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File: 104 KB, 822x1162, jkop7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11948553 No.11948553 [Reply] [Original]

The Japanese government is launching a program to reduce the number of abandoned homes across the country by offering them for sale for nearly nothing.

Natural disasters and an aging population tend to be the main reasons why many of these homes have been left empty for so many years.

In addition to some of the free homes listed, the government may also be offering funds to renovate the properties, especially in instances where they were abandoned and left in disrepair.

In order to browse the homes for sale, you can visit this this website: http://inakanoseikatsu.com/

>> No.11948594

>take free home in buttfuck nowhere
>either die to an earthquake or tsunami or get stabbed by local druggies
no thanks

>> No.11948598

Can you buy one as a foreigner?

>> No.11948615

>Buy house for nearly nothing
>Have to drive an hour just to get groceries because nobody lives here
>No internet infrastructure
>Long-ass commute if you don't work from home because once again there's fucking nothing out there
No thanks

>> No.11948634


Moving in with a japanese cutie hungry for western testosteron and fucking like rabbits while tending my own house and fields seems like a dream.

Too bad it's never gonna happen.

>> No.11948651

>or get stabbed by local druggies
It's Japan you fucking retard

>> No.11948661

>implying japan doesn't have druggies and racists ready to stab your white boi back for a couple linkies
real life is not anime anon

>> No.11948669


so get killed by yakuza ninja then

>> No.11948740
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Don't forget the radioactive wastelands

>> No.11948743
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>> No.11948765

We stayed in Nishinari district - one of the worst districts in Japan - for a week and all the hobos were quite friendly. Some of them spoke better English than the service staff in shops.

>> No.11949221
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How radioactive is Japan nowadays?

>> No.11949301

>houses for literally less than one bitcoin
Fuck, I'd love to buy one.

>> No.11949338

Yes, foreigners can buy real estate in japan

>> No.11949372

What the actual fuck. Talk me out of buying a house. I'm a foreigner. I most likely need a visa just to visit. But it looks like I should buy one just for the sake of it.

>> No.11949373


>> No.11949375

So some of these prices are only a couple of thousand, there had to be something wrong here

>> No.11949471

yes, obviously, they're all in the middle of fucking nowhere, are empty for years and need fuck ton of renovation.

>> No.11949527

Why the fuck wants to live in those mega cities? If i can get nationality easily, i'll buy one for sure!

>> No.11949551

Except you can't. Better luck in next life.

>> No.11949566

how much money do I need for a japanese girl to shit in my mouth

>> No.11949568

>Japanese nationality is a legal designation and set of rights granted to those people who have met the criteria for citizenship by parentage or by naturalization.
Basically you have to find waifu and/or learn japanise. Easy.

>> No.11949569

lmao look at those arms

>> No.11949579

>Implying japan has druggies
Chronic alcoholics maybe, but druggies don't exist in Japan. If you saw how harsh Japanese prisons were you'd understand.

>> No.11949588

Are they only for Japanese citizens or can wel behaves spics like me live there?

>> No.11949592
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>> No.11949613

you fucking stupid bud ?

>> No.11949616

>find waifu
>learn japanise

>> No.11949629

Just got back from two weeks travelling in japan by camper with my finace and decided it was paradise and we would like to live there. We work remotely so we actually could too. Fucking thanks anon this is brilliant.

>> No.11949630

Learning Japanese is easy, it's 1000x easier than learning english.


>> No.11949633

Japanese literally hate shitskins.

>> No.11949648

What does that have to do with the fact that the anon I replied to implied that learning Japanese will make him eligible for citizenship?

>> No.11949649

all you have to do to earn japanese naturalization is stay in the country for 7 years, learn japanese, and have a good moral character

the only reason it gets called hard is because subhumans arent able to learn japanese, really its easy to learn for anyone not a nigger

>> No.11949668

You're absolutely correct and I don't understand why you argue with me, since I agree with you.

>> No.11949670

I thought you were implying that you could find a waifu, but be unable to learn the language. mb

Learning Japanese is fucking fun and everyone on this website know it imo.

>> No.11949681

And none of them are available to weebs.

>> No.11949695

i already live here and it sucks, don't move here, Japanese don't want foreigners to move here.

>> No.11949714

I know a bit of Japanese myself, though I never really bothered to learn it. Once I make it, I plan to move there on student visa, at least for a couple of years. 2 years in a Japanese language school costs around $15k, I reckon.

