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11904155 No.11904155 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everything getting shittier and shittier?

Music is worse than it use to be?
Video games are shit nowaday.
Even anime is complete shit compared to the originals

What is happening? Am I becoming a boomer?

>> No.11904160

>Music is worse than it use to be?
You're listening to the wrong music
>Video games are shit nowaday.
try path of exile
>Even anime is complete shit compared to the originals
it has always been shit.

you're not becoming a boomer, you're hitting puberty and think you're all grown up now.

>> No.11904161


>> No.11904165

I'm with you. I need a modern MMO to grind that isnt just shit.

>> No.11904176

It's sad when someone can't understand the personal process of getting old. Sorry dum dum.

>> No.11904180
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just no

its getting shittier because everything is now produced on an algorithm. Nothing is organic or human

>> No.11904186

((( Cultural Marxism )))

>> No.11904195

Part of it is becoming a boomer, but the reality is that now EVERYTHING is commercialized/corporatized. Art used to made for the sake of art (this includes video games) by passionate people who led projects. Look at early video games up until around the mid-2000s mark. It's around 2005 that a huge shift started happening (and was accelerated by console dominance). The effects of this shift have been steadily growing (in all the areas you mentioned: music, movies, video games, tv shows, etc). The passionate artists lost their positions as project leads, or began being overridden by corporate demands (a focus on short-term profits due to shareholder pressure). EVERYTHING now is created through a formula meant to derive maximum profits instead of creating good products. The art is gone from them, the life is gone from them. That's why everything feels so shallow now.

>> No.11904196

wow. this guy is the real boomer. see, OP, that's the difference. you're trying to sound conservative and this guy actually believes he is.

>> No.11904198

>what is Legend of the Galactic Heroes
>what is Monster
>what is Nadia The Secret of Blue Water

>> No.11904207

SPBP Literally just look at all the things you are complaining about and I guarantee a noise will be waiving in the wind. You fags call everyone crazy who says this, but everyone for Henry Ford to Richard Nixon had the same opinions.

>> No.11904208


I agree about movies and vidya, but music has actually seen a huge spike in quality the last few years imo. 2009-2012 were hands down some of the worst years ever.

>> No.11904212


Actually some of the best EDM/electronic music was made in the 2010s. Games are fine you just need to look at smaller titles or indies. Anime is definitely worse, but that's because it became mainstream and waifus sell rather than good stories. Last good recent anime was Made in Abyss. Good Anime only come about once a year now, if that.

>> No.11904215
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America is dying and the rest of the west is struggling to deal with it. If you want to experience life I would suggest moving to China or Europe (wait about 5 years though if you want to go to Europe.)

>> No.11904231

Could you elaborate please.

>> No.11904236

you have ass burgers

>> No.11904401

Cyberpunk2077 is looking pretty sweet, can't wait

>> No.11904523

Because now it's industry products oriented on average buyer(~90 icq)

>> No.11904550

its 100% your boomer perspective.

imagine beeing a 12 year old, coming from school and playing VR chat with your friends, or fortnite while everyone is watching NINJA together and talking about it next day while watching the coolest clips on instagram or whereever. imagine how sick the fortnite "world events" are to them.

then christmas holiday comes and your parents buy you red dead redemption 2.

yes these kids will have the same good memories that we had, even better with VR in the next few years.

>> No.11904569

>what is Legend of the Galactic Heroes

It took 100+ episodes for them to say monarchy is good and democracy is bad.

>what is Monster

Expected a good realistic story, but then fucking MUH SECRET EXPERIMENT SUPER SOLDER SHIT like 1000s of other animes

>> No.11904604

Shut up OP. rdr2 is a great game once you get past the sjw parts.

>> No.11904605

also imagine not having to wait every single day to watch a 20 minute episode of dragonball (with 5 minute commercial break) where actually nothing happens cause the fight will take the next two weeks.

just load up netflix or ask your brother to show you one of the dozen pirated streaming websites and just bingewatch any of the dozen shows that are better than dragonball etc ever used to be.

