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11909695 No.11909695 [Reply] [Original]

I got charged with a possession of a joint 3yrs ago in my state at a local festival. Hired lawyer to take care of this and make sure it isn't on my record.

Recently graduated college. Go in for interview. They ask about my "controlled substance charge from 2015"

I suddenly realize that's why no company is calling me back for any job except staffing agencies.

TFW I want to kill myself because of this. Emailed my lawyer and called his personal phone to leave messages.

I feel like a failure.

>> No.11909728

Just say you smoked weed once in college what's the big deal all the boomers did it as well. They just don't want a meth head at their office.

>> No.11909730

Yes also crypto is over now so youre basicly done now

>> No.11909781


That's the thing though I don't even get to come in and explain since everyone runs background checks before you even go in for interview. I had no idea it was even on there until the staffing agency questioned me about it

I've been doing classes on lynda . com for R and Excel and SQL and I'm certified. I speak spanish fluently and now I just feel like all these companies discredit me.

I want to be a good work dork. plz hire me. I passed the drug test and all I took today so obv I am not druggie

>> No.11909826

imply in your resume you know where to get the "good stuff" there will be one dude that hires you just for that.

>> No.11909832

>Hired lawyer
Was he a Jew?

>> No.11909845

You feel like a failure because you failed to get through your youth without a drug charge. Better luck next life :^)

>> No.11909868
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>TFW I want to kill myself because of this.

>> No.11909873

This tbqh. It’s a test of basic life skills
OP it isn’t that you used drugs, it’s that you got caught. Stealth game not on point. 0/10 would never hire

>> No.11909883

Go to the website of your county's clerk of court and look it up yourself. Charges =/= conviction. Next time it comes up in the interview have yourr rehearsed story read that you were not guilty and how you turned the bad situtaion into a positive experience.

>> No.11909897

Work for a weed business

>> No.11909904

OP is complaining that he doesn't even get to the interview process though.

>> No.11909905

Just apply for an expungement yourself dude. It's what lawyers call free money. One form, one hearing, uncontested 100% of the time in your situation. You can do it, because you're not as dumb as you think you are. -A Lawyer in Cincinnati, OH.

>> No.11909925

OP, first off that 'charge' will stay on your file as you never paid for it! I. E. You can't pay with fiat as that is debt money. You can't pay a debt with a debt....

Secondly, stop applying for big companies either work for a small company or start your own biz!

>> No.11909933

He's not getting called back because he's a fucking brainlet and he's resume is shit (I can tell by this post). Nobody is conducting background checks before the first interview.

If you have a great interview and THEN don't hear anything back, then you're fucked.

>> No.11909942


for example I had a interview with a software company today but then failed to follow up after I assume they ran a background check just like this staffing agency did .

>> No.11909955

no my resume isn't shit and my uni is actually really good. I used indesign to make my resume and I'm quite proud of it

>> No.11909957

Call them up and ask for a progress report retard

>> No.11909967

go work construction/landscaping or some other real job instead of desperately trying to become a cubicle drone, why do people to this to themselves, are donuts in the breakroom really worth all this bs?
either start your own biz or get a real job where they don't care that you inhaled a few dried leaves 3 years ago

>> No.11909969

I did today, they said he would talk to the other guy where the job falls under his department but still waiting for that call back. I was supposed to have an interview there today because I had a phone interview the week prior.

>> No.11909982


I have an advanced degree and don't want to slave away working manual labor.

>> No.11909991

Haha, what a fucking imbecile you are. You deserve it, fucking subhuman commie faggot. Go smoke another joint and then use heroin, this is your way. I hope you die.

>> No.11910011

>describing one's ability to do (something) as "game"
>on point
Even the R*ddit fags from last December think you're a faggot

>> No.11910094

Make something of yourself, code an application. Freelance. If you can code you don't need anyone.

>> No.11910177

Imagine living in a country where a joint ends up on your criminal record.

I thought America was the land of the free?

>> No.11910188

It won't for long, weed law reform is the only issue anyone agrees on

>> No.11910192

>triggered loser with a drug charge spotted

>> No.11910203


>> No.11910211

well you are a potsmoking piece of shit

>> No.11910213

>speak spanish fluently
you have to go back, beaner drug baron

>> No.11910225

cookie cutter resumes go out the airlock with the rest of the trash

>> No.11910291

Damn burgerland is really the circus everyone paints it to be.

>> No.11910306

Yeah, I am in California and desperately want out. Fuck this shit hole.

>> No.11910382

HAHAHA fuckin stoner got what he deserved

>> No.11911219

Apply low instead of high. Apply in other countries. Leave the American dream .