>> No.11949728

japanese is the hardest language in the world. no other language has 3 alphabets and over 1000 squiggly macaroni symbols that look identical that you have to learn

>> No.11949748

Start learning now! Watch Namasensei's lessons and you'll understand how to read hiragana/katakana within a month. My greatest regret is not learning earlier.


>> No.11949751
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>> No.11949756

see, this is how they weed out subhumans, if, like this anon, you think japanese is hard, your grandparents should have been gassed in the world wars and you dont deserve to come to japan

this way japan succeeds at national eugenics without upsetting masses of people

>> No.11949760

Im half Japanese, fluent in the language, hold a passport and yet I don't feel compelled to live in any of these depressing trash heaps.

>> No.11949775
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kinda looks like the bitcoin chart

>> No.11949782


>> No.11949804

The fuck? "three alphabets" is a joke, you have no idea what you're talking about. Hiragana and katakana are basically the same thing they have so many repeating characters. か vs カ they're basically the same fucking thing.

Calling Japanese "the hardest language in the world" is FUCKING RETARDED. You're brainless and have no idea what you're talking about. I bet you're some sheltered 18yo kid with no experience in the language aside from anime.

>> No.11949815
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I learned Japanese to jerk off to lolis
it was worth it

>> No.11949822

I learned to read hiragana in a couple of hours some time ago, but it's fundamentally a pain in the ass to read and I prefer romaji. Didn't bother with katakana and kanji I find too much effort for very little reward.

I'm learning Danish right now, and I don't have the motivation anyway, since I'm quite confident that I could learn conversational Japanese within 3 months should I get to the point where I can move there.

>> No.11949851

lower IQ means lower ability to recognize patterns, like I said its literally an anti-shitskin check

>> No.11949852

Where can I get additional information on this since the site you linked appears to be more of a blog format than actually reporting what you stated.

>> No.11949884

Eh, I don’t think people care enough, or atleast aren’t blatant about it. My uncle has kids and family over there and my dad lived there for a couple of years in his twenties, and they say they never had an issue.

>> No.11949888

whales accumulating

>> No.11949911

>have to drive 2 hours to get groceries
>can't order food if you don't feel like cooking since nobody delivers in your area
>if the electricity goes out or water stops running good luck
>if something happens can't call 911 since they won't be on time anyways
>have bad internet
>have bad internet
>have bad internet

tell me why you want to live in the middle of nowhere in japan anon.

>> No.11949925

Japanese are extremely polite, so it's very unlikely one would encounter explicit racism.

>> No.11949968

Wanna know why you're retarded?

>> No.11949978

Nice try

>> No.11949990

You haven't met the drunk ones on the street.

>> No.11950036

Japanese people are not polite, don't try to group them all as one collective. And there is definite subtle and not subtle racism in japan.

>> No.11950050

>implying anyone got gassed in ww2
Nice meme you got there

>> No.11950069

Tell me about your experience anon

>> No.11950088

I actually have the money for something like this but don't have the means to emigrate or even live at those properties temporarily.

I'd need to find the right job at a corporation to get me in.

>> No.11950124

Truth I don't know that the Xenophobe label is accurate but they are racist.
Americans tend to have this idealized view of them as a society that isn't accurate.
Learn the language, make native Japanese friends first that would be willing to offer guidance and help you integrate/assimilate

>> No.11950137

>get stabbed by local druggies

He doesn't know guys, lmao

>> No.11950145

I'll probably just have to stick with South America for dirt cheap col for the moment

>> No.11950158

no one was gassed though??????????????????????????

>> No.11950173

jewgle their crime rates you absolute fucking retarded waste of space npc's larping as a sentient humans. get raped by a pack of niggers you mongrels you sub 90 IQ monkeys.

>> No.11950224

There are literally signs on restaurants and stores that say, "No Foreigners"
Sometimes they won't even put up a sign, they'll just see you walk in the door and go "No no, no..." and wave towards the door to show that they won't serve you and want you to leave.

>> No.11950249

Why doesnt japan just try to become the retirement home of the first world. It would be like Arizona but global scale

>> No.11950289


Chill Ken-sama, no need to get rowdy.

>> No.11950324

>Be like Arizona

>> No.11950367

This is based and redpilled and I hope they never change. Normalfags need to stay away.
Fuck off kike, you're not ruining the last worthwhile civilization with your progressive garbage.

>> No.11950374

>local druggies

It's Japan, not Guatemala. I bet you're American.

