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11964757 No.11964757 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 27 year old male on the cusp of ending it all. Death, it seems is the ultimate equaliser. It does not matter whether I'm rich or poor, workout or be a fat slob, find true love or spend my money on escorts. It does not matter whether I spend my free time playing video games or have "meaningful" hobbies like woodworking and travelling. There is no meaning to any of it. All our activities, hobbies, interests are geared towards killing the ONE thing we have: time. We spend several decades killing time, waiting for our inevitable death, growing frail, old and out of touch in the process. Why go through that misery when you can end it all today? I'm well adjusted, I have a job, a wife, a loving family. But there is no meaning to any of it. Sooner or later I will by buried six feet under and my hobbies and experiences with me. My demise now would be merely an acceleration of the inevitable

>> No.11964782

If you were single you’d be justified to do what you wish, however, you have a family now. Rear your children bro, you made that choice. Don’t fuck them by killing yourself

>> No.11964795

and smoke a joint, do some introspection

>> No.11964811

smoke dmt

>> No.11964818

babbys first existential crisis?

>> No.11964822


your wife is ugly I guess

>> No.11964830

11964316 #
"God knows I detest slavery but it is an existing evil, and we must endure it and give it such protection as is guaranteed by the Constitution." - Millard Fillmore (13th president of the United States)

>> No.11964831

Lighten up Francis.

>> No.11964839


Once you have pets and/or kids, you owe it to them not to kill yourself.

>> No.11964841

How often do you fuck your wife?

>> No.11964844

"Every day is exactly the same"

Nine Inch Nails

>> No.11964862

I don't have children, the only reason why I already haven't done it is because I care about my wife and parents who will be sorrowful. But I can't live this selflessly for so many decades when I know that there is no inherent meaning to any of it and in the end I will die like everyone. I refuse to play this game of "kill time until you die"

>> No.11964878

Babby's first angst moment, huh?

>> No.11964880


What if you submitted a report to a teacher about your life and you erased the 2/3rds of it and put: "I'm just gonna kill myself."

She's just gonna roll her eyes and say: "Another one of you retards" before she slams an F on your paper.

>> No.11964890

You're suffering from Low T.

>> No.11964953
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The goal is defined by you who gives it purpose. We are made in His Image. We are trained with a gift of creation that some may call imagination.

We gain perspective. Whether playing intricate video games with massive worlds and environments - our focus gives it substance. We are to understand. We cannot die. Our vessels merely decay but our consciousness or “soul” is eternal. Google quantum suicide and read how some men said they played Russian roulette - found they always never got it to fire - then filled it full of bullets but each time they aimed at their head it fired blank - but when the pointed to the sky it fired.

I’m not saying to do it. What’s theorized to happen is each time you click - you die - but your consciousness jumps to another reality in which you survive. You witness death around you but you yourself have never experienced it. In one reality you trip and get up. In another you broke your neck - but you merely just brushed that from your view and got up while in that other reality you lie there cold and lifeless.

If you wish to understand more. God is very real. Read the books they hide from us. The Books of Enoch and Forgotten Books of Eden. Even the Abramelim Books of magic. Djiins are older than us and are in the billions - but we cannot see them.

In other words. There is nothing I can say to you for language is weak in conveying certain matters. Words have power - and some names are beyond a limited vibration of air from our vocal chords. Some cannot be said. What I’m getting at is - just gain perspective. Walk in the rain and feel the drops hit your skin. Play a fantasy video game and become engrossed in their world. Just because it’s digital in your perception doesn’t make it less real. Open your eyes and see.

>> No.11964963

I have thought long and hard about this and I did grow up religious so I know what it feels like to have a meaning or purpose in life. Well, existence itself seems absurd, we have about 85 years on this Earth, from which 20 are spent as a naive child and 15 spent as a frail old man who requires others help to go to the toilet. The rest is spent building a career, making money, "hobbies". The question is why? Why am I supposed to take part in this theater and play my roll? Especially when the only thing I KNOW is that I will die and it will all be forgotten?

>> No.11964969
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Now all the kooks flood in.

>> No.11965045

body aesthetics/strength

start getting dem spiritual gainz anon

>> No.11965085

You wake up, you go to school
You wake up, you go to college
You wake up, you go to work
One day, you don’t wake up and then... there are no more days...

This life is nothing but suffering

>> No.11965167

Perhaps you just need to go above reason and come out from your ego, from what you said it is all about yourself i.e within reason.

