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11898983 No.11898983 [Reply] [Original]

When will the female bubble burst? It seems like an all time high with feminism, #metoo, false accusations, child custody biasing , and in general blaming men for everything. Media like huffpost, constantly bashing men for female issues.

>> No.11899020

No, we're just finally starting to give attention to issues that were ignored for years. We still have a long way to go to achieve gender equality.

>> No.11899026

already happening

>> No.11899032

genders arent equal, men usually have penises and women have vaginas

>> No.11899045

God I can't wait. My sister has been brainwashed by the sjw's and now every holiday she won't stop spouting non-sense.

>> No.11899049

I am for equality, but alimony, child support seem very unfair

>> No.11899064

When the system collapses. It's crazy I see other men in my family opting out of the whole family thing as well. It has never been a topic of discussion between us. It's unfortunate this is the only smart move for men these days.

>> No.11899068

You need to sell her to the nearest Aryan breeding camp and have her be useful.

>> No.11899070

>genders arent equal
Gender equality is about equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women, it is not saying men and women are exactly the same.

>men usually have penises and women have vaginas
Usually, but not all the time (see: trans people).

>> No.11899072


>> No.11899077

Short woman. Go in on anime waifus, sexdolls, and traps

>> No.11899079

This. Once the laws revised and women aren't rewarded for divorcing it'll get better. Doubt this will happen in our lifetime.

>> No.11899083

When the West dies

>> No.11899094

RealDoll X will absolutely destroy the female bubble, maybe not this generation but within 20 years

Women are literally beanie babies

>> No.11899107


What rights do men have that women don't.

>> No.11899109

> ctrl+f: Artificial Womb
> no results
It's like you're not even trying.

>> No.11899124

good news, women already have equal rights

idk about opportunities though, i think they dont care about computers a lot unless its about watching youtube videos on how to be a better thot

>> No.11899175

when western men stop allowing and enabling it.
feminism is a western disease

>> No.11899202

what's the cure

>> No.11899245

Artificial Wombs

>> No.11899276

Already did

>> No.11899300


>> No.11899366

there is nothing stopping women from attending all the high risk, high difficulty and high paid jobs. Those industries are competitive and they need the best talents, regardless of gender, or else their competitors will take it.

In fact, if someone is seriously good, a company tend to take the person regardless if they're hiring simply out of fear that their competitors will hire the person if they don't. Women today are living in great times when you consider the right to vote and to pursue higher education did not exist decades ago. People are now just parroting each other and feed off the drama. 'Equality' is just a tool for them to stir shit up and make them feel fulfilled fighting for a toxic ideology disguised as justice and peace. They don't want equal opportunities as they're too stupid and lazy to capitalize on it even if equal opportunities were given to them. The women I know working in rad, med, law, accounting and etc. never complained about having such issues.

High value jobs will always be based on merit.

>> No.11899367


thinking you can put this genie back in the bottle

what are you going to stop women owning mobile phones or something?

gl doing anything at all because women are calling the shots now, they have the majority voting block

>> No.11899389

>women are calling the shots now
>Jews are calling the shots in the name of women now

>> No.11899421

When the whole western system collapses feminism will die along with it.
We’ve already got a good start in that direction.
The birth rates in western societies are plummeting.
When the neo-barbarians and third world breeders take over the feminism bottom will have arrived.

>> No.11899434

short WMN

>> No.11899468


You should consider suicide my dude

>> No.11899479

Voting blocs are only viable when people submit to the democratic theater. Women are voters but they aren't fighters. When (not IF) the collapse occurs they'll capitulate to whoever is strongest gets them the resources they want.
Millenia of evolution hasn't changed the fundamental game that women want resources for the lowest amount of effort possible and Men will pay any price and make any effort to have women and reproduce.

Anything that interrupts that arrangement is only temporary. Once it falls it's back to the natural order.

>> No.11899583

kill, fuck, marry, pimp out, exchange

>> No.11899760
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The thot is eternal like the Jew.

>> No.11899792

It is mandatory to have tattoos if you want to bang girls like this?

>> No.11899817

when the females weaken the masculine so the society crumbles and is invaded.

with no police or state, females can be captured and enslaved at will.

There value beyond child bearing is zero or negative becuase you have to feed and provide protection

>> No.11899885

when your penis size grows over 3"

>> No.11899925

post tits

>> No.11899962
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>not getting comfy office job
>immediately leave for 1 yr maternity leave

>> No.11900011
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The female bubble bursts every year. Any 30 year old boomer here knows it.

It's disgusting how suddenly they see you're mildly successful and want to latch on after they hit the wall.

