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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 15 KB, 200x200, 3602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11910068 No.11910068 [Reply] [Original]

BCHSV pump incoming T-30min get in while you can

>> No.11910076

moon here we come- i already bought 200 bsv, im ready

>> No.11910084
File: 62 KB, 1462x508, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got added to CMC, #7

>> No.11910102

Once it overtakes ether we are gonna go to Jupiter

>> No.11910116

This is gonna dump for sure.

Dont listen to the shills

>> No.11910117

All kinds of gains coming this week

>> No.11910118

that would be 10x. this wouldn't even qualify as moon unless you are in since 40$

>> No.11910127

Unfortunately in at 70

>> No.11910129

Proof? Maybe you know it's about to dump and you're tricking us.

>> No.11910130

Think so too. It went from 0.005 to 0.035 sats in a few days. was a fun ride but time for a dump, already sold my stack of 26

>> No.11910136
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>> No.11910146

thanks for the reversepsychology OP i think i'm gunna short

>> No.11910151

Just so people know, that was many hours ago now, not like it happened just now.

>> No.11910157

shorts the bottom, lol

>> No.11910170

enjoy holding your bag, nigger

>> No.11910198

its quite safe bet, satoshi vision wont go away anytime soon and its easily worth 200$

>> No.11910200

chart is looking nice on the 30min, if this .029-.030 holds here we are pumping, if it goes below .027 its dumping, we should know in the next 30min

>> No.11910230

we already pumpin baby

>> No.11910231

Where can I long SV with leverage?

>> No.11910267

we already turning slwoly green on the 1 minute chart- watch this bitch flies throught he rooof any second now

>> No.11910289

why is this shit turning red- now all my shit is fucked up- fuck you OP

>> No.11910307


>> No.11910310

look at this cunt- why is it red- we said this shit will turn green- i bought like 200 BSV at 0.035- wtf- why is it going down

turn this shit around crantoshi

>> No.11910319

The last 3-4 hours or so looks like a descending triangle... which indicates a downward breakout.

>> No.11910320

>i bought like 200 BSV at 0.035
no you didn't

>> No.11910340

almost i fomod in and bought like 80 at 0.03 and than bought all t eh way up- now my shit is fucked up and bitch is dropping even more- why is his happening didnt you say we should flip baB

>> No.11910344

One day Bitcoin BCHSV cryptocurrency will be worth $10,000 per coin.

>> No.11910345

Even if i hate to admit it but it will moon the next 12hours, after that its time to short

>> No.11910348

Based and redpilled

>> No.11910358

you faggot- i just lost a whole bitcoin you fucking pajeet- i fuck your mother if i se her

fuckkin wiesel

>> No.11910362


>easily worth $200

Fuckin kek.

Another useless bitcoin fork to pump and dump.

Enjoy my reddit spacing.

P.s chainlink $1000 eoy.

>> No.11910392

Unfortunately, there's a good chance it will dump. The volumetric patterns are very bad. Probably will be smart to re-buy when it's in a more stable position.

>> No.11910400

fuck you

>> No.11910411
File: 36 KB, 690x484, Selection_209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a dump you faggot- your mother gotta be proud raising a retard like you

>> No.11910414

stop being a pussy or you will never make it

>> No.11910419
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zoom in on the last 3-4 hours

>> No.11910437

>another useless fork
Only SV follows the original path, very bullish scaling plan, their own miners, patent troll etc.

>> No.11910443

so I fomo'd in thought it would go up again. wait or short?

>> No.11910455

Yes, and even then it will be undervalued. Satoshi is a genius

>> No.11910478

Where can I short this joke-coin?
>How many 'real' bitcoins are there now?

>> No.11910482

Wait. There might be a better chance than now.

>> No.11910504

>so I fomo'd in thought it would go up again. wait or short?
kek am I the only one that shorted immediately after seing this post?
I fucking called it too (above). I am a genius, now a wealthy one. keep gobbling up this shit, retards

>> No.11910513

what the fuck i just bought in and it's crashing????

>> No.11910519


consider this:

>> No.11910546 [DELETED] 

There is definitely buying pressure developing. I might sell at 110 tho.

>> No.11910581

i sold before the post but fomod in after the post :D
lost 0.011 btc but made 0.4 with this coin over the last few days so I am fine

>> No.11910582 [DELETED] 

Its starting now!

>> No.11910595

Never buy anything that is shilled on here. Or at least wait until the shilling stops. You fags will never learn.

>> No.11910597

the dump?

>> No.11910604

but..I bought at 60$ because it was shiled here and 2.5x my sat value

>> No.11910612

double top at ~125
why would anybody buy into this, everyone invested in the bitcoin cash ecosystem hates it and they own most of it. It would be easier to just transfer money to jihan/roger directly.