>> No.11950395

>fill an already aging population with even more old people
Great idea

>> No.11950523

I've noticed increasing anti-Japanese sentiment coming from the left in the West in recent years.
It's most observable in the entertainment industry where western companies are trying to enforce progressive western values in anime and videogames. Sony straight up cucked themselves by moving their Playstation division to California as now all their shit is getting censored in all regions.
But it's not just people censoring about tiddies in anime and videogames, there's been criticism on the homogeneity of Japan and how nationalistic its population is.
And of course the suggestion that multiculturalism is the solution to the population problem. Shit's fucked and westerners as well as (((westerners))) need to stay the fuck out.

>> No.11950567

Agreed honestly.

>> No.11950595

>move to japan
>get 6 day work weeks
Japan is ok if youre retiring or making your money online through self employment
Otherwise just stick to visits

>> No.11950613

You're right, but nothing will keep me out once I make it. I'm not staying in the cuckland that is Europe, come hell or high water. But the less westerners, the better, so I'll probably start fudding Japan.

>> No.11950631

It'd be a pretty good safe house.

Alternatively, sometimes being in a more remote location is comfy.

Don't you like camping anon?

>> No.11950648

t. virgin fedora incel neet
keep watching your anime, spergmaster

>> No.11950664


>> No.11950669

Why does r*ddit hate anime so much?

>> No.11950681

>sperging out and projecting autism at the same time

>> No.11950706

t. Davido-kun

>> No.11950714

Fucking kek, Chinese has a different dialect in basically every city you can find, including two written variants and many tens of thousands of distinct characters.

>> No.11950715

That girl in The pic all types of fucked up

>> No.11950726

Leftists are disgusting people, I hope war breaks out because of this. These people cannot be met with words, only force.

>> No.11950774

lmao, thanks for sharing this

>> No.11950791

>3 alphabets
Hahaha not really. There is one alphabet, with only a few characters, and it can be represented with hiragana or katakana. Kanji is probably where you're getting the "third alphabet" which is not an alphabet at all, kanji are symbols that can represent a word or even a phrase

>> No.11950798

I would suck a fart out of her butthole

>> No.11950805

>90% of all of 4chan BTFO in one video
This really is pearl harbor all over again

>> No.11950811

>T. Fucking weeabo
Fuck off weeb. Not everyone watches subbed anime and reads japanese manga all day like you fags.

>> No.11950842
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The jew fear the Samurai

>> No.11950885

man I haven't watched this guy in years, his lessons are amazing

>> No.11950905

The amount of Japan cock sucking webs in this thread is hilarious. Japan is a shithole. but it does make up for this by having an absolutely based population that still practices their customs. I can't say I wouldn't wanna live there, but the place is radiated, sees earthquakes like no other, and some of their customs are outright annoying. I'll just stay in Burgerland, all kinds of comfy.

>> No.11950968

>Constant earthquakes
Sounds like California only significantly less shitty.

>> No.11950985

Literally what i thought. Want a free house in the nuclear wasteland? Probably not

>> No.11951015

if you're a sperg, nobody wants you anywhere

>> No.11951024
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>> No.11951031

You got me there.

>> No.11951044

So? A few weeks in the middle of Tokyo is enough Japan for me for years

>> No.11951066


What are property taxes in Japan? Is this a place where you can buy realestate for virtually nothing in general only to pay 30% of the value every year in taxes?

>> No.11951069

how does one work remotely and afford trips to japan wiht future waifus ???

>> No.11951116

I agree that lefties may ruin Japan. But I am still white and I thus have the right to impose my culture on any other indigenous population I want to.

>> No.11951149


>> No.11951175

You are the leftie anon

>> No.11951196
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>> No.11951204

Paul freaking McCartney spent a fortnight in a Japanese jail for trying to smuggle in weed. That should give you an idea how serious they take it.

>> No.11951213

Some houses it's just like a 10 min drive. My cousin owns land in Germany and she needs to drive just as much. The positives definitely outweigh the negatives.

>> No.11951578

>Japanese jail

Reminds me of )))Bobby Fischer((( and his run-ins with homosexual Japanese prison guards.

>> No.11951812

Japan is totally racist. I'm white, and kids wanted my autograph. Because i'm white.

>> No.11951848

Consider this:
If there was any value someone local would buy it. The fact that noone does screams trouble.

>> No.11951855

Because no one answered me I investigated on my own and found this.


You can essentially buy in cash houses craigslist style in Japan. If any madeanons are willing to bankroll I have a team of people willing to move forward with some shit like this.

>> No.11951876

I don't trust sites that don't use TLS, it's CURRENT YEAR JAPAN WHAT THE FUCK.

>> No.11951881

>polluting the island
i have too much respect for japan to do when we've done in the west, even the best of us shouldnt go there.

