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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11976768 No.11976768 [Reply] [Original]

Here comes HOT

Get in at 12 sats and sell at 17.

You’re welcome

>> No.11976773

Easy money

>> No.11976830

>selling at 17
probably okay in the short term because of all the bagholders up there, but you'll kys if you don't get back in a sat or two lower for the real run-up

>> No.11976853

You have a prediction? A pnd group is talking about it

>> No.11976919


>> No.11976929

In all seriousness, why does holo need a token? You don't need the token to use the network. Why would anyone buy it?

>> No.11976951

I’ve had an order at 12 sats for almost 3 days now...

>> No.11976967
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It's unironically impossible to get in at 12 sats now

I have a small buy order at 12 sats from 1 week ago that hasn't been filled

Only if BTC dumps you can get in at 12

>> No.11976971

Ye No shit, 1,2 billion other buys there. Use the eth pair fucking monkey

>> No.11976983

Probably will do, was just hoping to avoid the fees to swap my btc for eth.
Thanks tho fag

>> No.11977045

What will it pump to? I’m guessing 16

>> No.11977241

i bought now what?

>> No.11977268

Get dumped on

>> No.11977290

What? no please guys this is all i have left.

>> No.11977356

It’s 14 already.

>> No.11977392

If it pumps, its going way higher than 17, the sell walls have been slowly eaten for months now.

>> No.11977470

How high?

>> No.11977524

tfw i got in at 6 sats

>> No.11977554

There is no sell wall above 26 and the walls get smaller pretty quikcly after 13. You tell me.

>> No.11977568
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>> No.11977574

yass please buy my bags losers

>> No.11977701

weak buys at 13 sats, this isn't going anywhere

>> No.11977897
File: 716 KB, 2048x1536, Holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reasons not to buy Holo today:

>wheelchair feminists
>not hiring white males unless they have to
>think rich people are evil
>don't want you to get rich from investing in holo because "it's not about money"
>lead dev and the other guy are both faggots(maybe even together?)
>lead dev was the head of occupy wall street, gave speeches etc there
>lead dev pimped out his 5 year old daugher just to make a point about capitalism or something(taking it a bit too far there mate?)
>the structure of holochain is "feminine", not on purpose though feminine just turned out to be better and more robust according to lead dev
>use fancy buzzwords like "immune system" etc
>literally have to email the department of defense a selfie
>purchases exceeding 1,000,000 HOT require cavity search, including anal speculum
>cost of finger box not included, literally have to bring your own finger box
>you have to personally maintain your own chain(mandatory KYC ofc)
>your chain dies forever if you go offline, all data is lost since there's no global consensus
>HOT token supply is dynamic, can be created out of thin air in order to keep the price stable
>lead dev himself has said $1 is the absolute maximum the HOT token's price will ever be
>the HOT token is not even needed for using the chain
>Whitepaper math still does not work out
>Consensus algo does not exist/work
>They hired a college student (who is now a math phd student) to fix their math, someone with no real world experience with these things who hasn't even proven he's able to get a math masters or phd yet

>> No.11977903

What would you have us buy instead?
You've been shitting up the board with this pasta all week

>> No.11977905

>Arthur Brock hasn't worked a real job in over 20 years and his LinkedIn is filled with failed "companies" he started most of which don't exist
>Multiple other team mates haven't had jobs for years or in some cases have never had a job before this
>Essentially, there is zero expertise or experience on the team (of any kind, let alone for their specific roles) yet they're trying to basically create a new Internet which cuts out corporations and government
>Whitepaper still not even finished, multiple sections are essentially TBD
>Someone needs to vouch for you or you can't even use the chain, you also need to spend arbitrary amount of time in a chat room
>Holo team will have all your personal info and ID (remember you had to send them your KYC) therefore the system is completely centralized
>Once they have all your KYC data, the team can sell it to the highest bidder(sound familiar?)

>> No.11977930

>lead dev himself has said $1 is the absolute maximum the HOT token's price will ever be
oh no, i'll only have $30m

>> No.11977939
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>Meme Job Titles
Surely HOLO will take over the world goys

>> No.11977963

This. What a fucking brainlet

>> No.11977979

Tip of the day: The cost of @H_O_L_O_ Fuel will depend on the number of hosts on the network and the computing power used. With each new user, the value of the ecosystem will grow, which will also increase the value of the coins.

>> No.11978468
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LMAOO LOOL wow top kek on this fud

>> No.11978770

This shit will moon so fucking hard after mainnet just based off speculation alone. These guys have unironically been working on alternative currencies for the last 15 years.

>> No.11978906

>shitting up board
>inside of holo thread

>> No.11979388
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No need to be upset fren it's not too late for you

>> No.11979421
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>You don't need the token to use the network
yeah, I'm sure those hosts would provide free hosting.

In all seriousness do your fucking research and learn the difference between Holochain and Holo.
>pajeet makes a holochain app (doesn't need a token)
>pajeet realizes only him and a few other pajeets can actually use his app
>pajeet would like to make his app more accesible to normies, but how?
>Holo gives pajeet a hosting solution that allows him to give normies access to his app through a normal web browser and he only pays for the computational units
>hurr durr why would anyone use this and why does this need a token

>> No.11979489

why would he not just use AWS for cheaper and more reliable hosting

>> No.11979552

hots set their own price. Unless you can see the future, in which case why are you here mr. billionaire, you don't know if AWS is cheaper. Once free market economics set in you will see what cheap means when you commodify an asset like computational power

>more reliable
hosting provided by one company vs hosting provided by millions of hosts that adjust in real time; wonder which one is more reliable.

>why would anyone use a decentralized and censorship resistant hosting solution

>> No.11980060

100sats i might sell half my holdings. Still believe that this will pull an EOS type of run pre mainnet

>> No.11980085

it doesn't have consensus.
its worthless.

>> No.11980205

The fact that it made IDEX crash on the first day of its introduction was enough to convince anyone. IDK if it's going to work or not but this ticks all the right boxes for normie FOMO. We had two runs in this year already and we are at the bottom of the previous one.

>> No.11980723

Big run coming

>> No.11981314

uwu what was that

>> No.11981346

bullish af

>> No.11981659

What is HOT tokens for anyways? do they only give you centralized holofuel in exchange for them or do you use HOT to purchase those holonode raspberry pi things or t-shirts and memorabilia?

>> No.11981704

"Our government rests upon religion. It is from that source that we derive our reverence for truth and justice, for equality and liberality, and for the rights of mankind. Unless the people believe in these principles they cannot believe in our government. There are only two main theories of government in our world. One rests on righteousness and the other on force. One appeals to reason, and the other appeals to the sword. One is exemplified in the republic, the other is represented by despotism.

The government of a country never gets ahead of the religion of a country. There is no way by which we can substitute the authority of law for the virtue of man. Of course we endeavor to restrain the vicious, and furnish a fair degree of security and protection by legislation and police control, but the real reform which society in these days is seeking will come as a result of our religious convictions, or they will not come at all. Peace, justice, humanity, charity—these cannot be legislated into being. They are the result of divine grace." - Calvin Coolidge (30th president of the United States)

>> No.11982800
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>> No.11983262
File: 1.18 MB, 702x641, CE9EA745-278D-45DD-969B-71DC4F8F9F34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B a s e d

>> No.11983276