Perhaps you don’t get satisfaction on receiving everything for yourself, bestowal is the way forward.

Have look at perceiving reality by Tony Kosinec

>> No.11965335

It comes down to the final question: what is the meaning of life and what happens after it?
i get you, it is somehwat depressing to know that one day everything will be gone. Even the memories of Elon Musk, Gandhi etc will be gone. All wisdom and knowledge wiped out. It makes me sad, too. But what would be the alternative? Get engaged with nothing at all and just everyone killing themselves? Clearly not! We have to fight to find a purpose, to help others in our lifetime or those ij the future. Even though all will be gone one day anyways. For the eternity it makes no difference. But for the actual lives of people it does.

>> No.11965381

druggies are fucking worthless

>> No.11965384

For instance take the life of a dog. It has only a short time span compared to human life. But it clearly makes a difference for it whether you treat it well or badly. The animals are blessed that they don't have to break their heads over thinking all this purpose meaning struggle. They have just the inner drive to do what they do. It's a curse and a blessing to be conscious.

>> No.11965432

this is my experience as well. every day in a healthy body is a gift from god

>> No.11965438

>27 years old
>hasn't read Sartre, Kirkegaard, or even Nietzsche
>doesn't realize the meaninglessness is in fact the complete freedom to choose one's own meaning, which is the great blessing of being human
you deserve this suffering OP

>> No.11965471


Rage against the dying of the light! Live out of spite for the entropy of this universe!

>> No.11965474


>> No.11965485

>The question is why? Why am I supposed to take part in this theater and play my roll? Especially when the only thing I KNOW is that I will die and it will all be forgotten?
For the lulz.

>> No.11965488

Lol I remember when I was suicidal

>> No.11965499
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Dude its all meaningless XD

>> No.11965504

>needing lame books written by dinky pseudo-intellectuals to form opinions on life
>not simply deciding to be happy and doing what you enjoy

>> No.11965511

How did you overcome?

>> No.11965514


>> No.11965536

It is all correct. The only thing that surprises me is you discovered that for yourself so early. I mean you are only 27. I didn't have such thoughts when I was your age. Perhaps it is the infamous "redpill" that is destroying young people's minds? 4chan is dangerous shit. The hive mind of this echo chamber can destroy you.

>> No.11965542

I get the burden of selflessness. It hurts and its tiring. But the harsh reality is that expecting life to become interesting or fulfilling without direct effort is selfish. Sticking by your family is great, hold onto that feeling please. Depression is numbness, not overwhelming sadness. I fear you may be arriving at that point. Don't let biology dictate your actions. Your enjoyment of life will return, but you have to accept it as worth it. You wife and parents love you and that's worth sticking around for, I agree. But your mental pattern is limiting your wellbeing. You love them right? Why? Congrats, now you've defined something to truly live for. Get off the internet, be with your wife or a friend or family. You'll find everything is just where you left it, waiting for you to make it great and a part of your long & happy life.

>> No.11965580

I "discovered" this at ~23 and didn't even know of 4chan etc

>> No.11965597

I think for a lot of people its once they hit their goals of like house, wife kids, they probably encounter it. Or some maybe not til retirement.

>> No.11965598

Stopped letting how other people lived their lives determine the expectations I had for myself. Stopped carring for dumb bullshit and the meaningless trials people face today. Told myself I was not special in any way. That humans are not special. Once I held this to be true my expectations for everything faded and shit that happened to me didn't affect me and consequently when I did achieve stuff I began to find myself more capable and more confident. Mostly bbecause the troubles I had seemed less devistating and the achievememts I made seemes more manageable... Also quite being a faggot

>> No.11965621


That makes a lot of sense. That's why I believe more and more that everyone needs a carrot in the stick. Even if it's a fake one, it lets you pass time until your ultimate demise.

>> No.11965686

death is an illusion. you will get no release from cessation of your body. there will still be an infinite field of possibilities for you to choose from

the sooner you can deal with your problems the better. theres no running from them because theres nowhere else to run to. there is only here, only now

>> No.11965698

ive been suicidal since I was like 11 years old.

>> No.11965727
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>Especially when the only thing I KNOW is that I will die and it will all be forgotten?

This exact thought is actually the the only only real thing that gives me solace and keeps me calm enough to carry on to face whatever comes my way.

t. 30yo male

>> No.11965731

Is suicide a mental illness?

