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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11922792 No.11922792 [Reply] [Original]

hey /biz/ it's my first thread on this board
i've started saving money for the first time in my life at the age of 22 years old, but i'm losing motivation already. I've only saved up 435 dollars and i'm wage slaving at 9.00 dollars a hour can somebody remind me why it's important to save because i feel like blowing all my savings away already.

>> No.11922818

Just go ahead and spend it like a good little normie. Don't worry about your future at all. :)

>> No.11922829

the cost of living is expensive i don't even have a car right now, it feels like even saving up to get 1000 fucking dollars is taking forever

>> No.11922881

Just spend it all haha ;)

>> No.11923773

good job, you almost hit half a grand! you should treat yourself

>> No.11923868

Good start, it's the right train of thought. Just keep doing it but your main concern should be your wage. No matter how much you can save it won't be enough at $9 a hour.

>> No.11923874


>> No.11923907

i'm trying to get a better job while i'm working at this one what should i do with the money i save up i don't know anything about business investing or any of that

>> No.11923960

Your focus right should be to increase your cash flow. $9 an hour will never cut it. You will never be able to thrive with so little money. I think you’re right to feel like it’s pointless to save money because, frankly, at your income level, it is. Save up an emergency fund of a couple thousand dollars and then figure out how you can transition into a higher paying job.

>> No.11923975

By bchsv right now and double your money in a week

>> No.11924007

i don't know how to buy cryptocurrency or stocks or bonds or any of that how do i get started

>> No.11924021

Buy the new iPhone or go out clubbing with the boys! Haha that would be lit!

>> No.11924025

Go to trade school

>> No.11924039

>receive 2500 in neetbux
Haha loser.

>> No.11924046

there's none within my area i could get a pipe welding certification or hvac the pipe welding certification is 9 credit hours i don't want to damage my eyesight

>> No.11924055
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pic related is my motivation to save up all I can

>> No.11924056

Don’t listen to any of these fuckers that encourage you to buy cryptocurrency. It is by far the riskiest “investment” you could possibly make and the whole crypto bubble is bursting. If you have any respect for money or yourself at all, don’t spend it on crypto.

>> No.11924058

Play with this calculator http://moneychimp.com/calculator/compound_interest_calculator.htm
Every dollar you save now should double in 7-10 years if you are a good little boomer.

>> No.11924090

>almost 2019
>still looking a meme lines
Let’s all have a moment of silence for the money that just died.

>> No.11924093

Literally just keep doing what you're doing man. Hell if you desperately want to save more you can just live like you're super poor, but life like that is shitty, and imo more likely to demotivate you. Try to keep going until you have at least a couple grand that you can use in an emergency.

>> No.11924775

Buy stuff and sell them higher on the internet.

>> No.11924788

how do i know what to buy and how much to buy it for

>> No.11924838

>there's none within my area
is it not possible to move somewhere else? What is your job now and level of education? The ticket to a higher paying job is of course getting more education. You're young, have you considered doing a stint in the military?

Since you have little to no expenses while in the service if you save most of your money those savings and the benefits package you receive after discharge can set you up quite nicely. Its a good opportunity to get out of a cycle of poverty for people in your position.

>> No.11924854

no it's impossible to move i don't have a car where am i going to live how will i support myself with 400 dollars to my name i don't want to join the military

>> No.11924859
File: 31 KB, 660x371, _103330503_musk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not get an education? they always need accountants or lawyers, you dont need to be a genius to become one yourself.

At 9$ you will never make it, not with crypto, not with stocks and not with anything else.

>> No.11924892

Maybe more difficult then its worth.
Lot of scalpers on the internet

>> No.11924915

literally how?

That's 30k a year for being NEET

>> No.11924994

With your income, I would try investing in myself first, not saving. The car is a good investment and you should definitely buy it if you are in the US. The car will raise your earning capability immensely.
I would recommend buying an old Mercedes. What all people think is that Mercedes is expensive- it isn't, not really. The best feature of Mercedes is the fact that second-hand parts for the older models(1998 old) are dirt cheap and Mercedes is building in a way that is very easy to work on it yourself.
1998 CLK will cost you $ 1000 and has still a shit lot of mileage left before it falls apart.
I'm recommending this because this is exactly what I did and I got a new job almost immediately, then I was able to buy second-hand shit in goodwill and reel it. I'm making around 6k a month on Ebay right now AND have a part-time job.

>> No.11925012

>>Goodwill and garage sales.
Phone posting is a bitch

>> No.11925030

I have no legs and am blind in one eye and raging tinnitus in my right ear lol. Gotta love 2004.

>> No.11925032

i'm too dumb to become something like a doctor or a lawyer i had a mediocre gpa in highschool but when i hit college i kept failing my classes and now my gpa is total shit

>> No.11925112

Then learn a trade.

>> No.11925425

yeah but at least you have a national defense service medal

>> No.11925517

>everyone and their grandma got cars
I guess it's not terrible though, I literally don't have to work. I can leach off you losers lol.

>> No.11925531

What happens if you stop waging? Then you'll only have 400 bucks and be fucked. Anything could happen. Think of future you

>> No.11925570

what do you spend it on? If you can get yourself into depression you won't have desire to want or buy anything, thus saving money :D

>> No.11926429

Kill myself

>> No.11926475

No one here pays taxes lol

>> No.11926527


And if an emergency happens, AND THEY HAPPEN, you will be pissed off seeing your savings go by the drain, and it still will be better than having no other options other than selling your stuff cheap.

Also find a better job fast or live extremely frugally.

>> No.11926530
File: 361 KB, 1567x1253, 1541896500074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy LINK or be a wageslave forever

>> No.11926555

If you put $50 into SP500 on vanguard every week starting now, You'll be a millionaire when you turn 63. Of course the more you can invest, the quicker you'll get there.

>> No.11926711

Try and find a way to increase your income. This will be much more important and more profitable in the long run over saving a miniscule amount of money

Or put your $435 into link ez $1000 eoy and you will have made it

>> No.11926742

Literally kill yourself- you deserve nine fucking bucks an hour if you have such an attitude about welding. Last month I worked with a welder who took 4500 home a week after tax. Fucking lazy degenerate.

>> No.11926773

Wah wah im a complete little lazy fucker. Seriously shut the fuck up you little degenerate. I'm 19 and have over 50k saved and invested in blue chip stocks, from working and saving. There's no goddamn fucking shortcut. You unrespectable cuck.

>> No.11926821

You don't make 9 dollars a hour unsufferable pretty boy faggot

>> No.11926877

I made 13 you fucking retard. Working under conveyors in filthy factory environments. Working on a 10 foot ladder on the top rung, in insufferable heat, working as far as i can reach upwards for 10 hours. My family is wealthy enough I can ask for money and I get it- but I don't.