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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11948759 No.11948759 [Reply] [Original]

Boomer here

A woman's loyalty is eternally towards Chad

For a woman Chad comes before YOU and her family and children.

Bill Gates is garbage compared to that Football high school jock in her eyes

If Chad even approaches my woman i immediatly surrender

>> No.11948778

but i wanna get rich for women

scorts ofc, lol imagine getting married.

>> No.11948790

>Bill Gates is garbage compared to that Football high school jock in her eyes

Also this is a business and finance board. Take this to r9k where they can call you stupid too.

>> No.11948801

right bang, left hang

>> No.11948808

why does this board attract so many fucking losers obsessed with women

>> No.11948841

What is Chad? Seriously? I was an introverted pseudo confident dweeb who played CoD for 10 hours a day for most of college. I lifted for 1 year and stopped playing video games. At my peak I fucked 15 girls in 6 months all 7-9+ in looks department. Unless you are literally fucking repulsive facially all it takes is mediocre effort to be attractive.

I think anyone can be Chad with effort.

>> No.11948848

This whole website does man, they’re the same betas who pay for premium snaps and give gam3r girls money. We really need to come up with a psy op to help betas stop enabling women. Thot audit was a good start.

>> No.11948869

Chad is genetically a 10/10. Looks and ladies come naturally with zero effort

>> No.11948900

I just couldn't give a fuck what women do or want, to be honest. I want to make piles of money, that's it. I don't give a fuck if women are more attracted to money or Chad. These retarded off-topic "hurrr what women really want is X" threads lower the quality of /biz/

>tfw probably asexual despite having 900 ng/dl t levels

>> No.11948934

providing nothing traumatic in childhood/socialization practices that would cause bad social skills or a lack of experience

>> No.11949021

thats what he is for stacies

>> No.11949053

>T. Boomer cuck
The day the last boomer goes will lift the plague that haunts us all

>> No.11949102

lol yeah so obviously there are naturally good looking guys who can always attract women, doesn’t mean those that put in effort cannot do just as well. I can go to a bar or club with 5 “Chads” and pull hotter girls because of boldness and charisma even if they have a slight edge over me in looks...I’ve also met many women who have gone on dates with Chads and never pursued them further because their personalities were shit. It all depends on circumstances and definitely involves more than purely looks and aesthetics.

>> No.11949148


Op here. U have no idea what a Chad is. Its not just looks. You will never understand. Keep Coping while Chad fucks and dumps all the women in yoir family

Even i as a man feel safe and protected when Chad comes around to fuck my sister. U just dont get it

>> No.11949288

I have the same experience.
A friend of a friend of mine would pull constantly in this reggaeton place and this site would consider him an absolute manlet.

>> No.11949347


This site attracts autists.

Autists are obsessed with rules and programs and systems, if something is ambiguous or illogical it can trigger a legitimate panic and the autist will have to soothe themselves. This makes autists top tier engineers and programmers but garbage at ambiguous things like interpersonal relationships. The thrive in complex systems of logic and order that are internally consistent.

Once confronted with past failures with women an autist will seek to systematically create an absolute set of laws that govern attraction and repeat them like a self soothing exercise.

This is why incels have all these weird terms like 'gymcel', 'mentalcel', etc. They have obsessively categorised all sexual attraction and then they feel the need to tell people things like 'reminder that women literally want to be raped by chads' because it is like a drug it actually soothes their mind. They then spiral into negative thoughts.

Meanwhile neurotypical people just observe reality, shrug things that don't make sense off and move on. It is ultimately irrelevant whether any of these rules and theories are true, you should focus on just pursuing each day at a time, being healthy, and seeking healthy interactions with people regardless of past experiences. Cynicism feels like a way to protect yourself but it just makes you lonely in the end.