>> No.11965741

No, suicide can and in many cases is, justified and reasonable.

>> No.11965766
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Are you me because you sound like me? Rise up and start the 4th Reich or something

>> No.11965782

Leave wife first then kill yourself.

Or wait for your parents to die first and don't have kids. That should be less than a decade or two.

>> No.11965816

not trying to be sarcastic here but is this how living life on easy mode plays out? you achieve your stuff by 27 and then get depressed?

>> No.11965830

you deserve to be depressed

>> No.11965834

I'm really bored.
Please livestream it

>> No.11965855

Pure lack of ego anon. Get your fucking ass up and secure your name in the history books, legacy far beyond death.

Also, 4chan is fucking dead inside. What is all this empowering jibber- jabber?

When I say get in ze history books I meant BE AN HERO, STREAM IT!

>> No.11965910

Look up Hitler's philosophy by Cultured Thug on youtube then listen to his speeches

>> No.11965912

Maybe instead of filling your time with hobbies that feel meaningless you should read up on your philosophy and theology. All of your conclusions are based on a brainlet-tier elementary deconstructive understand of reality that is full of contradictions and nonsense. Your life as well as the entire universe in which we live has a divine purpose. It would literally be impossible for you to exist if it didn't have a purpose. And don't think for a second that by killing yourself you'll be getting out of anything. Inasmuch as your life has a purpose that depends on you to fulfill, trying to get out of it will just make your situation worse.

>> No.11965958

You won't be remembered.That's the harsh truth.All your struggles , all your achievements , all your pain and suffering , joy and happines , it will all be forgotten.Sure , if you have at least someone that cares about you , they will be in pain for a day , a week , a month , a year.But after that , they will only remember you on random conversations or toughts , and it will only be for a few seconds before they move to another subject.Everything you fought for will be gone.UNLESS you do something great.Either positive or negative.Be the richest man alive , discover some cure to some disease , help so many people that you will be in history , make a breakthrough science discovery , anything.Rob the greatest bank in the world , kill some presidents , do something negative , and you will be remembered as a bad guy.BUT YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED.At least for a few hundred-thousand years , before someone else better will take your place.So yhea , it's all in vain.So why we struggle?I don't know.But we do.

>> No.11965980

Thats true. Hitler will be the last person to be forgotten.

>> No.11966010

>you will be remembered as a bad guy but you'll be remembered
And now I understand why the guys at Columbine did what they did, or all the others who followed in their path. The thing is that I'm not a narcissist, not in the least, I don't want to be the center of attention and have people talking about me even after I die

>> No.11966042

>Divine purpose
There is no evidence for that.

>> No.11966082


>> No.11966111

every single human which existed knew of its coming death. You dont dwell on it too much for obvious reasons. Its a pointless debacle which logically ends in suicide. You do what makes you content, accomplish whatever goals you set for yourself, and try to help those around you and society if possible. Thats literally what humans do (those worth a shit at least).
I dont like the game analogy because we dont start with equal rules and abilities, but why play a game if its gonna end? or why watch a movie if its gonna end? For the sake of it

>> No.11966120

>I’m well adjusted, have a good life
How much BTC did you buy?

>> No.11966132


>> No.11966145

maybe the divine purpose is to avoid death. Ever thought of that? Well the entire mythos of the ancient world revolved around this idea, of immortality. What if its the highest achievement? Not that anybody would know if such thing were possible

>> No.11966194

Hi Media Matters! Hi thinktanks! Do you have any idea what damage you do to people when you create posts that are meant to create despair and sadness? I hope you one day understand.

>> No.11966203

There's no "evidence" where you're looking for it in the physical world. That's because the purpose of something can't be found within it. It must come from above, which is why it's divine. The physical world you see around you is only the surface of a much richer metaphysical reality, which again you won't learn much about by only looking at the surface.

>> No.11966214

My ancestors thrived for thousands of years and here i am broke after losing my life savings in gook scam icon.

Im going to south korea and Im goung to shoot up that korean dogs family

>> No.11966268
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ICON bagholder crew
ODN exitscam crew
CAPP bagholder crew
DBC bagholder crew
PRL exitscam crew

Folio worth 50k now worth a few hundred. Should I ended now or later when it falls to 0?

>> No.11966347

How does one come to this odd conclusion

>> No.11966356
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>I'm well adjusted,

>> No.11966485

Why do you even care if there's no "meaning", retard?

