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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1193719 No.1193719 [Reply] [Original]

I just discovered that my grandmother has been blowing through her savings at an alarming rate. She now only has 2,000 in savings.

They have 100k owed on their mortgage, and she's racked up 15,000 in credit card debts over 5 different cards. She makes the minimum payment on each every week.

I don't know what to do, I don't know anything about finance, but I need to help sort this out.

I made her list all of her bills, and there seems to be spending about 500 to 1,000 more than she makes. I have to do further research to figure this out exactly.

I can't even figure out what we can cut. They don't spend money on anything other than bills and the bare essentials.

The first thing that came to mind is trying to consolidate the credit card debt into a lower, single monthly payment and attempting to get the mortgage refinanced.

I don't know what to do, can someone give me an idea on what I should be reading/looking into in order to help them?

>> No.1193741

How the fuck did she get in that mess if she's only able to buy the bare essentials. She must have fucked up somewhere..

>> No.1193765

Tell her to stop spending money on random shit? LOL

>> No.1193772

She's a complete moron. I can't understand it. I have convinced her to give me access to her banking account information so I can review her expenditures for the last few years.

She actually sold a property she owned to a friend for a huge loss. Right now her bills are far more than her income and I don't really know what to do. My grandfather is senile, and she's of very low intelligence. She doesn't even realize the severity of the situation. From my estimates she will be totally broke, and subsisting only on their social security income within 6 months. I'm trying to explain to her she's going to lose the house, but it's not registering.

>> No.1193778

Every time I ask a question, or explain something, she thinks I'm making a personal attack on her and starts yelling and making excuses.

I think she's taken huge advances out on credit cards and given the money to my loser parents, and her other drug addict children, and opened new credit cards to make the minimum monthly payments on those.

Poor white trash, ladies and gentleman.

>> No.1193782

You don't do anything anon

This isn't your problem, so don't let it become your problem.

Just say no when she comes begging to you.

Let her be broke for a few months. See if it registers then

I know you love her, but you've already done all that you can and are responsible to do.

Also, I feel like this is another iHaz Shitpost thread

>> No.1193795

Yeah, I'm not giving her money under any circumstances. I'm trying to figure out the best way to get her 5 different credit card bills consolidated into one single monthly payment, and then seeing the feasibility of refinancing the mortgage to get the monthly payment reduced.

They'll never dig themselves out of this hole, at this point I'm just trying to keep their heads above water. Taking on more debt is actually fine, just so long as they can lower their monthly expenditures.

>> No.1193849

She doesn't give a shit about it. If she does, she wouldn't be acting like that, let her die man, natural selection...

>> No.1193851

>neets who are supported entirely by their families telling me to let her go over the edge of the cliff

Why do I even come to 4chan

>> No.1193907
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> It's not registering

Then let it go.

I have the same issue with my mom. She is addicted to drugs and a hermit. I tried many times to convince her that the drugs were ruining her life and she needed to enter rehab, but it simply did not register.

Sad. Gotta let go though.

>> No.1193908

Just disown her legally.

>> No.1193918

I agree with the guys above for the most part. They will take her home and put both of them in assited living. Just let the system take over. It'll work out in the end but it'll be a painful process once they start selling all her shit. I'm going through this right now with my grandmother.

>> No.1193922

Get her some mining Hardware old people like it hot anyway

>> No.1193928

Have her apply to college and take the maximum loan amount.

>> No.1193938


>projecting this hard

Maybe you should move grandma into your house? /sarc

Boomers made their bed, now they lie in it...forever

>> No.1193943


You obviously shouldn't leave her to die, but short of taking control of her finances, there is nothing else you can do.

It'd be one thing if she was in debt and learned from her mistake, but if someone is refusing to change their ways or take advice, then you cannot fix it.

If what you are saying is true, then she will eventually lose her home and the two of them are either going to go into assisted living or live in your house.

I love my family, but if they were acting like that, then they would be too much of a liability to stay with me, and by liability, I am not talking strictly about money. It would be hard to trust someone like that in your house.

>> No.1193946

It boggles my mind that there is no age limit on financial aid but there isn't, thinking about asking my 60 year old mother to consider a college degree she agreed and is in the works to possibly go get a speech pathology degree.

You have fun, maybe die 5 years after you graduate, the debt goes poof.

>> No.1193949

Old fag here and I've seen this sort of thing go down more than once, degenerate children and bad management, pleas to emotion and they martyr themselves for "family".

You can expend a lot of time and energy and get no returns on it, sounds like you just found the ship and it's already at the bottom of the lake. You just need to let it all run its course and try to rescue when they eventually get evicted, pick up the pieces so to speak. Only then will you have the authority to take control of the situation and salvage what you can, find them an apartment, fend off the degenerates...etc all while not martyring yourself.

>> No.1193951

Assuming your family is full of 16 and pregnant tier women, your grandmother's almost dead anyway

>> No.1193965

She'll be dead soon anyway, might as well go out spending

>> No.1194194


What advice would you like then? Should we tell you to dig deep and implode your own life and finances to stave off your grandmother's bankruptcy a month? Six months? A year? And just HOPE that it clicks before then?

Maybe you'd like me to get you in touch with the Magic Debt Fairy who erases debt, or I could tell you that all your grandmother needs to do is invest in some kneepads.

Seriously though, your granny is going down the financial drain and there's not a lot you can do about it except be careful that you don't go down with her. Check on your state's bankruptcy laws. You might be able to protect her home through that. If she's of an advanced age you might try to get her declared incompetent and set yourself or someone else up as her caretaker. This is not an easy process though and it could definitely damage your relationship with her.

>> No.1194545

>not cutting out retarded family members from your life

>> No.1194580

How much equity do they have in their house? If they're not upside down on the mortgage a refi is probably the best solution. Refi, extend the loan out to 30, get lower monthly payments and pull some equity out to pay off the credit cards ASAP. This will only work if she cuts up the credit cards and her loser children don't sponge off her.
If she's underwater and/or won't cut off the sponges...well...how are her knees?