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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1186335 No.1186335 [Reply] [Original]

What personality type are you, and what kind of $ do you make?

>> No.1186338


4chan Neetbucks/month.

>> No.1186344

INTJ, 72k a year

>> No.1186350

Pretty accurate

>> No.1186374
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>thinking personality type bears any real correlation with household income

do you faggots believe every infographic that you see online?

pic related, 28 years old, own my own business and netted 1.2m last year (2015), i took 70k for myself and the rest was reinvested.

qualifications are BSBA & MSc in comp sci

>> No.1186376

cool man

>> No.1186378 [DELETED] 
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This one

>> No.1186386


>> No.1186407
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>BSBA & MSc in comp sci
I'm planning to take this route too, just wondering how do I get started in a business?

>> No.1186410


NEET/Community college dropout

About $1000 monthly from Neetbucks

>> No.1186515

Minimum wage (intern crap program)
Born dirt poor, have bachelors degree, will probably emigrate to NW Europe

Guess it's washing dishes for me, no startups ...

>> No.1186570

Dragging my heels on college and work. Practically dropped out but with the option to go back if I don't wait too long. Earning ~$20,000/year from a few shifts a week at a supermarket and a trickle of investment income.

>> No.1186582

ENTJ, >100k.

>> No.1186609

0 dollars in college


>> No.1186617

apparently INTP is rare, so I wonder what the sample size is of this chart. Probably not too far off, but I'm definitely motivated to get lots of money in the future

>> No.1186621


100k base. 150k in a good year. 5 years xp

>> No.1186624

>extroverts make more than introverts

I demand equality. check your extrovert privilege

>> No.1186634

INTP, 130k

Either I'm an outlier, or the chart is complete bullshit. I'd go with the latter

>> No.1186698

INTP. In college for finance. Took a year off for self improvement, and I'm going to be going in in the fall. I make like $10k a year working part time. Got family connections on wall street for the future, thank god.

>> No.1186962

$20k cashier, full time college student.

>> No.1187002

Just living off my savings until I starve to death

>> No.1187011

Chart's bullshit, but the idea of IXXXs making less money is somewhat logical. Introverts are less likely to have self-confidence, value themselves, ask for pay raises, etc.

>> No.1187015

Pretty much all "X type of people make more money" only applies to wagecucks.

>> No.1187046

Only around 1k€/month, but studying.

>> No.1187063

Looks like extroverted judging is the winning combo. Someone outgoing who learns to play by the rules. Makes sense. I would think this would be the case the majority of the time with the rare exception of introverted innovators that think outside the box and create something so original that they are beholden to nobody. Otherwise, the people that play nice with others and exude charisma are going to come out ahead most of the time.

>> No.1187211

>retarded y axis
>using a SINGLE personality type with HOUSEHOLD income
>using the AVERAGE
wanna know how i know this chart was made by greens?

>> No.1187428

>calling the NFs for optimists

>> No.1187432


>> No.1187455

ENTJ mastah race -30k per year cuz med school.

when I get a real job though I'll come back and kick your ass.

about 200$ month trading for pocket money

>> No.1187788

INTP $190K.

>mfw shitty infographic begins barchart at $55K

>> No.1187806

240k salary
80k bonus
60k stock

not really correct

>> No.1187864


>> No.1188133



170k/yr salary, probably around 240k total compensation.

>> No.1188140

Attending diagnostic radiologist, making about $250K annually after taxes.

>> No.1188142

what are you people doing that you make 250k / year?

>> No.1188147



>> No.1188173

I'm only 3% Introvert though and I feel as though I can control when and when not to be an introvert.
Also, expect to find a lot of INTJ's on 4chan...most of us had successful social lives until we developed a mental disorder that caused us do become introverts.

>> No.1188176

INTJ community college fagg...
no income right now..

You might be an enneagram 3w4

>> No.1188207

ENFP, 55,000/yr (engineering grad)

I used to be a strong INTJ but I've changed a lot personality-wise. Is that common?

>> No.1188223

I'm INTJ but can E it up if I really have to.

>> No.1188451

This. Because most people are wagecucks, this chart is basically "how good is xxxx type at being a wagecuck"
Types that hate being a wagecuck won't work at cuckery any harder than they need to survive.
Those motivated to get lots of money like >>1186617 can probably overcome this, especially if they start their own thing.

>> No.1188460

50 cents.

>> No.1188480
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>> No.1188483


25k a year

I hate working, im too lazy.. i mainly speculate on the markets

>> No.1189423

then youre lieing to yourself

>> No.1189599

It's so bizarre how common INTJ is on 4chan even though it's supposed to be 1% of the population. Are people just memeing it or does 4chan attract it?

Either way, i most often test as Intj or Entj, and sit around 60-70k AUD before tax. After tax, maybe $3 a year. So that looks about right. All I need to do is pretend to be social and maybe I can make some more money.

>> No.1189654

>escapist online community
>most users are out of touch with reality to some degree
>disturbing lack of empathy/feelings
>control complex and combative attitude

4chan is INTJ central.

>> No.1189820

Pls explain the mental disorder...

>> No.1189824

Pretty disturbing now that I think about it.

of course, INTJ here. pulling down 55k in a shit tier poorfag state

>> No.1189873


Wow, INTJ here. Pretty accurate description.

65k Roughly.

>> No.1190335

ENTJ here but i can understand as back in high school i was an INTJ autist and then got my shit together by college
Grad School/drug seller/club promoter/run 2 apps/ run a gambling rig, 23 not disclosing my income as most of it isn't through legal means

>> No.1190360

INTP, Neet till I go to bootcamp.

>> No.1190377


Scaming little kids with 10 "free" mobile games.
In 4 years I earned about 3.5 million.

>> No.1190380
File: 339 KB, 680x680, 1451491841567-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am always so amazed by how relatively easy it is for some people to make money. What kinda games were they?