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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11901297 No.11901297 [Reply] [Original]

"did you see the stock market crash Anon? It must be because of trump and Obama's policies and NOT the federal reserve"

>> No.11901307

Why is this board full of so many npcs who blame a president and not the banks/fed for the economy?

>> No.11901380

are you implying that the fed should go hands off w the interest rate hikes??

>> No.11901397

there shouldn't be a fed

>> No.11901413

ok austrian

>> No.11901444

Is that supposed to discredit him?
Labeling someone is not a valid argument.
There should not be a fed.

>> No.11901484

no matter how much cypto u trade it will not replace liquid stable fiat. the federal reserve is the basis for a reliable and productive us economy

>> No.11901541

You’re all NPCs to me anons you all are.

>> No.11901616

I would wager that anyone suggesting the Fed is to blame is just as retarded as people who blame presidents for collapses. Blame the past 10 years of rampant corporate borrowing, share repurchasing, and terrible ROI (3 things I guarantee you know next to nothing about), you fucking hick.

>> No.11901637

The dumbass took it upon himself after boasting about BIGLIEST EVER ECONOMY WOW MAGA. Fucking retard.

>> No.11901650

And before you post your faggot QE chart, just know that all of the money pumped into stocks could've been perfectly fine if more than 10% of companies weren't run by fucking inbreds who think share buybacks are the best way to use new capital. Same reason you can't blame Trump's tax cut.

>> No.11901666

>trump builds his campaign on improving the economy
>economy tanks
>"waahhh you arent allowed to blame trump"
>*tear rolls down his face and lands on his estrogonised flabby nipple"

>> No.11901677
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kys keynesian

>> No.11901683

Is that why Jackson routed out that shit?

>> No.11901725
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>> No.11901737
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>> No.11901744


>> No.11901757

Fed is literally just a banking cartel. They set overnight bank lending rates to control flow of capital through the banking sector.

The Fed is no different from OPEC or any other cartel, drugs, weapons, etc... Its job is literally to make sure that banks can sustain profitability, by keeping them in check.

>> No.11901767

>t. I get my news and analysis from pol

Yes, tell me all about the big bad Fed. Fucking morons.

>> No.11901776

>t. didn't know about the fed since before the existence of 4chan

>> No.11901788

Sit down, child.

>> No.11901812

Actually I graduated from MIT with a math degree and got my understanding of the fed from reading many books on the subject. But keep coping

>> No.11901854

>got my understanding of the fed from reading many books on the subject.

I know you're larping, but what a fucking joke of a sentence.

>> No.11901908

Actually I'm not larping. I did go to MIT. And reading incerto tells you everything you need to know about centralizing the money supply and interest rates: in the short term it reduces volatility at the expense of blowing the entire system up. All the risk aggregates so an anti-fragile capitalist system is turned into a fragile socialist one that will collapse at a black swan event.

And yes, I read roger lowensteins book on the fed, the creature from Jekyll island, and the house of Morgan, to get all perspectives on it's history

I'm sorry but you're completely out of your league here lad. Sit down while the grown-up s talk

>> No.11901929
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> a normal interest and inflation rate causes recession
> tariffs and trade wars don't cause recession

>> No.11901946
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I knew this board was full of idiots but you guys are really coming out of the woodwork tonight

>> No.11902000

I'm not the one who think Griffin is a source worth seriously citing you fucking knuckle-dragger lol

>> No.11902012

wow great yes thomas jefferson the master of current fiat banking standards :) thomas jefferson didn't really want banks and corporations to wield much influence in the first place, js

>> No.11902016

Cute larp. Maybe in another life you'll actually make it to MIT, pajeet.

In the real world, where I work. Nobody gets their knowledge on the fed from "reading many books on the subject" (you really exposed your pajeetness here, boy). They get it from living and learning in the markets.

Regardless of what you may have read about monetary policy, it all means jackshit if the result is you being some doomsday faggot that thinks the Fed is constantly taking us towards some Armageddon. There are smarter ways to assert your anti-globalism/semitism. The Fed was the only thing keeping this country from literal death in 2008. The Fed is the only thing keeping this country from fully running into an utterly massive bubble with equities.

Sit the fuck down, Rakesh.

