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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11975782 No.11975782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I remember the docs about North Korea, war lords in Liberia etc

Now it's filled with drugs and SJW bullshit, what happened?

>> No.11975793

bill maher

>> No.11975802
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>ree degeneracy

>> No.11975804

>Robert Conquest’s Second Law of Politics
Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.

Vice isn't the exception it's the rule

>> No.11975816

There’s vice and vice news
Vice news was the best in business
But I think they sold and who knows who Control things.
Used to be the only thing I watched on tv but now it’s all gay shit and transgender bs
Haven’t tuned in in months and probably never will again

>> No.11975826

Bought out, same for The Onion which used to be funny.

>> No.11975847

The world is changing. What is an important issue today is not some warlords in Libya that don't have any power and are dwindling by the months but more global issues.
Not everything that you don't agree with is some "SJW bullshit".

>> No.11975852


Well I just came from cinema watched Gaspar Noe new movie related to Vice.... Now that was a dirty movie!

>> No.11975863

the point is that they did stuff no one else did at that time, talked to a lot of strange people and visited strange places. Now they are like a Buzzfeed version of CNN, no more long documentaries.

Could be interesting with one infiltrating the Uigur crisis in China for example

>> No.11975867

hello antifa, dont u have a LGBTQz#!asueo pussy hat march to go to?

>> No.11975868

Sold to kikes

>> No.11975869

Went to go check what they did in the past couple weeks.
>getting bad tattoos
>disabled comedian
>shooting cats in Australia
>how it feels to murder someone >how to roll a joint
>eat off a naked body dinner party

>> No.11975872

Hey cunt, take this shit to the containment board.

>> No.11975876

nigger please bill maher gets it worse from sjw's than any conservative on the planet

>> No.11975892

Chinese government paid them through shell companies to write bad towards trade war and Trump. No tinfoil. All exposed recently

>> No.11975895
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Gavin left, and nothing remained to hold back the SJW mindset which ruined their business.

>> No.11975923


Vice was great even not so far as 2014.

>> No.11975950

source or ur gay

>> No.11975969
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dude, you still have time to kill yourself before I start dumping my Vice folder on you

>> No.11975971

I think they went shit right after Russian - Ukraine war. They did a lot of great footage there and soon after that it stopped being good.

>> No.11976018
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oh shit its too late, why didnt you listen

>> No.11976045


They got lazy. Simple as that.

They hit the ground hard with some really interesting content and footage. Then after money started rolling in, it's just a bunch of lazy bums trying to continue to get a paycheck.

Now it's like CNN Edgy.

>> No.11976054

damp it

>> No.11976059


Yeah the trans articles are pretty insane.

Basically if you don't let a transwoman walk up to you and put "her" cock directly into your mouth, then you are the equivalent of Hitler.

This business model can't last.

>> No.11976087


>> No.11976102
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They are now pushing degenerate topics on the masses and shilling them like it's perfectly normal and acceptable.

>> No.11976110


They legit wanted mainstream appeal. They still do what they used to do, but since it's diluted with nonsense everyday news, it's not special anymore.

The people who made it what it was still make it what it is, but there are softer elements there who keep churning out mainstream.

>> No.11976127

I stopped watching their shit during the Crimea annexation in 2014. Non stop pro-hohol bullshit from that kike Simon Ostrowsky or whatever they have working for them.

>> No.11976143


>> No.11976151

How is it, been wanting to see it

>> No.11976158

you think you're on the side of justice just because you're being tolerant and "nice", but know that some of those that you seek to protect will never stop corrupting boundaries.

it'll be about homosexuality first. As children get indocrinated and was taught to be "open" towards weird shit out of fear of being criticsed, it'll set the foundation for even more degenerate shit to grow. Gender swap. Incest. Furries. Peds. Satanism. Anything that was traditionally taboo becomes normalized in our children's generation.

It'll slowly turn into Germany right before the WW2 when it was under jewish communist/ boshelvik control.

>inb4 "people will stop when it gets extreme"

No it fucking won't, our children will not have a compass on where to draw a line if this shit continues

>> No.11976200

Lmao there's no other side in the Crimea annexation, you retard. Russia literally destroyed half of Ukraine cause they didn't want to suck Putin's tiny dick.

>> No.11976205


Definitely worth watching but I think I prefer "Enter The Void". I think this movie is less lighthearted than "Enter The Void" but not as dark as "Irreversible".

>> No.11976261

no, they wanted to join Russia
all the fault of a corrupt and grossly neglect Ukrainan governement, who only collected taxes and didn't give anything back
this is what happens when you live next to russia and don't watch your back

>> No.11976272

No shit, everyone collectively hates bill maher. He's a condescending shit for brains

>> No.11976304

Jews happened.

>> No.11976366

"This is what winning looks like" watch that one

>> No.11976386

Literally Buzzfeed-tier.

>> No.11976392

Actually we can track this in wikipedia:

In mid-August 2013, Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox invested US$70 million in Vice Media, resulting in a 5 percent stake. Following the announcement, Smith explained, "We have set ourselves up to build a global platform but we have maintained control."[26]

In August 2014, A&E Networks, a television group jointly owned by The Walt Disney Company and Hearst Corporation, made a $US250-million investment in Vice Media for an ownership stake of 10%.[32] In November and December 2015, Disney made two additional individual investments of US$200 million totaling $400 million

So it's clear what happened.

>> No.11976413

If it keeps liberals from learning anything of value I am all for this. Based PsyOp.

>> No.11976438

> no, they wanted to join Russia
Who fucking cares, it's ukrainian territory, if you want to live in Russia then get your ass on the plane and you are free to leave.
And you can't just vote and join Russia, read the fucking laws of Ukraine. And I didn't even mention the
military takeover of Crimea. There is no legal base to justify that action.
Now I understand why everybody think of /pol/ as the retarded annoying brother.

>> No.11976440

Disney - Bob Iger - Jew
Hearst - Steven R. Swartz - Jew
Rupert Murdoch - part Jew


>> No.11976450

Gavin McInnes - NOT JEW


>> No.11976455

Why do you fuckers insist on making this board /pol/ 2.0? I know crypto is shit but talking about random websites unless you plan to buy out Vice or buy stock in it has nothing to do with business.

>> No.11976456

he owns vice you brainlet

>> No.11976466


Because fucking Jews are destroying everything as we speak ...

>> No.11976502

I don't go on /pol/
I know the truth hurts, but Ukraine is a pathetic underdeveloped eastern european bitch-country
Crimea belonged to Russia anyways, there was even less legal base why it should belong the Ukraine

Sincerely, an Estonian who now enjoys cheap Ukrainan labour

>> No.11976513


A miks kell 2 AM üleval? :D

>> No.11976517

miks mitte

>> No.11976522

Rusdia was 100% justified in taking Crimea. The west instigated a coup in kiev to prevent Russian navy from supporting Assad in Syria. I don't feel the same way about east Ukraine tho

>> No.11976648

Jews. Any other answer is blue pilled onions boy beta cuck NPC.