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1197633 No.1197633 [Reply] [Original]

Cold calling thread.

If you can develop this skill successfully you can be constantly employed for life. You can make money by picking up a phone.

Most business people I've met in real life, don't have what it takes. They can recite the memes "it's a numbers game" "go for no!", but when it comes down to it. They can't do it themselves.

People are very scared of rejection. They take it personally. This is a beta attitude and we live in a beta society. Even the people on the phones you'll be cold calling, are mostly timid and can be manipulated easily.

That makes it so easy for the hungry and driven people to dominate in such a society. People see the cold caller as a shark and meany. That's the hollywood perception.

But realistically, you have much better success if you provide value by establishing rapport, asking questions, showing interest, etc rather than reading a script.

So it does take huge amounts of skill to direct the conversations.

Cold calling is the best way to start a business. You can go the lean startup approach, by not even having a business or service to sell in the first place. Merely querying prospects for interest, seeing if there is potential. Then finally you build the product, adapted to the perfect customer needs.

What's your experiences with it?


Any superstars selling health insurance making six figures?

>> No.1197637
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>Cold calling
>Muh survivorship bias

>> No.1197646


>What is sales?

Develop a good sales skillset and learn social skills. Cold calling is small part of it.

>> No.1197648
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I know a super star that sells health insurance he's pretty good in the game and hes making 7 figures

>> No.1197650
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Here's the best PDF I've found that I actually use. It's great for hyping yourself up before a series of calls. Puts you in a good positive mood.

How To Psych Yourself Up To Prospect (21 pages)

>> No.1197652

Anybody who works in sales is a fucking loser

>> No.1197658

Is the "sales is a great career" meme really true? From what I've read it's good at banks (but you may as well be a trader if you work there). But even at respected places "Account Manager" seems like some HR tier thing. You're seriously telling me that so many women are in important roles?

>> No.1197665

If you are good at it an enjoy its one of those things you can make a shit ton of money out of without wasting time getting a degree.
I have a friend who sources large businesses to service their power bills and he makes 5 figure bonuses monthly, never went to collage.

>> No.1197668

Account managers are more like hand holders. They communicate with the clients you already have, and develop relationships. Suitable for women.

Outbound sales however, the act of actually hunting and "killing" it... testosterone needed.

>> No.1197675

>Hi anon.
>What are you looking for in a dildo?
>Well, if you were looking for a dil-
>Are you still there?

>> No.1197730

I did this in college, asking graduates for donations. We had a day long course on how to manipulate the caller, asking them about their college experience, using that to get them to care about expanding programs they enjoyed or needed more of in college. We weren't aloud to give up until they said no three times or hung up. I think if they were rude we were aloud to give up sooner but I tried not to. It's just super awkward asking them again and again after they say no. It's even worse when you forget what to say and just repeat the last pleading thing you said to get them to donate. I kinda hated it. Mostly because I couldn't do it completely stoned like I can most things. It was actually pretty easy if you just disconnect from the social aspect since it's just your job.

Some people would yell and swear at me for interrupting dinner or calling at 8:58 when their kids are in bed. Or they'd bitch that we kept calling and they asked us not to and I'd apologize and mark "do not call" and wonder if other people were actually ignoring it.

Other times it was cool, I'd have conversations with graduates about their current jobs or their college experience. But mostly it was anxiety inducing and I hated it. I quite in two weeks. After reading your post, I'm definitely going to play it up in interviews and just say i quit to focus on classwork. I didn't know it was such a big deal. I would hate to be a telemarketer.

>> No.1198010



>> No.1198052


>> No.1198054


cold calling reeks of desperation. Any business I get these calls from gets blacklisted instantly.

>> No.1198203


This is pua tier bullshit. While i admit networking and creating leads is extremely important. If you psych yourself up youre going to come off spergy instead of calm and confident. Always be wary off people selling the answer.

>> No.1198225

I do six figures with mortgages on phone sales, but I wouldn't say it's cold calling. Cold calling basically means you're dialing out of a phone book. I sell to people who submit info.

>> No.1198321


Cold calling is ok, but my boss was a literal sociopath, so all the advice he gave felt super sketchy. I left for a better paying job.

>> No.1198407

>If you can develop this skill successfully you can be constantly employed for life. You can make money by picking up a phone.
>hungry and driven people to dominate in such a society
>This is a beta attitude and we live in a beta society
>provide value
>adapted to the perfect customer needs
>superstars selling health insurance making six figures

can someone explain this bullshit? For what reason is this kind of language so prevalent when it comes to business? It feels like reading through a self-help book for the pathetic and mentally retarded

>> No.1198411


I rather be unemployed than work in sales.

>> No.1198422

Lets criticize the details a bit:
>you can be constantly employed for life
Is that supposed to be an achievement? This is the profound goal that you can achieve by mastering "cold calling". Wow sign me up right now
>You can make money by picking up a phone
Yes you can, get a job at your local call center right now
>hungry and driven people to dominate
Dominate what exactly? Being constantly employed is the only accomplishment you have listed. Congratulations you have dominated being constantly employed
>you have much better success if you dont just read the script
Is this profound advice targeted at 5 year olds?
>So it does take huge amounts of skill to direct the conversations
Yes, profound skill is needed to make smalltalk over the phone, what a time we live in
>Any superstars selling health insurance making six figures?
In what world does selling health insurance make one a superstar? Have you lost your mind?

>> No.1198478

I would post a link to a book of a man who is worth billions; and generated a lot of money for other entrepeneurs too, listing the benefits OP is mentioning.

