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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11947747 No.11947747 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11947765

Eth is a shit currency, its a good platform FOR currency

>> No.11947779

Ok I'll pass

ETH = oil/gas

>> No.11947894


>> No.11947920

Apparently the only cryptocurrency I paid for real stuff multiple times was Ethereum

>> No.11948102

Faster than btc
But better as gas

>> No.11948186

Amazon doesn't accept ETH.

Amazon copy and pasted the open source Ethereum network blockchain and is using it for their own business.

It's still great news for Vitalik and the Ethereum network.

>> No.11948190

a glacier is faster than BTC

>> No.11948199

Almost every crypto is better at being a currency than BTC

>> No.11948219
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>huge corporation steals software platform from autist
>bullish for autist!

>> No.11948262
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Those of you thinking ETH is useless are forgetting one thing: Maker. All Ether has to do is not die, and more and more of will be locked up in CDPs, ETH becomes scarce. Same with staking. Factor in the reward reduction and eventually ETH starts to look scarce. The moon is just the first stop.

>> No.11948354

Amazon will not accept ETH, but DAI, TUSD, 0xBTC and other currencies.

>> No.11948366

eth will moon regardless

>> No.11948445

0xBTC will become the standard currency on the etherum blockchain

>> No.11948630

Why not both?

>> No.11948794


>> No.11948837

Must be a new fag.

Amazon accepting crytpos is the oldest meme in cryptos. Old fag have been trying to do it since 2011.

>> No.11948852
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>> No.11948858



>> No.11948999

You guys are meming but I literally just took out a loan to go heavy on 0xbtc. It's a sure thing.

>> No.11949039

checked, but no, not memeing. ETH was never intended as a unit of currency, and 0xBTC is well situated to hold that role. Decentralized, trustless, borderless and transparent.

If Ethereum takes off 0xBTC will be worth a fortune. Of course of Ethereum flounders and dies, yeah you lost your $, but its a good bet to hold some 0xBTC and just set them aside for now. I have about 800 bought ~20 cents on average.

>> No.11949045
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You're not wrong, but the issue with that is as Maker allow additional collaterals in multi-collateral, the benefits to locking ETH are likely lower than locking DGX, for example, as DGX is far less volatile. Indeed the more collaterals they allow, the worse for ETH in general as any basket is likely to be less volatile than any single asset.

>> No.11949659

is 52 eth enough to make it?

>> No.11949967

hope so, i only have 42

>> No.11951148
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>> No.11951194

with proof of stake ethereum becomes a compelling store of value by necessity. right now though, its a bad one due to insanely high inflation.

dont expect any ethereum based token to win out over ethereum in the long term though, because if something gets close its in ethereums best interest for the security of the network to ensure ethereum remains the most competitive asset on their own blockchain.

>> No.11951220

Ive kinda wanted to buy 0xBTC, but I already own link and holo, and I couldn't live with myself buying into 3 separate /biz/ memes simultaneously lmao

>> No.11951515

Amazon is accepting btcbchsv

>> No.11951839

dump your holo bags friend

>> No.11952119

You are not fren.

>> No.11952156

>arrow in amazon logo means "from a to z"
>arrow in this logo goes from e to e, taking you fucking nowhere

>> No.11952775

Don't listen to this. Holo is a long shot yes but if they do pull it off you will be happy to have gotten in early. Holochain has the potential to unironically be the Internet 2.0, a role Ethereum is not suited to.

>> No.11953171

Not talking to you, faggot

>> No.11953194

Substantiate that claim (you can't)

ETH is a great currency and has more value behind it. Bitrock faggots need to neck themselves. You'll really understand after sharding and the world computer meme starts again.

>> No.11953222


But there's a rumour going around that ETH will be capped at 120 mil with PoS. What's the point of 0xBTC then?

>> No.11953536

>ETH is a great currency

>and has more value behind it.


>> No.11953571

Right so explain why it isn't a great currency please.

>> No.11953573 [DELETED] 
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Oh,by the way,if you think that the next bull run will pump your alt coins like LINK,TRON,XRP that are sitting in the hundreds of millions market cap,prepare to be FUBAR'd

There are tons of blockchains with high potential that sitting under 10M in market cap.Those will be the ones who replace most of the SHIT you see in the top 200



Reasons why Tzero/Overstock use FLO

1.floData is accessible and easy to read. You don't need to decompile a smart contract or have a special software to read it. It's in plaintext on the chain.This helps with auditing and explaining how it works to regulators. Any extra steps are a barrier to adoption.
2.floData is easy to write. It is appended to the blockchain using a simple RPC command. This makes maintaining the software around the solution less costly.
3.FLO is a fairly launched blockchain with no premine or ICO. Again, this helps for practical regulatory reasons, but also is a philosophical choice made by those who maintain the software. It guides the decision making for our software and also allows those implementing it to check off a box they couldn't check using another chain without those features.
4. FLO has open source software built on top of it (OIP) that can be used for building more advanced applications (this is how etdb.caltech.edu became a thing).
5. FLO's main use-case is floData, unlike other chains who support complex smart contract languages and operations unrelated to storing data. Sometimes it's best to use a tool that's meant to perform best at a single job rather than bringing around a Swiss army knife and using it for only 1 of its functions.

Look for free and fairly launched coins.They go to BINANCE.

Follow @cz_binance. Retweet.
Back to listing. Ravencoin, no ICO, community project, humble people, no listing fee.

Check out the binance description page for FLO.Look how similar it is to RVN

>> No.11954130
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>Oh,by the way

>> No.11954246
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It still was heavily ICO'd which means far greater chance of getting dumped on. 0xBTC is fairly distributed.

Look at this chart, there is no other puremined, trustless, 51%attack proof currency with a distribution this even.

>> No.11954258
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>> No.11954265

The top holder is an exchange

>> No.11954671

Also yeah let's say that they implement a hardcap. 0xBTC will be useless hurr duur wait a second. If you really REALLY think about it, what says that they can't remove the hardcap?

However a hardcap likely wont happen, since PoS requires inflation as a mechanism to incentivized staking and disincentivize not staking. With no inflation, no new coins would be given to stakers which means that nobody would stake.

Take all these facts into consideration, then consider giving 0xBTC a shot.

>> No.11955754

ETH ≠ Ethereum
Also ETH was simply never designed to be nor intended to be a unit of currency.