>> No.11949419

Anonymous (ID: c4b5QKVi)

Op here. You might be right BUT not 100%. Chad will reign supreme eternally and fuck your wife. Reality is not balck and white

I was a PUA and i am rich now. Still Chad is my God and i worship him. I remember once i pulled out all my Pua tricks on a russian model...she was a tourist in my country. Met her twice and then she fucked a chav Ivan for the rest of holiday. I only got a few kisses. I sun burnt my whole body for her just to accompany her to swim

>> No.11949690

>shrug things that don't make sense off and move on
So in essence, they never learn. Never try to overcome obstacles. Understood.

>> No.11949698

Fucking nailed it, yes women fucking suck and I realize they are all basically children, hence why >>11948900 sentiment is a good mindstate as to not give a fuck what they think. I wish I didn’t think about girls and sex 70% as much as I do it would free up a bunch of mental capacity and energy into more worthwhile pursuits. This sites obsession with them and the negative feelings they envoke are cancer, we really need a way to meme autists into shutting the fuck up about it so they stop trying to drag everyone else down to their levels of failure and misery.

>> No.11949755

They learn, but at 1/100th the cost of the autist. Instead of constructing and trying to play out some simplistic logical system, they just find circumstances which favor them and call it a day.

>> No.11949850

Here’s another great example where being a “Chad” failed me personally. I dated this very cute Armenian girl for 6 months. She was sweet, thoughtful and we had absolutely phenomenal sex. She was literally stunned by how good the sex was and would orgasm until she was too tired function. The girl truly worshipped me. Then boom for no fucking rhyme of reason she drops me and basically stops answering.

I was floored and through some investigative work found out she went back to her literal manlet, drug dealing ex.

I had every possible advantage over this guy, looks, height, money, and the sex. Yet old emotions prevailed over Chad. There was no logic behind her decision and it had nothing to do with how I stacked up to her chode ex.

>> No.11949877

Chad strives to get rich, is part of what makes Chad Chad, not striving to get rich is a sign that you're a beta bitch.

>> No.11949892

>they just find circumstances which favor them and call it a day
So they never resolve issues and just circumvent them. I assume this is because they never dealt with real problems that have to be pushed through if met.

>> No.11949907

Interesting. I'm sorry for your lost anon, but that's great to hear

>> No.11949920

>speaks about freeing himself from a negative mindset
>spews pure vitriol and boasts of superiority
normalfags, ladies and gentelmen

>> No.11949938
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this board has been taken over by r9k for a long time fren

>> No.11949944

>tfw ive moved on to swinger sites and started fucking dudes wives and gfs

>> No.11949965

On top of that his personality forms amidst abundance and admiration.
Chad becomes happy, positive, calm cool and collected.
Success, friends, wealth and women snowball on him.
In his world it's enough to just bee yourself.

>> No.11949995

When used to come here as a kid, I would laugh at all the loser virgins like they were zoo animals. That would never be me, I thought. Now I'm in that exact same position and I'm trying to figure out if I'm this way because I'm here, or I'm here because I'm this way. 4chan was like a self fulfilling prophecy of loserdom.

>> No.11950038

Go to /r9k/ if you are looking for a safe space for autistic incels. I’m actually speaking from real world experience as a man who has actually had sex and interacted with multiple women that they are not like what Disney and your anime’s portray. If you can’t see how loser crab bucket mentality is so prevelant on this site there’s not much I can do for you. Hence why id like to see some meme to help you nerds stop obsessing over women and just become comfortable and maybe even confident with yourselves.

>> No.11950066

> describe the things about humans that have resulted in their position at the top of the global food chain, and the things about europeans in particular that have resulted in their position at the top of the human food chain
> label that "autist"
> "you should be" more like pleb tier normies
not gonna make it.

>> No.11950141

go back to lookism sickos

>> No.11950319

>who has actually had sex and interacted with multiple women
>I haven't had your problems, therefore they aren't real, lel
typical retarded, oblivious normalshit

>> No.11950333
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>> No.11950343
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It always kills me to see anons pining over women, how QT girls will never be interested in them - and the image they post is some dumpster fire-tier Instagram or Twitch thot who would gladly be defecated upon by Arabs if the money was good enough.