>> No.11951922

top kek you sound like a pussy who never left the city

>> No.11951924

i'll go if it comes with a free qt that will let me put my seed with an aryan egg inside her

>> No.11951946

perfect retirement plan desu

>> No.11951982

i think living in europe would be better than living in america, i know japan doesnt like europeans coming over there. i would be glad to live in europe though than america if i had the opportunity

>> No.11951994

Based and redpilled

>> No.11952014

Would I have to be a citizen to purchase them? And are there property taxes?

>> No.11952018
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Some of these look really fucking good for the cost, which is god damn peanuts. 1 million yen won't buy you a pot to piss in America.

>> No.11952032

Most Japanese people speak passable English.

>> No.11952042

I would pick the US over staying here in Europe any day if I could.

What makes you say Japanese don't like Europeans coming over? I've never heard anyone ever complaining about Europeans. Generally speaking, it's Americans and Brits who have bad rap as being obnoxious.

>> No.11952073

Oh my God. This timeline!

>> No.11952090

That already happened to a positive effect in after WW2
Doing it now will only fulfill (((their))) will.

>> No.11952102

Being allowed to live there permanently, though, that's another question.

>> No.11952106

*after WW2
I need to revising my sentences and posting without rereading them.

>> No.11952111 [DELETED] 

this, it would be a shame to shit up other cultures and countries because of greed. if you want to do that theres always dubai or hong kong or something thats basically run by white people. i really dislike the idea of the whole world being run and controlled by americans with western ideologies. yesterday i read that columbians were taking in a million refugees from a country close to them and in my mind im thinking they probably had some people advocating in their to support these people and how its the right thing to do and these speakers were probably influenced by the west to be more accepting of foreigners and multiculturalism. but i think these actions will ruin a country by these values of trying to shelter. it could also be western students coming to these countries and giving speeches about how these countries need to be progressive and modern and have these values. it may sound like paranoid but im seeing the world shift into a more western state. but i think having different values is unique and we shouldnt go and try changing these values.
another thing i read recently was justin trudeau having a dispute against one of the middle eastern governments about banning canadian speakers that tried to advocate for more woman rights. we really have no business telling these countries how to act. im a bit anxious with how the world is going to turn in the next couple of years and where cultures of countries are headed. we really shouldnt be accepting multiculturalism and telling people how to think. its not progression its doing the american CIA free work by spreading american values and helping americans in the end if everyone believes they are good. im really concerned about how the world is going to change and it sounds like im thinking like an old man because im only 20 but i think about this a lot and it leaves me a bit bitter. i hope something good happens though from all this.

>> No.11952125


>> No.11952146

He looks like fucking MOOT

>> No.11952262 [DELETED] 

learning japanese is 1000x harder than learning english are you mad

>> No.11952313

ah yes the manlet gangs full of heroin

>> No.11952333
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all this fud by incels actually makes me more comfy to go to japan and buy some property there
feels good knowing that you retards think japan is racist, it'll keep you idiots out

>> No.11952338

>japan is racist
>implying it's not
>implying that's bad

>> No.11952347

I feel like it's one of those $1 Detroit houses (but nicer) where you pay dirt cheap for the house then charge you up the ass in taxes

>> No.11952380

something that is never spoken about when it comes to any talk about heritage or whats being lost is something that i know the native japanese feel, as its something ive experienced myself, in that having a connection to your homeland is actually important.
its not a cultural thing, its not about waving the right flag, you can feel being home on the genetic level and the more mutted a person is with the 1/8th german, 1/4 scottish etc meme, the further they can be from feeling at home anywhere.

nobody can only move to japan and larp that its their home, its not just inauthentic but its dangerous, it goes way beyond just homesickness to be somewhere else. americans cope by trying to replace the ingrained sense of homeland with malleable civic values like freedom, living the american dream and random iconography from past american decades. its the same mindset that leads to the trap of pan-europeanism or pan-whiteism, its all about tearing people from their natural clay they can thrive in.
where im from in denmark is the same place all my family going back hundreds of years has come from, the place is important to me, not just because of childhood memories but because i feel a duty to make it better for those that come after me. i can go stand outside at any point in the day and tell you what the weather will be for the next week, i can tell you where the animals are nearby, i can tell you without checking whats safe to eat, i can tell you everything about this place because its a part of me.
when i travel around europe or the us, i dont feel any sort of connection to the place, even if i look around and see lots of happy white people in nice houses, it could never be the same.

