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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 768x768, ETHEREUM-YOUTUBE-PROFILE-PIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11889844 No.11889844 [Reply] [Original]

From $210 to $110 in less than 2 weeks

>> No.11889861

Implying that /biz/ doesnt know that.

>> No.11889872

Hell off a ride. wish I had shorted more than just three eth as insurance. Went right through my stop loss at 195. mad luck

>> No.11889909

>he's so retarded and angry that he doesn't know the whole market is down, not just ETH

>> No.11889970

I love it, doubled my normal DCA this week just because

>> No.11890016

And 1 DAI = $1 still. The implications of this are staggering.

>> No.11890031

yes the system is still to fail lol

>> No.11890255


>> No.11890848
File: 57 KB, 600x703, 1540136964436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain to a brainlet

>> No.11891331

In less than a hour

>> No.11891444

DAI is an erc20 stablecoin, the only decentralized stablecoin in existance. It is backed and regulated with voting rights by makerdao.

MakerDAO uses game theory and a provides a type of decentralized margin trading system to provide incentive for keeping the DAI price as close to $1 as possible.

There are few things that have been touted as the future of finance and shit, but this is actually it. Consider $DAI as a realtime proof of concept and root for the guys putting so much skin on this game.

>> No.11891470

Checked & redpilled

>> No.11891492

Tight, I was thinking of getting a DAI loan when I sell my alts for some ETH but the liquidation thing kind of scared me, like if ETH drops like it is now then you get LIQQD?

>> No.11891499

Stop speaking sense and tell me how ETH has failed because the price went down

>> No.11891524

this desu

>> No.11891536

Digits... We're laying/riding the future lads

>> No.11891547

>store of value

>> No.11891601
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Oh yeah
We, The Scots, hate niggers/kikes.

>> No.11891649

But you're no better than them.

>> No.11891655
File: 590 KB, 767x759, coolblob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question here is "can ETH really go lower than this" ? Even in a heavily manipulated market, the inherent value of something so transformative should count for something. Emphasis on "should"

ETH is getting hammered for two reasons in my mind

>first it's to punish the lack of scaling options (and Vitalik isn't helping by not promoting the Raiden Network and 2nd layer state channels)

>second it looks to me like the market makers are running an involuntary stress test on DAI and MakerDAO, much like their spamming of BTC's first layer in '17

It's a classic case of bad actors trying to see how far they can manipulate the market with the new tools they're given. It's ok though because this is the only way in which we can move forward with unassailable solutions.

We are witnessing the evolution of a digital, self propagating ecosystem in real time, trully this must be the greatest timeline.

>> No.11891682


>> No.11891731

Decent analysis....

>> No.11891752
File: 208 KB, 1032x774, muhlaidee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tips tinfedora

>> No.11891790

oh I think we're nearing the bottom but I was wondering just what you thought of the DAI loan process

>> No.11891895

Ye autism is glowing.

>> No.11891900

The idea of being able to take a loan collateralized with your crypto and on such good rates is great, but I should note that I have no personal experience with it.

What makes sense to me though, is that I wouldn't convert alts to collateral in such a shitty market.

Except if you currently hold XRP or LINK which have been going against the overall trend and could probably give you good value in ETH.

>> No.11891994

That and the ico being dead, existing ico teams dumping this shit as fast they can

>> No.11892048

>I wouldn't convert alts to collateral in such a shitty market.
Oh yeah man I mean down the line, I'm still accumulating

>> No.11893026

Down the line it would be the tether of the future for those who know how to use it IMO

The ICO was stillborn in17. Aantonop already said that 99% of ICOs were shitcoins going to zero anyway. Now we're just witnessing that prophecy unfolding. The projects that are worth it though... biggest transfer of wealth in history etc

>> No.11893067

So, same shit is happening to bitcoin, and about every other alt. What's your point?

>> No.11893123

ETH has an unlimited supply, it's going to be a single digit shit coin. Fan boys can't accept it, but it's going to happen.

>> No.11893136

it'll be capped @ ~120 mil

doesn't matter much thouh, because once it's Proof of Stake, you'll keep your % of the total share of ETH just by hodling it

>> No.11893364

checked and you're insightful so you don't belong on biz.

>> No.11893427
File: 213 KB, 640x840, 1542423146765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem smart, would you share what alts do you think might make it long-term?

>> No.11893498


it only takes a handful of successful projects like this for crypto to really boom.

DAI is stable crypto, the longer it lasts the bullisher it becomes.

only so long till people realise and eth is monster for the next finicial wave

>> No.11893558


Bullish, why would anyone buy bitcoin after ETH gets a cap and POS?

>> No.11893840

>measuring in dollars not sats

>> No.11894114

so you're saying buy more ETH mr quads?

>> No.11894162

yes, $100 eth is insane. even just a grab a handful to hedge

>> No.11894236

gosh and now you need 100% up movement

>> No.11894311

Just picked up 10 Eth, thinking about putting it all in link though and getting to 17K stinkies

>> No.11895261


You'd still buy Bitcoin, you'd just buy 0xBitcoin too.

>he thinks ETH switching to PoS won't have a mammoth effect on the price

No one really knows how this will impact speculation

>> No.11895296