>> No.11911231

go to the state's bar website and file a complaint that it fucked up with your employment and your homeless because of it. The bar loves to take a shit on an attorney when they royally fuck up.

>> No.11911234

>expecting boomers to hire a drug addict

>> No.11911275

A fellow Cinci /biz/Raeli nice to meet you fren. OP just get that shit expunged idk how you are getting JUST’d for a joint I did all sorts of dumb shit as a teenager getting busted with weed/underage drinking over 18 and none of that shit showed up when I went job hunting.

>> No.11911584

I guys I just got back from court and filed a "Seal court records" petition by myself after some advice.

I also called another lawyer to discuss filing a BAR complaint against my previous lawyer and also from my previous lawyer I had his billing department send me the invoice from 2015

What do now?

>> No.11911638

I worked lawncare/farming etc and also a cube job. Cube job paid way more and had bennies. It was boring as fuck though but it was nice making money browsing the internet all day.

>> No.11911702


I want that cube job, I can be bored and then also take online classes to say they are for the benefit of the company.

For example learning more SQL and then practicing with that skill and then leaving for a higher paying job

>> No.11911705

Employers can’t access your criminal records without your consent with exception of pedo crimes

>> No.11911727

well dipshit they found my "controlled substance" charge within 5min so try harder to be an armchair lawyer

>> No.11911729
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This is the closest thing to "good advice" in this thread.

>I guys I just got back from court and filed a "Seal court records" petition by myself after some advice.

Good, this is what I was going to tell you. Here's the thing: in many States you need to wait X amount of years before you can seal a conviction.

First of all, there's a difference between sealing and expungement.
>a sealed record still “exists” in both a legal and physical sense, while expungement results in the deletion of any record that an arrest or criminal charge ever occurred.

Sounds like the attorney you hire to "take care of this and make sure it isn't on your record" either 1) lied to you or 2) you misunderstood what he was doing. Chances are you misunderstood what he was doing. Maybe you faced multiple charges and he expunged/sealed the only ones that could be taken care of at the time.

It's entirely likely that certain charges could be taken care of while others required you to wait X amount of time, especially if some charges were dropped while others were convictions.

Anyways your new lawyer will figure that shit out. If you're willing to spend the time/money on filing a Bar complaint, make sure it's worth it, because your new attorney will just take your money until you realize you're a dipshit without a case.

>> No.11911753

Found where? Googled it? Go larp somewhere else faggot

>> No.11911767

Unironically worked for a law firm where my boss wanted me to shovel snow in for him and the rest of the lawyers

>> No.11911832


I talked to the clerk and she said it may or may not be expunged but I will offer to do community service at the expunging/sealing court date so get it expunged. Timeline of that is 4-6 weeks

Well I paid him 2500 to just turn a minor misdemeanor into a bond forfeiture and he didn't even file paperwork that I just did.

I looked at the bar association's website and honestly it seems like it's more trouble than it's worth. I'd have to file a grievance and if he doesn't respond I can win the case but it just seems like my case is fairly weak and that it would just turn out to be a disagreement over pricing.

Other option is that my state's BAR association offers free mediation services for this sort of thing.

>> No.11911868

>smoked weed once and got busted for it 3 years ago
>drug addict

Pick one and only one you fucking square

>> No.11911881

Just talk to your lawyer or find a new lawyer and see if you can get your records seal, if you were underage at the time it should already be sealed and something minor like minimal possession should be easy and have a lot of leeway for the requirements to seal. That other guy was talking about expungement, but that's not really needed as having them sealed will already hid them from the public and potential employers. Only courts any governments can look at them if serious background checks are required, but that's if you get charged with another crime or try to purchase a firearm or something. As far as employment, none will look at sealed records unless your trying to be a police officer or something like that.

>> No.11911907

it's not about what I think about myself, it's what potential employers think. I'm trying to be a productive member of society over here. When "controlled substance" comes up of course they will toss me aside

hopefully when my state makes it legal recreationally I can get it permanently wiped

>> No.11911922

4 to 6 weeks for records being sealed. yay. I can try getting work from this staffing agency in the meantime.

sucks to suck I guess

>> No.11912082

holy fuck that sucks, land of the free they say.

>> No.11912125


>> No.11912178

This on small companies, I got laid off and was under federal indictment (kek) and had to find a job quick for bail purposes before my trial. Ended up getting hired at a small family-run company and never once did it show up on a background check. I ended up winning in court and still work there to this day, they don't know about it at all (and I pray they never will).