>> No.11910638

>literally nobody wants this
>highest volume coin on every exchange for weeks

>> No.11910645

>what is a pump
you have to be blind to not see the army of paid shill for sv

>> No.11910660


>> No.11910668

>descending triangle...
it's a bull flag, retard

>> No.11910679

Wew that was close lads.

>> No.11910680

oh you are right, you caught me.. it is my group of 36 well-funded discord pajeets who are pumping this with $1 billion a day in volume

>> No.11910687

OP is not a faggot looks like that creepw as right- this shit is going up- FOMO

>> No.11910696
File: 12 KB, 588x170, 1515713777593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true satoshi

>> No.11910703

>people get excited about bitcoin
>get crushed for years by saboteurs
>we finally have a community/project that is making the bitcoin we all signed up for (anyone pre-2015)
>get called shills by a chinese guy earning food money by posting from a smartphone farm

>> No.11910721

Descending triangles are bearish.

>> No.11910723

It's going to form a cup and handle if you havent noticed anons.

>> No.11910725

SV is BTC before Segwit which enables lightning which is a side chain. SV has infinite salable block size to allow transaction speeds to make it work as BTC was originally intended . Yes mining will be more centralized due to the size of the blocks but small guys can still mine through pools without an issue.

>> No.11910738

whata re we pumping to?

>> No.11910753

Good catch that means the price should almost double within a week, I imagine Fridays announcement will really make FOMO set in
There is a possibility that SV could become BTC .

>> No.11910764


>> No.11910769

I've sold for now. I'll buy in again if it breaks 140.

>> No.11910783

No there isn't, retard

>> No.11910784

What's Friday's announcement?

>> No.11910798


>> No.11910806


>> No.11910807

They're announcing the hall of cost will happen for real.

>> No.11910810

Look at CSW's twitter @ProfFaustus

>> No.11910814
File: 365 KB, 3200x1680, MotleyFool-TMOT-c77f5cc8-bitcoin-gbtc_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SV is implementing 1TB blocks with 7 million TPS, you are missing out on buying what will be the new BTC for $120.

>> No.11910817

Retards trying to swingtrade this are going to get burned.

>> No.11910824

OP is a faggot

>> No.11910828

we will see if we double top at .0349, if we push through that probably .045.049

>> No.11910836

Just say it nerd

>> No.11910839

No there isn't you fucking retard. Holy shit so many pajeets ITT

>> No.11910847

Really? I'm making bank.

>> No.11910859

How many cups of coffee will they need to sell in Bitcoin to fill one of these blocks?

>> No.11910865
File: 81 KB, 1112x407, classic bull pennants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All it does is bull pennant up over and over. Now that it has hit CMC this is such easy money.

>> No.11910872

I heard 512 MB up from 128 MB
1TB was coming end of next year

>> No.11910873

We'll see how long your streak lasts then.

>> No.11910875

this is the exact same thing that happened last time with btc/bch lmaooo

>bch pumps
>muh bch will flip btc

now its

>bchsv pumps
>muh bchsv will flip bch

>> No.11910881

This will overtake bch in days, and btc within weeks. Literally the opportunity of a lifetime around $100

>> No.11910888

Except it's still pumping retard.

>> No.11910893


I got my info from here, first time I've heard of the Teranode project, but seems quite interesting-

With that in mind, CoinGeek and nChain, the startup owned by Craig Wright, have formed a formal partnership on the Teranode project to bring 1 Terabyte blocks to the SV chain, to deliver network throughput seven million transactions per second. If achieved, that would be a network fundamental worth getting out of bed for, assuming the not-inconsiderable technical issues can be overcome and that people start using it to buy goods and services.

nChain’s dev lead Steve Shadders said of the tie-up:

“Teranode is my baby. The first prototypical iteration of Teranode was just born after the November 15 hard fork of BCH. As we are watching Bitcoin SV in real-life action, we are studying performance hurdles and building new solutions for the enterprise-class Teranode.”

>> No.11910913

coffee purchases will be 0.1% of 0.1% of transactions in SV blocks. Every derivitive trade on every market as a bitcoin tx. Every IPv6 packet as a bitcoin tx. Billions of transactions per second. One global chain. Scaled ON-CHAIN. Sound money for the entire world.

>> No.11910918

It’s gonna dip to 100 before it goes anywhere.

>> No.11910927

Don't get emotional, yes there is a possibility, this is crypto. BTC as you know it, is basically centralized illuminati coin which does not want to scale properly. These thing will take time of course if any flippening is happening in the near future among the top 10 coins. But i see most of the ppl hating on Wright is based on his twitter feed, he clearly is not a stupid man. And it just might be that he really is one of the "three / four " ppl behind Nakamoto who will continue to take the fight to blockstream. The guy is so confident on every level that he is right.