>> No.11966655

we all had this moment of clarity once. if you wanna kill yourself can you please send me all of your savings, faggit? personally i would not want to go into eternal sleep now as long as i can enjoy all the small things like eating chocolate, have fun over stupid things, have interesting convos or go for a long hike. i’m 30 btw, had dark thoughts majorly between 19-28, after that it slowly but steadily became better. can’t guarantee it will happen to your sorry ass aswell but why don’t you just wait a few more years

>> No.11966787

Why are u sure death is like sleep? It doesn't have biological at all...

>> No.11966791

I meant I'm not some kind of social outcast or failure, I got through college and got a decent job like it was expected of me.

>> No.11966799

logical**** not biological

>> No.11966838
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>Eating chocolate
>Interesting convos
It doesn't work for me sadly, I wish I could enjoy life and just be content at experiencing these little pleasures.

>> No.11966948
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life is still meaningless anyway. God is just larping as humans, because he is bored. Imo life is just to have an experience, have fun, have an adventure, learn new shit to level up your soul. But life on Earth is just pain, suffering and boredom for most of the people. I'd rather not exist at all than repeat this shit ever again. There's a reason enlightened yogis like buddha crave for nirvana so much, because they pierced through this bullshit and realized how retarded the existence is. There's no reason for existence if there is zero fun in it, only dukkha. Even if there is happiness (sukha) it's always temporary followed by more JUSTing (dukkha)

>> No.11966996

This guy gets it. Trust your own mind.

>> No.11967005

> The rest is spent building a career, making money, "hobbies". The question is why? Why am I supposed to take part in this theater and play my roll? Especially when the only thing I KNOW is that I will die and it will all be forgotten?

Mid life crisis. I can write lots of stuff around this, but will try to be succinct. And this is not some spiritual/cultural BS. Have gone through this exact state and came out stronger.

Childhood: playfulness and exploration
Adulthood: ego building
Old age: ego dissolution and enlightenment.

Our education including science barring some topics such as Quantum Mechanics and Modern Physics, is mostly materialistic. Eastern cultures before pajeets have infested their nefarious behaviour had got some ultimate spiritual (religion agonistic) realisations and classified knowledge in two parts

1. External knowledge including science
2. Self-knowledge or source of Am-ness

Western education and civilisation solely focus on external knowledge and nothing wrong in that. We need them to make great progress we have already achieved. But we also need self-knowledge. Our body has many layers. Science is stuck at biochemical later. There are more to it - optical layer / energy layer / spiritual layer. Some can’t be proven and experience it for now till science gets to transcendence.

After adulthood, ego needs to die through practise of self-knowledge and it’s also kinds of science in that you are allowed to be a open-minded sceptic. It has some systematic procedures. In east they call it Yoga and Meditation. Problem is yoga and meditation is heavily branded now and their true essence has been suppressed somewhat.

Anyhow, go to kindle and buy a best English translation and discourse of ancient text called Upanishad and then practise meditation from www.swamij.com/.

You will come out stronger if you meditate, read Upanishad and systemic dissolution of ego

>> No.11967037

It has a lot to do with the way modern society is structured. A few centuries ago amthe average life span of a human was around 40 years, the “purpose” of existence was merely to fulfill your biological duty, attract a mate and procreate to ensure that your genes don’t die out. By the time you were done with that you succumbed to some disease and that was that nowadays modern medicine insists on keeping people alive until they are in their 90s. Which leaves people wondering what should do when they are forced to live a pathetic existence as a 50-60 year old boomer, completely out of touch with the young generation, your whole existence based around memories long gone and people long dead. I do understand people who don’t want to reach that stage and take their life before that happens. There’s something very unhealthy about modern existence.

>> No.11967087

>I refuse to play this game of "kill time until you die"
I too hate this modern attitude where it appears you're meant to be grateful for the privilege of dying slowly, and anyone who expresses any interest in finding something meaningful is treated with utmost suspicion.

>> No.11967102

>A few centuries ago amthe average life span of a human was around 40 years
Yes but this was due to infant mortality. People were not fucking dropping dead around 40 en masse like some fucktards seem to want to believe and keep propagating to other fucktards.

I'm sorry but... I just hate when people spread debunked bullshit that makes no sense in the first place.

A lot of those Greek homo philosopher guys lived into their 70s/80s.

