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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 191 KB, 410x409, neet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11908569 No.11908569 [Reply] [Original]

>20 yo NEET
>never workey a day in my whole life
>$50 in my bank account
>mom tells me to get a job
>wont shut up about it
How do I get rich as fast as possible ?!

>> No.11908589

get a job

>> No.11908594

Rob a bank

>> No.11908630

$50 on BCHSV

>> No.11908694

>get a job
>rob a bank
>kill your mother
>kill yourself
>scam people
>accept fate and become homeless
>sell all your stuff
countless possibilities

>> No.11908703

Sell all and buy bitcoin at 100.

>> No.11908717

Same situation as you man, 20yo, never worked. In stupid proxy degree, politics because I thought I was an edgy cool ancap and will show these socialist scums. Now about 4k$ in Chainlink and just hoping.

>> No.11908735

imagine treating your very own mother like that

>> No.11908743

sell your body

>> No.11908754

get a job at McD's

>> No.11908860

> young neets who have nothing to their name and expect to get everything from nothing
gj at life buddy

>> No.11908902

Sell your kidneys

>> No.11908949

Grow and sell drugs.

>> No.11908965
File: 63 KB, 816x812, neet pepe veri much anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already playing the lottery but I need a plan B in case I don't win..
have fun wagecucking for the next 40 years and dying at your office from a heart attack
not helpful !

>> No.11909006

>Spend that $50 on some seeds, force your mom to allow you to use her greenhouse.
>Grow weed
>Sell weed to college boomers at extortionate prices
>Invest the money into a professional grow operation
>Sell more weed
>Branch out into cooking and selling crack

>> No.11909023

Typical entitled millennial

>> No.11909026
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>already playing the lottery but I need a plan B in case I don't win

Good lord fucking jesus pedo-christ!

>> No.11909048

>He thinks being a wagekek is a choice
Enjoy the hell you delayed due to your mothers good nature. Now stop inducing even more suffering on her, and take the bullet for her.

>> No.11909071

Hang yourself with two nooses you disgusting fucking piece of shit. Your existence is pure shame.

>> No.11909098
File: 67 KB, 409x409, KING NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I'm rich I will come back and laugh at you peasants !

>> No.11909133

43.78 in bank account, and asking on a shitposting board how to get rich: yeah no doubt you are going to make it :')

>> No.11909199

just get a job

>> No.11909231

Let’s look away from these ludicrous dreams you have of get rich quick schemes and look at the reality.

You are a failure. You are a failure to both your family and their name. Instead of bettering yourself, and creating a better future for your family here you are shitposting and begging others for help that involves you doing little actual work. I hope one day you wake up and see the shame in your parents eyes when they look at you, maybe then you’ll change.

>> No.11909254

How salty

Wagecucks are ridiculous

>> No.11909271

We’re trying to help him see reason.

>> No.11909283

Well... learn a trade.

- IT - for example SQL databases, data query, big data processing, deep learning "AI" development. Don't stop till you really know what you're doing, will take a lot of time and effort, but it pays enough.

- cybersecurity, exploits, server (mis)configuration, how to do it well, and what not to do. Jobs as cybersecurity pay well as well. You might use it to scam people on what's left of darkweb as a side job.

- you can try going into agriculture? Grow organic weggies and sell them to the local market. Will take a lot of work, and will be tough in the beginning, but it's an enjoyable trade.

- through decades develop an intimate knowledge of stock market, get an actual background in finance, learn to read world politics, learn to discern actual useful information from noise, and invest money you earn through different means. Note I didn't say "trade".

Or, you know. You could suck cocks for money, as a last resort. Some girls earn nice money this way, I'm sure you can as well.

>> No.11909288

be a real estate agent

>> No.11909296

Wake the fuck up nigger. I had that moment when I was 18 and all I had was $200 in my bank account and a $300 CC. You know what I did? Spent two months getting a shitty minimum job where I worked for the next 8 months till I started uni

>> No.11909305


> 20 years old and never had a job.

For G*d sake, get off your ass and get a job. No one is going to hand you a life on a silver platter.

While you're sitting on your ass, other people are working, saving, moving up the ladder, building a life.