Like, if that's the caliber of woman you're pining after, if that's your ideal, I don't even know what the fuck to say to you.

>> No.11950388
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You obviously do not date in the 30+ pool. All these women hate threads never take into account the past prime meat. People are only fighting over the babymakers, the ones that spent their time on their career vs having kids are the best pool to play in.
There is no Chad concept to these women, their Chad is someone they can unconditionally trust as they have been fucked around so much by the dating scene .

If you have problems with women, just get a less attractive one and stop caring what other people think about you.

>> No.11950392

> the cow grows up in a field where all his needs are provided for
> he has regular rubdowns by attentive servants
> he is fed a nice diet of grain beer
> he becomes happy, positive, calm, and collected.
> all the world seems to have been laid out for his abundance
> and then he gets butchered, because he never understood what his world was actually about.
evry tiem i cry for wagyu chad.

>> No.11950399

this post is wasted on the youth Anon, don't bother trying to help anyone in this pit of insecurity

>> No.11950407
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Good thing I'm a chad and own BTC.

>pic related is my BITCH

>> No.11950592

>a person tries to overcome a problem
>call them insecure as an attempt at slander
You aren't helping, just putting people down to prep yourself up

>> No.11950670

I’m a chad. Fucking a bunch of randos isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, first you have to actually go out with them and talk them up for a bit and feign interest, it costs money because you have to at least buy your own drinks and stuff, then you fuck them which is alright they’re usually not interesting enough to want to keep pursuing in anyway.

I’ve settled on one girl who’s super cute, loves me unconditionally, and just likes to play video games with me. It’s way more relaxing than having to think about faking interest in a bunch of bitches

>> No.11950753

Random hookups were a lie sold to us by the Jews they feel so empty and are a decent amount of work to obtain while the thots don’t have to do jack shit, get free food/drinks and your attention.
No one said your problems weren’t real, you know what isn’t helping them? Your shit attitudes collectively as incels. If you’re ugly as fuck you probably aren’t going to be wifing up models unless you have money and power so you might have to drop your standards and put in some serious work to obtain anything from girls. Life isn’t fair and as a man you either rise up or check out the choice is yours.

>> No.11950812

You don't understand dude... "chad" is the embodiment of a true alpha... he doesn't have to "try" he already has infinite in everything a male needs, looks, charisma, charm, boldness, confidence, athleticism, brains, networth... You cannot out-chad Chad!

>> No.11950828

Have we really reached the point where even getting ripped will make women still shit on you? No wonder so many dudes are fucking guys wearing makeup.

>> No.11950863


>Using terms like chadcel, incel, gymcel, looksmaxxing, squintmaxxing, jawlet, manlet, wristlet, chinlet, spending hours in MS Paint and Photoshopping creating caricatures of themselves if they got plastic surgery
>anything BUT autistic

>inb4 those terms are just memes

Not to the autists who take them literally and live by these extremely specific definitions. It's not autistic because it's wrong, it's autistic because of the sheer number of specific categories and measurements and terms.

>> No.11950867

>Your shit attitudes
This is blatant projection. Any attempt 'incels' do to understand their predicament is met with onslaught of slander and discouragement.
Mostly due to them being on the bottom run of society, and people mog them to make themselves feel better.
The random nature of slander they get combined with the intensity is just ridiculous.

>> No.11950878

fuck off incel. all of us here are chads.

>> No.11950926

kek. women are overrated anon. sign up fetlife. find yourself a kink. find people who have the same kink, enjoy life. be a real man. spend your money for others who really need it. buy link and love sergey.

