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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 307x500, c2bba70a-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11919808 No.11919808 [Reply] [Original]

report in

i want to see how many people are as pathetic as me on this board.

>> No.11919843
File: 21 KB, 576x561, 1511895129561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've slept with less than 20 women, that's pretty much the same

>> No.11919854

no its not.
get out

anyoje who knows the touch of female is not allowed itt

>> No.11919878

I almost forgot how it feels, it's been a few months

>> No.11919952

21, KV reporting in

>> No.11920140

I kissed a (female) friend once 7 years ago though.

>> No.11920158
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30yo khv

>> No.11920224
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It's been years since I've even talked to a woman.

>> No.11920237

what does khv mean

>> No.11920242

kissless, hugless, virgin

>> No.11920249

Girl kissed me in the cheek once, does this count?

>> No.11920262

25 y.o. KHV
Cryptoscamming was my last hope of getting girls to like me, but now it's over.

>> No.11920278

22yo tons of kisses with 9/10 girls but no sex virgin

I'm not gonna make it bros

>> No.11920288

yes. get out
you already made it
fuck off

>> No.11920296


does fucking prostitutes make me a non-virgin ? some of them weren't "official" prostitutes, so I even french kissed them after cumming in their mouth, does it count as kissing ?

>> No.11920308

26 yo never even touched a girl before masterrace

>> No.11920311


jesus christ. only kissless, hugless, virgins are allowed in this thread.
anyone else doesnt know this pain.

>> No.11920315
File: 43 KB, 650x455, 1539422391425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys tell yourselves that things will change once you make it? They won't.

As far as I can tell (from browsing r9k a bit), the biggest problem seems to be that you guys just assume all girls aren't interested in you. If you aren't hyper autistic or mirbidly obese you should be able to find a nice girl. Just work on your social skills, put on some decent clothes, grow some balls and go talk to some girls. It's literally that easy.

>> No.11920339


I knew it until I was 28, then the urge to fuck became irresistible

I frenched kissed with a girl at 20, I think it was pity on her side, doing it once and the being denied made the feeling much worse

>> No.11920341

i have horrible social anxiety.
i cant talk to another human being pretty much unless its the teacher.
i violently shake at the thought of making small talk
ive tried changing this for years

the only hope i have is to get /fit/, get lots of pladtic surgery and to pose as a chad on tinder.

>> No.11920349

the fact that you had the oppurtunity to have a girl pity make out shows how easy you had

>> No.11920352

handhodlless retard

>> No.11920357

>the only hope i have is to get /fit/
Focus on training your conversation skills

>> No.11920362

77k link marine reporting in

>> No.11920375

28yo khv here. Business is good but not enough to cover my 5'5" ass. In the verge of desperation here, but i don't want to fuck a prostitute, don't want a relationship either. Luckily i still don't "invest" in crypto... if i have most probably i already kms.

>> No.11920385

Yes, they would change. For once, I would have my own apartment and car, two things without which losing your virginity is impossible once you are over 25.

>> No.11920392

does having frequent mindsex (during which i don't ejaculate) with 2d waifus (causing rushes of bliss to run through my entire body when whispering into her ear what a princess she is and watching her blushing self melt between my hands) exclude me from being a KHV? i'm 28.

>> No.11920419

>look at me I'm the biggest loser ever but I don't invest in something that could change my life, I also don't take any risks in life, women wise and money wise. I rather be a poor incel till the end XDXD

>> No.11920425

Does mu cousin count. I also had a girl sit on my face when i was like 11.

>> No.11920429

23yo kissless virgin. 6'4 but ugly as fuck

>> No.11920431

t. hodling all the way down to 300

>> No.11920434
File: 4 KB, 250x180, 1540108495143s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've slept with more than 200 women in my life but I lost 18,000€ on cryptos.
Are you happy now?

>> No.11920438

based desu

>> No.11920449

Considering i make around 10k/month, maybe more in the peak month, I'm not poor. But good business won't buy height. Sad. It's a good time to horde tho.... not sure yet.

