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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11906278 No.11906278 [Reply] [Original]

When the US interest rates are increased, we will see many countries unable to pay their foreign dominated debt and they will start defaulting and their currencies imploding one after another like Argentina and Turkey did recently. Massive flood of money into cryptos and Bitcoin.

The Fortune 500 CEOs had their companies take on huge debt through low interest bond sales. Then used the money to do stock buy backs (instead of investing in growth, equipment, product development).

The stock prices shot up on the debt fueled stock buy backs (like morgating your house to buy dotcom stock at the peak of the dotcom bubble). The CEOs made hundreds of millions in their stock options and retired.

Now the interest rates will increase and the companies will be unable to make their bond payments and will default. They wont be able to go into debt to pay the interest on their existing debt.

Then stock market implosion and demographics will wipe out the pension funds.

Many countries will see their foreign currency reserves wiped out, because all of their foreign currency is going to debt repayments. Then they will have massive currency devaluations (like Russia and Turkey).

And then people in any country with deb, will start moving money into anything they can to protect themselves, before or after the currency collapses (which may become frequent).

>> No.11906283

Broke, indebted, defaulting governments will cut or privatize government services. Pensions will be cut.

Governments will increase taxes and destroy their economies. They will be hunting people with offshore bank accounts or gold. High tax rates will increase percentage of economic activity that is underground or not reported.

The most productive people or highest earning people will flee the in-debted, backrupted countries.

Etc. Death Spiral.

Trump cant change anything. He cant change demographics. He cant change the special interests he has to fight against. He cant change that people just want free stuff for votes. He cant change that even if the country had an industrial policy, that it would be opposed and block by almost everyone. He cant change that the debt holders dont care if the the real economy is destroyed and that they will just hold on and loot as much as they can for as long as they can, even if half of the country is living on the streets in tents. He cant change that the majority are brain damaged, drugged up and dont care what reality is and want to believe lies.

>> No.11906284


>> No.11906493

>Trump cant change anything
>implying he wants to

>> No.11906643

i hope she pays the taxes

>> No.11906908
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1536, shapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random side boob tattoo
why do women fucking do this to their bodies?

bet she have some stupid little "live" tattoo somewhere as well

>> No.11906921

How do I short this?

>> No.11907910

Cover implant scarring

>> No.11908841

Watch this:

>> No.11908864

sorry anon, couldn't hear you over the brapping

>> No.11908895
File: 141 KB, 698x800, 353405244f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11909082

Only cool if it's a tat of Zeus grabbing the scar like it's a thunderbolt

>> No.11909106

nobody cares about your communist opinions
Leave the markets to those that understand

>> No.11909116

TIPS Trasury inflation protected securites, Life Insurance company puts

>> No.11909240
File: 1.21 MB, 365x254, Jordan-Belfort-Fake-Laugh-The-Wolf-of-Wall-Street.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11909703

>File Deleted

Thank goodness! Thotposter prepare to get nel'd!

>> No.11909715
File: 483 KB, 1172x1056, f880b52a94600ace5d8cfb40d53e54cf722f285c51f7d7c3ab89f59cff907d69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's where BitBean comes in