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File: 23 KB, 606x354, Ds0l7caU8AAhCXG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11956350 No.11956350 [Reply] [Original]

I'm at 47 thots. Anyone beat this record?

PS ex cashpigs can do buybacks on PayPal and other services cus sex work violates terms of service.

>> No.11956381

Any lawfags here? I'm curious if a jilted client would be able to argue that it's sex work. That would be fascinating.

>> No.11956749

Not a lawfag but yes all the 3rd party payment processors prohibit sex work so buybacks would be granted. Every paypig needs to get refunds and report them to IRS. Whole industry would go belly up

>> No.11956760

you're doing good work anon

>> No.11956770

Which services accept paypal. What country do you live in wtf
And you would need recorded proof

>> No.11956780

We need more people like you. Let the thots get rekt along with twitch

>> No.11956792

whats your basic method? I wanna get in on this. Is it just as simple as reporting these thots on the IRS website?

>> No.11956848

doing god's work anon

>> No.11956858

why not report actual prostitutes?

>> No.11956875

Because prostitutes are straight about what they do. These e-thots are camhores but want to virtue signal and fuck over anyone that calls them on their bullshit. The beta white knights that defend them are 1000x worse though.

>> No.11956931

I'm not questioning the ToS, I'm questioning whether or not it's sex work>>11956749

>> No.11956973

Get a fucking a life SJW.

>> No.11956979
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>> No.11956982

This form of espionage is a life I envy. How do you even get the e-thots real name OP?

>> No.11957000

This is levels of civilian surveillance unseen in the US since the Red Scare, you're all retarded

>> No.11957022


You have to go back, Facebook using /pol/ gen newfags.

>> No.11957033
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>> No.11957040
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hahaha oh no no no

>> No.11957050

>private citizens reporting findoms to the IRS because they loathe their morality
>this is literally communism


>> No.11957053


Great work OP. Keep reporting these whores.

>> No.11957065


bro I just want to laugh at thots who make a living with their pussy and ass while pretending they have a real job and not paying their fair share of taxes

you on the other hand want to slurp down jizz

>> No.11957068

check your privilege, thot

>> No.11957079

>pays taxes
lmao you gov cuck

>> No.11957089

It’s not communism but it is whitekniting on a level only known to tumblr. This is some incel shit for real if this is how you spend your time, worrying about the behaviour of people you never met because “muh princple!”.

Conservatives have become as bad as liberals. Sad.

>> No.11957095

Anon I...
think you should go back to high school history class

>> No.11957104

Can a non U.S. citizen report foreign thots? what about American thots?

>> No.11957114

>doesn't pay taxes
get ready to be anally raped in prison my dude

>> No.11957126
File: 19 KB, 628x347, 1543492773862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thot-com bubble
Thotli yuga
The brapture
The hoah
The whorelodomor
The Great leap whoreward
The sinking of the tit-anic
Hericane thotrina
Whorenado of trolls
World whore 2
Whorehammer Endtimes Spermintide
Operation Barbaroastie

>> No.11957137
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 2374927029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reporting women for not paying taxes is whiteknighting

>> No.11957138

This is the polar opposite of being an SJW, newfag.

>> No.11957139

>go to prison instead of hop off to India or Eastern Europe to disappear
Lmao law-cuck

>> No.11957148

Polar opposite but OP still a fuck retard

What happens next year when we get snitched on for crypto gains?

>> No.11957161

O it’s not you fucking nigger. These little faggots are warring against thots. Because they think it’s ethically right. They are fighting. For what they think is justice. Which pertains to society. That literally makes them warriors for social justice. That makes them Social Justice Warriors.

How are you not getting this you autistic cunt.

>> No.11957191

How would you get stitched on? Post every single trade on Twitter? These whores are begging for it, and deserve it. You are a very stupid and bad person. No wonder nobody likes you. It's because you are you.

>> No.11957201

>they think it’s ethically right
Or maybe it's just funny and it makes worthless roasties rage, you filthy triplenigger.

>> No.11957227

>Unironically using transparent currency through which every single transaction is published and free for anyone to see
>haha how can they find us faggot

>> No.11957228

>IRS running successful psyops on a board full of people who wish to evade taxes with crypto

Literally cannot make this shit up

>> No.11957259

Its actually something Id expect SJWs to do. SJWs hate displays of femininity and men exploiting women for sex. SJWs tear down bikini billboards. SJWs complain about pornography. SJWs complain about anything involving attractive naked women and a mans money.
Incels have literally turned into full blown left wing SJWs.

>> No.11957263

dumbest shit I ever heard in my life, if you really believe what you're saying why don't you go rob a bank for tons of money and see what happens

>> No.11957275

Based and red pilled

You all have become what you once hated

>> No.11957280


>> No.11957291

Why are you doing this? Aren't you guys libertarian and against the kabal extorting you through taxation?

>> No.11957298

I've got powerful friends and family in powerful places nigger

>> No.11957301

giving women the vote lead to the current horrid state of affairs that america is in

to a large degree women's liberation as a whole is a giant tin of zyklon b poison - it is a civilization wrecking mechanism

ANYTHING that leads people away from monogamy and marriage is a civilization wrecking mechanism

trust me when I say that this isn't about social justice - social justice puts personal freedom above the survival of the society. I'm in this to do my part to save western civilization


>> No.11957316

Long term it is a right wing gambit. If you can convince enough women that taxation is NOT in their best interest, maybe they'll vote to undo some of past century of statist nonsense that they voted in place.

