pickpocketing the elderly on the metro, scamming people online

all of those are more dignified than being employed in some "regular job"

>> No.11987325
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Nothing wrong with being a NEET, as long as you pay for it yourself.
If you steal from me through the government, then fuck you!

>> No.11987332

Currently working a cloud developer job. They don't really know what to do with me so I just make POCs and reference docs.

Planning to quit in Jan. Then I will get a job as a night security officer, making approximately 33% of my current rate. My friend who works there says he uses a laptop to browse and watch movies all night. My plan is to use it to progress my business schemes, which are finally blossoming. Still not profitable but as long as my rent is paid I can tend to them.

Anybody ever quit a "good" job to work a near minimum wage job? How bad could it really be if you are allowed to watch netflix?

>> No.11987346

He should be in an orange jumpsuit

>> No.11987357
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>not stealing from a government that steals from you.
>letting patriotism cloud your business decisions

>> No.11987359

just dont show up then

>> No.11987379
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Take that back!

>> No.11987483
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>tfw have been working at same corporate salarycuck job for almost 4 years now
>at first it was going well but for the past year every day just feels like a struggle
>stay up late because my dumb mind rationalizes it as the only time I have to myself and I want to take advantage of it
>go to bed between 12 - 3 AM
>wake up at 6
>get to work at 7
>chug coffee all day
>started smoking and then switched to vaping(doesn't leave an unpleasant odor on your clothes/hands/hair and more efficient nicotine delivery method)
>spend most of my day just trying not to talk to anyone and do my work while listening to music and podcasts
>this usually doesn't work very well because have meetings daily and people always come to my desk asking for shit
>constant office politics and bullshit "emergencies" that aren't really emergencies they're just emergencies because a dumb thought popped into some executives head
>by 4:00 PM I am ready to fucking jet out the door
>go fishing after work to take my mind off things
>go home and play vidya or watch tv dreading having to go back the next day
>go to sleep
>wake up at 6 AM 4-6 hours later
>try to think of ways I can call in sick but realize I have no excuse and just go in and put up with it again
>haven't taken a sick day in over a year

It's really starting to wear on me guys. I think about applying for new jobs but I realize it's just going to be the same shit at a different company. I at least have a few friends here I occasionally go get drinks with. I've basically resided myself to just going no fucks given mode. I basically just turn myself off when I'm there. I used to stay late but now I don't really care enough to do so. Some days I will get home and just crash and go to sleep at 6 or 7 PM. I feel like I don't enjoy anything in my life anymore.

>> No.11987515
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Sorry cat but you best back da fuck down before I cap yo ass

>> No.11987620

you only live once
figure out a way to quit
for me it includes moving to a cheap area, getting a night security gig.this way i can read, browse internet etc instead of worrying about bullshit office tasks.

the only way you can make it is starting a business which wageslaving wont fix anyway, working in a cube wears you out to where it is almost impossible to work on side hustles imo

>> No.11988439
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I know that feel. The problem is your team or the company you work at. I ended up quitting my job and being a NEET for almost a year.

It was a surreal experience, but you get weird looks being a young man walking into department stores in the middle of the day when everybody's working. People also ask you what do you for a living, etc. It's hard to justify your situation either way when you're out "enjoying life" when clearly everybody else is at work. I was looking into starting my own business, being an entrepreneur, but with no prior experience this was a tall order to ask. I also looked into freelancing.

It came to a point where I wanted to work, it's weird typing this out but I wanted to go through the daily commute. Currently I'm working a comfy job (much better than my previous company) so I don't mind getting up early, commuting, and such. Looking back, I really should've quit my previous job much earlier instead of sticking around thinking things will get better. Every morning I get up, I am thankful for everything that I have and that I am.

>> No.11988610

Yeah. I kind of figure I can just coast until retirement vests in about a year. In the meantime trying to figure out something else I can do. I figure if they lay me off it would be nice because then I'd get unemployment for a little bit and possibly some kind of severance.

I have a decent amount of money saved up when you combine my retirement/savings/investments. Enough that I could easily live for a year at my current standard of living for probably a couple of years without working.

I feel like it would be foolish to quit without a better opportunity lined up. There's also the possibility that the problem isn't really the job but it's me. Everyone else seems to manage this fine. Hell they even have more responsibilities than I do. Wives, kids, mortgages. Seems like that amount of responsibility and working a bullshit job would drive someone crazy but they seem well adjusted. Why is it that I can't handle this.

Idk, maybe I need to see a therapist.

>> No.11988650
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damn same as me
i started a patreon for making adult games in my spare time a few months ago which pulls in a bit of extra money but it's like working a second job
i just want to have enough money so i can live in peace doing my own hobbies without the wagecuckery

>> No.11988661

The other anons are right. You aren't happy, change that. You'll never change your situation while you are still in it.

