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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11977126 No.11977126 [Reply] [Original]

What can we do to ruin this pussys life. He's annoying as fuck.

>> No.11977137

Maybe try not shitting on the street? That'll teach him.

>> No.11977154

Price is coming? What a stupid tagline

He'd better speak english poorly in general or he's a moron

>> No.11977181

He's one of the few that called the drop to 4k pretty accurately. His TA is pretty good, IMO.

>> No.11977431

fuck off Pajeet.

Tone Vays is /our guy/

>> No.11978661

>/our guy/
he doesn't even understand what a smart contract is, nor why it's useful. he can (presumably) read the price sentiment tea leaves on BTC and/or has insider knowledge. That's all he's good for (if even that. I'm just assuming since he's not broke yet). Yet he has opinions on other things and he shouldn't.

>> No.11978678
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>He thinks chad autists like tone have time to worry about the opinions of sheep

This is what you get for doubting a turbo autist. when an autist of this level speaks, you listen

>> No.11979347

Is he gay? Everyone in the comments talking about it but he used to be married. Idk why you'd want to ruin his life. He's way more accurate than biz.

Now Leah, Leah is annoying

>> No.11979354

Liquidate his short

>> No.11979365

lmao at biz judging an analyst not on his calls, but on his haircut.
Stay poor ladies.

>> No.11979382

TOne Vays will die with Bitcoin and BSV will rise to new heghts and new autists will come up and tone will fade into oblivion by itself aong with leah jmmy and the rest of his btc weirdos


BSV will rise- it was already mentioned at teh economist cover and craig is satoshi period, faggots

>> No.11979407

I can't trust a guy that is so deluded about how he looks that he thinks people don't notice his severe balding by combing his hair over and wearing hats. Just go bald you fucking moron. He looks like an absolute fucking retard. No one would say anything about his hair if he just went bald, instead he does whatever the it is he's doing.

>> No.11979578

>not trusting autism

never gonna make it

>> No.11979712

Ignore this tard.

>> No.11979802
File: 84 KB, 892x795, 86DB3749-9435-437B-AA15-3D9F6641BCBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate his fucking attitude and personality but the mother is usually pretty reliable when it comes to his info...I swing trade with his numbers and I usually always make a profit. Honestly though also I’m a bit biased ‘cause I’m a BTC maximalist. I mostly own btc and a few hundred bucks in a few small cap alts.

>> No.11979821

Been following Tone since mid 2015 and hes made me a lot of money over the years, honestly I wished /biz/ would stop talking about him. TD is legit by the way but I've noticed its been working not quite as good since more people have been using it, also its not quite as good on 24/7 markets, suits traditional a bit better. UOG is actually the real bossman though, he used to be great in the mex trollbox and taught me a few great little tips (eating liqs, hedging, doubling on first stop run ect), that and the lack of overload is what made mex awesome back before you plebs showed up.

>> No.11980239
File: 48 KB, 1024x512, Visacoin by Jimmy song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already got his Bitmex reflink rekt but he need to be more butthurt.
>Best would be to fuck Leah Wald or Jimmy Song in the ass film it and send it to him.

>> No.11980668

Good idea. Surely there someone here chad enough. This would definitely demoralise him.

>> No.11980682

Tone Vays is the bets trader there is

>> No.11980706

He's the best larping astrologer. All his trades get liquidated.

>> No.11980711

it is exactly the opposite brainlet

>> No.11980730
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Except no it isn't.

>> No.11980755

> fuck off pujeet
> tonevays is our guy

you are unironically retarded

>> No.11980774

are you retarded
that trade was perfect and it was ended by the nigger

>> No.11980825

losing money = perfect?

>> No.11980837

he would have made money you monkey, if the trolls did not dox him and got him kicked out of bitmex

>> No.11980901

>would have
Oh I am laffing.

>> No.11980912

Vays was spot on with his trade, if you have made the same exact one you would have won
now fuck off

>> No.11980944


hey tone vays, did a 4channel ad bring you here? that is pretty cool

>> No.11981085

Not on bitfinex and not if I illegally used the exchange tone shilled for affiliate shekels.

>> No.11981096
File: 151 KB, 715x1200, leah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now Leah, Leah is annoying

But she's so bubbly.

>> No.11981146



>> No.11981187
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I hate him because he is so terribly ugly.

>> No.11981354

i hate this bitch and his permabear grandpa

>> No.11981664

Reminder that this dudes parents cant spell and thus named him skin tone

>> No.11981673


>> No.11981792

Seething permabulls. I'm surprised you cucks still exist. Enjoy further losses.