>> No.11909308

Or you could learn an actual trade like electric or plumbing and make good money without having to live in/near a city

>> No.11909318

20 year old = zoomer

>> No.11909326

yeah, or that.

>> No.11909335

Time to look into stock options

>> No.11909337

Don't get a job.

Go get a skill and offer it in your new business. Do it right, and grow your business overtime.

>> No.11909338
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I used to be a neet at 20 yrs old aswell, i remember the countless weeks i slept til 2 pm every day and achieved nothing besides jacking off, eating fast food and vidya/youtube etc., while telling my parents im studying at uni

Im got a job now in the IT field and its actually comfy however the 2 years of being a NEET took a toll on me, got really bad social anxiety now. OP you need to short your NEET life NOW or else it will get worse and worse. The thoughts of suicide and FOMO will haunt you more and more.

>> No.11909369

But I'm already wealthy and I'm laughing at you, NOW. I will continue to laugh at you later as well. You don't have the mindset of a winner, so you will always lose.

>> No.11909375

This. There is no reason for your continued existence. End it now, for the good of everyone. There is not one documented instance of someone's life improving if they're 20 and are at this point already. You're at your peak, and don't have the skill or ambition to ever surpass your current parasitism.

You can of course choose to continue on with whatever comes your way, but it's going to be a big disappointment from here on out. You can blame your mom (I would blame her, given that she's raised a 20 yo man-child who's whining about having to let go of the tit) but honestly you're just going to get more jaded as you approach your thirties and there WILL come a time for you when you realize you should have checked out of life at a high point and not let yourself suffer.

>> No.11909392

Listen Brother. Property Management. Best job get a comfy entry level position and work your way up to strata or commercial. No degree required.

>> No.11909395

What are u doing all day, mate? Isn't it just boring? When quit my 1st job I didn't work for almost 1.5 year after that and it was so fucking depressing. Also, when I don't work my sleeping schedule is starting to go crazy - I sit all night long in front of a computer and go to sleep at the morning. I was reading boards, watched movies, played games, read some books thinking that this shit was somehow improving me, that's fucking BS. At the end you realize it's all just a useless shit with fictional characters.
At my work I do real things, people use the final product, I put a piece of myself there, they depend on me.
Wagecucking isn't that bad, of course if you have a good job, if you're some kind of a retard with shitty job it's definitely better to hang yourself.

>> No.11909402

Tell your mom your be a productive member of society if she and your father hadn't failed to discipline you and teach you personal accountability. Then hang yourself.

>> No.11909424

The eternal lazy millenial strikes again, you guys are suffering from spanking deficiency disorder.

>> No.11909440

>have fun wagecucking
>pee pee poo poo tendies mommie steam cyber monday sale can i borrow your credit card
Getting a job: git gud
Having that job: be gud
nigga you make it sound like a punishment to have somewhere to be most of the week and something to look forward to when you go home, I never understood this.
>die of a heart attack
That's going to come from not walking 30 minutes uninterrupted every day, no matter whether you work or not. Start doing that NOW and when you're my age your annual echocardiograms will be forefinger meets thumb.
Look kid, I'm old enough to be your dad and I have a crotch dropping about to enter university. I've been rich, I've been poor and I'll tell you right now your attitude matters more than your bank balance.
Learn how to write a resume, how to ask people who don't have jobs for you who might and if you can mention their name, and think of it as an open world game. Good luck.

>> No.11909441

listen, you only can get anywhere in life by having skills that people will pay a lot to have your time
only people who have skills can make something of themselves, you can only make a business if you have some form of skills
if not, just grow drugs and enjoy being locked up cause you got 2 plants barely growing 5oz each crop

>> No.11909451

Stop being a lazy sack of shit and get your hustle on, lil nigga. You're really going to miss out of the next crypto bullrun because you want to stay inside playing vidya and jacking off to hentai all day? Fucking degenerate. Zoomers will not get it until it's already too late. Not going to make it.

>> No.11909484

dyieing of heart attack at office after 40 years of employement sounds like a win tbqh

>> No.11909506

>grow organic weggies
a lot of cities have programs that will lease land to "urban farmers" for free or like $1/year. Choose profitable shit to grow and make consistent business selling to restaurants or farmers market. Shit like micro greens is good. Mushrooms can also be good and easy to set up/maintain.