>> No.11910946

Isn't that what ETH is supposed to do? SV will have smart contracts?

>> No.11910973

yes SV will have smart contracts and tokens

>> No.11910974

BTC is a centralized illuminati scam! You should buy SV even though Craig has demonstrated many times that he suffers from NPD and LARPs as Satoshi.

>> No.11911006
File: 284 KB, 328x368, Screenshot_2018-11-26 Q A with the Bitcoin SV Development Team - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SV developers seem like good, humble people who don't just want to do well on their job, not boost their egos.

>> No.11911014

7M tps seems like a good number, 8B people on Earth , would allow ~1/1200 to make a purchase per sec, so average each person is making a purchase every 20mins which would never happen so i would be actually perfect

>> No.11911023

CSW said smart contracts are illegal

>> No.11911033

I calling SV $200 by Friday and $2k EOY, and CMC #2, with BTC @ $3100-$2800

>> No.11911052 [DELETED] 


>> No.11911068

Ok pajeet, you can call whatever you want

>> No.11911127

I think a block-chain solution that includes smart contracts could be big in the organ donor industry. Instead of healthcare industry purposely killing someone to get the money from organs let that money through life insurance companies back to family members with private keys to access the tokens that are of each value of a specific organ. People who are donors get a 10% POS per quarter while there is a 11% burn of tokens per quarter. And the only way to cash out is to die or sell something like kidney because kidneys would have a price. Rare blood types would get higher POS based on rarity. Hospitals and insurance would get % of tokens that are not attached to individuals once harvest occurs
I think donor rates would increase if the profit made by the healthcare industry were .5% of what they are currently making

>> No.11911135

cool good to test those highs

>> No.11911168

Why spend the time here to be negative towards anyone with any idea? Oh must be a bot or troll. If not type your constructive bear/bull thoughts on your bags or SV.

>> No.11911220

Well the pump is taking longer than expected, we should see some action here in the next hour or so

>> No.11911251

$110 before $166

>> No.11911259

Kraken and other exchanges just opened up for BCHSV deposits and issued the forked coins. I'm expecting a lot of salty Bcashers to dump them.

>> No.11911263

>Yes mining will be more centralized
>Yes BSV will be controlled by 1 or 2 people
thinking that the future currency for earth will be allowed to be totally centralized. how big of a dumbfuck are you?

>> No.11911283

They are paid don't pay attention to it.

>> No.11911296

It's already sub $100 in asia where prices are usually inflated.

>> No.11911303

Kraken opened BSV deposits 4 days ago.

>> No.11911349

Assuming technology and internet speed will not increase for average consumers...
Infinity better than XRP.
Projecting your guilt.

>> No.11911500

Set buy for $80 or $95? Not sure how low this is going to go.

>> No.11911876

Calling the situation an “orphan race” where blocks become abandoned or excluded from the main chain over time, Toomim added that the bottlenecks to block propagation on the network likely wouldn’t occur on the Bitcoin ABC chain due to the comparatively smaller block sizes seen on the network, in addition to other technical features that delay or ignore any transactions that cause the network undue stress."

I reiterate.
>technical features that delay or ignore any transactions that cause the network undue stress."

putting the important shit out there for you guys.

>> No.11911942 [DELETED] 


>> No.11911952
File: 1.72 MB, 1328x968, 1533394812686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol.. so not only did ABCucks add permissioned mining via checkpoints, they also added permissioned transacting. hahaha wtf, just install a mysql instance on bitcoin.com and call it Bitcoin CASH

>> No.11911953

I think youre looking at the wrong chart

>> No.11912025

made me look

>> No.11912031


>> No.11912075 [DELETED] 

Holding strong at ~90$ levels, with these growth rates surprising investors might get interested.

>> No.11912108
File: 112 KB, 1114x538, pennant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just broke out

>> No.11912109

Looking potentially pumpy on the polo btc/bsv chart

>> No.11912113

RIP Bitmain

there's a new Bitmain in town, mate

>> No.11912147

now to see if we break through .0349

>> No.11912167

that's why you should be careful, because this is the time whales will dump their bags because of the incoming orders and bots.

>> No.11912193

who cares about sat value

>> No.11912214

You should, since you sold your SV for BTC retard

>> No.11912220

ive seen multiple 300-400 bchsv sells get absorbed instantly, there is plenty of buyers right now

>> No.11912222


>> No.11912234

Rebuy now if you haven't already

>> No.11912253

you're right, but what im trying to say is that TA is very doubtful if there are lots of whales active, becuase that's the time they will dump on you.

