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11984778 No.11984778 [Reply] [Original]

>that volume

bulls btfo'd once again

>> No.11984790
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volume is low because no one is selling, bearlet

>> No.11984813

capitulation was last week buddy. every single bull has got rekt this year

>> No.11984818

chinese new year happens ever year sirs

>> No.11984822

Noone is buying so instead of a huge crash you can enjoy your delusional slow fall

>> No.11984836


you know what happens after such weak push?

>> No.11984844

that bobo looks cool af

>> No.11984854

everyone is buying, but they're not willing to chase the price until their meme lines "confirm" the bottom is in. all their bids are well below $4k. wait til they realize they're not getting filled and the price inches slowly away from them... know what FOMO looks like?

>> No.11984872

the daily chart is begging for a dump back to $3800

>> No.11984873

In a real bull market nobody gives a shit about the floor. When your market is only full of TA autists and whales it's time to abandon ship. You think the thousands of normies that poured in for the push to 20k gave a shit about meme lines?

>> No.11984898

exactly. they're going to be market buying on coinbase, leaving the TA autists sub-$3.5k bids in the "what should have been" category. remember there's also a market state which is neither bull nor bear. absence of new sellers (ie here) puts us in that state

>> No.11984930

You're deluded. This entire year has been Bitcoin crashing and going sideways for a few weeks only to crash harder. Nothing has changed. We are due for another big drop to sub 4k and most likey sub 3k. There is no new money entering the market and it won't re enter because everyone realizes it's all a speculatory borderline pyramid scheme at this point

>> No.11984950

>There is no new money entering the market
this is the biggest problem with bitcoin yes the moment the buying stops the scaredy cats start dumping because you just can't stop to take a breath in a bullrun that's bearish as fuck no!

>> No.11984963


i hope it goes to 1k I could buy so many cones then. Sub 1k I buy everything forever.
at 2k I buy guaranteed.

>> No.11984990

imagine being this retarded. when pumping the ones taking the initiative are the bulls. when dumping the ones taking the initiative are bears. if volume decreases on a dump it means people arent selling. when it decreases on a pump its because people arent buying.
imagine being this illiterate at trading

>> No.11985034

it wont go sub 1k. it wont even go sub 1.3k. dont be greedy, buy at 2k minimum. im gonna start buying at 2.4k

>> No.11985046

you don't even need new money. novice and old hand money is waiting for sub 3k because they think it is cheap there and are willing to buy. how clever of them, what a pity everyone has the same plan and will get front-run.
people are indeed not buying the pump. right now they don't feel they have to. all their bids are set lower. thing is, when it pumps, sellers won't sell anymore, because the bottom might be in, and they go from bearmode to neutral. and that is what is happening now

>> No.11985058

I heard the same thing about 10k

>> No.11985085

volume is going to continue to go down because alt volume is likely to never recover. all the top alts will continue seeing dying volume as most of the speculative volume will transition over to newer alts as they get released.

>> No.11985091

wow so that must mean BTC is literally going to zero.

being a perma bear is just as retarded as being a perma bull

>> No.11985129

No it's going to go to 20 dollars. It will never reach 1K again. A 'bear' market in crypto from here forward will be a pump from 20 dollar lows to 150 dollars

>> No.11985138

yeah, ok.

>> No.11985143

>20 dollars
bitcoin won't ever see prices that low unless the entire crypto market is gone for good. bitcoin/ethereum will be healthily propped up by people liquidating all of their alts in order to buy long term assets.

>> No.11985158

With this volume that's where we are headed. By buying now you are buying at a price that it will never reach ever again

>> No.11985172
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>> No.11985173

Why wouldn't it? Bitcoin barely has any use case at this point even less than it did at the weight of Tor drug market hype

>> No.11985178

>it will never reach ever
that's bullshit, i'm not saying btc can't visit sub 2k or even lower but saying it will never beat the last ath many times again and again is just retarded fudding.

>> No.11985187

you forget escape vehicle for wealth in localized crisis. btc rallied almost always because of this. when italy goes bankrupt we will see some crazy shit. it would be greece squared.

>> No.11985191

Lol beating a ridiculous retarded ATH of 20k is not possible. You are legit a fucking retard. Most normies are not falling for it anymore. They have short attention spans. They played the game once and aren't playing again

>> No.11985195

>normies have short attention spans
>played once and aren't playing again
pick one, faggot

>> No.11985198

>Lol beating a ridiculous retarded ATH of 20k is not possible.
more like it's coded into the system. the markets bitcoin and the financial system. if btc survives it's 100% guaranteed it will see ever higher prices.

>> No.11985208

It's literally December a historical month for crypto consistently and nothing is happening you are going sideways. I am shorting this shit all the way to 50 dollars and laughing while I do it

>> No.11985217

Lmao 100 percent? This is the level of delusional cryptocucks are operating on holy shit. Seriously believing they can 100 percent predict that anyone will care about Beanie Babies in 10 years

>> No.11985232

pathetic larp from a nocoiner.
what's your pain point where you close your imaginary short?

>> No.11985240

like i said assuming it survives which is not 100%.
btc either dies or sees a new ath.