But the attitude ITT; "I know everything and i don't need to learn shit.. fuck off..." here just makes me want to keep it to myself. Have fun dying poor while i take your wife to vegas butfucks!

>> No.1198485

I've been selling solar d2d for 2 years now, alarms for another 2 years before. I personally never cold call because I have more control over the situation in person. I always make first contact with customers in person and if the customer ever tries to cancel I go in person to their house to talk to them.

>> No.1198489

I've learned by now that motivation doesn't help its all about discipline

>> No.1198543

Is this also a good way to get an internship?

>> No.1198618

Depends what you're selling. Real estate, maybe. Direct tv, no.

>> No.1198745

With this attitude and spelling skills I doubt you will take your wife to Las Vegas to spent your millions mate

>> No.1198848

The CEO of the company I work at launched the business via cold calling. He's very successful now. The root of it is just confidence and the ability to direct a conversation, identify pain points, and work out a way to offer value. If you have these skills and are the type of person who can do this you will be successful at anything you do anyway, but coldcalling gives you a great sink or swim arena to develop those skills, if you can.

>> No.1198952

Well, not everyone here has that attitude, share the book bro.

>> No.1199006


A) Do you like what you are selling?

B) Can you be likeable with new people?

If the answer to both questions is yes, than yeah sales can be fun.

>> No.1199014
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Cold calling is all but dead. Yes some companies still do it, and yes you can still make sales with it, but it's just a shit way to sell. And people who are great at it, would be better suited using other skills.

I have done every form of sales and cold calling is just the worst. Even when you get good at it, you're still gonna get 10 - 20 no's for every one yes.

Hell you're better off knocking on doors than picking up the phone and calling strangers.

Any good business should put a ton of emphasis on marketing and referal strategies.

>> No.1199040


>> No.1199057
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Discipline doesn't last unless you are motivated to stay disciplined.

>> No.1199149

Fuck that, just learn social engineering and sidestep bullshit

>> No.1199155

>cold calling

My sides

>> No.1199187


>> No.1199205

this, sales is a soulless, rotten thing with no place in an evolved society

>> No.1199340

>if the customer ever tries to cancel I go in person to their house to talk to them.
sounds like some mafia shit hahahah

>> No.1199393

gimme sum gud

>> No.1199413

Yeah whatever fuck it,


>> No.1199419

I feel kinda sorry for sales people, every single one ive come into contact with gave off a really creepy, needy vibe hidden behind a layer of faux-confidence.
Sometimes I wonder what set of horrible circumstances led up to them pursuing a career in sales. They seem to be so proud of their filthy profession too.

Please stop trying to psychologically one up me, you fucking vultures.

>> No.1199427

everyone here seems to be hating on sales ppl

you realize that every successful business needs a sales department right? you can't grow if you can't sell your product

I work at google and we have guys who used to be investment bankers working in our small business sales department because it pays really well if you are good at it and you aren't a slave for 16 hours a day like you are in IB

There's a big difference between working in sales at a call center with shitty leads and working in sales at a respectable company with good leads and great pay

>> No.1199843

Wait, this is called cold-calling?

I usually do it with e-mails
>Hi, I'm a student, I speak English and German, need some translation work in your country?
>got job

Started a really good cooperation with a publisher, I translate their books, pretty cheap, but it's a start and something to put in the CV.

>> No.1200114


>> No.1200489


I get why people hate on scripting, but that's just because it's being done wrong. You can go into a call and wing it, but you're going to have much more success if you have a highly detailed plan in place. I'm not saying you should sit there and read it like a monotonous retard, but if you wing it, there's a higher chance that you'll misspeak, or appear less confident.

Don't look at it as a script, but instead a game plan that you have the ability to audible.

>> No.1200498


>> No.1200501

I gotta admit that its a very useful skill. I work in cold calling (although we like to pretend its because someone showed some interest in our product). But we essentially just call them non stop for as long as they dont say "Do not call me". Its actually a pretty tough gig, you have to really learn to how to read someone just by their voice. Its definitely helped me socially as well. I was good at talking to people, but now I just flow. And I can guide a conversation into just about any direction I want

>> No.1200509

I don't like sales either but these comments that get posted on /biz/ bashing people always come off as passive aggressive and psycho. Like shit, who has this much of an opinion on sales people. Some of you faggots need to talk to professionals.

>> No.1200627

Cold calling is great once you get over the rejection part of it. A lot of people get bummed out. but it's just a numbers game. Call 10 people and your 11th may be that sale. Scale that up to hundreds of calls and you're making decent money for just picking up the phone.
I'm hiring more cold callers for my b2b biz. $50 per sale. Email for the details: amywiiit at gmail

>> No.1201379

I used to cold-call people. Major mobile phone companies signed with a contractor to sell more products to their customers. It's a scummy thing to do. Definitely below dealing or camwhoring imo

>> No.1201424


without sales no business would succeed ever.

>> No.1201477

I worked for three days in a call center soliciting "donations" in exchange for tickets to a shitty benefit concert. Hated that job so god damn much. Felt like a scum bag with my hand out. Doing door to door sales for a home remodeling company now and a lot of people are actually glad to see me. And rather than begging, I'm providing them with a valuable service.

Telemarketing is pajeet tier, steer clear.

>> No.1201493

and I'd treat you the same way i treat the jehova's witnesses

>> No.1202591
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made 50 calls today

got through to 8 decision makers

translated into 3 in person meetings

my nerves were killing me until around the 5th call then it became like a routine