>> No.11912258

Can't wait for it to flip BCH so that those fucks see what a fucking piece of shit Bitcoin ABC is

>> No.11912266

I'm pretty sure BSV's sat value has been and will always be 1
Practically useless

>> No.11912299

ABCucks are also getting proof of stake for preconsensus and still they call their shitcoin bitcoin

>> No.11912345
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No I sold it for USDT

>> No.11912396

SV will be fully supported on Coinbase within 2 weeks. BTC will stay in 3800-2500 range while SV will go parabolic to 2k-3k, ABC will go to $19 EOY

>> No.11912412

SHOULD I FOMO IN GUYS ????????????????

>> No.11912420

imagine the fomo if that's real. BCSV on coinbase.

>> No.11912431

always my friend

buy when it goes up and sell when it goes down

>> No.11912449

heavy resistance at 0.027, couldn't break it for three times now, no i should wait desu. only buy after it pierced through 0,027, just my 2 cents anon.

>> No.11912478

thanks i trust you

>> No.11912499

no one is looking at that chart anon

>> No.11912506

But it's also bullish if its decoupling from BTC as it crashes, since 99% of the market can't do that.

>> No.11912519

I did

I- I think Craig wins the war

>> No.11912528

Buy high sell low

>> No.11912539


>> No.11912560

Must be on kraken with the whopping 1.6m volume

>> No.11912629
File: 42 KB, 1156x258, btcsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it really is pumping.

>> No.11912652

$145 where?

>> No.11912665

ok here’s the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.

Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin development in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would ‘evolve’ the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.

Blockstream (owned by Bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi’s AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical opcodes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.

Back to hash power – CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.

>> No.11912691

Tech illiterate, the post

>> No.11912695

This is lovely.

>> No.11912732

>not linking the audio version

>> No.11912737

I'm thinking we're back.

>> No.11912749

Someone just bought half a million in one go

>> No.11912756

Friendly reminder this is the truth. Revelation of the method. (((They))) don't want you to believe. Dr. Wright will be remembered in history as greater than Alexander, Napoleon, Washingtion or Tesla.

The future is here gentlemen. Embrace Satoshi's vision.

>> No.11912762

It's him. It's Samoshi.

>> No.11912766

Did you buy back yet or will you still wait for 140?

>> No.11912827

Bought back at 126. Ignored my plan like a sucker.

>> No.11912863



The most fundamental principle of Bitcoin confirmation is proof of work, that is underpinned by proof of investment. By enabling the investment of miners to be sidestepped that fundamental principal is thrown out the window. It is now up to a central authority to decide and once you take that step there is no longer any need for a block chain. A MySQL database will achieve the same result.

This is an ill thought out change executed in an incredibly rushed and reckless manner with almost zero chance it was properly tested. The fact that a new consensus rule can be introduced in such a unilateral manner by a single developer is alarming. What is more alarming is that one developer can throw out the entire foundation of Bitcoin security without opposition. This is the future of ABC coin. In August last year Bitcoin died on the BTC chain with the introduction of Segwit. It survived in the form of Bitcoin Cash until yesterday when it was killed off again by Bitcoin ABC. If Bitcoin SV had not stood it’s ground and preserved the rules of Bitcoin in SV, yesterday would have been the last day Bitcoin existed in this world.

>> No.11912906
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That bagholder is too embarrassed even show his face. Opinion discarded.

>> No.11912912

No way from where?

>> No.11912932

np ;)

>> No.11912965

segwit is a soft fork retard, Bitcoin protocol remains unaltered

>> No.11912977

Possible double top forming

>> No.11913033


>> No.11913036


Yep. Faketoshi is spending a lot of money on this fake pump. I've seen basically 0 organic interest though, nobody is retarded enough to want to hold that garbage. So don't get left holding the bags when it inevitably goes to 0. And honestly trusting a guy that threw a temper tantrum to crash the whole market, thinks decentralisation is communism, and wants to patent everything? Kek, if you do you deserve to get rekt.

>> No.11913109

Lol, no

>> No.11913151

who still waiting for that 130+ pump?

>> No.11913173

Its going to pump to 150 tonight. Might happen in 8 hours or so. At least it pumps around that time before settling on a new floor.

>> No.11913174

patience young hodler

>> No.11913182

I'm holding for that 1 BSV > 1 BTC pump

>> No.11913198

BSV friends, join us:

discord (dot) gg (slash) tebwEwv

>> No.11913302

hodl or sell for now?

>> No.11913363

put stop loss at $101

>> No.11913595

ok i will trust you anon

>> No.11913627

How are you shorting BSV

>> No.11914812

We're going to 150 tonight boys.

>> No.11914832
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>> No.11914878

Yessssss. Pump it boys. Those fucking cashies can't sell.

>> No.11914920

So if you can't deposit, just trade for usdt or another stable-coin until you can?