>> No.11985252

It dies with every other coin on the market. Blockchain is not going to continue to operate as currencies or coins. You got in too late honey

>> No.11985261

well blockchain is fucking useless for anything else.

>> No.11985266

It's useless as a currency so I'm not even sure what you're implying

>> No.11985267

There have been many years where nothing happens this month. Sure its crypto and anything can happen, but overall crypto sentiment is pretty low. When the bobo and bull threads dwindle like they have, its not a good sign things are moving up. If nobody cares, not even bears, you're entering capitulation.

>> No.11985275

if it's useless as currency/speculative asset then it will die. blockchain has no other legit usecase.

>> No.11985288

Its been bleeding for one full year guys its over.

>> No.11985291

> blockchain has no other legit usecase

Only because you brainlet speculators cannot comprehend the other use cases. Face it, you will never get rich off crypto unless you're some sort of developer with actual skills. There are no easy ways to make money, honey. You will be a loser all the way to 0 dollars when the currency experiment fails

>> No.11985297

>if it's useless as currency/speculative asset then it will die.

And clearly it is useless because you're literally losing money right now

>> No.11985306


somecunts up itt are crying out for a right good crack in the knackers

amirite lads?

>> No.11985309

nigga this is your first rodeo? in the past almost decade i have argued with countless horde of faggots that said this was the last it's over now people are aware of the ponzi it reached peak adoption (current adoption rate: 0.053%) and it's over it's going to zero done forget it. i grew tired a hundred times and then i just get this urge to educate you faggots one more time.

>> No.11985316

>Only because you brainlet speculators cannot comprehend the other use cases.
there are no other legit usecases. you can use blockchain for a lot of things but it's inefficient. you can carve a statue with a spoon too. but why?>>11985297

>> No.11985324


In what circumstances do you see the possibility BTC might die off entirely mate?

What would it take to make that happen?

>> No.11985325

that's just like your opinion man. you will see when adoption grows to 1% of the worlds population, that's when you will begin to see the usecase.

>> No.11985335
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>the thousands of normies that poured in for the push to 20k gave a shit about meme lines
You mean the normies that put in $100 in BTC? Give me a break those people don't mean shit.

>> No.11985336

Their transparents networks in case you dont trust server owners.
Like voting and... Thats the main one i can think of.

>> No.11985349


i like this cunt.

tell me mate- what price would you anticipate per coin when we reach 1% global adoption?

>> No.11985362

it's inefficient at building your wealth and it's slow and complicated for normies to understand. It's literally more inefficient than credit cards and dollar bills you delusional retard so no currency is not the valid usecase you're looking for. You are delusional. Go take a course on coding for the next 30 years and maybe you will be half skilled enough to make 20k a year checking the code of the actual money making geniuses for bugs. Sorry, bud, the ones getting rich in this space won't be currency speculators but in fact shorters/coders like me building the platforms that will soon be running your countries electoral processes while the unskilled speculator faggots like you sustain their appetites with semen rations. Might want to start building that resume now. I hear mcdonalds is hiring urinal scrubbers

>> No.11985383

yes the millions of normies across the entire planet sticking a few hundred into the market, you are absolutely correct. The consistent mainstays with a few hundred thousands staked in the market are a drop in the bucket compared to the normal population's conservative bets

>> No.11985385

well if the states around the world would crack down on it in unison, make it outright illegal to transact in it, close all exchanges, etc it would kill it's future. it would maybe remain a black market currency but no chance for mass adoption. the other vulnerable area are the miners. it's almost impossible to hide a bitcoin mining operation from the authorities.

>> No.11985402

crypto as a currency will be illegal before that even happens so its irrelevant

you might as well be seeing the usecase of drug trafficking or child prostitution because bitcoin will be just as illegal

>> No.11985412

voting yeah maybe, i have given a lot of thought about that, how did i forget? not like i can see the world going towards direct democracy or anything.

>> No.11985430

>crypto as a currency will be illegal before that even happens so its irrelevant
again that's just like your opinion man.
it's definitely in the cards. which is why i'm only 10% net into btc. that's what i can afford to lose without it fucking with my life.

>> No.11985475


yeah i suppose that is a semi-feasible scenario, depending on how the market matures.

Crypto has an interesting history, quite like the birth of a region in some regards- from the schisms and conflict over doctrine, to the absent and semi-mythical founder.

In the ancient world, suppression and derision was normally the final stage before the banned cult went mainstream, and was adopted by the empire.

>> No.11985497

btw i had a system figured out how to implement direct democracy on the same foundations crypto currencies work. it has 2 major problems that need handling:
1 issuing of anonymous voting right on the basis of natural eligibility
2 a dampening mechanism to prevent the mob to go full retard when they are shilled some fake news or real happening hard enough. this is basically also related to the tyranny of the majority problem. in serious questions there must be time for public debate and consensus (see brexit for example where the common people thought it a jolly good idea to fuck off from the eu only to realize it may have been a horrible idea a year later).

>> No.11985690
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See you on the other side ny beautiful bobos

>> No.11985723

This has to be larp

>> No.11985747
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>Babies first weekend
This is the definition of newfag