Disregard thots, always.

>> No.11900029

>Anything that interrupts that arrangement is only temporary. Once it falls it's back to the natural order.

Except we don't live in a state of nature. We live in a technological society. Nothing is going to fall back to the natural order.

>> No.11900085

just hire the best people that should show the truth

>> No.11900173

This is the new normal, like it or not.

>> No.11900187

>(see: trans people).

my favorite thing about trans people is how 50% of them commit suicide

>> No.11900725


There are only two real outcomes here that I can see:
1) The current generations of men finally have enough and start fighting back against the anti-male laws.
2) Men ultimately withdraw from society until the next major crisis hits. It'll have to be a war or economic collapse. Either way, women will discover that middle management roles and HR can't defend or rebuild a country. At this point I doubt we'll see much male hate when women are forced to choose between physical labor and starvation.

Women just need to stay out of anything important and politics.

>> No.11900851

Are people mad at low skilled women getting positions they shouldn't or just mad at women in general? I agree that jobs shouldn't be forcing some diversity quota and wait for actually skilled and passionate people to fill the positions but there are women who actually have the skills. I wonder when will businesses realize diversity happens over time (gotta wait for people to go through school/training and actually prove themselves) and you can't force it or your business is gonna run like shit.

>> No.11900878

Its obviously being caused because the number of available single men is more equal to the number of single women. In the past we were always in a constant state of war and since men go to war and women stay home the available men to mate with was always limited and women had to compete for the men left over because there were always more single women than men. Its also why poligamy was more common in the past. Today women have no trouble finding men so women no longer tolerate agressive behavior and care less about impressing the men around them. Thats the main reason for the change. So unless we go to war and men get themselves killed for some reason women will value us less.

>> No.11900907

If you're right I cant wait to see a male/female even split for work related deaths. The current 95% of them being male is a major inequality.

>> No.11900942

If that's what gender equality is about then it's time to start pushing the other way.
Please show me these rights men have that women dont, because I can tell you plenty in the reverse

>> No.11900957

I'm shorting trannies

>> No.11900969

Its obviously not jews. Its basic supply and demand. More men in the market mean women will value the available men less. More men means dick is easier to come by.

>> No.11900979

Only applies to women under 30

>> No.11900993

You guys are right, women should also have mandatory drafts if we ever have a serious war ever again.

>> No.11901004

I hope this is a troll post

>> No.11901012
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Marriage rates are collapsing around the world as there are less stupid/cuck/insane enough men to go ffor such deal. Increase in demand for SEA women among western men is all time high etc. there is clearly bubble top formation. It's not a bad thing we need reduce population and men have better finances when single not divorced or married

>> No.11901070
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So short women relationships, and long sexdolls, traps, and eventually genetically spliced catgirl slaves?

>> No.11901079
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>> No.11901104

I hope we can make waifus real someday

>> No.11901144


I've worked in factories and warehouses and most of the injuries and deaths are women. One woman got her fingers cut off and died from blood loss.
Interesting that /biz/ is unaware of how many women are working manual labor, many are older women way over the hill because they got divorced and couldn't find a man due to being too old. That's the fate for any woman who feels like they can play men, a labor job toiling for the rest of their lives. Nobody has much pity for old and ugly women.

>> No.11901181

>create immigration system that favors female immigration only because "they're discriminated against"
>flood market with grateful females who will compete with white roasties

Its the perfect plan. We could easily get feminists on board with this as well.

>> No.11901207

Invest in cheap wine stocks, boxed wine being the best choices, marvel movies for soiboi bugmen and other products that sell a sense of masculinity back to male consumers who have been emasculated and ego inflating products that allow roasties to ignore the approaching wall.

>> No.11901227

>old and ugly women are treated like men

Oh no. For the first time in someones life they aren't getting their ego overinflated.

>> No.11901243
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Capital loves to pit men and women against one another, tribalism and identity sells really well.

More importantly, however, the ferocity of the culture wars is in part the result of both the perceived end of history and the vastly increasing atomization of society in the neoliberal era. It's important to realize much of these issues aren't even political struggles. When people don't have a larger political project they are working towards, they squabble about which identity gets what. And when you have no love for your neighbor, and are isolated for much of your life, it's far easier to attack people for performative things.

We need to learn how to have mutual respect and trust in one another, and while it won't be easy, we need to try.

>> No.11901263

>That's the fate for any woman who feels like they can play men, a labor job toiling for the rest of their lives.
>Nobody has much pity for old and ugly women.

