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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 331 KB, 1380x1785, 367FDAB9-0462-4B6A-9D55-88E7A631994D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11911854 No.11911854 [Reply] [Original]

What do buy?

>> No.11911865

Go all in.

>> No.11911867

It's weird that she used to be considered beautiful. Now traps are prettier than her

>> No.11911890

only in ur messed up brain traps are prettier than her
you're just a faggot that loves men with fake tits........fuckin disgusting
you just call them traps to not feel weird about fantasizing about men with fake tits

>> No.11911905

Just imagine how amazing it must feel to lift up her little skirt and tick your dick right in her dripping pussy, letting that tight sweet pussy wrap around your raging cock. Man

>> No.11911917

lurk moar. Or actually, fuck off from biz with your clickbait pics to make people answer your retarded question

>> No.11911920
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's a natural beauty like most girls in the good ol' days unlike all these clowned up roasties you're probably used to.

>> No.11911947


>> No.11911962

90s man...

>> No.11911980


>> No.11911984


>> No.11911998


>> No.11912014

get off the computer
real life ain't got photoshop healing tool lmao

>> No.11912022

I'm buying Monero right now for the long term, until a more dominant privacy coin emerges.

I'll pick up some nano as a speculative investment - I really like what they're doing and its an honest good project.

Lastly throwing some cash at NEO/GAS, as a possible platform/token. Again, all speculation on 3 solid projects.

>> No.11912040

Actually, indubitably and unironically this. OP do your own homework you lazy piece of shit Zoomer. I've researched crypto nonstop for the past year and a half and didn't get any good leads until April. I'll throw the low-hanging fruit with Holochain since I might as well shill my biggest bag but anything else is up to you.

>> No.11912156

I honestly cannot tell if this is an ironic instruction. I never can....

>> No.11912166


>> No.11912169

Ew im female brah

>> No.11912188

Do guys find this pretty? Hurts my eyes. But I’m a chick

>> No.11912224

Thank you for actually providing feedback. Everyone in here has a bee in their bonnet.

>> No.11912227

If you did your share of research you could make an educated decision gor yourself. Jesus Christ, kid. No, don't go all in on LINK. Not because LINK is necessarily a bad pick, but because going all in on one thing is retarded.

>> No.11912238

For your information I bought ETH at $9. Kiss. Mine. I’ve been out of the game for a bit after I sold my ETH a while ago.

>> No.11912366

good advice?
delete this

>> No.11912387

Check out FOAM protocol. GPS alternative using radio triangulation and geospatial standards for smart contract integration.

>> No.11912440

can someone translate this for brainlet?

>> No.11912460
File: 78 KB, 1254x261, 1526895823922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m a chick

>> No.11912848

GPS is unsuitable for a lot of IoT applications because of its energy consumption (think about how your phone battery drains when you have GPS on). This is where LPWAN (Low-Power Wide-Area Network) radios come into play. There is a specifation of theae called LORA (Long-Range) that allows communication between nodes miles apart from each other and the frequency band is within the fair-use range.

To give you an idea of where this may end up, please look into what Althea Mesh (decentralized bandwith airbnb-type market) and Flying Carpet (autonomous drone renting and charging) are working on. They are both utilizing state channels for micropayments. These aren't even my real gems so I don't mind sharing them once in a while. This takes some imagination but it's insane what these projects are working on. Also yes, these teams know each other and work with each other so hopefully some sort of ecosystem comes out of all three.

>> No.11912871

That train left the station last January.

The only way you're going to make money is margin trading, and it's a bloodbath for both sides right now.

Better to sit on your cash, or throw it into something with a small percentage, and see which way this thing goes.

>> No.11912897


>> No.11912901

I apologize for my statements earlier because I do believe we need to welcome women into this space. It's quite easy to get caught up calling each other faggots in here all day and forget how people converse in the real world. Without chicks entering the market who else will pump our bags?

>> No.11912913

pump groups that spam /biz/

>> No.11912933


>> No.11912941

This is the credited response

>> No.11912946

REQ is mooning out of orbit right now

>> No.11912984

thanks anon, gonna check them out

>> No.11912998

Nice try, Rory. Kill yourself.

>> No.11913015

50% XRP, 30% XLM, 20% IOTA

>> No.11913127

Lethean lthn. Low cap vpn, working product.

>> No.11913142

Whatever you do stay away from Jibrel Network. Its a scam.

>> No.11913432

Plebbit tier. Not going to make it.

>> No.11913772

Flo, RVN.

Two coins which have stood the test of time.

Both extremely low market caps.

Both being used actively by Overstock, among other organizations.

Give it some time, could be the next Ethereum.

>> No.11913784


>> No.11913811


can I post on biz with it?

>> No.11913815
File: 155 KB, 500x492, 1541560067708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebbit tier would be 50% VEN 30% NANO 20% BAT you fucking idiot

>> No.11913851
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All in Nano and Link check back in a month, you will be rich as fuck.

>> No.11913863

ark is a dead meme

>> No.11913864


>> No.11914178

Redditors are morons. Those coins suck.

>> No.11914394

lmao look at this fucking cuck

>> No.11914426

No she looks fucking scary.