>> No.11957342

They're literally making these thots hate leftism though.
Thots are used to having men pay the bill. Combine that with rampant leftism in their circles and no wonder left-wingers get so much votes.
If they know they'll have to pay their "fair share" maybe these thots will think twice about their stupid political ideas.

>> No.11957383
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Doing the governments bitch work for them because you can't get a girl


>> No.11957393

Private untraceable currency is not traceable. Stop being stupid.

>> No.11957449

Total war on roasties is absolutely righteous. You faggots making appeals to "muh principles" sound like literal cuckservatives, or perhaps just roasties attempting very poorly to talk anons out of this worthwhile endeavor (either way, SAD).

>> No.11957459

nobody believes you

>> No.11957488

>liberals cry because religions are tax-exempt
>the same liberals cry because THOTs aren’t tax-exempt

>> No.11957492
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>> No.11957511

>right wing incels cry because taxation is theft
>the same right wing incels cry because of tax evasion but only if they are women

>> No.11957555

Taxation is theft but that doesn't give you the right to break the law. Right wingers pay their taxes. No inconsistency here. Fuck off, Alinsky kike.

>> No.11957563

Holy fucking reksauce batman

>> No.11957567
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>the ones that are against taxes are more likely to pay taxes
imagine being THIS retarded

>> No.11957584
File: 21 KB, 511x288, 496132D2-6600-4E03-9031-058C0E89A4A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s social justice you euphoric virgin

>> No.11957647

It's called having principles. You should try it sometime, jewboy - just kidding, we both know you're genetically incapable. Go back to reading Rules for Radicals and jacking off, you aren't going to succeed here.

>> No.11957651
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Pic related.

>> No.11957652

The left STILL can’t meme

>> No.11957654

No, it's not - you're just a dipshit who doesn't understand what words mean.

>> No.11957668
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hey my principled incel friend, why don't you report males that tax evade and report only women?
Maybe because you don't actually care about tax evasion and you are just an incel that thinks by ratting women to guberment is some kind of revenge on all the women that denied you sex?

>> No.11957684

>Right wingers pay their taxes
lmao what the fuck kind of absolute statement is that. shut up already.

taxed tea started a revolution
taxed thots will also start one
go lick some more boots, teabagger

>> No.11957686

That sounds like something a commie would say

>> No.11957696
File: 26 KB, 360x409, FAD78673-1396-46EE-91D4-7DA2A05551DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha the mental gymnastics

>I'm in this to do my part to save western civilization

So you’re not a social justice warrior, you’re just fighting for what you believe is the best thing for western civilisation. Wow sounds awfully pretty much exactly like the same fucking thing gender fluid rosaries say about abortion and gay marriage

The sheer level of cognitive dissonance lmao
you are a society righteousness fighter. Go back to tumblr faggot

>> No.11957711

>Right wingers pay taxes


What's it like to be mentally disabled?

>> No.11957723


Because, retard:

1) It's harder to find males who tax evade. Thots are literally bragging on the internet about their tax evasion - it's both easy and very satisfying to punish them.

2) They deserve it in every sense of the word - not just because they brag about it.

3) It's good for civilization.

Nice try calling me an incel, by the way. I'm married. I have sex with my wife every other night. Next strawman, please.

If I'm a bootlicker, you're a white knight pussy. Let me know how soon that gets you laid, buddy.

I've eaten tic tacs with a higher IQ than yours. This post is the dumbest fucking thing I've seen on 4chan in years. Congratulations.

>> No.11957726

>it's fine if corporations don't pay billions in tax

>Tax Thots! Save America!

>> No.11957727

camwhores or shitcoin gamblers, stay the fuck away kike tax man

>> No.11957737

yes incel, all the worlds problems is because of women. you never hear a non-incel say that

>> No.11957747

People pay their taxes on crypto when they cash out unless they're retarded.

Actually all the world's problems are because of weak beta males who were suckered into implementing very bad ideas due to their own weakness. I don't blame women - while their voting habits have acted as a powerful political cudgel, they were lead into the current state of affairs by weak men like you.

>> No.11957753

It's either incels or people on the very top, who don't give a shit.
Takes an outsider to be able to express what's up.

>> No.11957779

Brittany show ur tits

>> No.11957844
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Hasn’t had sex
Hasnt gained height
Hasnt taken a shower
Hasnt lost weight
Hasn’t hit the weights
Hasnt got a clue


>> No.11957941

The entire point of crypto is to put your money someplace the taxman cant get it.
Fucking idiot.

>> No.11958056

what's the most favourite word retards use if they have no sound arguments?
top kek

>> No.11958068

Pretty sure it’s “retard”

>> No.11958105

>hasn't read any of my posts

Begone tard.

No it's not, only stupid people believe this. Who told you this? Why do you believe it? Dumb.

>> No.11958109

Seething thot detected.

>> No.11958437

You gat some genuine gold nuggets there, but your list is too long. Some of those are really lame.

>> No.11958574


based, good work anon. fuck thots and white knights