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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 250x250, Satoshivision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11925199 No.11925199 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we're watching the BSV dump.

BSV will dump within the next hour or so. Reasons:
- BSV has an abnormal distribution of volume across exchanges. Almost all trading happens on Binance, while all other exchanges (including those with enabled deposits & withdrawals) have a pretty abysmal, almost non-existing volume, i.e. Bitfinex, Kraken, Poloniex etc. Ethereum, in comparison, which has roughly the same price, has a huge volume across ALL exchanges. This means that the interest in BSV is purely speculative and is driven by Binance's whales.
- Look at yesterday's double top formation on the chart. The volume was pretty strong during the first upswing, but severely dried up during the second upswing. This is generally a very bad sign.
- BSV was conveniently pumped during every bitcoin downswing (to make it look more plausible for investors). Each time it took more and more effort to do so, and now it ran out of steam.
- Right now there's a huge struggle between buyers and sellers going on (a triangle formation), which means, considering the aforementioned factors, sellers are likely to win.

Take your popcorn and watch.

>> No.11925212

Screencapped. The just is going to feel so great because Craig has something up his sleeve

>> No.11925213

What price will it dump to

>> No.11925221

Wait for Friday...you'll love what we are doing

>> No.11925226

Maybe by 30%, it's really hard to guess.

>> No.11925230


>> No.11925236


>> No.11925269

Should I buy now?

>> No.11925277
File: 162 KB, 1246x659, OPISFAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- Right now there's a huge struggle between buyers and sellers going on (a triangle formation)

>> No.11925295

yes sirs but sv, it is the real bitcoin, not an imposter sirs

>> No.11925302

>Craig has something up his sleeve
Only thing that nigger has up his sleeve is an exit scam

>> No.11925313

Digits confirm.

>> No.11925483
File: 37 KB, 600x300, craigfuckingwright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goodbye /biz/

>> No.11925491

Yeah, it began.

>> No.11925515

When dump

>> No.11925522


>> No.11925529

I dont see

>> No.11925552


>> No.11925639

Aww. A 331 BSV market sell order. That was rough.

>> No.11925660

I was the 29

>> No.11925741

227 BSV market sold. Ouch.

>> No.11925773

I hope Craig & Roger are both raped by a pack of niggers.

>> No.11925833

236 BSV market sold. Dip buyers appear.

>> No.11925851

I already market sold over 4000 BSV. I hope the people I sold to aren't planning on HODLing lmao

>> No.11925854

1379.64 BSV market sold. Mamma mia.

>> No.11925872

Dip buyers enter the game.

>> No.11925878
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I warned you.

>> No.11925886

thank Craig i abandoned ship cut my losses

>> No.11925953

It SEEMS that OP isn't a faggot.


>> No.11926022


>> No.11926044 [DELETED] 

After a 20-minute session of "dip buying", the dump quad takes over again.

>516 BSV market sold.
That must hurt..

>> No.11926061

After a 20-minute session of "dip buying", the dump squad takes over again.

>516 BSV market sold.
That must hurt..

>> No.11926064

you hope

>>11925854 that is only half a bitcoin in 2017

based and checked they want us to sell
I WILL JUST BUY IT, but the charts is BAD


>> No.11926073

what hurts is 10 posts by this ID, you suck man
honestly you sound like twu, a chink, a pajeet, a nigger of tradeogre or a jew.

>> No.11926099

"no" to the fag trying to hijack thread, fag.

>> No.11926100

Dip buyers don't seem to give up. We might actually stick around this level if they persist.

>> No.11926102

I would agree if it wasn't for the fact this coin deserves to die.

>> No.11926108

craigheads btfo

>> No.11926131

Morningstar forming on the 30m, if dip buyers persist until the candle closes

>> No.11926159
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>> No.11926173

Thx for the heads up gayboi %^}
Where shud i put this 3k now?

>> No.11926174

> $65,000 is only half a bitcoin in 2017

>> No.11926181

member when bchsv and bchbab were both at 232$? its probably gonna happen again at 80$, then BABC dies and roger kneels to the conman, as it is right.

>> No.11926207

already got out 2 days ago with 40% profit

easiest $7.31 of my life

>> No.11926353

The buy orders are pretty unimpressive desu

No strong support has been yet found.

>> No.11926377

Dump it

>> No.11926392


>> No.11926401


>> No.11926453

Buy volume is picking up.

>> No.11926519

I think that's it for now. Some huge buy orders are popping up.

It dropped by 20% since the beginning of the thread.

>> No.11926571

bottom price?

>> No.11926576

Now the setup for a reverse h&s.

>> No.11926579

i think cake 79

>> No.11926584

yeah and if that breaks 59

>> No.11926622

No idea, but I think it won't get lower for a while.

>> No.11926625

dunno, im pretty confident in 79ish

>> No.11926631
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1509542655024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down 25%

Haha you fell for the pajeet pump

>> No.11926635
File: 1.21 MB, 906x1400, breaking bad walter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes please, my wire transfer still hasn't come through and i really want to buy SV as low as possible

this article is good btw:

>> No.11926729
File: 896 KB, 1349x1392, Phase-4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this goy played it hard.

>> No.11926764

>What ABC has done by very successsfully pulling off this “capture the ticker” mission is they have demonstrated a textbook example of how a protocol developer can conspire with outside actors (a cartel of exchanges and centralized miners) to enforce centralized consensus, and do it so effectively that it even overrides the competition with a decentralized hash power.
Article is retarded because it is ABC that has the most cumulative hash power right now, not SV

>> No.11926801
File: 3.53 MB, 2249x3000, juggernaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep reading, overcome those feelings

>> No.11926817

nah, fuck off shill

>> No.11926872
File: 33 KB, 470x341, blwhacitek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never fully open your eyes if shut them at the first sign of seeing something unpleasant.

what you said in >>11926764 was completely incorrect, you just assumed something, but you are so quick to simply disregard the article because the author is retarded in your mind.

>> No.11926909


also BCH holders just got credited their BSV on kraken today

>> No.11926917
File: 113 KB, 923x695, 1523352076615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what you said in >>11926764 (You) was completely incorrect,
lol, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining you fucking pajeet shill faggot. I can see with my own fucking eyes that ABC has more cumulative hash power than SV, go fuck yourself you lying piece of dogshit shill.

>> No.11926929
File: 484 KB, 2197x1464, Kim Jong-un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes that wasn't what you got completely incorrect. just read the article sir

>> No.11926934

>just read the article sir
go away pajeet

>> No.11926943

pump coming? >>11926890

>> No.11926949
File: 66 KB, 700x502, holding hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir, overcome those feelings. bitcoin sv is bitcoin.

>> No.11926963

poo in loo

>> No.11927041
File: 44 KB, 960x540, cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer the beach

>> No.11927087

Thanks for the link anon

>> No.11927286

Called it.

>> No.11927311

You should really listen to the other anons advice. Never get emotionally attached to a coin. You will be ruined

>> No.11927322

Thanks for the advice, good thing I'm not emotionally attached to SV :^)