>> No.11909508

It's your own fault for not figuring yourself a way to spend free time well. When I was unemployed I went for 1-2 week long hikes, learned nipponese, picked up carpentry etc.

>> No.11909559

That's getting a job for less pay, my dude.

>> No.11909633
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clean your room.

>> No.11909636

What for? What does it give to you? It doesn't make sense to learn something if you won't use these skills later. In the beginning you have this satisfaction after learning something, but then you don't.
I've been employed for 4.5 years since then and these 4.5 years are like a university, I learned a lot at work. Now I truly feel free and almost every 2-3 month I receive a new job offer in LinkedIn, also I started to make really good money.

>> No.11909644

Best option for a dumb neet without a degree is welding. You might even hide the fact that you are a huge academic failure by making decent cash through hard work

>> No.11909701
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>> No.11909714


he's 20 y/o retard, millenial cut off is 24

>> No.11909734

Welding is a shitty job for a fucking inbred hick. We should be above all that. White collar jobs are only true jobs. Leave all this welding, carpentry and etc shit to lower class faggots.

>> No.11909744

how to be acomfy IT guy?

>> No.11909750

Just get a job and shitpost at work, yes, getting a job is easy as doing it

>> No.11909757
File: 492 KB, 640x640, FE340677-E284-48E6-BCBF-035166E240BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 28yo NEET who never worked a day in his life
>convinced boomer parents to invest 200k into chainlink
>I hold the private keys and they have no idea how crypto even works

>> No.11909772


Do they know you've lost most of their money?

>> No.11909789

>Welding is a shitty job
It pays well and doesn't come home with you. Welders like nurses will always be needed and can't be outsourced to Bangalore.

>> No.11909792
File: 120 KB, 554x400, 2F53E23A-2E82-4AF2-8345-8243FDBE0D54.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was buying most of the LINK between 17 cent and 22 cent so all is gud, they also don‘t care because I explained it could take a couple years

>> No.11909801
File: 52 KB, 540x536, 1478867826271_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't win the lottery, just get a job faggot. You'll never make it without capital, earn your comfy life instead of being a leech.

>> No.11909808

his lower class trade could charge your higher class ass to fix the shit you can't fix yourself because your such a snooty souless cunt.

>> No.11909825

>there are people this dumb on /biz/
Doesnt surprise me, also funny how every linkie bought at the bottom suddenly

>> No.11909852

>also funny how every linkie bought at the bottom suddenly

Some guy made a thread on /pol/ the real /pol/ about linkies. Was really convincing. Link was around that range lots of us bought in.

>> No.11909906

Get a job and save your money while you still live rent free. Invest wisely.

In 10 years you’ll be financially independent with more opportunities afoot.

Don’t be a retard wanting to GRQ. That’s dumb.

>> No.11910989

Sell drugs

>> No.11911091

work a year or two min wage for experience
go to community college, learn a trade, do an apprenticeship

>> No.11911384
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I'm a NEET I have no Life
I spend all my day here on imageboards
I knew about LINK from the start

so of course I buy the bottom

>> No.11911408

Your parents must be super rich to allow you to blow 200k on internet stink coins

>> No.11911414

>have fun wagecucking for the next 40 years and dying at your office from a heart attack
You're going to end up doing the same once your mommy kicks you out. Sorry.

>> No.11911451

Too much work for a lazy NEET with fifty dollars.

>> No.11911494

Consistency over intensity.

>> No.11911537


On a scale of 1 to 10 how much are you on the spectrum?