>> No.11920511

25yo virgin reporting in,
writing my master thesis right now, after im done i will go to bangkok for a few months smashing azn tinder sluts every day

>> No.11920516


> just bee yourself

>> No.11920521


>> No.11920523

>wont buy height
wtf you talking about?

as soon as im rich, im going to New York to get heigh surgery so i can 6'3"

You can be 5'11" with just 200 k you know

>> No.11920529

29yo reporting in. Never really wanted a relationship though, just want to have a friend without any of the relationship emotional bullshit. It's pretty impossible though since everyone is gone or getting married or wagecucking away their lives.
I've never had any fun talking to any girl my age I met, and I assume the opposite was true. Why would I assume the future experiences will be any different.

>> No.11920533

20 yo khv and only planning to seclude myself further. 10 more years

>> No.11920534

good luck fren
you should really make sure youre a chad appearamce wise before going the tinder route.

i think tinder with asians only works if youre decent looking. a lot of bald fat men go to asia without touching a woman.

>> No.11920540

Im pretty ugly and fat and Ive had sex. Incels literally just need to try harder.

>> No.11920546


I have a few questions for you:

are you black ?

were any of the women hot or just fat/ugly ?

>> No.11920554

Still kinda expensive, and need to break your legs? No thanks. Hope you got what you want anon

>> No.11920565

I'm a lanklet with justin beiber hair and glasses but had no problems fucking Tinder girls in Taipei and Tokyo. (They love blue eyes)
Got greedy and ended up with chlamydia so there's that.

>> No.11920568

I'm a med bull.
On +200 women only 15 were "ugly"
I'm 26 y/o
90% were fucked without condoms
I have been to army and they tested my blood. Nothing.

>> No.11920574

I am fit, tall, german, full hair, great jawline.
if i would talk to roastbeef i would probably get pussy but im not into coalburner whores
literally every pattaya ladyboy has more class and is less slutty than the every white "woman"

>> No.11920591


what's a med bull ? a doctor ? a surgeon ?

how do you meet the girls ?

>> No.11920594

Its not over, its just over for blinded TA cucks who trading by usual indicators/candlesticks. But yes, it is hard, even if you have programming skills.

>> No.11920606

and here comes the non virgin faggots invading the thread

cant you gok blog to some bitch on tinder already?
blog about your wonderful life

people like you are truly scumbags

>> No.11920616

med bull means the guy is greek or italian or spanish

he asked me a question

>> No.11920629


unfortunatelly, my incel bretherem are retarded.

go cry tk some tinder pussy and get doxxed by a fat asian girl like skme other anon today

i have no idea why the fuck you even showed up here i the first place.
the title says

why the fuck are you even lurking stupid asshole?

>> No.11920633

You surely don't hang out that much with Pattaya ladyboys.. I do and white women seem very conservative if you compare them.

>> No.11920642

fuck off faggot.

back to tinder

>> No.11920650

Keep calm and buy a ticket for Manila, you will lose your virginity in 3 days faggot.

You think dating tinder thots is that easy? DO ou even work out? DO you even take care of yourself?

Stop whining little beta cuck

>> No.11920652

you go back to tinder too

you fucking non virgins just arnt satisfied with getting pussy. you have to go shit up the virgin thread too

>> No.11920662

Why is this non virgin still talking

You already won lifes lottery
get out
go blog on /soc/ or any other biz thread douche

>> No.11920665
File: 198 KB, 1000x1500, retardedMomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I clearly stated that I am 25yo and a virgin who wants to go to Thailand to lose my virginity, what is your fucking problem?

>> No.11920675

Do it, thai girls are so easy and very easy going.
I will be there in January and February

>> No.11920677

i have to maintain tight quality control to get the non virgins out.
was suspcious of your roast beef line.

call me crazy incel all you want.
got to have tough mod skills to get rid of the shitters.

>> No.11920682

fuck off.
why are you still here non virgin?
did you not read the OP, stupid fuck?

>> No.11920686
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t. pic related

>> No.11920694

I'm here to help a fren.

>> No.11920701

also fyi, i do workout and can bench 200 lb.
but because unlike you non virgin faggots. i have shit genetics that make it hard to bulk

while you fucking chads only have to do... one push up before turning into beast mode

you non virgins win at everything without doing any work.
i have no idea why anyone would want to talk to lazy lucky asshole like yourself

you deserve nothing

>> No.11920712

I would be ok to help you, you are the one rejecting me..