>> No.11967109

I never though of it this way, the whole of Buddhist philosophy is geared towards achieving liberation from this existence and break the cycle of rebirth to achieve nirvana. Makes you think why they would want to let go so bad, western philosophy is more about achieving immortality (perhaps because westerns have been materialistis). In eastern philosophy they somehow know that everyone is immortal and has a cyclical existence that goes on forever, but they don’t want any of it. In fact they want to break the cycle of immortality and end existence itself.

>> No.11967132

Just because there also existed old people in the middle age doesn’t mean most people reached that age. People died because of disease, infected wounds and even insect bites, due to lack of antibiotics. You can’t underestimate how much things have changed due to modern medicine

>> No.11967142

>Imo life is just to have an experience, have fun, have an adventure, learn new shit to level up your soul.
Except complete pricks get in the way of even that.

But yes, for sure the less you care the happier you'll be.

More dakka would be nice.

>> No.11967162

this. People overestimate modern medicine too much. Its mostly hygiene improvements that made us live longer. Ancients that lived clean and comfy lived into their 70s easy

>> No.11967173

Yes but people did not fucking routinely die at 40 like retards want to believe.

That's up there with believing people were like 5' 2" 100 years ago. Or people who clearly do not understand what an average is and so can be deceived very easily.

>> No.11967181

then they had shit immune system for whatever reason. The human body is made to survive such little problems, not drop dead like flies because of a fucking scratch

>> No.11967188

Like Diogenes who lived to 89 despite living in a pipe.

>> No.11967214

thats the corrupted eastern teachings. Breaking the cycle through dissolution (ending existence). The original talked about the same as western, breaking the cycle of death and rebirth through achieving immortality of the flesh. Only christianity/islam teaches that the soul is already immortal and you dont have to work for it, ie just get on your knees and pray, be a good goy and you'll be rewarded with eternal life

>> No.11967233

It’s not the scratch, it’s the infection. And people are STILL dying in Africa due to problems that result from epidemics, spread by mosquitos. You can’t fkrget that the the Black Plague in Europe managed to eliminate almost half of the population of Europe at the time

>> No.11967265

hello OP, time is not real. its a concept made up by your mind. death is also not real.

if you want some truth you can listen to osho talking, you will understand all.

have fun

>> No.11967266

>it’s the infection
you dont need antibiotics just clean the wound with alcohol which exists for thousands of years
>people are STILL dying in Africa due to problems that result from epidemics
because they lack the concept of hygiene
> the Black Plague in Europe managed to eliminate almost half of the population of Europe
more like 1/3, again because of lack of hygiene. Black plague was a nasty disease that spread like wildfire. If there was an outbreak today in some thirld world shithole it would still kill millions even with modern medicine

>> No.11967275
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>imagine being so fakedeep that you straight up kill yourself lmaoa

>> No.11967281

More secret books please.

>> No.11967299

If we didn’t have modern medicine and methods to contain it the Ebola outbreak of recent times would have been quite formidable

>> No.11967313

Anon would you like to talk outside of this thread, perhaps on Discord? Honestly I’ve been wrestling with similar thoughts myself, and maybe it’d be good to have a discussion with someone who doesn’t offer pity or platitudes, but honest understanding.

>> No.11967329

>just clean it with alcohol
You don’t get rid of an infection with alcohol. You use alcohol to prevent infection, if the wound is a few days old and already infected you need antibacterial medicine. Alcohols not gonna help

>> No.11967338

I feel u anon

>> No.11967365

thats what i meant. You dont wanna get to the point where it gets infected, so clean with alcohol. You dont need modern medicine for that.
maybe. Yes medicine advancement solved many issues but its not the main reason for massive population and life expectancy increase

>> No.11967386

>honest understanding
more like wallowing in self-pity. He needs to talk with people that dont have his problem, or had his problem and got over it. Not people going through the same shit. Damn, these discord faggots..

>> No.11967433

Where did I say anything about wallowing in self pity? I believe in striving to improve yourself, and conversation is a great way to do that. Or at least come to certain realizations about things. Plus it really helps having a person you can talk to about things you’d be afraid to bring up with say friends or family.

>> No.11967503

>conversation is a great way to do that
not it isnt. Less talk more doing

>> No.11967554

Why limit yourself to one or the other? Do both if they help you improve.

>> No.11967566


>> No.11967575

op has textbook depression. He wont snap out of it talking to some random faggot on discord..