>> No.11911543
File: 10 KB, 80x80, keks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Software QA engineer
>380k savings / stocks / crypto
>own home and 2 cars outright
>no debt

git gud fagots

>> No.11911544
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>> No.11911567

>"QA engineer"

Learn real engineering faggot

>> No.11911588
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my parents trust me and my chainlink presentation was very convincing

>> No.11911616


Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6LvZz6lBQ8&ab_channel=DanLok

>> No.11911624
File: 523 KB, 1200x800, wagekeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit a fuckton of salty wagecucks ITT. I had no idea /biz/ had this many losers in it

based and absolutely redpilled

>> No.11911656

Honestly anon you could try asking for some family for some money,spend it on shaving your legs and making yourself look qt and ewhoring yourself once this whole wizerds vs insta sluts fade stops,that actually gives good money and youre protected and encouraged by the other twitter/insta whores if you pick up a beyonce yas queen persona.Im doing this myself but without evading taxes so im just chilling while every other dumb bitch gets blown the fuck out .And again-im talking good money-if youre no uggo and know how to sell yourself you can get to 3 zeros in less than half a year,without doing an inch of actual wagecuck labour.After that you can open up a porn account and shove stuff off your ass .The strategy is making the long videos premium but uploading free 1 minute previews so thirsty fucks throw money at the screen to watch more.Do it,we´ll likely meet,but you wont recognize me,youll only see a dumb average bimbo spamming taylor swift gifs and repeating the word "incel" to appear convicing

>> No.11911675

nah i'm good writing stories and test suites for shitty pajeet code lmao

>> No.11911688

How good are you at sucking dick?

>> No.11911694

Dont try sucking dicks anon,it´ll get you STD and its not worth it,stick to ewhoring
>>11908569 (OP)

>> No.11911701

you're 20 years old. wtf kind of human being are you going to be at 40 if you've still never worked a day in your life? grow some fucking balls and stop hiding behind your mom's dress you fucking pussy.

>> No.11911722

Sorry Anon but it's too late. You had a chance to go to school and make friends and maybe even marry but now you're too warped and far down the wrong path for things to work out for you. You will always be the odd one out.

>> No.11911735

This should be mandatory unskippable viewing every time a user starts up Fortnite.

I am also 32 and inbetween jobs right now and I needed this reaffirmation so ty anon.

>> No.11911884

Anyone here in cybersecurity that actually knows the best way to get into it without 4yr cs degree?

I've heard getting ccna and sec+ then starting as network analyst is best route but idk

>> No.11911901

I'll suck as many dicks as I want, you cant stop me

>> No.11911929

Have you tried bitcoin? It is a fire sale right now.

>> No.11911968
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so much salt kek
my victory will be even sweeter


>> No.11912015


I'm same in boat as you. It is important that you develop skills that you could get you high income before starting business and investment.

I'm currently learning programming and web development but in future I really need to learn to become salesmen, it is the most important skills of all when you want to earn a lot of money.

>> No.11912131

Id start with learning English.

>> No.11912158

Oh man I am the opposite, 32 years old, suicidal wagecuck salesman selling shit products and insurance. No skills other than understanding the basics of selling and having some tricks up my sleeve. I want to learn programming but every night when I come home from work I am emotionally shattered from being insulted and shit on all day, even on successful days, so I can’t even face doing anything productive I just get drunk.

The bottom tiers of society in public perception from top to bottom are:
-Drug dealer

It’s no life. Avoid sales unless you are selling commodities, not products and services.

>> No.11912215

OP if you dont want to get bossed around on an average workplace you should also learn a proper skill.Programming is good,learning how to draw just to spam furryshit is also decent.If you learn both+whoring yourself out will make you a shitload of cash with barely any work(as long as you make it of course)and once you get that you´ll be able to invest in some sweet stuff and get rich

>> No.11912241


got a useless degree in engineering but work in property management.

comfy but can be quite stressful. want to apply to jll in the near future

>> No.11912247
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>lottery is plan a

>> No.11912388

What country are you in? Do you have a Telegram account?

>> No.11912538

you're a real nigga OP dont listen to these wagecucks

>> No.11912559
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>> No.11912601

lol get a job doing security at nights.

theres this guy i used to work with who would bring in his xbox and a small t.v. and play online with thw hotspot on his phone.

some other guy brought a laptop and watched anime all night long.

>> No.11913178

Have a sense of entrepreneurship, innovation, optimism, hard work ethic, people skills, desire to improve, and basically every other trait you do not have

>> No.11913518

Not trough a job
Use your brain and dont fall for the lottery scam your chances of winning them are just as high as mine in losing virginity

>> No.11913619

Wear a speaker and go out in public livestreaming on youtube letting children pay for racist text-to-speech to play from your speaker like ice poseidon and his cronies.