>> No.11904617


Fortnite is literally Austism block + counterstrike, full of gimmicks instead of skills

>> No.11904619

fugg now i wanna be a kid

>> No.11904620

>WC3 Reforged coming out
>games getting shittier

>> No.11904626


That is the problem with kids these days, no patience for anything

>> No.11904630

The sense of togetherness must be fucking insane, its like being communist China over a videogame.

When I was a kid and I am old as hell now, we had Nintendo SNES vs. Sega Genesis, probably the only thing comparable was World of Warcraft but it was never THIS cool and accepted as Fortnite.

>> No.11904677

One could make the argument that this forcefed binge shit is really taking away a lot of the anticipation and hunger for stuff, I think kids are missing out on that weekly wait feeling.

I think music sorta sucks really man, I don't really dig all that intense noiserock and Ariel Pink type shit. I think a lot of it is good too. If I am going to be honest, I actually love the latest Weezer and Smashing Pumpkins though.

I just think what happened is movies became a meaningless cash grab and are now the worst art form and it feels weird to our souls because they used to be the best 20 years ago.

One of the best movies ive ever seen is Buster Scruggs though and thats 2018. The struggle is real.

>> No.11904715


im kind of salty i missed out on that. back in the day youve had your 1-2 friends in class that would play computer games with you.

nowadays youre the king of class giving out autographs if youre the distant cousin of a random fortine pro player.

>> No.11904739

that problem only exists within netflix or not?
they still have to wait for the next attack on titan episode, for the next fortnite tournament/world event/skins, for the next DLC

>> No.11904761

Zoomers dont realize just how uncool it was to play games back in the day and that there generally were no girls playing any games at all, unless they had an older brother who played games.

>> No.11904988

Can’t get a heart transplant if you don’t have enough money for medication which will prevent the body from rejecting the new heart. They basically are saying you’re too poor for a heart transplant.

>> No.11905013

I agree with everything except music, since there's no real barrier to entry with music, you just have to go really underground to find good stuff. Of course the stuff big companies pump out is trash tho. Agree with the others more generally, especially video games

>> No.11905034

>(and was accelerated by console dominance)

This is a bit of a misreading imo. Arcades and nes/snes era stuff wasn't bad even though it was mostly consoles. Agree on the other points

>> No.11905071

Am I becoming a boomer?
YES and you probably have tremendous shit taste.

>> No.11905186

In short yes
also you were born at the end of the golden age, it might be another few hundred to thousand years before we are on the up trend again as a species...
Welcome to the club.

>> No.11905194

> try path of exile

>> No.11905229

I understood that concept. I was curious on his other point about longing Europe whilst shorting America. I'm of the opinion the two are linked.

>> No.11905474

Music is definitely shitter

>> No.11905542

i'm 33 and been wondering the same thing for last decade or so. been this gradual decline in the quality of everything i loved growing up and into my early twenties. It's like the colour is slowly fading in everything. I think it has something to do with the billions more people on the planet and smartphones/google sucking up all the joy and uniqueness out of most experiences. It's harder and harder to find a visceral joy in modern society. I started a change this year by moving countries and trying to get out of the city. I live in rural Japan now and spent all summer in the mountains hiking and swimming with my boy and it probably saved me from killing myself. If you're in some multiculti hellhole city like I was trapped in I'd recommend going remote for awhile and seeing how it affects your outlook

>> No.11905672

>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Overrated. i like it but it is so fucking slow. 50 episodes of sipping tea and discussions of royal characters that never re-enter the story.

>> No.11905700
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Americans are being fooled to fight among themselves over crumbs while their nation is sold down the river. They'll never see past it in part because A) they don't want to, and B) they have been conditioned to either bootlick the government or go full commie no borders(who bootlicks the goverment to stop out group A).

It's a fucking mess

>> No.11905805

Leftists fucked everything up. Weak, pathetic, poor-minded people.

>> No.11905875

>try poe
based and toucanpilled

>> No.11905891


>> No.11905906

It's a sign of decadence. Artistic beauty and value decreases. Check out cosmotech/accelerationist.

>> No.11905911

Yep. Make your own joy, stop relying on corporations for it.

I won't write a blog post, but learning to make something, or learn something, or doing something physical is a way better use of your time. Nothing against video games, but not all the time.

