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File: 544 KB, 640x800, AAC9632A-E6E5-4C15-829A-90DC1FAF5F24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11916033 No.11916033 [Reply] [Original]

Unless you’ve already made it in terms of money, social status, and/or genetics don’t fucking bother, work on yourself first.
Look at this woman, she only wants to be fucked by the top dogs, she will bend to their will like paper but will be repulsed if any losers try to talk to her.
Remember this well, and you will be financially and mentally better off than every man who is in a relationship or married.

>> No.11916084

OP = ethnic Jew

>> No.11916099

(You) = Correct

>> No.11916105

Checked. If you aren't in top 1% of mwn women are worse than a waste of time, they will use you and cuck you while licking an alphas piss off the floor

>> No.11916258

you = going into an oven within 10 years

>> No.11916333
File: 190 KB, 1036x919, 1542466997677(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe and bluepilled. Enjoy being cucked by your "wholesome white wife"

Goddamn would you fucking pol cucktard bluepillled betas get the fuck off biz? Jesus

>> No.11916482

>she only wants

who cares what she wants? once you start giving a shit what women want, you already lost

>> No.11916512
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, attraction differential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're attractive, women are easily worth your time. If you're ugly, trying to get with women is not worth the effort at all.

>> No.11916513
File: 611 KB, 434x714, 1543203229332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ posting BRAPS agan *sigh*

>> No.11916538
File: 338 KB, 960x1440, B9BB1188-4E0F-4F29-A85C-A39D3B1FC9ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Mel disagrees

>> No.11916548

He may be a Jew but he's right. Women are not worth the effort for sub8 males.

>> No.11916589
File: 33 KB, 555x600, 1423098031898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11916709

Also has no source. It's almost like some random faggot created it solely to push an agenda!

>> No.11916731
File: 9 KB, 500x300, hVc9c2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's based in reality, that graph is just handdrawn. here's real stats.

>> No.11916735

Plenty of online dating studies related to it. 80/20 rule

>> No.11916746

only 19% of men are considered above average, and only 2% of them are considered very attractive. no men are rated 10/10

>> No.11917200

Damn good movie though

>> No.11917249

These studies are flawed by a large confounder:

Men can properly rate attraction by looks alone. Women are attracted to men over time by encounters. This also makes sense from an evolutionary biology perspective and from an "anti-rape" culture.

Women find men attractive in a normal distribution over time when personality is factored in. Men just find women attractive from the get go. I could be wrong but this is a testable hypothesis. I just need some incels at the NIH to fund this.

>> No.11917255

I’m sorry but who is this pie-faced retard? Who would want to fuck her and better yet, who gives a shit? You realize 4chan isn’t comprised in it’s entirety of nerd types right? I don’t know, maybe you’re projecting or something but you got me and a whole lotta other anons confused with some sort of loser type caricature that keeps getting perpetuated. Listen, want some weird, submissive, anime pussy? Maybe actually try to get laid instead of devolving into some pathetic defeatist who hates women. You got some mommy issues, figure that shit out.

>> No.11917264


Its a good hypothesis, ill give you that. You just have to also account for how fat the guys wallet is perceived as well.

>> No.11917716


>> No.11917770


>> No.11917785

She's cute as heck. You're probably just gay. Have you been jerking it to traps lately?

>> No.11917915

Unironically based

>> No.11918093
File: 46 KB, 622x566, 1529618905664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this Jewish
Nice try Rabbi.
She wants a man to give her a comfortable and safe place to raise their children in.
Cope. There is nothing more redpilled than making a family and teaching your offspring the dangers of the international Jew.

>> No.11918232
File: 32 KB, 1049x541, AERGO-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current sexual marketplace is completely unbalanced in favor of females. But as with everything else that is out of equilibrium, the pendulum shall one day swing back to the benefit of men.

>> No.11918246

thank god Im not that ugly holy fuck some of you have it bad

>> No.11918250
File: 90 KB, 600x648, Hatsune.Miku.full.329290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet, i see fat balding white guys with the same nerdy asian girl in ypur pic on campus daily.

i also see alot of short skinny indian guys with cute white girls

and at the gym, the muscle heads are loners, while the twig cardio fags work with their girlfriends

heres the real redpill;
you have to have a good personality, and shit appearance. or, a shit personslity with good appesrance

>> No.11918294

>you have to have a good personality, and shit appearance. or, a shit personslity with good appesrance

There's something to this.

