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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 1349x682, Phase-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11916415 No.11916415 [Reply] [Original]

We're about to kick off phase 4 of this pump if any of you guys wanna get in, last chance to get it before the major run. Sell at around $200 before we bring it back down for the next cycle.

This is not a drill.

>> No.11916449

you do know how the other coins that pump like that looked like, well if not you will find out tomorrow

>> No.11916458

I get that people are tired of the shilling, but I haven't seen biz this obsessed since Chainlink and Chainlink ended up being the right call.

>> No.11916495

How high do u think this shit is going

>> No.11916502


>> No.11916515

Are you overtaking BAB here?

>> No.11916537


Only one question: why the fuck would I buy this instead of bitcoin?

>> No.11916562

have been riding the pumps and taking profits all weekend. I am currently out but if this is true I need to get in. But I am scared of a dump and need to sleep. Where should I set stopless at? >>11916537

>> No.11916565

We're taking it to $200 on this cycle.

>> No.11916600

We're running a reverse correlation to BTC atm, once we hit $200 we will be putting it back into BTC, but only for a short period, then when we're ready, back into SV.

>> No.11916605

we gonna see this dump a considerable amount once deposits are enabled

>> No.11916639
File: 127 KB, 400x234, sazbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see these bull flag charts like this it is followed by a massive justing dump to -50% or more.
When buying slows down and volume drops, it is almost never bullish. Stack on top of this that it is Bitcoin Cash and normies will be getting free massive bags of SV soon to dump on alt exchanges from coinbase.
This is not going to end how you think it is.

>> No.11916710

Sv hero about to become an hero 70$ end of week

>> No.11916732

>just watch, when coinbase adds bcash and unlocks its gonna dump so hard
>>pumps to 8k immediately

>> No.11916740

It's actually going up.

>> No.11916755
File: 1.38 MB, 2100x1500, tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are planning on adding SV withdrawals only, in what world would forcing users to dump bags on chink exchanges be bullish.
Please explain.

>> No.11916803

BSV $10,000+ EOY

>> No.11916817

>They are planning on adding bcash withdrawals only, NOT TRADING
>>said literally every corecuck nervously over and over 12 months ago before getting absolutely BTFO when they suprise listed bcash for immediate trading

>> No.11916820

Eoy predictions?

>> No.11916853


>> No.11916866
File: 22 KB, 705x149, cornbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm really a core cuck for reading a basic statement made by a company.
Don't take any profits faggot, I am sure you will make it.

>> No.11916872

Add a few more 0's and you're close.

>> No.11916876

Dump it

>> No.11916922
File: 115 KB, 2455x850, 84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have orders set at $84 and $95

>> No.11916975

Checked, interesting, hope you're right... How certain are you?

>> No.11917010
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>Buy my bags

No thanks

>> No.11917039

lmao good luck getting those orders filled in. You had time to buy at its lowest awhile ago.

>> No.11917116

Final shakeout complete, if you're not already in, not my problem. It's go time.

>> No.11917175

I'm in

Something is definitely brewing

>> No.11917176

>shitty p&d
>going anywhere
sell you retards

>> No.11917257

those memelines look nice, i believe them

>> No.11917295

If you show all the maths and background work people just ignore it, memelines are easy to digest.

>> No.11917347

Smells like raiblocks and tron stir fry.

>> No.11917447
File: 347 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181127-062639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga this shit about to take off??

>> No.11917466

I better hope so

>> No.11917472

finna explode nigga

>> No.11917500

Why did you need do math and background work for the TA if you are - as you've implied - pumping the coin? You could've simply drawn lines to show where you're taking it.

>> No.11917552

>nobody has noted how op didnt use fib retracement properly and just dragged it to 200
????? biz???????????

>> No.11917583

We defined our $200 target to match the eventual retrace back to 0.618, our support zone. Pay closer attention.

>> No.11917591

Fuck can we stop shilling this , if Biz isn't going to pick up on it they are idiots. We have done more than enough already

>> No.11917619

Skepticism runs high here. Most of us suspect evil intent and hidden agendas in most posts.