>> No.11950931

I can sympathise with that position actually, but at the same time, what you tried to label as autistic behaviour was looking for divergences in patterns and being somewhat obsessive compulsive about explaining them and nailing down what's going on. This struck me as ironic in light of why we're all here obsessing over these chains of transaction blocks that just have these super weird coincidences in the precision levels of all the hashes recorded in the blocks after them. Like, why would someone do that, and why would that be useful? That's pretty weird, don't you think? Hmmm.
I think the problem with these incels that get obsessed with this kind of stuff is actually that they're focusing their energy on the wrong thing. They're like people who get obsessed with the patterns chickens scratch out in the dirt or the mating habits of cassowary or whatever. Who gives a fuck about any of that? Roasties are roasties and gonna roast, they are cattle driven by their instincts and largely incapable of higher thought. Imagine spending your entire life trying to figure out how to make a chicken scratch the exact pattern in the dust you want it to? Who gives a fuck.

>> No.11950964

>Who gives a fuck
cool wall of text bro

>> No.11951029

Well it doesn't really relate to your woe is me incel'ism. To which I would say instead; there's no such fucking thing as incel. Look, what's actually your problem, you're not getting your dick wet and the hedonism you want out of the experience? There's a solution to that problem as old as civilisation itself; it's called escorts. They don't give a fuck about anything but getting you paid and some of them are very good at their jobs and will fuck you much better than garden variety normie roasties ever could.
Or you want a pure white aryan waifu to propagate your genetic lineage? Well first off, if you're an incel, why would you even want to sentence your offspring to a continuance of that? Get some fucking CRISPR shit together and organise a surrogate and do a program along those lines so whoever you leave behind isn't going to be afflicted with the same problems as you are. And for christ sakes stop dreaming about pure aryan waifus. That shit went decades ago. Women are herd animals and the herd incentives for female behaviour have been directly contrary to the archetype you're searching for and idolising for twice as long as most of us have been alive. It's not going to happen. You will unironically get better success out of getting a professional escort to convincingly LARP it for you if you're really that obsessed with the illusion.
You go to war with the army you have. We live in the world we have. Make the best of it and don't fucking whine about how you wish it were different, because that will buy you fuck all.

>> No.11951049

Your amateurish post insinuates that I would settle down with a woman and spend my money on her like a cuck. This is retarded. If I make it I would continue sleeping with as many women as possible like I am now, it would just become 10x easier.

>> No.11951067
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> seeking healthy interactions with people regardless of past experiences. Cynicism feels like a way to protect yourself but it just makes you lonely in the end.

>> No.11951135


Way to miss my point and then present it yourself. The original idea I was responding to is why /biz/ is full of threads about women. I explained that this site attracts autists, the implication being that things like programming and blockchain and finance attract autistic people because of the rules/logic/game theory etc, these people live their whole lives like that, so what is useful for evaluating crypto is the same quality that makes them relentlessly berate themselves and categorise everything.

You can make whatever justifications you want, maybe it's true maybe it isn't, the fact though is these people literally *hate* themselves because of their obsession, that can never be healthy. They claim they only hate themselves because society hates them, but that's just an excuse. The reality is these people are so far gone they literally don't want to stop hating themselves after a certain point.

They create a loop in which they can vent their frustration and fulfil their fantasy of being 'chad' by bullying themselves. It's like pornography for the psyche.

>> No.11951152

I'm an adult virgin but I'm only an incel if I label myself one, right?

>> No.11951184

Very well then, proceed. You're dead right.

It fundamentally comes down to a case of society wide stockholm syndrone. For some reason, they're able to throw off the reins of societal programming and realise the game is rigged in every aspect except when it comes to women, and there they're just like "FUCK ME WHY AM I SUCH A FAILURE AT THIS IN MY NATURAL MODE OF OPERATION" literally identifying with their abusers rather than realising hey wait a minute, this is nonsense, this woman is barely sentient cattle, why do I give a fuck what she thinks about anything? And why on god's green fucking earth would I imagine changing myself in order to fulfill her expectations of my being some prop in her fantasy life? That's fucking hilarious.
An attitude ironically which gives you such comfort and facility when dealing with women they frequently think you're chad anyway.