>> No.11913873
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>already playing the lottery but I need a plan B in case I don't win
The small chance that this isn't bait is cracking me up

>> No.11913889

>he actually, unironically fell for the NEET meme

>> No.11913951

>He thinks he'll get a job in an office
have fun working at McDonalds at 45 years old when your mom dies and you finally have to take care of yourself and you never developed the sills to actually be i the workforce.

>> No.11913971
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I would like a moment of your time to adress your language sir. I noticed you just used the word "n*gg*" and i just want to imform you that such language is not appreciated here anymore. /biz/ has become a SFW board and that means we no longer use derogatory phrases such as that. Thank you for reading this and thank you for abiding by the new rules of /biz/.

have a wonderful and safe stay! Now lets trade cryptos bois! :)

>> No.11914010

OP, this guy is a pessimistic shitworm.

I’m 30. I finished my bachelors degree literally one week before my birthday. I’m working for a national insurance carrier making the most I’ve ever had in one job.

It’s going to fucking suck ass for a while my guy. I didn’t pull myself back up until I was 27. I’d spent countless years before then drifting between dead end temp work until I decided I was going to be stuck forever without my degree.

Went to a state school. Worked the entire time. Kept my loans from going through the ceiling. Delivered pizza. Drove for lyft. Washed dishes, whatever it took to stay afloat and sane.

You’re twenty. Nobody expects you to be incredible at your age, but until you kick yourself in the ass, you’re not going anywhere.

>> No.11914089
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I pray to God you win anon. For the lulz.

>> No.11914091

>25 yo Controls engineer with two houses and three cars.
>buying first home at the age of 18 yo, 30,000 land contract, two beds, two baths, rotting floor boards, needed new furnace and water heater and the plumbing was all fucked up
>repair it all myself and find a roomie at college to pay me $500 per month to stay in the spare room.
>Work at warehouse making $12/hr during college part time and full time(got overtime in the summer)
>pay off house in 5 years age 22
>graduate university
>find job out of state
>move into new home
>making 75k per year now

have fun being a poorfag the rest of your life you worthless piece of shit. get a fucking job, start a business, go to trade school make something of your life don't waste it.

>> No.11914113
File: 372 KB, 720x662, 1502156796684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the hero this board needs.
When did you buy in?

>> No.11914152

Go to school, get paid for it. Tell parents to stfu I'm in school.

>> No.11914195

Have you considered liquidating everything you own, being fucking patient, and becoming a multimillionaire LINK marine by 2025? Thats not that far away, private. I'm 22 years old and I don't plan on selling until I'm in my 30s.

I'm so committed I bought a hardware wallet to physically lock it away in my safe.

>> No.11914244

Knee pad & 50 yo man

>> No.11914298

this, except use the money for a down payment on a house and rent out the rooms to other college students.

>> No.11914311
File: 5 KB, 358x85, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP, this guy is a pessimistic shitworm.
>proceeds to regurgitate the same shit but more personal because center of the world type of dude

>> No.11914383


Haha just kidding you should kill yourself OP LINK is a scam so buy it if you're a complete susucsusucksusucsusuckesusucsusucksusucsusuckersuckersuckershcker

>> No.11914921

Guys stop bullying OP, he has autism..

>> No.11915143

same here anon. Started over and been following theodinproject for couple months. It's slowly getting fun despite the initial frustrations and life has never been better. We'll make it

>> No.11915380

You can't get rich fast. Get a job and put about 300 dollars a month into index funds. In 20 or 30 years you'll have a couple mil in the bank to retire off of and maybe pass something down to your kids. If you get lucky and do particularly well you might get enough to pass down a more significant sum to your kids and maybe start building your own dynasty a couple generations down the line.

>> No.11915460

Sounds like my life. I was a NEET for many years off and on. Occasionally I'd get a job in retail or call center work or something and it would last like 3-6 months.
I've finally found a job that I like fixing cell phones at a repair shop. There's still a bit of customer service but nothing like actual retail. However, being a NEET for so long still made me kind of "weird" and occasionally socially autistic. Being a NEET isn't all it's cracked up to be, unless you maybe have lots of money so you can afford to go out and socialize but otherwise there's no real benefits to NEETdom and you'll just end up wasting your life.