>> No.11952489

Land taxes are a good point. If nobody buys it giving it out for "free" and raking in land tax is a neat way to increase income for them.

>> No.11952525 [DELETED] 

japan is not easier to learn than english

>> No.11952542 [DELETED] 

nah i disagree

>> No.11952545

That's just your feel desu. I have 800 year documented history for my clan and i don't care the slightest bit of attachment for home. Rather i feel like everyplace is the same with minimal differences. Literally don't care where i am while traveling. I also travel a lot more than normal which might be what makes the difference.

>> No.11952725

Id like a condo in Sapporo or wherever it snows the most.

>> No.11952743

japanese is harder to learn than english

>> No.11952931

It's kinda hilarious watching leftists simultaneously whine about imperialism and demand every single culture in the world adhere to progressive norms and standards.

>> No.11953000

Its home where people died too , and japanese people are superstitious and say it brings bad luck

>> No.11953368

unironically interested. Wouldn't mind being poor and working hard for the rest of my life in the bum end of nowhere.

Wonder if I can be a bike courier in these areas that have no internet, or deliver mail or some shit...

>> No.11953393

They want white piggus to be bagholders.
Kek. Nipponeeeeeect

>> No.11953395

so what's the fucking point if you can't live there more than 3 months at a time?

>> No.11953441


>> No.11953542

In the middle of bumfuck nowhere? Good luck

>> No.11953585

anyway, there may be no rule against foreigners buying real estate, but you'll need to use a japanese bank account while I understand basically requires you to have at least permanent resident status.

>> No.11953599

>permanent resident status
how to get?

>> No.11953651

not easy, you have to live in japan for 10 years on with some other kind of visa, or just 3 years if you're married to a Japanese national.

in addition you have to have a job which "contributes to Japan" and be able to hand over detailed financial records.

>> No.11953664

this sounds like some bullshit
do they want us to buy their shitty property or not?

>> No.11953713

there might be an easier way to get a japanese bank account, but I am sure it requires some sort of visa. you can't even get a phone number in japan without a visa.

>> No.11953721

>you can't even get a phone number in japan without a visa
what? can't any dirty gaijin visiting get a sim and a number with it?

>> No.11953751
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ok faggot I just looked it up, there's nothing about needing a japanese bank account


>> No.11953763
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>> No.11953764

Their website is entirely japanese. Does it look like they give a fuck about immigrants?

>> No.11953768

sadly not, you need a residence card +credit card for a japanese phone number. the application process takes about an hour and it's common to get rejected for no reason.

>> No.11953809

>have to live in japan for 10 continuous years to apply for citizenship or permanent residency
>only allowed to enter for 6 months
>owning property doesn't grant the right to enter the country
le ebin troll face

>> No.11953817


>> No.11953865

I got one via skype so I could call health delivery services.

>> No.11953940
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>> No.11953974
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All I need to do is find a Asian GF, get her pregnant & marry her in 3 months....

challenge accepted! ha

>> No.11953975

enough for a plane ticket + $100

>> No.11954161

No it's not. I am ESL and Japanese is logical smooth sailing all the way. English is an aborted clusterfuck of shit that makes no sense.

>> No.11954485

>the government may also be offering funds to renovate the properties, especially in instances where they were abandoned and left in disrepair.

Do they offer any additional funds if you impregnate a Japanese qt?

>> No.11954820

Bunch of shit holes in the middle of nowhere but I'd be lying if I said a small part of me wouldn't want to buy a $5k home in rural japan and live out my days in simple luxury, even if the reality is that naturalizing is a pain in the dick hole and I don't know what the hell I'd actually do for money when I got there. Any area that has homes priced at $5k because nobody literally wants them isn't liable to have many job aspects, especially for an unskilled foreigner. I almost want to buy one just to say I own one but it would only be a matter of time before the government takes it back for sitting abandoned.

>> No.11954885
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>The Japanese government is launching a program to reduce the number of abandoned homes across the country by offering them for sale for nearly nothing.

No shit, OP. After 30 years the house loses value because the tax is incredibly fucking high. No one doesn't want to pay the high tax for their house because it's not even worth it to fix it up.

Are you that dumb, OP that you didn't even bother to research the laws in japan?

I bet you just typed in, " FREE HOUSE" in google and that link was the first thing that popped up.

>> No.11954940

>America Drops two atomic bombs
>killed 2,600,000-3,100,000 japanese

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11955030

>japanese is the hardest language in the world

Not true. English is considered the hardest language in the world. You know why? Because English is also smart and incredibly stupid at the same time, making it difficult to comprehend.