>> No.11951207

i experienced this snowball effect in my early twenties and was very aware of it happening at the time. i was a shy kid that happened to turn out good looking and the way men and women began to treat me better for no apparent reason was an incredible feeling. still fucked my life and mental health up with drugs and now browse a cartoon porn forum for shitcoin gambling tips. i never really had a real chad's mental fortitude, it was all fake. i've barely left the house in months, haven't been with a woman in over a year and have sever anxiety.

>> No.11951217
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>responds to post in the most triggered sperg way possible

Tip top lol. 4chan is too autistic for its own good a lot of times.

Good post. It's not always black and white, especially when it comes to sexual attraction.

Spergs will never understand that some 9/10 could randomly find you attractive one day, because the stars aligned for whatever reason, and the next day a 6/10 might not even look at you. It happens. Girls have different tastes, desires, etc. and sexual attraction is not always binary. Try explaining that to a 4chan incel and you will get so much push back it'll force you concede to their autism.

>> No.11951234

Wanting to deal with an obstacle and looking for a way isn't *hating yourself*. Are you projecting?

>> No.11951240

Anyone who takes real measures to improve their situation and is open minded to helpful suggestions I am not going to slander or discourage.

>> No.11951256

Literally saged. Bill Gates can't quit winning year in and year out.

>> No.11951258

You seem infatuated with yourself. Unfortunately, your ramblings are just self-serving, thinly veiled flattery. Like almost all normalfag "advice".

>> No.11951269
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Wew lad.

>> No.11951290
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You see? The main difference between the jock and the fitness guy is that the jock has fire and temperament.

>> No.11951324
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Let's say there's a bottom tier of men, getting no sex, and a top tier of men, getting all the sex, the best sex.

There's also the middle-tier of men, making up the majority. They get sex - mediocre, tepid sex from a disinterested sow, and not very often. To him, it might be the best he's ever gotten, and will ever get, but she's already given all her best efforts to the top-tier Chads. And she'll hop on something better the second she can get it.

That middle-tier are the ones telling you how to get laid the normalfag way.

>> No.11951694

Just be positive and high energy bro.
Easy af.

>> No.11951760

based and cuckpilled

>> No.11951846

>t. poor nostatus brainlet coping

>> No.11951878


Why don't you spend some time on r9k, these people literally hate themselves.

>> No.11951945

absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.11952012

Cucked and bluepilled

>> No.11952602

Except drugs

>> No.11952610

So who is Jock and who is Gymcel?
Im not american

>> No.11952753

Investing HARDMODE:
For every bad investment do 100 push ups in a day.
For every good investment do 1 min plank.

Change things around on the excercises when you finally grow a pair of balls.

>> No.11952791

What is a girlfriend.

>> No.11952865
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This x1000

The chads get sucked into a tornado of winning that snowballs into more winning and the rest of men get sucked in a spiral of rejection leading to depression and low energy/cynicism/fapping/women hate which trigger more rejection....

Good luck escaping the spiral

>> No.11952929


>so many fucking losers obsessed with women

You mean heterosexual men?

>> No.11953031

When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change,
a friend of mine that 4chan would probably categrorize as a manlet incel slays lots of chicks. why? because he has a positive outlook on life, knows how to demonstrate value, can handle rejection and is just a fun guy to be around. these r9k tier faggots that do nothing but pitty themselves everyday only attract more crap with their self defeatist attitude.

>> No.11953189
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The difference is jocks have frens. Women will judge you not on you, but based on your social circle and where they rank you. If she is on a cheerleading squad of 5 people and you are on a football squad of 5 people the top one of each will date the other because their rank in social circles is compatible. That's why the captain of the football team dates the captain of the cheerleading squad. It's why tom brady is together with giselle bündchen. A girl won't date you because you're rich or poor, she'll date you because you're the leader of men and other men respect you. You can be as rich as you want if you don't have any frens she won't respect you, she'll just be a gold digger.