>> No.11902063

as oppose to what... letting inflation run rampant? lmao

>> No.11902079

>Not realizing the fed caused the bubble that it supposedly "saved" us from in 2008
>Not realizing the worst market crashes in history happened after, not before, 1913
>Not realizing that the only "benefit" of the feds existence has been in transferring wealth to politicians and the financial elite from the masses through inflation

Idiots like you are why we are so fucked in the first place

And actually I'm Jewish not indian

>> No.11902096
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"Without central banking we would have rampant inflation!"

>> No.11902124

the feds low interest rate environment did not cause the issue of 2008, it was a much more systematic problem.

>> No.11902129

>Not realizing the worst market crashes in history happened after, not before, 1913
> What is the south sea crisis
> What is the black death
> What is tulip mania
> What is the crisis of 1776

Jesus christ you conspiracy theory lunks can't even make it through two claims before you look life fucking idiots

>> No.11902141

*1772 fuck me the sheer crayon-eating gets my fingers fat

>> No.11902145

>Not realizing that the only "benefit" of the feds existence has been in transferring wealth to politicians and the financial elite from the masses through inflation

Oh, thanks for confirming again that you're a fucking moron who knows nothing about how the economy was already well into breaking aware from the industrial revolution. Thanks for confirming you know nothing about the last 2 economic bubbles and the past several recessions. Thanks for confirming you're just a fucking poltard who thinks his conspiracy-fueled opinions are worth jackshit. God, I wish I could bring you in the office and just show off your stupidity.

One last thing, for laughs: explain how the Federal Reserve did anything to directly cause a real estate bubble and how exactly they caused mortgage houses to be irresponsible. On top of that, show me how exactly the Federal Reserve directly rated the CMOs, and how they infiiltrated each major bank and ensured that they were oblivious to their shit on the books. Continue embarrassing yourself, pajeet.

>> No.11902153

Whew. You should be a poster child for pro-choice lad, at least you could monetize your brainletism

>> No.11902159


Didn’t it create inflation in the first place?

>> No.11902170

>mortgage houses
Also, just so your dumbass doesn't get confused, by mortgage houses, I mean the firms issuing out said mortgages. Not literal houses.

>> No.11902192

>you conspiracy theory lunks
Will you even admit that the Fed is a private entity or are you that much of an npc?

>> No.11902201

the reason why there are only a few large banks in the first place is because of the Federal reserve system. If you want to set up a bank you have to go through them and the regulations they established, and they get preferential treatment from the government. thats why the entire system is the way that it is, consisting of only jpm, Citi, Goldman, boa.

Secondly, how do you think the federal government is able to sustain subprime welfare programs like the ones that caused 2008? That's right...the fed. If they couldn't print money out of thin air and had to tax people for these programs, then they wouldn't spend willy nilly.

2008 was a prime example of privatized gains and socialized losses. It never would have happened on such a large scale without Fiat money, and the.pieppe responsible would have gone bankrupt rather than getting bonuses

>> No.11902205

One of the key characteristics of conspiracy theorists is that, when cornered with facts that directly contradict their claims, they sperg out with the best insults they can think of.

This upcoming recession is in large part due to the president's policies. Contrary to Griffin's seminal work, the Fed is not a patron of global genocide. The worst economic crises in history have not exclusively occurred after 1913. The 2008 crisis was primarily due to a lack of regulation.

Finally, you're an idiot.

>> No.11902209

"Your dumbass"

welfare recipient confirmed. Thanks for playing Tyrone.

>> No.11902214

>Will you even admit that the Fed is a private entity

Why are you acting like a basic fact is somehow revelatory? Also, the executive branch nominates, the legislative confirms, and the judicial oversees. It's still indirectly influenced by the government.

>> No.11902215

The fed is the reason for the existence of the money that was loaned into existence to create the subprime mortgage crisis. I expect more from you jidf, this is pretty weak.

>> No.11902238

there's nothing gramatically wrong about it and it's an idiom largely used in white strata, if not evenly.

what the fuck are you even talking about at this point you genetic failure

>> No.11902259

>It never would have happened on such a large scale without Fiat money

Fucking hell man you might need a lobotomy.

Also, you didn't humor me. Try again. Please do the following:

>Explicitly explain how the Federal Reserve directly caused a real estate bubble

>Explicitly explain exactly how they caused mortgage brokers to be irresponsible in their procedures.