>> No.11918300

fucking checkd based Bobo poster.

>> No.11918306

>She wants a man to give her a comfortable and safe place to raise their children in.

>> No.11918308
File: 19 KB, 512x512, 1f914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the top 20% of men are considered above average to women, which means the 20% below them are considered below average, and the 60% below them are invisible

>> No.11918364

the read redpill is that, wait for it... men and women aren't equal
you fools freak out about data that makes sense for men but is meaningless for women. women are much more influenced by social consensus and emotions. women also follow, not lead
you put them alone in front of their phone and ask them to rate pictures of men in a vacuum, they'll give you those answers. but if any man actually meets them in real life, takes the initiative to ask them out and acts dominant yet caring, women will sleep with all but the utter left column
expecting women to behave like men is basically faggotry. you're supposed to go and stake your claim, not passively wait for a girl to do it all for you

>> No.11918374

That's retarded.

>> No.11918415


>> No.11918419


>> No.11919002

even traps act like they are entitled to your money. what do? can't get pussy, can't get traps, don't like dick...

>> No.11919063

no need to be in the top 1% , just top 20%
which means house better if condo and a car and you will be banging unlimited amounts of pussy.

but here is the paradox, the more you focus on money and making money for yourself the more women will be attracted to you.

>> No.11919084

>Women find men attractive in a normal distribution over time when personality is factored in.
lol no
chicks know they want to bang you if they see you
they just want YOU to give them a reason to not be seen as a hoe, so they play the "i wasnt attracted to him at first" card

>> No.11919110

I know a lot a good looking girls that are with losers like you. No money, no look, just good guys. Not all the girls are chasing the top dogs, but to meet those girls you have to go out, make friends. You'll met one in some circle of friends that you don't have yet

>> No.11919157

yeah the incels of 4chan only focus and gripe about the top top thoty ig chicks. They are spectrum of women out there who just want normal guys sure you have to take care of them but they dont really want much.

Honestly im taking a break from fucking bitches and trying to build up my investments.
Chasing Women is for the most part like playing console video games and honestly a waste of time and energy.
If i had to do it all over again, id focus completely on money rather than trying to sport fuck 10 to 20 bitches a month.

>> No.11919874

What sort of retarded math is that

>only 19% of men are considered above average

Just reading that is doing my head in

>> No.11919994

git good at reading comprehension

>> No.11920003

welcome to the mind of women

>> No.11920022
File: 19 KB, 330x189, 1515114028608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw top 20%

>> No.11920033

You’ll still only manage to get 2 kids out of one of these harpies. Just try get more

>> No.11920035

Duh thats why we have 3d porn and hentai. If you need affection get a dog better yet adopt one.

>> No.11920042
File: 32 KB, 406x550, flat,550x550,075,f.u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this time, no one is going to save their ass.

>> No.11920079

No shit. That's why we try to get into the 20%

>> No.11920082

Spoked like a redpilled NPC

>> No.11920091

It's from 'Dataclysm' and based on OKcupid's statistics.

>> No.11920101

lol at a the incel cope itt. im obese with a small penis and ive still pulled chicks all my life. ive gone through some dry spells buy ive slept with over 20 girls. some hotties, some whales, all with vaginas. if you looked at me youd be fucking shocked but truth is looks arent everything. yes, they help x100 and women are shallow whores but if i can consistently get my dick wet through life anyone can.

>> No.11920114

Virgin fag detected.

>> No.11920139
File: 8 KB, 236x198, 1z0rn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find anything reverse searching this image

>> No.11920151

I just don't get why people think women are necessary to validate a man as a person. Is it not enough to be successful in your field, having done shit that most men don't even have the balls to do, etc.

>> No.11920159

>oblivious normalfag advice

>> No.11920200
File: 1.68 MB, 2592x1944, 20181127_204345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry more faggot. and here is an actual pic of my gut. look at those giant man tits and fat folds. check that belly full of lint. next time youre angry about being a virgin think about how this thing has had a rich and fulfilling sex life and take a long hard think about what you are doing wrong.

>> No.11920273

Based fatty

I'll try for 3 at least

>> No.11920310

we /larp/ general now

>> No.11920365

they only come along when everything is already working out well you are right

>> No.11920373

>he thinks anything he wrote matters
kys normalshit

>> No.11920417


>> No.11920424

He's most likely a psychopath with no self-awareness. Women love men like that.