Not sure why this is so hard to understand but then again I'm dead inside.

>> No.11953225

The leader of men doesn't need a gf. Might settle for one later one.

>> No.11953253

that's why she finds him irresistible

>> No.11953274

As almost all the other women, to the detriment to the men lower on the totem pole.

>> No.11953309
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So spend less time trying to make money and get buff and spend more time making frens. All men are trying to climb the totem pole, 2 years spent working out in the gym could have been spent making frens. Or get a dog and go to a dogpark and make frens.

I know a guy with a lambo and he still can't get laid

>> No.11953337

7-9 no u didnt they were all 4-5

>> No.11953348

I'm not complaining about anything. It's the ways things are.
Just followed your nice, disinterested line of thinking.

>> No.11953402
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I feel you. I'll never date giselle bündchen but I am very happy with my GF. I'm the top dog at my work and she's the top dog at hers so we match.

Sorry about being disinterested I'm chronically suicidal I just found out.

>> No.11953438

this t b h

>> No.11953548

cope harder fggt

>> No.11953566
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Well said fren. can confirm as former engineer. switched out of there because 90% of engineers are bitter and talk shit about women all day while getting none. Me and 1 other friend on the engineering team actually went out and met women, the rest married the first girl that was interested in them or were alone.

Now in a different discipline where I have to make frens and build relationships across companies and I am much happier. And I am good at what I do because I can talk to autists in engineering because I used to be one. Still an autist but I guess I'm like the daywalker now.

Did you read that rant the engineer wrote at google about how women arent good at computers? Seems like a good example.

>> No.11953575

Don't get me wrong, arguing in a disinterested matter is the best kind of arguing. Little chance of personal preferences creeping out unwittingly.

>> No.11953584

Suck shit retard

>> No.11953621

>played CoD
>only 10hr per week of vidya
>"pseudo" confident (what kind of confidence isn't pseudo?)
>barely excercised
>fucked 15 girls in 6 months
>thinks anyone who can't get a girl is a loser
Chad looks like you.

>> No.11953696
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Read up on what happened to this guy and realise it is getting to be more common than not.
Chad is just being set up on a life path with the inevitable trajectory of a wagyu cow indeed.

>> No.11953831

how the fuck do you know you were better at sex?

Girls don't care about any of that shit. looks height money is all cherry on top. The pie is in the feels. And you most likely didn't dick her like you think you did.

>> No.11953881
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>> No.11953971

biz is unironically one of the most normie boards on forchannel

>> No.11954121

>I immediately surrender
You sound like a cuck, have some dignity.

>> No.11954625

you failed to do enough anal and fuck her with her sister, and bestie

>> No.11954814


>> No.11955066
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stop using logic

>pulled out all my Pua tricks?
wtf is this shit?
gaming isn't like some videogame where you use all these combos and she'll automatically like you.
all of it has to do with the vibe you put out.
these naturals (chads) get laid a lot even when they do things that are not technically PUAish because they have that relaxed confident vibe.
thats the most important part.

you gottah vibe with the girl. good eye contact. tonality etc.
not just throw a bunch of negs and shit.

>> No.11955089

you got it
Emotion > Logic when it comes to fucking the girl

sorry for your loss though m8

>> No.11955099

But I’m getting rich so I can fuck around based on empty promises before settling down with the girl I could’ve had anyways
Do I need to change my ways?

>> No.11955108

yes but CHAD doesn t even try lmao. you have to be a tryharder and have DECENT looks at least( don t tell me you are sub 6 cause you are a fucking liar ).

>> No.11955969

Unironically this. These kinds of normie tier advice makes me cringe.