>> No.11912197

tks, I filed the form at the court today and paid the filing fee. It wasn't hard at all. Any chance of getting it expunged or is sealing the best I can hope for?

>> No.11912604

Op, you’re not getting called back simply because you and your resume are dog shut. I work in HR and I can tell you with 100% confidence that no company in the world will do a fucking background check BEFORE the first interview. It would be a huge waste of fucking money. We only do background checks after the interview because we’re interested in hiring them. Dumb fuck.

>> No.11912728

>so dumb he gets arrested for weed
It's not the drug they are worried about. It's that you were stupid enough to get caught.

>> No.11912754


idk I have a decent resume or so I thought. I'm applying to entry level jobs and have good skills in excel, R, SQL, and have been an interpreter for 2 years.

I also am working on being tableau certified. Graduated from OSU. I think the staffing agency is my best bet until I can get some good office experience under my belt.

Any advice on what skills you guys are really looking for? I just look what jobs require and start from there. Not trying to be a NEET

>> No.11912776

you don't get arrested you get a ticket but it was at a festival literally known for weed and I was younger. I'd slap myself too if I had known how much of a pain it would be

>> No.11912784

>mother found cocaine in my room when i was out
>called the cops on me
>sentenced for felony drug possession and had to go to court mandated rehab
>can't get hired
>can't rent an apartment
>mother asks why i'm not working
>go to my room and contemplate suicide
wow a joint? tough shit bro, you're so screwed...

>> No.11912942

your situation is extremely shit but that doesn't make my situation any better.

Guess your only option is to be a programmer or food stamps for life

>> No.11912994
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>Taking classes for Excel.
Fucking brainlet.
What are you, 12?
Learn to use nosql and SQL like a man.
(I know you mentioned SQL, but fuck Excel, Dave your money, faggot).

>> No.11913137


I'm getting Microsoft certified , what is the problem with taking a online class for this? I'm trying to better myself and most businesses use excel in at least some variety. If I challenge myself I can be something better than I was yesterday

>> No.11913148

well it changed my ID since I reset my router so hey. still me

>> No.11913172

you unironically get scrutinized if you have a weed charge unless you live in oakland or somewhere with laws drug conviction affirmative action where 1 job goes to a normie 1 to a drug conviction

>> No.11913202

if it is legal there why the fuck do weed charges still show up on a background check?

>> No.11913210

lol you should murder suicide
I got stopped at a dui checkpoint and the cops said they smelled weed and found .1 gram of mdma in a nearly empty baggie (probably weighed the bag) and I have a felony now
I don't work and don't spend much of my crypto money because I know I won't be able to get a job

>> No.11913218

people are still in jail for weed charges in legal states

>> No.11913247


good thing I don't do hard drugs, sorry about your loss. guess you can work at a gas station or something or become a priest

>> No.11913259

I hope the devils lettuce was worth it you fucking junkie

>> No.11913275

imo alcohol is harder than mdma but not in the eyes of the state
I bought it because of the adult autism study on mdma and it did help me a lot with my social anxiety issues but jail made me worse than I was before all of this

>> No.11913292

degenerate dope smoker

never gonna make it

>> No.11913314

jesus christ adult autism? can you make a case to the court that you are autistic ya fucking dweeb

>> No.11913331


well not until my records get sealed

>> No.11913354

>I have an advanced degree and don't want to slave away working manual labor.
you shoulda thought about that before getting all doped up on pot ya dirty hippy

>> No.11913365

move to Colorado

>> No.11913366

nope I had a lot of documentation of mental problems and it was obvious I wasn't partying or dealing or anything and it was my first time in trouble
but the court didn't grant me any leniency

You ever hear of pineapple fund? some bitcoin multi millionaire on reddit
he donated like 5 million to this study on adult autism done my MAPS, I should have went through proper channels and got it dosed my professionals

>> No.11913405


it will be fine in 4 to 6 weeks I'm just being a little bitch because I was inconvenienced and have to take a shitty staff agency job but such is life. I won't do pot until it's legal here

>> No.11913551
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It's all good man.

>> No.11913583

Kind of agree here. Background checks are usually done after the hiring, and before the first day, or while they're preparing to make an offer, at higher corporate levels.

And, where does he live that a joint is listed as a "controlled substance" charge?

Plus, if he's going through staffing agencies, they did the background check FOR the companies they staff, that's one of the services they do, so the companies don't have to.

Most likely it's a lack of education and a shit resume, and applying to jobs way above his grade - needs to start working at lower level, entry level jobs where "Lynda.com" training would mean anything. (Lynda is a good site, but it doesn't mean much to an employer.)