>> No.11967616

Cognitive therapy is very effective and doesn't rely on pharmaceutical solutions. People need to get shit off their mind and talking with others is a great way to do it. No need to belittle an anon going through an existential crisis that we all have to deal with.

>> No.11967637

You’re talking like a child. No one expects him to “snap out of it”. It takes hard work and the determination to make that happen. But talking to others can be helpful in the short term. Also no one cares about Discord, I only offered it as an option, any chat platform would work.

>> No.11967717

Call it BS or whatever. Just be open to meditate sequencing as shown in the pic. By meditation you can reach till the “latent stage”. Since there you need to surrender to God in order to reach for rightmost rectangle - universal consciousness which may sound like BS unless you practise to experience it.

Buddhism is nihilistic and nothing wrong in that. End of the day duality and non-duality is same. It’s just that someone finds it easier to follow like devotion.

>> No.11967725
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Pic related.

>> No.11967781

Killing yourself is fine but go all out before that. Go around the world and experience various places , foods, cultures etc. Then kill yourself

>> No.11967939


you want us to live the life of a fuckin dog? mate u bunkers

>> No.11967952


didnt you get to that conclusion by yourself? kek

>> No.11967965

DMT is not a drug you fucking brainlet

>> No.11967997


the world will likely end in a decade, imagine killing yourself before seeing all the normies die, lmfao

>> No.11968010

Jesus Christ please kill yourself, you are too stupid to function let alone grasp your own sentience

>> No.11968034

>reads Fart, Kike Guard, and NEETsch instead of René Guénon
Never gonna make it

>> No.11968046


from that list only Kierkegaard is worth reading and it's because it has goat prose and it's entertaining as fuck to read, sartre is a communist and Nietzsche is the supreme gentleman, completely blind to himself

>> No.11968080


>> No.11968086


Well, if you think immortality is the purpose of life just because it avoids to die, then you are in tough luck because immortality is impossible

>inb4 muh soul

You need a leap of faith for that, that literally means you have to stop thinking and just live believing something good will come from it, protip: it will be full of suffering and misery but you should keep struggling because you believe it will be in god wisdom in the end

>> No.11968115

Modern day Buddhism is nothing more than spiritual hedonism. Take it all with a grain of salt, think for yourself

>> No.11968132

This picture is brainlet tier. The vast majority of people genuinely are glassy eyed automatons.

>> No.11968142


Nice conclusions of my persona out of a small commment made on 4chan xd LMAO

>> No.11968152

Hey Op. Look I'm not going to shit post at you or lie. I completely understand what you're going through. Every day it seems like I have some furthering existential crisis. When I'm working at the gas station at night like I do, I stand on the very edge of my city and I know I'm potentially the last person that one of the people passing through may ever see.
Some days, I take supreme pleasure in it all. The fact that one die I will die. I will know what the warm bask of being appreciated feels like, how it feels when you feel that click in your heart, the shift of the will to live and you see that black part of you really, honestly start to rise out. It can... Suffocate you. It can silence the lights in the sides of your eyes and you feel like everything you say is slowly going black and white and mute. The days turn to weeks, the weeks to months. You feel like a skeleton. You think you're alive but you may as well be dead.
Maybe your situation isn't social, like you've been saying you're well adjusted. However though, the standard for being well-adjusted do not come like stickers you can slap on yourself to truly be that.
You are going to have to find something tangential. Something significant. Now I see that you have a wife and people who love you, but deep down, in the coal belly of your heart furnace, you know there are secrets that either you have kept to the side or kept away from yourself. You've been avoiding it. Maybe it's a regret.
You're not a bad person for killing yourself. I'm not going to say that subjectively you're throwing it all away. Some people accomplish everything they need to do young. Today? I woke up and wondered "Well who really gets into heaven?" and I was flitting through everything. I flit through the facts according to some version of the bible that Lazarus was just sleeping, sure he had died but he treated it like one long nap.
You should do the same. Treat yourself to a fancy cocktail, take in some small pleasures. 1/?