>> No.11920713

>here to help
okay. pls help by leaving

>> No.11920726

>make thread for kissless virgins to report in
>non virgins start blog posting
its like we never get a break at life. i have no idea why non virgins even browse biz.

dont they have women to attend to?

>> No.11920730

I was auschwitz mode until 17 y/o
after 9 years of working out I just look the average joe ++ and I fucked up my knees squatting.
Stop crying loser

>> No.11920735
File: 186 KB, 936x590, 149234628624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't had sex in over 4 years i might as well be a virgin

>> No.11920742

the average joe doesnt fuck 200 women
fuck off and die.

no one in the world wants you
all you do is taint women.
you fucked 200? You think any incel here wants to lose their virginity to the used roastie pussy you fucked?

heres a thought.
help us out by dying or getting married
+less competition for incels
+less used roastie pussy

>> No.11920877
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1543315931308s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you are my only friends

>> No.11920891

Hello, I am also one of those.

>> No.11920911

I'm 28, slept with 3 girls by the time I was 19 then met my gf who is now my fiance and have been with her for 9 years So 4 total

>> No.11920915

ah. fuck it
sure. lota of incels have a fluke.
i never once had the chance to have sex though.
welcome fren

>> No.11920947

why the fuck are you here then?
you got to meet your wife at a young age and be with her for years?

lots of incels cant even get 1 girl to have sex with us let alone start a relationship

christ, non virgins are insufferabel faggots

>> No.11920971

this is why i hate you non virgins so much.
you think 4chan isnt my only form social ckntact either?

you at least got to fuck 200 whkres just walkimg outside.

none of us will ever have it

you won lifes lottery
we lost it

fuck off and go speak your problems to another whore. they like it as they sleep with you.
you dont know what hardships are at all.

>> No.11921012

It pretty pathetic how they have to post here for validation. I don't really give a shit about someone's virginity/non-virginity like you seem to do, but this is ridiculous.

>> No.11921033
File: 303 KB, 570x664, reddead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here daddy

>> No.11921054

If you want a tip, there is a direct correlation between time on the computer and lack of pussy. Get off your PC, get some sunlight, get in shape and Find some outdoor hobbies. Girls find that attractive and manly, they don't care about your coding abilities or your fascination with blockchain and smartcontracts.

>> No.11921063

yeah. i know i look like some crazy incel spouter.

but it proves my point.
non virgins fucking have life on easy mode. and even when there are hundreds of other threads they could post in on /biz/ they have to choose to shit up one thats supposed to be comfort for anons who were delt lifes shitty hand.

like. what the fuck is their problem?

>> No.11921123

my point again how fucking non virgins are born with a silver spoon

ive already tried your suggestions faggot.

i used to spend all my nights getting out my dorm to talk to people, attending clubs, and attending parties, trying to seem open and interesting.

it dorsnt work
all you non virgins are just lucky faggots who dont know what hardships are at all.

us incels should be given free neetbux and free tuition and everything. im dead serious. no one suffers more in life than virgins.

and all were told is
>just go outside bro
it doesnt fucking work
my only hope for making it is if my muscles decide to fucking grow and i get rich enough to look pretty.

meanwhile you faggot non virgins just have to walk outside and girls instantly want to fuck you just by you saying a few words to them

>> No.11921269


You probably seem so desperate and nervous around them. You need to relax. Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal and honestly stop trying to get laid when you go out. That's 1 thing I noticed. Anytime I was really trying to talk to/get girls - it failed miserably. When I wasn't trying and was care free they just came to me and things worked out. I am not a chad by any means and am usually awkward and uncomfortable in most social situations like that. The real red pill is to just stop caring.

>> No.11921279

Wizard here.

>> No.11921290

>just stop caring
funny. even when i started dressing like shit, stop combing my hair, cause i figured id put off getting a girl till im 25 when id be desperate enough to do the asia route

no girl still want to fuck me or talk to me.

stop caring is as meme advice as be urself

>> No.11921318
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i've only had my pee pee sucked but I've never had the chance to put my peener in her

>> No.11921394

jesus dude your're making me feel incel just reading this shit

>> No.11921405

>Tfw 18 and never had a gf
Tell me i'm gonna make it bros

>> No.11921455

Why would I ever be happy

>> No.11921460

>i started dressing like shit
You have to dress normally, do't go to the extremes.