>On top of that, show me how exactly the Federal Reserve directly rated the CMO, and how they infiiltrated each major bank and ensured that they were oblivious to their shit on the books.

Also, side note, you might want to consider researching Fannie and Freddie. They had more to do with dishonest lending practices than the Fed could have. Idiot.

>> No.11902270

because all money comes from fed, its feds fault for subprime xd

>> No.11902272

You fucking pajeet, stop outing yourself! How stupid can you be. Your dumbass. Your ass that is dumb. If I was saying you're a dumbass (which you are), I would've said "You're a dumbass."

MIT graduate LMFAO

>> No.11902273

Also, learn how to use 4chan's quote system

For as much as you reactionary stains like to use the 'you have to go back' bit, you can't even navigate the goddamn site

>> No.11902274

>Thomas Jefferson is a kook for thinking allowing private banks to run the currency is bad
>well yes the fed is private but at least the govt has nominal influence on it.

>> No.11902296

>the core of the Apple is rotten and full of maggots
>but it’s not the cores fault I got sick it’s because the skin had a blemish XD

>> No.11902311
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Pack up lads, it's over for the west. When brainlets like these guys think theyre making good points.

>> No.11902317
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hey guess what idiots
did you know this isnt the first time the fed has increased rates? Did you know this is a repeating story in the sp500 since it was created? Did you know every market correction is SUPPOSED to scare you?
see you at all time highs faggots

>> No.11902318

You and >>11902201 are perfect examples of retards who think every problem needs a simple explanation. Housing bubble? THE FED!! Inflation too high? THE FED!! Stock bubble? THE FED!! Despite the fact that every economic issue is incredibly layered and has a multitude of causes. You're just children in the beginning stages of learning economics, and you've let pol warp your minds. The Fed isn't the boogeyman. It's a player in a market full of players.

>> No.11902335

> the fed occupies an unusual legal space in comparison with other governmental branches
does not prove or validate any of the following
> the fed funds genocide and terror
> the fed is a disproportionate cause of recession relative to policies like tariffs and trade wars
> the fed caused the 2008 crisis

I see that -- even in noble retreat -- you manage carry the banner of autistic screeching. God be with you

>> No.11902337

>I have been exposed as a retard and will thus hide behind my pol memes

Classic. Goodnight Rakesh! Also, you still haven't properly answered me, which is expected because you're a sub-90 IQ larping pajeet..

>> No.11902356

Why do you think the federal government is able to balloon to the size it is, there by funding all the wars it has and dysfunctional social welfare programs? Because of the puppet politicians who you are mesmerized by or because of unlimited Fiat money issued by the fed and backed by the petrodollar and american military?

>> No.11902366

How much does the federal reserve pay you to post this shit? Keep licking those boots.

>> No.11902371

ever just want to hike them for no FUCKING reason other than to destroy average low-level investors who have no hope in this disgusting centrally planned yet utterly two-tiered system?

>> No.11902379

> puppet politicians I'm mesmerized by
I'm strapped in, chief. just took a huge rip and fixed a gin and tonic.

Pull back the veil! Show me whose behind it all! I'm right here with you

>> No.11902381

The NPC meme is not a replacement for brainlet images, retard.

>> No.11902388

There are plenty of reasons to gradually raise rates that you're too stupid to understand.

>> No.11902402

It's the same thing with how these pond-crawlers are using the quote/greentext system. If you're going to shit up a community with conspiracy theory bullshit, you could at least learn some basic conventions

>> No.11902416
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And there are many, many more reasons to allow a free market to determine interest rates over a centrally planned, privately owned banking cartel that you and every Keynesian is too stupid to understand. Like avoiding asset bubbles like attached

>> No.11902450

Man i was really hype to hear about the Rothschilds too

Keep bobbing and weaving, I guess.

>> No.11902475
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there federal reserve? like the branch of the government where they hold the gold that backs the dollar?

>> No.11902485
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Cute chart, kid. Here's a log chart that more appropriately shows how the market has been pretty tame over the past 100 years. You can see the 1929 crash easily, and you can see we've come nowhere near that since, even with the 2008 crash. Without the Federal Reserve, 2008 would've made 1929 look like a trip to the beach.

You're out of your fucking league. You're a fucking poltard through and through. Fuck off and die.