>> No.11968161

Nice not understanding a single fucking word on your screen xd LMAO

>> No.11968172
File: 64 KB, 670x597, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968184

hi boof

>> No.11968201

>being such a beta faggot he can't forge his own meaning in a meaningless reality
If nothing matters, there's no excuse to NOT become ubermensch while you're here

>> No.11968210


care to explain more? i use to meditate just for those serotonin gains, basically im an hedonist in meditation and focus on mantra so i feel tingles on my head and feel relaxed, sometimes i feel more aware of thoughts and impulses for a day or so but it usually goes away once i need to do shit or stressful things happen again (for example taking care of bedridden people makes stress surface again and i lose awareness)

>> No.11968224
File: 1.37 MB, 680x461, You need to evaluate yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But back to Lazarus, mate. Look You're going to die. You're going to do it and if you're damn, DAMN lucky, one day you might get to see something on the verge outside of the disc of your knowledge. You don't strike me as a dummy. You're saying "Hey I may as well get this show on the road". That's fucking rough. It is. You'll stare at people and they'll seem less and less like people and more like just raw, flavored energy. Not reiki and all that jazz but you'll understand that part where you stop being you and they start being them. You've got to work through the motions. The motions right now say, you need to suffer. Why? You'll be tougher. Yeah I know piss easy to say right but you need to get tougher. The world is going to need you here soon.
Sure you can say "Well what the fuck does that mean?" Well let me lay it on you friend. The centennial war is a-coming. I don't know if you can serve, Hell it might be the out you're finally seeking, but make no mistake, there are worse times ahead. You think all these fucking soft-jawed, lackluster fuckers are going to make it out of some foreign godlike consideration for them and their being. Fuck that.
You need to suffer because people are going to fall the mcfuck apart around you and you'll be the only son of a bitch with the gumption to endure and tell them to knock that shit off.
You want off the game? Eject your fucking tokens. A single bullet costs a single life. But you're tougher than that, but every fucking "I'm going to commit suicide" fucker I've ever met, myself included, just wants some attention.
At the bottom of that bleak, empty valley at the basin of your stomach, where only cold ruminates, what you need is some fucking warmth. Go to a bar with a sign, go somewhere you dare not go. You're fucking limiting yourself like a fish in a whirlpool.

I believe in you pilgrim. I hope this helps. If it fucking doesn't, I tried senpai. You're a human, be the best fucking human that you can be,

>> No.11968362

easily the most based poster in this thread

>> No.11968400

by that same rationale, there's no reason to become an ubermensch.

>> No.11968469

>We spend several decades killing time
Oh don't worry about that part. Keep in mind that time accelerates as you get older. So once you hit 40, the next ten years will feel like a year or so. Like it didn't even happen. So essentially when you hit 40 it is as if you were already 50. Or, following that logic, pretty much dead. Because there will be another decade, then another one, but you won't remember any of those years. They will compress into a single instance. It won't matter what you did. Any of your achievements, hobbies, experiences, etc. It is all vanity. So I think our mental/emotional death occurs much earlier than our biological death. But luckily that final period of 10 to 20 years should pass really fast and we wont event notice.

>> No.11968525

Hedonism is good as it means you know there is something opposite of it - Spirituality and we need both to be honest.

Now meditation is not like high dose Vitamin D of 50K IU to be administered once a month. Just like basic necessities, you have to do it regularly. Period.

I’m not a religious fundamentalist, but I believe there is a underlying reality far mysterious than what appears to our senses. Modern physics point to that. Just like a rocket can be dangerous without direction, meditation without spirituality or at the least a feeling of connectedness - is useless. Hedonism is acceptable in usual material day to day living. But once you meditate I follow this sequence of thought hacks -

1. Stay within uber-joy and uber-sorrow
2. Stay neither at past or ag future. Stay at present.
3. Think of air I’m breathing. Countless trees have recycled that and countless people have breathed through that. Gratitude. Think of all foods I eat - basically entrapped nature. Gratitude. All water I drink - Nature again mediated by trees and soil. Gratitudes. Feel deep gratitude to Mother Earth. If possible, think about the Universe that nurtures Earth. There is nothing really spiritual about it as these are all facts. But through the process of gratitude, you will fill different and the train your mind to follow the sequence as shown in the pic related, from left to right.

>> No.11968527

strange. this is exactly how i feel my early-mid 20s as neet have passed. i can remember hardly any of it. does this mean i am going to die soon?
>tfw i won't be alive to witness the link singularity...

>> No.11968555


>> No.11968602

Charlie what are you doing on biz?!

>> No.11968753

>travelling in the 21st century
that's such a fucking boring normie advice. Traveling is the most dull and retarded thing you could do, especially trying out new food. LITERALLY JUST BROWSE GOOGLE MAPS FOR HOURS AND ORDER CHINK FOOD. The only reason to travel the world is to bullshit your retarded normie friends into thinking you're living the life, while they're wasting time wagecucking in their wagie-cubicles

>> No.11969037

You need to find god. Read Quran.