>> No.11914570
File: 8 KB, 249x250, 1537075518758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he meant Bark

>> No.11914770

All of those coins are plebbit tier, faggot, including your picks.
Fuck off I'm trying to find my crypto-waifu.

>> No.11914887

Wrong. /biz/ saw a huge influx of plebbitors last year during the bull run, and they've been trying to blend in (you're one of them). They carry the same attraction to true shitcoins and unironically, seethingly HATE anything that is XRP, XLM, or IOTA related, yet will bend the knee and suck off anything related to NANO, VEN, or BAT. The responses to these groups of coins are eerily similar, and for good reason. /biz/ is compromised.

>> No.11915078

The fact that you are so eager to correct what ledditors actually like confirms you as an /r/cc ledditor. If we accept all prior premises, then based on the Transitive Property your picks are in fact leddit-tier. Logically proven and checkmated.

>> No.11915115

pls be my gf

>> No.11915145

only the hair and the eyes. everything else is pretty horrid.

>> No.11915177
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 35172383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eager to correct retardation, but your continual baseless drivel is a confirmation that debates with brainlets is unproductive and impossible. There's no hope for you

>> No.11915214


>> No.11915403

Nigga you got schooled and you know it. You outed yourself as a /r/cryptocurrency lurker, ergo anything you say should be immediately disregarded. See my posts above if you want some actual discussion on the bleeding edge.

Ripple's Interledger is legit so I'll give you that, but a top 2 coin will get you nowhere. IOTA is a complete shitcoin and you should be looking at Constellation or Perlin if you like DAGs.

>> No.11915790

shit that hasn't already mooned and already has a legion of bagholders. tradeogre and cryptopia are the only exchanges I look at anymore.

>> No.11915870

XTO sir

>> No.11915892

>researched crypto nonstop for the past year and a half
>ends up buying Holocrap
all that time spent doesnt make up for a low IQ..

>> No.11916083

pretty decent advice

>> No.11916197

In terms of tiny market cap tokens, I haven't seen a more legit project than HST. I'd be fucking baffled if it doesn't pump hard on its own or along with any general crypto market bull run during these next few months and beyond. Clear documentation on the customers they acquire (and a decent portion of them related to governments throughout the world) and regarded as one of the top 3 Australian crypto projects out right now regardless of their cap. It'll pump early December 100% since they have a client buying then, easy profits.

>> No.11916225
File: 36 KB, 641x530, 1509357201426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australian crypto projects

never going to make it

>> No.11916231

Le link merm

>> No.11916242

This fucking dick gobbler over here.

>> No.11916252

Well, let me just tell you about nerva then

>> No.11916346

IOTA. Unironically and unapologetically.

>> No.11916357


ATH was ~150 million cap/~$5.50 USD each compared to ~3 million cap/~$0.10 USD each now. It found gains while its infrastructure/software and deals were still in early development/non existent. Clients = tokens bought off exchange = pump regardless of the fate of BTC. That attracts individual investors.

Guess we'll see how widespread they can make adoption in the coming months. They got TOP to use it in New Zealand this December and DPI to use HST in India in 2019. A longer term hold if anything, ICO price was $0.04 so this is like a second chance.

>> No.11916360


>> No.11916375

This kys faggot

>> No.11916382


>> No.11916394

nice to see HST here but damn I've been fucking slaughtered by it. i need a 15x to get out of the hole

>> No.11916399

Go all in.

>> No.11916407

You must be a fucking retard if you think the dumbcunts here are capable of coming up with something with an actual use case.

>> No.11916504


On the bright side for you, at least you need x15 on its tiny market cap, the road up is peanuts (45 million only to be exact) compared to if it was one of the top 100 ones. I DCA'd into a comfy spot myself. Hang in there a little longer.

>> No.11916521

>t. ugly and envious

>> No.11916545

Look!!! It's The Ultimate Cuck.

>> No.11916597


I've been following the HST Telegram and a couple of the team members' Twitters for several months now and their progress is actually really fun to watch. They all seem like good passionate lads too, hard not to believe in them gaining ground. They've shown they are anyway. Price is obviously not reflecting it right now so I realize making a case for it is hard. Definitely big a risk though, no doubt about it, it is crypto after all.

>> No.11916609

Homie Holo will moon regardless of how you feel about it. Just wait for the next bullrun after mainnet.
Stop cockblocking bruh.

>> No.11916626

ENG 100%

>> No.11916645

>Do guys find this pretty?

>> No.11916653

it has a certain appeal. you know what you're buying with girls like that. yes, i meant to say buying.

>> No.11916703


>> No.11916748

>I'm a chick
I thought there was protocol set in place for this.

>> No.11917104

Shit is looking good recently.

>> No.11917152

>unironically uses “nigga”
>leddit spacing
>isn’t saying anything coherent
Only person you schooled is yourself, that was really really cringe. You have to go back

>> No.11917174


>> No.11917309


>> No.11917765

Nerva on tradeogre.com

>> No.11917786

Coins on major exchanges are pegged at a ratio to btc by bots. If you want moon missions go on tradeogre, stex, idex and buy coins like js///ecoi n- that can see 30+% swings everyday.

>> No.11917800

Dtr hodl till 2020

>> No.11917813

Second this

>> No.11917829
File: 90 KB, 1044x1105, AMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ambrosus unironically. One of the most solid projects in crypto right now.