>> No.11902494
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>stable fiat

>> No.11902499

>the fed funds genocide and terror
Nice strawman Mr Goldberg

>> No.11902502
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Triggered. Can't wait until you lose all your money on the coming crash

>> No.11902519

>dude weed lmao
Haha you just exposed yourself shlomo

>> No.11902527

>the Rothschilds don’t exist
Classic NPC cope

>> No.11902543

Nice lashing out after being BTFO'd in one chart, fucking autist.

>> No.11902551

The irony here is I'm Jewish and I'm actually anti-fed.

>> No.11902562

That's not a strawman, that's precisely what Griffin argues in his book that the anon cited.

Also, quit sperging up the thread and reply in one post you dolt

>> No.11902568

>I'm actually anti-fed.
You're also pro-retard

>> No.11902675

Jesus christ, mate
We get it -
You love being owned by satan-worshipping Jews. No need to continue shitting up this thread.

>> No.11902687

> imbroglio this thread isn't shit
Rothschilds general pls

>> No.11902690
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Stock market (which is made up of the companies that produce output) is extremely overvalued when you compare it to the GDP (which is a measure of the country's output)

Also, the Shiller P/E shows 1929 levels (for reference, 29 to 30 is considered overvalued)
Sept. 1929: 32.56
Sept. 2000:41.90
Sept: 2018: 33.18
here's a link to the shiller p/e website: http://www.econ.yale.edu/~shiller/data.htm

>> No.11902731


This guy's actually correct. The lowering of interest rates was used to bolster the economy after the mortgage crisis, which allowed for rampant borrowing to fund growth. Now that we are bubbling up to Mt. Everest, we nees to raise interest rates to slow borrowing and slow the growth or else we will print ourselves into Zimbabwe.

Whether or not you illiterates want to have a fed ir not, we have to work with what we've got. And the current system calls for an interest rate hike so the equities market can cool down instead of tripling in a year and crashing to oblivion when people stop buying the top. We need the interest rate cushion to keep people from borrowing what they can't afford so that in the event of another crisis we can lower interest rates to cushion another drop off the cliff.

Given, an entity borrowing additional money should be followed by an investment in the organization, a share buyback doesn't seem bad to me if used to claim a larger ownership to better control the entity.

>> No.11902806

And that's exactly the point you mongoloid. If a privately owned centralized entity didn't set interest rates, if we actually had a FREE MARKET for interest rates, we would never be in this mess in the first place. The cost of.money would adjust organically to reality and we wouldn't get these.massive super bubbles that threaten to wipe out human civilization

>> No.11902810

Im unironically 2IQ when it comes to the Fed, what do they do that is so evil? With a PM backed currency wouldn't we have no credit or growth?

>> No.11902815

Yes because before we had central banks there was no economic growth or credit...

Jesus Christ you guys need help

>> No.11902837

> the fed is a threat to human civilization
Almost got through a sentence before your aluminum cap showed!

>> No.11902838

dude im just asking, chill....I just thought that without fiat currency growth would slow down or be unevenly distributed across the world because of the finite supply of precious metals. Without fiat what is there?

>> No.11902847

Mfw everyone on this board thinks he's unique and not an NPC himself, lmfao.

>> No.11902859

Just checking in to let you know I know I'm an NPC. Which is why I was lurking instead of outing myself. I can only imagine there are others.

>> No.11902879
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>hurr durr market cycles aren't real!! It's the Jews at the Fed! I read it in Ron Paul's book!!!

lmao yeah right given it was Jackson, it was probably because he had a personal beef with Biddle

>> No.11902880
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NPC #10738-RN checking in. Orange Man Bad Protocol loading: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] - 100% Initialized

>> No.11902901
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Gotcha senpai.

>> No.11902913

Just dropping in to say that every Fed chair for the past 40 years has been Jewish. And Jews only make up 2% of the US population. Quite a coincidence if you ask me. Every faggot loser in this thread can say how white people are too represented in shit, but not one of you have the balls to say the truth. I expect to be banned because 4channel is an ad friendly, aka Jew owned board.

>> No.11902922
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>> No.11902950
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>when you're such an NPC that you cringe at NPC jokes.

>> No.11903111

Thank you, really. I used to think that I was in the minority. There's no need for the obivious hostility if you truly seek to educate these people who unfortunately have to expand their scope outside of the "infographs" they read on /pol/.