>> No.11969251

Yes! You're absolutely right about that. However knowing that both being an omega faggot or a God is equal in terms of end result, why bother suffering through the assumed one chance in this plane?

I almost see it as bagholding till zero or lamboland. If existence is utterly meaningless, why should you choose a path of defeat if a path of glory is equally possible.

What if death isn't certain, as is, meaninglessness? Just ride it out if you're so certain, as the assumption is that of no meaning.

>> No.11969307

Also, if you're gonna kill yourself, take some (((politicians))) and (((bankers))) with you. It's the least you can do

>> No.11969973

It was just an expression, nobody knows how death will be. could be just like unconsciousness

try not to think too much. it’s the simplest advice i could give someone in your situation, yet it’s also the hardest. i really had to train not to think too much. because if you ask for the sense in things you easily get caught in a downward spiral.

>> No.11969990


>> No.11970082

I wouldn't try to dissuade you from killing yourself, but I happen to know what's going on.

All of us were created to eventually experience intimacy with our creator, however in the present age, most of us live out our lives without anything to sustain our hope for love, we aren't given any instruction or teaching on what to long for or how to sustain our hope. Our creator has designed things this way, not out of cruelty or indifference - but in order to create a meaningful relationship.

Think about it this way. There's a brilliant young man who wants companionship. He looks around him at all the roasties and becomes disillusioned, so he decides to create a girlfriend of his own. He comes up with an elaborate plan to create an artificial world, to populate that world, and to select only a small number of the AI's populating that world to hear his voice and respond to that voice. He speaks to them in a whisper - some hear, fewer respond, some endure in longing for him. The culmination of this relationship is the moment those who have heard his voice finally see him in the flesh, and in that moment those who never heard his voice finally see what they were missing this whole time. That is the moment of climax, and from then on, all of those AI's cling to him in love forever.

Unfortunately for now you're one who hasn't heard this voice. I believe I have heard his voice, but my script will probably terminate before I get a chance to respond because I'm a miserable gradecuck now barely able to survive.

Probably the best you can do for now is consider the consequences of your action. I mean, when you say for example that you'd rather not kill yourself out of consideration for how it might upset others...in some way that is like seeing God, and that's the thing that matters most. All of us right now exist for the sake of 'judgement' - that is, to be the failed roasties who miss out on dating that brilliant young man (for now!)

>> No.11970683

I think I've been where you were with that mindset OP, you might as well just see life as a game from now on where you can do whatever the fuck you want to. Which is dangerous of course, but look at the positive things of having your life in order, but also giving absolutely zero fucks.

I can imagine you going to travel or woodcutting or w/e and still thinking in your head on a loop "why is this meaningful or why the fuck am I doing this when we all die anyway". I think you either lack perspective of what hard work is and how unfair world is to some or you simply went down the rabbit hole too much and can't dig yourself out of that "nothing matters when we all die anyway" loop that your brain is playing on you right now.

Think about what you thought would be funny and risky thing to do? Do you have a good job? Say fuck it, go ask a boss for promotion or w/e.
Come home to wife? Say fuck it, start having sex then tie her up to bed and fuck her like you never fucked her before for whole day like a maniac.
That motorcycle you wanted to buy? Fuck it, go for that.
Want to become good at 'x' hobby? Fuck it, delete all social media and do that thing 5 hours per day like a maniac.

Go fucking crazy, but in a good way.

>> No.11971006

This would actually be a great idea if after you die you are seemengly immediatly born again and have another 27 years of youth before repeat it again and again and never have to experience old age

>> No.11971055

crypto crashes for 1 year and look what kind of braindamage it caused

>> No.11971150

>There is no meaning to any of it.
Yes, that's why it's important that you do what you want. Meaning is what you make of it, if you are unhappy then understand why and work to change it.

The void of existence isn't depressing, it's a reminder you've got only this life to make it count for your in a positive way.

>> No.11971184

>spends 27 years on this planet just to arrive at nihilism.

OP should have read a book once in a while

>> No.11971418

Nihilism is the end result regardless, reading books won't change that but it can help you to understand reasons why Nihilism is the end result.

>> No.11971603


Visit L.A.
Do coke
Smoke weed

I was really depressed and thought the world was gray. I traveled a bit and life seems unbelievably exciting now.

>> No.11971796

El denino