>> No.11917656

The pump bots are online

>> No.11917663

But if you guys turn out to be legit then obviously you'll have earned the trust of some of us at least, and we'll appreciate you visiting in the future as well.

>> No.11917671

If I'd said go at the beginning of P1 - $60 no one would have listened.

If I'd said go at the end of P2 - $100 people would have sold early.

Outlining the end of P3 - $130 gives them a story to follow and evidence of the prior work.

Telling them to sell at about $200 encourages them to take profit prior to that to ensure the ones paying attention get something out of this.

Beyond that, I don't really feel requirement to explain much more.

>> No.11917678

That's not how fib retracements work but it's okay, you'll fool some bsv bagholder brainlets

>> No.11917692

If you're legit, start using a tripcode so we know it's really you when you return.

>> No.11917696

You guys remember that bch fork?? It had some pumps oh yes it did, but then folks started getting their free bch and those dumps were steep. There's another factor to consider when half of the holders are just waiting for the right time to dump

>> No.11917760

That's why we're doing this prior to deposits and withdrawals opening on Binance and Bitfinex.

Yes, like always, there will be blood, but not until we're done.

>> No.11917795

you have no idea how fib retracements work, but keep up the good work making TAfags look like retards

>> No.11917796

Do you know what date they open?

>> No.11917816

whose "we" this pure pnd ?

>> No.11917848

Kek got em

>> No.11917865

Sounds like you react to the market instead of create it.

My hands are tied on that one. Soon TM.

At the end of the day, everything is a P&D.

>> No.11917922
File: 41 KB, 523x472, 1532480792349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm leaning on not buying SV because it's not supported by the major exchanges yet. In addition, the Bitcoin Cash designation still goes to ABC even though many of you argue it's technologically inferior.

Also, I would like to see a neutral or even a bearish TA on SV if I were to risk assessment.

>> No.11917990

with that mentality you're not gonna have much financial success

>> No.11918004

This has nothing to do with technology and everything to do with current market conditions.

>> No.11918076
File: 79 KB, 2455x869, fibonacci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redraw your fibs

>> No.11918107
File: 76 KB, 2455x855, fib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the correct way

>> No.11918193

I know how fibs work, and I've already explained the reasoning behind the initial image.

Yours are reactionary, mine are not.

>> No.11918198

Nice pump btw

>> No.11918284

broken your bullflag already...move line be fine?

>> No.11918417
File: 68 KB, 670x692, Phase-4-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing the game biz, now, DUMP EET!!!!

>> No.11918440

Did you even do anything at all? Was watching the price and it barely moved.

>> No.11918446
File: 217 KB, 600x350, 674FF141-E5C0-4C60-AB98-8F3B68C8DED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11918461

kek, of course

>> No.11918490

i guarantee you this will dump to $103

>> No.11918508

LOL, believing "The Shill" in the first place...nice tarp retard...nobody fell for it as this is biz...

>> No.11918514

That's oddly specific.

>> No.11918533

i think he means the support @ ~0.026. seems realistic - a lot of people FOMO'd into it in the last 3 days, simply buying the one thing that isn't crashing. it eventually has to dump back, at least a little.

>> No.11918612

aaaand it's dumping :D

>> No.11918643

Good. I hope it's a meaningful dump and not just a few $.

>> No.11918662

me too, i want to get in cheap.

>> No.11918666

not really

time to go back to plebbit

>> No.11918667

They enabled trading right after that happened with BCash you brainlet

>> No.11918675

Surely its going to pump now that you said it

>> No.11918702

except really, satan

>> No.11918711

What the dump

>> No.11918720


>> No.11918735

Fake post.

>> No.11918751

it's been about this price for the last 24 hours

here come the sell shills. kys

>> No.11918784

why anyone would buy now is beyond me...seriously anon, sell now, and buy back in once it dumps in the next 4-6hrs. i can't wait until jihan dumps his stack, because that's the time to buy...not now.

