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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.1193888
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Latest News: POW is ending early. MEME pump imminent. Also memetic warfare ops conducted in the slack . Type /join #memeticwarfare

>> No.1193889
File: 36 KB, 320x320, tumblr_nul37annMQ1ueiaxzo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubled in price today.

/MEME/ is going to

pic related

>> No.1193891

just meme my shit up

>> No.1193898

Is now the time to buy or is the dump imminent?

>> No.1193903

It seems that it already dumped. Shakeouts are common tactics used by whales. Look at the chart history for URO, it had some of the most biggest shakeout in the history of altcoins. Perhaps you can train yourself to notice the preliminary moves of a whale performing a shakeout.

>> No.1193906


MEME is low energy.

TRUMP is High Energy.

People are dumping all their MEME to get their TRUMP before it hits the media and explodes.

Who the hell would want MEME when theres TRUMP right there on the same exchange?

>> No.1193910


The real Donald Trump would not hesitate to dump on people. The whales that hold the majority of TRUMP will do the same, that is, if the devs aren't sued first. Remember the first lesson every crypto oldfag learned: Coinye West. Trump has initiated lawsuits for less.

>> No.1193912

Perfect time to buy. Very cheap and POW is ending soon so price is going to explode.

Devs are working on it still so no its not dead and will pass the top within the week. Pump is coming.

>> No.1193917


YTD Top.

You guys are seriously underestimating the tech here. You will be able to experience different types media through the blockchain when IPFS gets installed.

>> No.1193953

Once Trump dumps literally right after v2 comes out or when trump sues them, MEME will be the next flavor of the month.

How is this not obvious to all of you?

>> No.1193963


Also MEME is on a major exchange (bittrex) and is younger than trump. What does that tell you?

>> No.1194055

You can't sue a technology there's no one to sue Trumpcoin is decentralized there's no one to sue as long as there are nodes in a network Trumpcoin will continue to operate Donald Trumo need to understand you can't sue Trumpcoin! Trumpcoin is owned by the people for the people! Even if he threatens the dev and exchanges with a lawsuit he can't touch a majority of them and the dev can just rebrand it so avoid a lawsuit but it will still always be trump!

>> No.1194114


You've never heard of Coinye have you?


You really think Trump is going to allow a coin to be based off of him without him making money off of it? Fool.

>> No.1194117


The exchanges will not touch it so you will NOT make money off of it. Also if gets a hint of negative attention (which it will) in the press at all, Trump or the very least his lawyers wrecking TRUMP.

>> No.1194153


Coinye got sued before it ever started trading.

TRUMP is now trading, it can't be stopped. If Donald sued it would be front page news all over the world, the price would explode into the stratosphere.

Donald suing would actually be the best thing for Trumpcoin, because it'd mean millions of people would learn about it.

>> No.1194157

You really are a retard, aren't you? If Trump sued, millions of people would find out about Trumpcoin and thousands of them would start buying in.

Or do you actually think Trump's lawyers are somehow able to "pull the plug" on the entire thing?

>> No.1194170

yeah, any attention from the media is good, we would actually get more money from this if trump sued millions of reddit fags would sell their doge and fedora coins to cause butthurt

>> No.1194179

Yea actually he can, idiot. If no exchanges selll it, the coin dies.

>> No.1194193

This thread is Trump thread now.

>> No.1194432

There will always be exchanges with Trumpcoin as long as there is demand and if all the exchanges bailed but there was still demand for Trumpcoin is just make a Trumpcoinxchange.io there problem solved if host in Bulgaria and run it from Russia

>> No.1194671

You're an idiot.

>> No.1194677


Are you really fucking retarded? All it takes is to say he wants to sue anyone selling TRUMP.

Once again, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.1194930

up and up and up we go

if anyone doesn't believe in the power of memes go take a look at dogecoin and fedoracoin

>> No.1195033

MEME is the future

>> No.1195140


good meme magic to start off with on Monday

>> No.1195216

New update for MEME. POW ending early so guaranteed price raise no matter what.

>> No.1195992

700sats on bittrex, cheap as fuck. Will get to 7k sooner or later.