>> No.11921587

23, I’ve done all the memes

>just be yourself
Did this, people think I’m a weirdo

>just focus on yourself and don’t even try, girls will come naturally
Did this and literally no one speaks to me and they give me weird looks. I’m convinced my face is really angry/ugly looking because people seem genuinely scared of me.

>just workout and get fit, girls will be attracted to you
I’ve attracted zero girls after 5 years of working out. 5’11”, 175 lbs, 13% body fat.

I really think some guys just don’t understand that some of us get ZERO signs of interest from women. Like these retards will say “I started working out and noticing girls checking me out, it was simple from there”, or “I left my basement and I met a QT at whatever hobby it is I like to do, we flirted and now we’re dating”, these guys are completely oblivious to the fact that women were ATTRACTED TO THEM. Some men (like me) literally do not attract women, in my case I literally repulse some and am invisible to the rest. You know “the look” guys will talk about where a woman urges you to go talk to her with her eyes? I’ve never once gotten that. I’ve never made eye contact with a girl and had her smile. I’ve never had any of that shit happen to me. I’ve had them give me looks like Im serial killer, or lame accidental eye contact where they immediately turn their head down or away. Some men literally do not attract women.

>> No.11921606

Cone on, this is 4chsn.

You just wanted an easy way to get loads of replies to your thread.

>> No.11921639


Mate, women can smell your defeatist attitude. That's what they don't like.

It's almost certainly not your looks because there are literally disfigured dwarves with hot girls.

Work on your attitude to life.

>> No.11921652

I'm 39, never been on a date.

>> No.11921674

Try going somewhere where they worship whites like the Philippines or Argentina.
You're right that some dudes can't attract women, but not all women are looking for someone attractive. Ride that brown pussy for 4 years, then dump her ass before she gets her greencard.
My buddy is a fat ugly cunt and he's done this twice now with 9/10 qts.

>> No.11921675

They can’t “smell my defeatist attitude” because when I was doing those things I was naively optimistic. I would go to the gym, to parties, to social events, to all sorts of different things, I was a top engineering student, I had tons of responsibilities, there was no sense of defeat. There was a sense of optimism because I felt like life would get better if I made it better. It never did and now I’m here.

>> No.11921698
File: 95 KB, 400x452, 1540269269908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well my incel fren

maybe you should take the test:
post face + body right now.

if youre a 10/10, youd have no problem doing this. if not. then you werent perfect

>> No.11921806
File: 47 KB, 436x599, 2BDCE71C-B479-489C-ACB1-1410F5D58F27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 28yo touchless kissless hikki NEET
>never seen a naked boob IRL (without Porn I would never know what they look like)
>once in school like 15 years ago I was sitting next to a girl and my arm touched her arm for like 1 seconds
>had like 3 times eye contact with a girl at a distance of more than 10m but they were looking neutral at me and then looked away and I‘m sure one of them was actually looking at someone that was standing behind me

>> No.11921816

Rancid. I hope to never come in contact with any of those 200

>> No.11921825
File: 39 KB, 446x399, 17BA5727-A7A2-46B9-A9B2-E593B0F3B78A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in parents basement in same tiny room for 28years
>never had a job and just barely passed highschool
>3TB porn collection
>own 2 onaholes
>survive from meager NEETbucks but managed to save enough to buy some chainlink like people told me

>> No.11921865
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1543315406621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably already have.

>> No.11921867

You retards ever hear of a "practice girl"? Go fuck a fatty like I did when I was 16. Bitch was gross af. I was not terrible looking and my friends would have probably shunned me if they knew. I got a 6/10 gf not long after that who loved swallowing my cum, and have been able to pull women ever since.

>> No.11921869

Not a virgin, but not far from one. At 31 years old haven’t touched a woman in 5 years. The worst part is that plenty of women have made it clear they are attracted to me but porn addiction that I developed in my early teens caused me to never develop a normal sex drive

>> No.11921901

Good goy. Let (((them))) to replace you while you wank.

>> No.11922021

why is the fucking non virgin still lurking the thread....

>> No.11922034

aeriously. go to hell.
i hope you fucking die you underserving piece of shit.
look at people like>>11921587

dont you see you alrwady won at life
why are you even itt?
to torture people kore
youre the worst fucking human being in the world

>> No.11922045

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.11922056

because even "practice girls" have standards now of days.
you could of always pulled cuties.