>> No.11918794

jihan already dumped, thats why it went to 40 bux earlier

>> No.11918799

exactly...this anon gets it. brainlets...when you have price spikes like this with declining volume, it is never a good sign. just take your profits and wait for it to consolidate. mark my words...you're going to get dumped on sooner or later.

>> No.11918808

> minus 10% within minutes is not a dump

>> No.11918813

maybe $300, but not before a HUGE justing...just hold off until you see some big red candles, but don't catch a falling knife. wait for confirmation.

>> No.11918830

I don't even know how to buy SV.

>> No.11918922

it's on binance

>> No.11918929

We got played, larp of the month what a faggot.

>> No.11918946

>retards stupid for the scalar multiple fake satoshi signature trick by Faketoshi are also gullible enough to fall for the fantasy that an insider would give away free information out of the goodness of his heart rather than fuck them for profit
imagine my shock

>> No.11919059

So I need to sign up for some chink exchange and then what, how do I cash out?

>> No.11919180

This is bullshit i panic sold at $113 fuck this guy for dumping on me.

>> No.11919235
File: 50 KB, 550x800, 1542437166589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol cope with the fact that it's a shitcoin. If GSW wasn't such a tremendous spiteful faggot he could have actually developed a technically better coin without associating it with a failed hostile takeover attempt and rejection from the mining community. The only moons BSV will see will come from whales pumping and dumping it.

>> No.11919286


This. Faketoshi and Calvin Ayre really fucked this up, instead of having a nice clean fork they decided it would be better to alienate literally everyone. Now their shitcoin is a just an unsupported shitcoin scam which will ultimately be pumped and dumped till it's value returns to zero.

>> No.11919298

Don't worry, you sold before the dump

>> No.11919363
File: 156 KB, 874x833, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why there is a big gap on prices, on Tradesatoshi and Binance is high at 123.75 $ and on Poloniex and HitBTC is 96.77 $
Can someone explain?

>> No.11919391

I sold at 114,50

Volume is lowering quick, this will go to 100$

>> No.11919410

good goy

>> No.11919511

no withdrawals or deposits on binance

>> No.11919585

I'll use this thread to ask. I have money available. I saw someone posting "BSV the true bitcoin" meme on /v/. How do I buy it? I didn't have any interest in crypto before.

>> No.11919590

buy BTC, transfer to binance, convert to BCHSV, trust that binance doesn't die or scam you, cash out when/if it wins the hashwar and legit wallets appear.

>> No.11919610

Hashwar is already over you idiot

>> No.11919614

you need to sort by volume and figure the rest out

>> No.11919619

Simplest would be to make an account on Kraken, you can buy BSV with USD and EUR there. Kraken doesn't support credit cards though so you have to make a regular bank transfer.

If you have to use a card you could use Coinbase or Bitpanda instead, although neither of them sell BSV. So then you would first have to buy BTC (old bitcoin) from them, then transfer that bitcoin to Kraken (or any exchange that lets you buy BSV) and trade that BTC for BSV.

I can give you referral codes for these sites, that will give both of us some kickback. Just tell me how you're gonna do it.

>> No.11919644
File: 30 KB, 500x359, 1443118297476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on what kind of meta-level is that ever more than a nonsensical, unfunny shitpost?

>> No.11919850

polos are still IOUs aren't they?

>> No.11919863

since there are no wallets they are all IOU's.

>> No.11919880

you can send bsv with regular bch wallets if you didnt split it

>> No.11919903

lol true

That's literally throwing money away though. How the fuck can people pretend this is "the real bitcoin" when it doesn't even have a real wallet?

>> No.11919951

it would have worked fine if roger and jihan didn't decide to forgo the bitcoin protocol and implement checkpoints every 10 minutes

>> No.11919996

woulda coulda shoulda

>> No.11920177

they didnt expect roger to fork the coin so severely, it's basically and altcoin now. they thought abc would still keep BCH as bitcoin

>> No.11920206
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>> No.11920396
File: 68 KB, 1174x539, strike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like clockwork