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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11930652 No.11930652 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ peaked at the face of 4chan in 2016 and declined after being infested with boomers ever since. We now have the best best community and the best memes.

>> No.11930663

unironically agree

>> No.11930667

This. The boomers absolutely ruined pol after their migration from td.

>> No.11930669
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Yup, this place is full of the brightest minds.


>> No.11930670

I agree. /biz/ has the best memes by far. And it has only gotten better during the crypto crash.

>> No.11930674 [DELETED] 


>> No.11930683

/biz/ has good memes but is full of boring, shill threads for useless coins (all of them). The memes are best observed from /pol/, when they are reported there.

>> No.11930691


This plus the dump got rid of most of the newfags

>> No.11930744


there’s much better /pol/‘s on some of the other chans these days. /biz/ from late 2016 to late 2017 was amazing but it’s being killed by normies and radditors and now 4channel.

>> No.11930855

Um....you must mean the centre of 4channel.

>> No.11930997
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only real frens are left after the purge

>> No.11931015

this feels like half a board now, it HAS to go back to 4chan

>> No.11931089

>Best memes
It checks out

>Best community
That ain't it, chief

>> No.11931116
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Best frens

>> No.11931167

4chan is dead
4channel is gay

>> No.11931204


>tfw we are going to be filled with rekt 401k boomers when the stock market crashes and the crypto Golden Bull begins
>just like /pol/, this board will be corrupted by the eternal boomer

How do we prevent this?

>> No.11931268

We don't, we encourage it.

>> No.11931271
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frens forever

>> No.11931289
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/ck/ is better 2bh

>> No.11931358

>spells it as 'centre' instead of like americhads, who dictate crypto markets and spell it 'center'
>you're never going to make it op

>> No.11931420

We have our moments. /r9k/ almost killed this place but they're mostly gone too now.

>> No.11931672

The only thing I want in life is for the coinniggers to have a separate containment board. A board actually dedicated to entrepreneurship would be very interesting.

>> No.11931929

what the fuck did you think all the gore and shit was for on other boards?

>> No.11931972

Also there are too many pajeets here

>> No.11931974
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Only because of /ourguy/.

>> No.11931983

>there’s much better /pol/‘s on some of the other chans these days.
Such as...?

>> No.11932320

>1 post by this ID
>posts a /tv/ meme
>nobody even knows

>> No.11932352

um... sweety, this is 4channel

it's time for you to go back to 4chan where you belong you disgusting incel.

>> No.11932429

Tbqh it's becoming the new r9k central with this depression phase. While r9k is invaded by "fembots" and trap posters
Business, money saving, wagecucking and risk taking to loose 99% of your money seems to repel roasties well.

>> No.11932448

Based and dextropilled.

>> No.11932456
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>> No.11932490


>> No.11932512

He will be so ashamed of that shit if he reaches adulthood. Little punchable autist, reminds me of myself with less self control.

>> No.11932525

Sure, but it's fucking funny

>> No.11932526
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>> No.11933465
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He just needs a bit more time

>> No.11933675

The same way 4chan always use to and /pol/ stopped doing. Gore and porn.

>> No.11933751
File: 3.01 MB, 300x148, miss_moot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best memes.
No. Fuck off. This is normalfag central. All memes are rehashed and recoloured versions of the same 2 characters over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND FUCKIN OVER AGAIN. They're a decade old, goddamnit. Stop fucking rehashing them.

God I wish moot was back here to fuck shit up again. This fucking website needs some fresh air.

>> No.11933771

egg, how get out?

>> No.11933802

Lol /pol/ is a shit board and it has become apparent a lot of you retards have come here. Thankfully none of you are smart enough to make money in this market so you will all get fucked and leave. Seriously though, /pol/ is the worst board by far and the downfall of 4chan has been done largely in part by those retards and their shitty echo chamber not knowing how to stay in their fucking containment center.

>> No.11933830

Only dedicated frens remain

>> No.11933844

2018 /biz/ is the most boring board on the channel aside from a handful of memes like bog and sminem. Also bizonacci vids.

>> No.11933847

T. Zogger

>> No.11933876

t. Leddit

>> No.11933877
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/pol/ here, i have more money than you :)

>> No.11933955

This website has always been dogshit, looking back /b/ was unfunny kiddy shit, /pol/ 2015-2016 is unironically the apogee of this place, constant happenings and new memes for 2 years straight with MSM becoming the biggest lolcow ever, unless WW3 happens and we somewhat keep the internet running, it will never reach such a peak again.

>> No.11934025
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>> No.11934039

who is the chick?

>> No.11934077

tay.ai will always be my favorite /pol/ arc
short, sweet, tragic, hilarious

>> No.11934193

/biz/ is pretty much guy heaven. /biz/ and /fit/ after you went through your /pol/ phase is the patricians choice of boards.

>> No.11934216
File: 90 KB, 485x671, 1514748343129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was on /pol/ for a good while. I think I gained as much as I could from there. I still go on the art boards but /biz/ is my new place for comfy learnings and OC drops.

>> No.11934243


We started the 30 year old Boomer meme and the whole world basically now uses our jargon to describe trading activity in crypto like "holding bags" etc.

Even LINK didn't dump thanks to the power of /biz/

>> No.11934400

It's true. /pol/ went downhill pretty bad with the 2016 US election and it's never recovered. Anybody remember the Clankening? Dorner threads? The Zimmerman trial? Shit was gold back in the day. We never get happening threads that good anymore.

>> No.11934423


You must be a loser to be a 4chan janitor. Fucking die in a car accident.

>> No.11934473

Can’t corner the dorner or flim flam the zim zam