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File: 176 KB, 665x670, A452E468-48CD-4020-AF94-043AAEA73836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11911564 No.11911564 [Reply] [Original]

>you, a virgin investor
>live with parents until 35 (or until you kys)
>work 7 Days a week
>live in shitty (cheap) town
>drive a 10 year old cuckmobile
>wear old clothes all the time
>eat peasant shit like rice and beans all the time
>4 year old broken phone
>no vacations
>scrimp and save, living a miserable existence

All so you can “”””””””make it””””””” when you’re 55 (if you don’t suicide before then)

>inherited a $10mil trust fund on his 18th birthday

>> No.11911707

Well whoop de fucking do OP, I've got a Link stack and I'm going to live out in the woods for about 5 years and I'll come back more powerful than you can ever imagine

>> No.11912335
File: 151 KB, 1024x576, ICX-UBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No need for money when I have ICX, the ultimate buttfuck coin to keep my ass full.

>> No.11912400
File: 8 KB, 217x250, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I don't work at all

>> No.11912427

Kill yourself faggot.

OP is larping. Either way he should kill himself.

>> No.11912523

>Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.11912979


>> No.11913053

>implying 35 dollars is a for changing amount of money

>> No.11913078

OP, you are pathetic and need to grow up. If you don't learn skills and do something meaningful with your life you're going to wind up an alcoholic or drug addicted loser.

>> No.11913205

>>you, a virgin investor

So, go get laid already.

And, you're not an "investor", you just larp as on 4chan.

>>live with parents until 35 (or until you kys)

So move the fuck out already.

>>work 7 Days a week

Get a better job.

>>live in shitty (cheap) town


>>drive a 10 year old cuckmobile

At least you have a car. Millions don't.

>>wear old clothes all the time

See above.

>>eat peasant shit like rice and beans all the time

Get a better job, so you can afford better food.

>>4 year old broken phone

See above, apply to new phone. Or just get a new one, if you can't afford $20 extra a month average for an upgrade, that's on you.

>>no vacations

Get a better job then.

>>scrimp and save, living a miserable existence

Nice pity party you're throwing for yourself there.

>All so you can “”””””””make it””””””” when you’re 55 (if you don’t suicide before then)


>>inherited a $10mil trust fund on his 18th birthday

Trust fund babies are pretty fucking rare, and who cares? You're still in charge of your own life, and if you're just gonna sit there and whine and not do anything about it, then shut the fuck up.

The only reason any part of your life is "miserable" is because you haven't done a thing to improve it.

Wah, I can't get laid, wah, my job sucks, wah, I have a shitty car.

Shut the fuck up and DO something, for fuck's sake. Fucking legit retards do better in life than you do.

>> No.11913332

>has 10 million dollars
>thinks that's a lot of money.

After you buy you five lambos and your mcmansion, how much do you think you'll have left?

I give you 2 years, you'll be a homeless faggot.

>> No.11913464
