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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11899909 No.11899909 [Reply] [Original]

Can't wait for the hyperinflation to come. There will be a new money system where gold/silver will be 12 times worth as now, or total chaos. Who here is accumulating gold and silver. It's a no brainer if your have some history and financial knowledge.

>> No.11899963

Name one instance when gold hoarding actually overcame a hyperinflation.

>> No.11899986


>> No.11899995

Bretton Woods system

>> No.11900033

You know how much an ounce of gold will be worth when a new monetary management will take place. Hyperinflation 1 ounce = 47000$, but as a realist Deflation 1 ounce = 3000$.

>> No.11900043

the entire 20th century

>> No.11900067

How much will Ag be worth lads? I'm buying hand over fist

>> No.11900068

"There will be a new money system where gold/silver will be 12 times worth as now, or total chaos"
This fucking idiot doesn't realize the new system is Bitcoin SV

>> No.11900077

You can see hyperinflation happen before your very eyes! Bitcoin's been hyperinflating itself to death for nearly a year now.

>> No.11900078
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haha whoops youre wrong

>> No.11900081

I am slowly accumulating silver but in not delusional and don't think we're heading to a radical new world order where precious metals reign supreme. I do think it's currently undervalued though.

>> No.11900087

Haha crypto will be worthless, maybe, just maybe Monero will be worth a lot. But you know what I think will happen, banks will introduce their own cryptocurrency. Make print-screen.

>> No.11900116

>literally proves him right
nice one

>> No.11900121
File: 93 KB, 1055x574, 1542988871104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can metaltards be so dumb?

>> No.11900143

Stock are related to currencies (aka dollars) and dollars are related to gold. Educate yourself and don't tell me dollars are not anymore related to gold, I know, but gold wins the long run.

>> No.11900145

2000 and 2008 hyperinflation? Are you retarded? Do you have any idea what that term means?
Literally deflation you absolute brainlet.

When exactly did this international agreement overcome any hyperinflation again?

You literally cannot make this shit up. Newsflash for all you small-brainers: Just because the financial system is complex and you don't understand it and it can also fail with disastrous results doesn't mean that hoarding commodities and trading firewood for fishmeat is a solution. It's just your brain that's stuck in 20000BC.

>> No.11900182

>an average of less than 2% inflation over the course of 1.5 centuries
You are actually too dumb to invest.

>> No.11900256
File: 233 KB, 268x269, 1534631232426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly. I am not smart enough to be a Financial guru. I save 40% of my income those savings are divided as follow:

>10% PM's (gold and silver alternating between the two each month)
>20% Crypto
>25% Traditional stocks (((blue chips)))
>30% traditional savings deposit for a down payment on a house
>10% riskier companies (I did some FA on and I think has a lot of growth potential)
>5% goes to my trading accounts (forex, Crypto trading etc.)

Please rate me /biz/.

>> No.11900278

silver looks more like btc at 6k in my opinion.. wait for capitulation

>> No.11900296

Nice job Elon, you just move the goalposts to mars

>> No.11900313

Tell me where you see hyperinflation in that graph.

>> No.11900318

You are wrong and right. We have hyperinflation followed by deflation of asset prices.

You are right about gold going up to 46k in a revaluation. And you avg median prices home drops 75%.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by INFLATION, then by DEFLATION, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson

>> No.11900320

its not about the stocks, its about the bonds aka hedging against inflation...

It proves that gold is the worst hedge against inflation but thanks for trying :)

>> No.11900326

Please respond.

>> No.11900346

how many times are you going to move the goalposts? I never said gold was the best hedge for inflation, I just said it hedged for inflation over the entire century. Also we didn't have 2 percent inflation over a century, we had 99%

>> No.11900369

Get out of precious metals and blue chips. Precious metals because they're a meme and blue chips because they're really overvalued/starting to correct. Hold some cash and buy the dip.

>> No.11900378

This is fine to get a better deal but silver is already the most undervalued asset in history. The dollar value of silver or gold doesn't matter.

For most of human history and even in America couple hundred years ago .... a silver piece the size of a silver dime was a days wage.

So every ounce of silver you buy right now is equal to 2 weeks worth of pay in a normal economic environment without insane inflation. Because 14 silver dimes equals 1 ounce of silver.

So if you go and buy a measly 500 ounces of silver for 8k or so. That's literally 7,500 days worth of wages or 20 years worth of wages after a currency crisis. But it's actually 2-3 times that because silver is so highly
Manipulated that the boomerang is going to shift even harder to the other side and you have billions more people on the planet chasing less silver available.

You'll be able to buy a small town with 500 ounces of silver after the dollar implodes

>> No.11900385

Thank you I will take your advice under consideration but my overall strategy, is it okay for a brainlet?

>> No.11900386
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>I don't understand the concept of rates
Jesus christ, please graduate kindergarten before you put thousands of dollars into something you don't understand.

>> No.11900402

Are you black or just stupid?

100 years ago 20$ was a good weekly salary...20$ equaled 1oz/gold

Had you held that 20$ for 100 years under your pillow today you can't even buy lunch for 2 at Taco Bell. But had you held that gold coin under your bed for 100 years you get $1,200 at a coin shop for it and $1,200 is still a good weekly salary.

You have to be stupid if you don't think gold is the ultimate form of savings and money.

>> No.11900415

There is going to be no dip. It's all going to burn. The stock market isn't going to just go up and up forever and ever. 20 trillion in debt criminally suppressed 0% interest rates for a decade. This is the time to protect what you have with gold and silver

>> No.11900558

There is so much retardation in that post I can't even begin to address it. Silver literally has the intrinsic value of a subprime CDO. What makes you think the entire world economy will collapse but people will just go on about their business by trading in silver?

>> No.11900575


>> No.11900819
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Bought like 15-18K worth of silver and gold back in 2012-2014. Need to continue stacking. Pic related

>> No.11900902


>> No.11900921
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and here I thought cryptoneets were the delusional ones