>> No.11920470

Too fucking true.

>Hard times with girls
>Low confidence, poor fashion sense
>Look up young men's casual everyday fashion, update wardrobe
>Keep forcing myself to talk in front of my Uni classes, offer to share my work whenever possible, try to make small talk with at least one stranger per day
>Confidence boosting, finding more comfort and experience as I go on more in-person dates thanks to dating websites, actually manage a short relationship or two with girls who I feel like I stand a real chance with
>Find a girl who meshes with me very well personality-wise, wants the same things I want in life, has some uni-level education and a sustainable, livable career, looks meh but I can get a boner for her
>Get into long-term relationship, planning future together
>Finally nearing graduation to become a certified teacher
>Confidence peaking, never more proud of my life
>Countless women, vastly more beautiful, sexy, intelligent, and successful than my girlfriend now actively coming on to me
>Already committed to my girlfriend, not bad enough to break up with with her just because something slightly better came by
>Stuck having to turn down more insanely gorgeous and awesome women than ever before in my life
>Often spend time thinking about how many options I could have had and how great those options (or at least opportunities for sex) could be, if I had only fucking waited to build my personality up and accomplish a career/life before committing to a relationship

Listen to the OP. It may seem so hopeless now that you'll latch onto the first thing that looks your way, but one day you'll be so much more confident and successful that you'll often find yourself turning away the girls you would have jumped at earlier.

>> No.11920510

see above
>t. brainlet who disregards the contributions of his significant other to his growth as a person

Shallow chicks can BTFO, imo. If they need to see your money, fame, and success to be into you, they'll leave you as soon as all or one of the above is gone.

>> No.11920585

Jesus fucking christ, she is ugly as fuck. No money should be invested in this sort of ugly fuck. If anyone bet a single penny on this kind of women, is definitely a loser. Jesus..

>> No.11920640


>> No.11920696

Women who don't care about money are upper-middle class and up, and rarely if that.
You just want a rich gf.

>> No.11921544

I want to eat this ass anon

>> No.11921807

Would you fuck you? Why should she waste a single second for you anon?

>> No.11921866

Top kek, how can someone cope so hard to think he is mentally superior the masses and can't even become a alpha.

Its pretty simple to become an alpha, eat properly, invest properly, develop a unique talent/skill that is needed and rewarded and know how to act.

But then there is that guys who eat junk food all day with onions, never do any exercise, just read vomit tier of news and knowledge, never invest on their skills/talents neither develop themselves and still pretending they are the same as the ones that are doing it.

Ok, the "zews" fuck with you, they make the girls go after de "mandingo cock", but there is always some girls that wont be fooled that you can find.. but imagine? You just lock yourself on your basement and yet want virgins that are social outsiders too, then you go to a party where the average person is already extroverted and think this is what society is.

Pure bullshit coped with fake knowledge and social interation, humans and woman, guys are so dumb that they doesnt understand that emotional thinking is a form of inteligence.
Man = rational thinking
Woman = Emotional thinking

Then the retards try to use rational logic, get REKT and say that people are shit.

Grow up some balls you bunch of faggots, from a 3 world guy that know that the poor and rich woman are the same shit like men are shit too.

>> No.11921893

>self-congratulatory, oblivious normal advice

>> No.11921909

>post about autistic tier of question about the world with pre puberty conclusion

>> No.11921950


Digits confirm

>> No.11921960

>some hotties
i would like to see what you consider 'hottie'

>> No.11921965

Do you have a dick in your mouth? You don't make sense in addition to being oblivious to your retardation.

>> No.11922016

>generical reply to pretend the poster is a thot/woman with passive agressive speech because the replier is so dumb he doesnt understand clear things and need to show his shady persona to deffend his e-penis

>> No.11922084

>Being such an incel that you think pulling in a 5/10 like girl in OP is actually hard

>> No.11922104

>women only want you if you have money
>women only want you if you are attractive
Both can be correct. Women will also go for you if you are charming and charismatic. Basically find out which one of these traits you are best at and maximize it.

>> No.11922122

Or alternatively, lower your standards and realize that ugly/fat women will love you without any of the above if you are too lazy to actually make yourself dateable by decent girls