And, get the fuck off social media, and get rid of cable.

>> No.11905915
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I dunno, I'm 23y old and have lost the apetite for almost everything. I don't even want to drink or use drugs anymore. I also quit smoking. I just dont care to do almost anything else then to be home with my computer, but this is boring as fuck too. I also started downhill biking, its fun ass fuck when you just dont care to get hurt. I've got hurt a couple of times, but its almost winter so there goes that hobbie. Fuck I hate winter, the cold darkness for the next 8months. I got out of the army last summer and since then have done nothing. Its like I have lost the will to do almost anything at all, but I want to remain sober, have been a hard user of booze and drugs but they got boring. Oh and booze just gives me a 3 day psychoic hangover because I always pinge drink. I don't know of moderate alcohole consumption. I have a girlfriend, but am thinking about leaving her. I just dont seem to care and don't want to be around her anymore. I just want to be alone. I have been thinking that if I dont get my shit together when I turn 27, I will an hero. It wasn't always like this.. or maby it was, I think I have somekind of mental illness, dunno, been living a very care free life since I was a little boy. How the fuck do I get out of this pit /biz/? I think I need help. I have never been able to think of a future for me, been living a day by day since I can remember. I really dont have any passions, I dont have a talent, but I'm kind of an all around guy. Man, I'm so happy when this all is over someday. I have had my happy moments in life, but there is so much more negativity. Life is a tragedy

>> No.11905942


Everyone should watch both these episodes even if you dont like south park, just do it.

>> No.11905976
File: 48 KB, 640x920, 45691319_1233204603484022_6087043156170244096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global life "mining" hashrate is increasing. Its like everyone wants to be successful and have happy life, so everyone join the global "hashrate-life-rat-race". Back in the past there was enough things for everyone: if u wanted more u could become metallica but if u wanted house u just work few years and boom here ya go, now we r slowly running out of the resources (look at the drinking water alone: russia buying and usa and china buying land with access to sweet water in former ZSRR georgia, Azerbaijan etc). Globalization makes people aware of the competition and tells ya how fast they r mining life..and u fell stressed so u put more effort into it, u read more, u work more, u travel more, u consume more and then i guess ur neural biochemic circuits gets flooded with chemi-coctails and make u kind of a zombie: ur brain defend it self from over stimulation. Also because everyone can try to be new mttallica we get ten of thousands of crappy bands trying to shine in e-media. Every single year new ones come around making it even harder..
Ive quit drinking, smoking, taking weed, trying not to fap and focus ongym and other sports i love, openning my new business and things get a bit more colorfoul

>> No.11906005

Western culture is breathing its last breath.

>> No.11906022
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>American (((healthcare)))

>> No.11906073

Kind of felt the same way until I got on the SSRI train.
now even mundane shit is quite nice, like drinking a cup of tea or watching a person walk a dog and stuff.

>> No.11906171
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I mean I remember that everything started to go a little odd when we moved back to my home country from the united states of amurica. We lived there for 2years. I have moved to places very often when I was young, so I have had always had to make new friends and be the new boy in school. So everything has been very temporary for me. Could it be that I've been depressed for so long that I've grown a tolerance for it? I mean I remember when I was really depressed, I couldn't stop thinking about killing myself, couldn't sleep, get out of the bed etc. but that is like some 5 years ago. I do take care of my body, I work out, but it somehow feels like I'm living in my own realm of hell. Or if counscience makes this experience of called life hell. I'm trapped in this limited body and we humans even as a whole are not that smart anyways. Its just that I cant find a meaning to anything. Well I have had a weird year, the day I got out of the army at summer I got beat up pretty bad when I was on acid so I think I have gotten somekind of a trauma about it. Not sure tought. I dont even know would my life guality improve if my memecoins x100 from here. I don't even know what I'm talking about, kinda writing stuff that comes in to my mind so the text might be a little weird.

>> No.11906206




>> No.11906303


>> No.11906879

Good bait, /biz/ is too retarded to catch it lol

>> No.11906889

pro tip for everyone
if what you cherish are memories of video games you're living life wrong
video games are a time killer only