>> No.11988672

i like work :)

>> No.11988684

>Enough that I could easily live for a year at my current standard of living for probably a couple of years without working.

Lol I fucked this sentence up. What I'm saying is I have about $100k in savings total.

Thanks for posting this anon. I worry about how I would answer the "why did you leave your previous position" question if I just quit and stopped working for a while.

How did you get around that?

Also, it's not even that necessarily dislike my team or even my department. They are not bad people. You work with people for this long you get to know them. I've been to weddings, I've made friends I will probably keep in touch with to some degree for years to come, I've had people open up to me and I've opened up to some people. I would miss some of them if I quit. Hell even my direct boss is a really nice person who is relatively flexible with me.

I'm not too big a fan of the guy running our department. He's one of those people who fancies himself an "ideas guy" and really pushes self help books and TED talks. This in turn causes that shit to get pushed out through the department and idk I really can't stand that kind of stuff.

It's hard to explain. I like a lot of the people but I feel like I just don't fit in. I feel bad for feeling this way because I feel like I'm just letting them down.

Idk if any of that makes sense. I guess this is why I think the problem is me and that maybe I just need to change my attitude but I don't even know where to begin with that.

>> No.11988710

>wake up
>sedentary work in office from 8:30 to 4:30
>go home
>have dinner random time after 6
>masturbate to gay furry porn
no-one can stop me

>> No.11988748

Eating through your savings will set you back years financially, only do it if you have to. Remember this is about survival.
IMO you need to work to get into a better mental state, so try to do that while keeping the most of your savings intact.
Look for other jobs, a change in scenery can do you some good, take some mental health days as sick days.
Consider traveling for a few weeks, visiting interesting places can help you get back into a good mindset.

>> No.11988786
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I just think you either need a break or find a new opportunity. Even when I was a NEET, I was still programming and debugging stuff. I simply found a job that did these things so I happen to get paid. I would use your gut-feeling when it comes to these kinds of decisions though, it's a big decision. I would balance passion against pragmatism and see how you can achieve the most bang for your buck, if that makes sense. Also I took somewhat of a break from my career and went back to school for an advanced degree, so hopefully this helps you think outside the box. Looking back, I probably wouldn't have done it like that but that's a separate discussion.

>> No.11988836

>Eating through your savings will set you back years financially

Yeah I know, that's why I wouldn't do it. I'm just saying if I had to I could.

I also think you're right about the mental health part. Honestly I think I've probably had some kind of depression since high school but haven't really reached the point where I acknowledged it until recently. The only reason I acknowledge it now is because I am at a point where the effects actually impact me.

For example on Friday I had to provide some information for a weekly meeting. This was something that someone else was supposed to do but then the task was sprung on me last minute. I tried to provide the data but I fucked it up while trying to do it quickly and it got called out in the meeting in a room of 40 something people. It wasn't even an important meeting. It's a weekly meeting we have every Friday. The information I was providing wasn't even really important just one of those "it would be nice if we could have this" things. Nobody even really seemed to care, but for whatever reason this really got to me.

I left right after the meeting and went into the bathroom, grabbed a stall, and I cried. I felt so ashamed for this. Even after I got that out of my system I realized people could probably tell I was upset and it just embarrassed me more. It was some kind of breakdown and I didn't know how to handle it. This really scared me because it's never really happened before. I've made worse mistakes at work before and handled them without feeling like this, so I don't know why this got to me so much.

>> No.11988932

I wanna go back to work tomorrow.

>> No.11988952
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>the task was sprung on me last minute. I tried to provide the data but I fucked it up while trying to do it quickly and it got called out in the meeting in a room of 40 something people

It's reasonable to be frustrated when people are calling you out for shit you can't control, when you're doing the best you can under the circumstances, it ain't fair to you. That unfairness happening to you makes it worse, but I find the only way to get past it is to think about how none of it really matters. I think you recognize that already but taking a moment to put it all into perspective, I like to think about things like there are hundreds of millions, billions of other people with problems, some worse, some better, wonder what they're doing in their life, thinking about far away locations and how it would feel to just not have any problems and just be in that place away from all your problems here. Then I think about the size of the universe and how there is so much more things out there, uncountable amount of galaxies and incomprehensible sizes all having existed for billions of years, and how human lives are all really just a speck in it all (pic related). Putting that all into perspective makes all the problems I face sort of pointless and easier to deal with.

Maybe depression is a part of it, and for that I'm kind of in the same boat, I know getting more sun, excerising, eating better, cleaning my apartment, would do a great deal in improving my mood, but I can't bring myself to do it yet. I think it's all up to ourselves to decide when to start making those changes to improve

>> No.11988959

An actual Jewish person made this thread.

>> No.11989318

I hope you don’t regret it. Good luck.

>> No.11989441

>tfw stuck in Monday morning traffic

Just kill me

>> No.11989503

sucking dick. arent you worried about damming your soul?