That's because they had their chance. What woman can't snag a man at 18? Even ugly women could if they actually put some effort into it.

>> No.11901281

>We still have a long way to go to achieve gender equality
>achieve gender equality
>gender equality

Hahahaha ahahahaha aaaaahahahahahaha hahahahahaha ha ahahahaha ahahahaha hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaahahaaaahahahaha AHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAAAAA

>> No.11901318

I think this would actually work, I wonder if the the foids will fall for the "they're discriminated against" trap however

>> No.11901334

This was already US immigration policy until Trump shut it down. This is exactly what being able to claim asylum due to domestic abuse was supposed to be about.

>> No.11901350

They rarely think about the effect of their policy besides what they think it will accomplish.

Liberal progressive passed laws to create housing for poor people. The result being concentrating a bunch of black people into small geographical spaces where crime ran rampant and became ghettos.

As long as the idea seems good on the surface, they will self-censor any criticizing it in their movement in fear of being out-grouped which is the primary fear of many liberals.

>> No.11901387

How is our society any different even with all the technologies we have?
We still are ruled under might equaling right.
After all, what happens when you don't pay taxes to support this gynocentric state? A bunch of goons are sent to threaten you and ultimately kill you or imprison you if you refuse to pay.

We simply have much better bread and circus today than we did thousands of years ago. Through video games and internet porn the vast majority of men are pacified and rendered subservient citizens of the empire.

>> No.11901420

Men get a letter that forces us to sign up for the draft on our 18th birthday.

>> No.11901450

Honestly at this point I'm hoping that bitcoin and decentralization technologies will help break this shit system.

I want to invest in the future of crypto, but I don't want to be some faggot daytraders bagholder. I want the technology to upset the balance of the world. I want the USD to be destroyed and for the entire system to be reset.

Tell me how I invest in that.

>> No.11901477

>Anecdote to counter an actual statistic

>> No.11901524

Only a few tens of millions of men have died in wars, this is a drop in the bucket compared to the several billions of people we have on the planet. What you're saying is like instead of there being an even 50/50 split its suddenly 70/30 or something, when In reality it's like 52/48. And we haven't even had a major war that killed a significant amount of men since WW2. Vietnam only a few ten thousands died

>> No.11901533

>muh equality
there's even different medicine for men, women, different races, etc.

>> No.11901536
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Based and redpilled

>> No.11901552
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why is she sad

>> No.11901555
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It doesn't matter because nowadays men are better at being women than women are. Kek.

>> No.11901601


>> No.11901780


>> No.11901968


LOL. Women would be the first to immediately REEE against the plan the second it's out there.

>> No.11902244

In the past human populations were tiny compared to now. During the american revolution there were only like 13 million people in the united states. During ww2 hundreds of millions of people were murdered. Most of them men.

>> No.11903002

and checked

>> No.11903040
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When all of the chinese baby girls thrown in dumpsters during the single child rule get to the age of 18 the bubble will start to burst until that wave has both standard deviations within the 18-27 range, which is when the price of pussy will plummet to absolute zero. there will literally be a flood of perfect housewives ready to serve their first-world masters for a chance to simply live, let alone an upper class life.

>> No.11903080

It's not a female problem. It's a white female problem.
Majority of my white co-workers are married to asian or hispanic women. About a dozen of them.
It's no small coincidence that divorce rates among the under 40 demographic are significantly lower.
These women will realize what they are when the wrinkles and cracks start forming, and they will die miserable and alone.

>> No.11903386

>Jews are calling the shots in the name of women now
nope women are, even the jews aren't breeding.

>> No.11903483

The fact that they put women's team sport on TV unironically is a clear sign that women are overbought. My accurate assessment is that Australia's women's national soccer league is at the level of an u15s div 2 league in a small city. I don't know why women celebrate this when it's an embarrassing indictment of females to anyone watching.

>> No.11903666


>> No.11903700

>When will the female bubble burst?

when the government runs out of money.

>> No.11903702

Tits or GTFO

>> No.11904013

interesting post

>> No.11904068
File: 70 KB, 673x1024, Oh soy!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes, we should all be equal. Males and females should be the same!!! Now hand me that onions milk sweetie!

>> No.11904738

She's just incredibly dazed. Given the expression on her face and constricted pupils (Though that could be explained by bright light, whatever) she's probably on some sort of painkiller.

>> No.11905124

this is the type of marxist analysis I can get behind

who here A C C E L E R A T I O N I S T

>> No.11905218

I can only repeat myself...one of the biggest mistakes in humankind was to give women the right to vote.

>> No.11905550

She's pretending to get donations.