>> No.11915468

did you reset your ip

>> No.11915470

It's funny how Gen Zed likes to pretend their own are "millennials" when it's revealed just how lazy and autistic they really are.

>> No.11915492
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99% of all crypto is a scam. Intelligent people invest. Dumb people speculate on shit like crypto.

>> No.11915534

get a job for your first $1-2k

1. flip cell phones
2. daytrade options
3. wholesale real estate
4. Print on demand and/or dropshipping

Financial markets and real estate will cover you the rest of your life, eCom can be a nice complement, assuming governments remain stable. the only hedge is survivalism, i recommend investing early.

>> No.11915543

kings don't laugh at peasants kings kill other kings

>> No.11915657

19 y o KHV with wasted youth (15.000 hours spend on the computer/vidya)
Undeveloped or non existent character, desensitized, deattached from reality, society and peers my age. I want to get a job and I guess I could get over my psychological issues but I have physical anxiety everytime I step outside my house and get into social situations - literally feels like I get electrocuted, mixed phases from me feeling cold and warm at the same, cold sweat to the point I can’t handle it anymore and I am about to faint. This is the reason I am NEET for 6 months now. How to fix this?

>> No.11915810

>options trading
He might as well be gambling. I suppose you can make money trading if you're really really good but even then it's a big gamble and you can lose everything just a quickly as you gain the world.

>> No.11915865

Forget rich.

Let's aim for something more reasonable: an income.

You do that, by getting a job.

Good luck, you're gonna need it.

>> No.11915885

>a job at McD's
Best advice in thread.

>> No.11916041

If your parents can afford throwing 200k into a meme industry because their 30 year old virgin loser son tells them to do so, you (your parents) most likely have already enough money for you to never work again.

>> No.11916050
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get a job, any job. It's really not that bad.

>> No.11916051

get some drinking buddies

>> No.11916179
File: 22 KB, 225x225, A20FCE58-7872-4526-8CB4-B615C34B4636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no plan.

Fail to plan plan to fail lmao loser, you stain.

T. Comfy easy job that puts 3 grand in my pocket while everyone in your life pities/loathes you for being useless/worthless

>> No.11916192

We use gender neutral identifiers, retard

>> No.11916232

What degree do you have, bachelors in software design?

>> No.11916310

-1800$ in bank account ? Nevermind fuck the banks

>> No.11916579

Try going for some piss easy part time job where you don't have to talk to people a lot. If you work like 2-3 days a week that gives tons of time to start to get used to it.

Gradually tick it up as you get more used to it. Could take even like six months to a year to adjust.

Or just go back to school, you're not too old. Go to a local community college, transfer to a four year and get a degree. Will it guarantee work and easy life/mone? No, not at all. However it is generally the starting point for a lot of "real" jobs where things get much more flexible and the work itself potentially infinitely more interesting than whatever shelf stacking or service stuff you'd be limited to otherwise. You also could make enough to generally be comfy and even have the luxury of buying things that cost more than $50. Generally as a kid many think they are bound to poorfag/freebie hobbies (games, pirating whatever movies/TV) as the only real options but once you have money, you can start to do stuff that would be basically impossible now etc.

>> No.11916617
File: 25 KB, 585x528, asmeerrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Software QA engineer
>QA engineer
all that income and only at the cost of your self-respect

>> No.11916630

Take a Udemy course on shopify and start dropshipping. Other than that gg op you’re gonna have to wagecuck.

>> No.11916651

You and most other commenters seem to be madat OP, insecurity is projecting so hard in this b8 thread

>> No.11916660

get a job where you can injure urself and then become a permenent neet

>> No.11916671

Fucking this. NEET life is comfy but it fucks over your social skills.
t. former Chad who can't speak with people after 3 years of being a NEET

>> No.11916685

He subconsciously realized that as soon as he turned 12 and got exposed to the outside world

>> No.11917060

Said the parrot

>> No.11917664

>buy bitcoin with ur 50 dollars
>transfer to bitmex
>200x short it

Easy money my nigger