>> No.11922109

no they dont. there is always pussy available, even for autistic retards.

>> No.11922138

no theres not.
theres barely any fat girls that exost compared to skinny girls. And so many incels are trying to get any sort of pussy that theyre already taken.

literally. theres been multiple times where some anon sets up a fake fat ugly single mom profile on tinder, and is shocked by the amount of desperate men that go after them

>> No.11922152

same boat here man, feels bad

30, haven't had a girlfriend in about 4 years

i think i developed a mental illness after my last breakup or something, like i never rebounded (not that I think or care about her anymore), something in my head just broke. I was actually kinda "normal" in my teens and early 20s, partied a bit, was fairly social, dated a couple different girls for 2-3 years each time, had lots of sex, had a few random hookups, etc. then around 26 after my last breakup i just became a hermit, quit being social, barely talk to any friends anymore (guys or girls) and don't even try to get with women.

weird part is i'm not that miserable, like i don't really ever feel sad or lonely, and i'm usually in a decently positive mood. i guess my drive to put in the effort has diminished, now i'm content just working my job and then chilling at home and basically do nothing else outside of that.

>> No.11922153

even when I don't say hi but I just say "what do you think of facesitting?" or "do you peg your boyfriend?" I have dates with them.

>> No.11922187

36. Ive had real sex with 3 different women. Total of 9 times in my life. I nutted inside like twice, best feeling ever.

>> No.11922277

whatever happened to
> im just an average joe :(
>i wurked hard to grt wheere i am :(
you must have been born with god genetics or something. and women are shallow whores

dont get what reaction you wanted
you prove my point on how every "chad" is a fucking underserving faggot who should be spit on irl

maybe one of your girls will fuck me if i bash your face in the ground

>> No.11922384

22, and honestly I'm glad i don't give a shit about it. All of you khv's who are actually trying and making an effort it must be rough.

Luckily I am mentally fucked up enough that I don't long intimate relationships or sexual partners.

>> No.11922399

23, I've kissed around 5 girls, 1 being a short term gf in high school, 4 being random thots while drunk at parties/clubs. And yet I've still never had sex. Is that more or less pathetic than being kissless?

>> No.11922586

I had with 3
Doesnt help shit. After two weeks you even forget about it mostly.

>> No.11922594

28. I've stoped caring about it already, I have bigger problems.

>> No.11922600

>Is that more or less pathetic than being kissless?
Absolutely not

>> No.11922601

the only thing that counts as a kiss is the guy reached down and kissed me while i was about to try sucking his dick
it didn't go very well in general but i at least partially understood that people would actually get embarassed over that while doing something lewder

>> No.11922687

Reporting in. Pretty lonely, but I've been feeling better over the past few years of coping. I just don't know how to approach or talk to women, and I'm always attracted to cute and naive Christian girls, even though I'm not religious

>> No.11922734

20yo here same situtation atleast I have rejected a few ugly or average women

>> No.11922798

I'm so thankful for being born when I was. Ten years later and the internet would have warped my brain and made me into a mentally ill retard as well. Instead, I got sick of being a fat virgin and lost weight and fixed myself for the better when I was 17 with no pathetic virgin crab bucket whining about chads to bring me down. You're all never going to make it because you've allowed yourself to get sucked into this self-defeating cycle that you can't escape from. It's not your fault. You were born too late. Now all women are camwhores and all men are pathetic beta virgins. Enjoy posting cartoon frogs for the rest of your short lives.

>> No.11923059

Chad here to give any incels advice ask away

>> No.11923118

What happened in the cousin story

>> No.11923458

Everyone forgets how much obligation and distrubance and normiedom a gf puts on to you. You can't enjoy your own worlds-bubble that suits you perfectly, the woman distubs it. Sometimes this is nice, but mostly it is a chore.
To have a go I think reduce the chores side of things by using virtual assistants, top maketing/interview techniques for finding girls, and hiring cleaners etc. That way the balance might tip back to wanting a gf.

>> No.11923505

Not a virgin but I'm 23 and never had a job or worthwhile education so I'm just as pathetic

>> No.11923602

>tfw can't even fit in with you losers
At least I have myself.